Chapter 27

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As promise, here is another update 😁... Thanks everyone who are genuinely interested and are willingly waiting for this book.

Next Day...

The morning sun begins to warm the forest camp, casting a soft golden glow over the tents. Everyone gathers near the large central tent, buzzing with energy. The morning air is crisp and filled with the sounds of birds chirping and the distant rustling of leaves.

Mrs. Anderson, steps forward to address the eager crowd. She holds a clipboard and wears a wide-brimmed hat to shield herself from the sun.

"Good morning, everyone!" she calls out, her voice warm and cheerful. "I hope you're all ready for today's adventure because we're going hill climbing !"

The announcement is met with cheers and applause. The students, all between the ages of 12 and 16, are thrilled by the prospect of exploring the hills surrounding the camp.

Bella is enthusiastic. Very Enthusiastic. She's never climbed a hill before and can't wait to experience it.

Shaira, steps forward, with a map in one hand and a safety whistle around her neck.

"All right, everyone," Shaira begins, her voice calm and authoritative, "hill climbing is a fun and rewarding activity, but it requires some preparation and safety precautions. Let me explain how it's done and why it's so great."

Shaira lays out the basics of hill climbing, describing the importance of proper footwear, hydration, and pacing. She emphasizes that everyone should stay together and follow the marked trails. "Hill climbing is about taking your time and enjoying the journey," she says. "It's not a race. It's about building strength, endurance, and teamwork."

She continues, "The benefits of hill climbing are numerous. It's excellent for cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and improves balance and coordination. Plus, the views from the top are always worth it !"

Bella listens intently, her eyes wide with excitement. She turns to Marcus and Matteo, both are more experienced in outdoor activities.

"Isn't this awesome ?" Bella exclaims, barely able to contain her enthusiasm. "I've never climbed a hill before ! I wonder what we'll see from the top."

Marcus nods with an excited grin, "It's going to be great, Bella. I always enjoyed hill climbing."

Bella's grin widen.

"Yes, but listen Bella, the climb can be tough, but you'll feel amazing when we reach the summit." Matteo says.

"Yeah, and don't forget to take in the scenery while you're climbing. It's not just about reaching the top; it's about enjoying the whole experience." Marcus adds.

Bella bounces on her toes, her excitement infectious. "I can't wait to see the view ! Do you think we'll spot any animals along the way ?"

Matteo chuckles, "Definitely. Keep an eye out for birds and maybe even some deer. You never know what you'll find in the forest."

Mrs.Anderson wraps up her briefing with a final safety reminder, "I will make a group and then everyone, remember to stick with your group and follow the instructions of the teachers and guides. If you feel-"

Before she could complete her sentence, Matteo interrupts, "Ma'am, Bella will come with us."

Shaira narrows her eyes.

If Bella goes with them then how will I execute my plan ?

"I am sorry, Matteo, I am afraid we can't do that-" Marcus interrupts, before Shaira could complete her sentence.

"Then, we three are not going anywhere."

Shaira's eyes widen slightly.

If Bella doesn't go, my plan will fail even before it starts... no no no, I can't let this happen.

"But Marcus-"

"Wait Miss. Ira, there is no such rule for groups, right ?" Mrs.Anderson replies, "Bella can do hill climbing with her friends. Infact everyone could. I don't think so we should make any group here. Let them enjoy with their friends."

Shaira clench her fist and smiled forcefully.


Mrs.Anderson smile and nods, "Ok kids, if you feel tired or need a break, don't hesitate to speak up. We're here to have fun, but safety comes first."

"Ok Ma'am" Everyone yells.

"All right, let's grab our gear and head to the trailhead! We've got an adventure waiting for us !"

The students grab their backpacks and water bottles, their excitement palpable as they prepare for the climb ahead.

Bella, Marcus, and Matteo share one last exchange of eager grins before they set off, ready to conquer the hill.



Not complete silence tho.

The clinking of spoons against ceramic bowls is the only sound in the dining room. A large wooden table occupies the center, surrounded by four men who share a silent breakfast.

Vincenzo, at the head of the table, lifts his eyes from his cereal and looks across at Alex.

The look they exchange speaks volumes. Alex shrugs, a half-apologetic, half-defeated gesture, as if to say, "This is on you."

Vincenzo lets out a slow sigh and glances at his two younger brothers, Salvatore and Riccardo, who sit across from him.

Salvatore's shoulders are tense, his spoon clattering against his bowl with each scoop of oatmeal. Riccardo keeps his eyes on his toast, his face a stony mask. The tension in the room is palpable, and it's clear they are both angry on Vincenzo. There's no escaping it: he messed up, and they have every reason to be angry.

Vincenzo clears his throat, attempting to break the icy silence. "So, uh, I was thinking maybe we could go fishing this weekend," he suggests, forcing a lightness into his voice that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "It's been a while, hasn't it ?"

Salvatore gives him a flat look.

"Fishing ? Seriously, Vince ?" he retorts. "You think now's a good time to be talking about fishing ?"

Riccardo scoffs under his breath, barely bothering to conceal his disdain. "Yeah, great idea, Vince," he says sarcastically. "Why don't we leave Bella here in house only while we will enjoy there ? I mean, it's not like she'd be in any danger, right ?"

Vincenzo winces at Riccardo's words. He knows he deserves it, but hearing it from his brothers stings.

He also had no desire to leave Bella there, after all, Bella is his daughter for God sake.

How can any father wish to leave his own daughter in danger ?

But he was forced to give in to his daughter's insistence.

Bella's pleading face is his weakness and he just gave in.

But now as he thinks, it is the dumbest decision he ever took in his life. He shouldn't ve left her there.

"Look, guys, I'm sorry," he begins, trying to salvage the situation. "I know I messed up, okay ? I... I just didn't want to take away her freedom. She's a kid, and I didn't want her to feel trapped."

Salvatore sighs, "We understand, Vince that you don't want to snatch her childhood or freedom. But is this even matter if her safety is on stake ?"

Vincenzo sighs and looks down.

They are right. He should've think first.

"We all know, Vince, who is behind all these things. Still, you left her there ? I really don't expect this from you." Riccardo mumbles.

Vincenzo runs a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of their disappointment. "I know, I know. I just... I saw her begging, and I couldn't say no. But listen, I doubled her security, okay ? I didn't just leave her there alone. She'll be fine. And I even checked there myself, Shaira was not there. That's why I left her there."

"Yes, don't worry guys, nothing will happen. My security will give me their information from time to time. And for your information, they are doing hill climbing today and Good news is, Bella is very excited for that. Security's words and I quote 'She is bouncing on her toes'" Alex chuckles at the end.

A smile form on everyone's face hearing this.

Hope everything will be fine.

Back to Camp...

"Bella, show me your map" Matteo instructs.

She hands him her map.

"And give me compass." She gives her compass to Marcus.

"It's alright. Did you pack everything ?" Matteo asks.

"Yes. First aid kit - Check, Snacks - check, water bottle - check, headlamp - check, whistle - check, now map and compass - check. Everything Done." Bella smiles.

"Ok, just stay with us and we will enjoy." Marcus smiles, keeping his hand on her shoulder.

"What about Boots, Bella ?" Marcus frown.

"Oh sorry, I left them in my tent. Wait, I will bring them." She sprints out in a second.

"Ok Children, our team members will help you to fix the harness and then you are all set to go" Shaira instructs them, nodding the team members to do their work.

Bella bounces on her toes, barely containing her enthusiasm. "This is going to be amazing ! I can't wait to see the view from the top !" she exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Matteo chuckles at her energy. "Just remember to take it slow, okay ? Hill climbing isn't a race," he advises, patting her on the shoulder. Marcus, standing on her other side, nods in agreement, a grin spreading across his face.

The students begin assembling their harnesses and checking their equipment before heading to the trailhead.

"Ugh this harness is uncomfortable" Bella scrunches her nose slightly looking adorable.

"Drama Queen" Marcus teases her, to which she stuck her tongue out.

"You are not 12 Bella, you are 2." Marcus sighs.

"Shut up." Bella rolls her eyes.

Matteo chuckles hearing their childish banter.

"You both are kids" He mumbles.

"Oh Excuse me."

"You are an Old man"

Both of them retorts back offended.

"Ok guys, check everything once." He instructs them and nodding their head, they do what they were told.

Matteo turns to help Bella with her harness, but something catches his eye. The clasp on her harness looks loose, almost like it hasn't been secured properly. His expression shifts from casual to concerned in an instant.

His eyebrows furrows as his face turns serious.

"Hold on, Bella. Let me check something," he says, moving in closer to examine her harness. His eyes widen as he realizes that the metal clasp connecting the harness's main straps is barely latched. The slightest pressure would cause it to snap open, sending Bella tumbling down the steep incline.

"What happened Teo ?" Marcus frowns, seeing his friend serious so sudden.

"Look" Matteo replies showing him her harness.

Marcus 's concerning eyes turns into a serious ones when he notices Bella's harness.

"Guys what happened ?" Bella asks, looking at them with confusion.

"SECURITY ! We need security over here, now !" Matteo shouts, his voice carrying across the campsite. His urgency draws the attention of everyone nearby, and within moments, the teachers, tour guides, and other students gather around them.

"What happened, Matteo ? Why are you shouting ?" Mrs.Anderson asks frowning.

Shaira bit her lips.

Marcus, seeing the severity of the situation, feels anger surge through him. "What kind of carelessness is this ?" he demands, glaring at the staff. "You were supposed to check the harnesses before we started ! This could've ended really badly !"

Bella's eyes widen. She immediately looks down to check what they are saying. Her breath hitches when she realises that they are correct.

While Shaira curse under her breath.

Her plan failed even before it started. Shitttt.

"Is this the security you guys are providing ?" Matteo yells on everyone present there.

Shaira looks around and takes a step forward, "He is right. You guys should've check all the harnesses. How can you people be so careless ?"

"We don't know, Ma'am, we checked all the harnesses but how this-" Head security fumbles upon the words.

Shaira scoffs coming towards Bella, "She is just 12 year old girl and have you ever thought how much your carelessness could have cost her ?"

"Sorry Miss" They apologise.


Bella stiffen hearing that.

That means she could've died ???

Security Guards looks down in guilt.


They meekly nod and left from there to bring good harness for Bella.

Seeing Bella tense, Marcus pulls her towards him and hugs her.

"It's ok, calm down." He mumbles, rubbing her back soothingly.

She sighs grasping the warmth.

Marcus's hugs reminds her Riccardo's warm embrace. She hugs him tight.

She pulls out from the hug and turns towards Matteo, "Calm down Matty, see I am ok." She mumbles softly pulling him in a hug.

Matteo's anger is tempered by Bella's words, but he's still visibly upset. "This shouldn't have happened in the first place," he mutters, but he takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

The staff quickly replace Bella's harness with a properly secured one, apologizing profusely for the oversight. Mrs.Anderson, assures everyone that they will double-check all the harnesses to prevent any future accidents.

"Thank you Matty for protecting me" Bella says, offering him a grateful smile.

Matteo smiles and nods his head.



Shaira glares at that person, "Don't raise your voice on me."

"I am sorry, Miss, but now you are confusing me. You told me that you want to kill this Bella but now you are changing your plan. Why ?" That person sounds desperate.

"You are an idiot. Earlier I wanted to kill this Bella because I will get profit after killing her only. But now, come to think of it, I will get more advantages if I will win her trust." Shaira smirks, thinking about something.

"I am sorry, Miss. I don't know what you are saying. I JUST WANTS TO KILL THIS BELLA THAT'S WHY IN THE FIRST PLACE I helped you to change her Map and compass. Even today I literally cut that harness but just BECAUSE OF THOSE FUCKERS, SHE IS ALIVE." That person kicks the table angrily, "I even removes the sole of her boots but to my luck, her security which her brother appointed for her checked everything and found out about the boots and told her to change it."

That person grips their hair in tight grip frustratedly.


Shaira rolls her eyes. She doesn't care what that person wants. Shaira is just using them for her use.

"Listen to me, do one thing, tell some boys to bully Bella in evening and do something about Matteo and Marcus too. Keep in mind that both of them could not save her this time. Understand ?"

That person nods and left from there.

Shaira smirks.

Oh my baby, you are going to call me mommy soon !!!

She laughs evilly.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for the comments in last chapter 💘.

Same goes for next chapter. If I will be satisfied with the comments on this chapter then you guys will get another update on this Sunday.

Anyways, hope you guys like the chapter..  Tell me:

Who is this mysterious person with Shaira ?

What do you think about Shaira's plan of winning Bella's heart ?

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you guys soon till then stay safe, take care and Love yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 12 May 2024

Total words : 2593 words 😁.

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