Chapter 3

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Author's P.O.V.

Bella yawned looking at the time.

She stretched her arms and a whin left her mouth as she looked at her Micky alarm clock.

5:22 am ?

She rubbed her eyes and opened her room door. She tiptoed to the beside room.

Without knocking, she entered in the room.

She came towards the bed tiptoeing.

She pout when she saw her brother is sleeping.

"Vinnyy" she said lowly.

No response.

"Vinnyyyy" She pouted.

Still no response.

"Vinnnnnnn" She whinned, annoyed that she is not getting reply.

Vincenzo opened his one eye and looked at Pouty Bella.

"Go sleep Bella" He mumbled.

"No, I am tired" She whinned.

"From what ?"

"From sleeping" She replied.

Vincenzo sighed. She yelped when she felt her legs suddenly rose from the ground.

Vincenzo picked her from ground and made her sleep beside him. He started patting her back trying to lull her to sleep.

"No Vinnyy, not sleepy" She yawned.

"Yeah I can see that" Vincenzo mumbled with closed eyes.

"But your eyes are close" Bella pouted.

"Hmm" Vincenzo Mumbled.

"Vinnyyyy" She whinned again.

"Hmm Hmm Bells" He mumbled pulling her close to his chest. He nuzzled his face in her neck.

She giggled feeling ticklish because of his slight subtle on his chin.

"Vinny it's tickles" She giggled trying to keep his head away from her neck with her small hands.

Vincenzo caught her both hands in his one hand and pulled her on himself and started massaging her scalp.

"Sleep Bells, it's still too early" Vincenzo mumbled with his morning husky deep voice. Bella felt his chest rumbled.

She pouted but get relaxed feeling Vincenzo's fingers in her hairs.

She started tracing her fingers on his tattoo that was on his chest.

Doing this, she didn't know when she felt in deep slumber.

Vincenzo kissed her head and covered themselves with blanket and slept hugging his treasure close to his heart.

In Morning... At 8:00 am

"Where are Vince and Bells ?" Riccardo asked.

"In their room, Ric" Salvatore said reading his newspaper.

"No Sal, I already checked Bells room. She was not there. I thought she will be with you" Riccardo said.

"Ohh then maybe we both know where she is, let's go" Salvatore winked and they both came infront of Vincenzo's room.

"You go first, I will follow you" Riccardo whispered.

"Why me ? You should go first" Salvatore argued.

"You are elder than me. It's your duty to protect me" Riccardo glared at him.

Salvatore scoffed.

"You are younger than me and I am ordering you to go inside first" He glared back.

"Shut up. I am not going in Lion's Den" Riccardo denied shaking his head.

Salvatore rolled his eyes.

"Drama Queen" He mumbled before entering in the room.

Riccardo followed him.

The sight infront of him melt their heart.

"Wow rabbit is trapped in Lion's paw" Riccardo mumbled.

"Shut up" Salvatore whispered.

He took out his phone and took a picture and smiled looking at it.

"Send me that" Riccardo told him.

Salvatore ignored him.

"Vince Get Up" Salvatore shook him.

Vincenzo squinted his eyes and frowned looking at his brothers.

"What are you both doing here ?" He groggily asked still one eye closed.

"Wow good morning to you too big brother" Riccardo rolled his eyes and go towards Bella.

"Shut up Ric" Both brothers said simultaneously.

Riccardo looked at them betrayed.

"Feeling so loved here" He said keeping his hand on his chest.

He lies beside Bella and pulled her towards him from Vincenzo who in response just glared at him.

Bella whinned a little but immediately Snuggled in Riccardo's chest feeling warm.

"Only My Babygirl loves me" Riccardo scoffed securing Bella in his arms.

Salvatore rolled his eyes and Vincenzo just stared at him blankly.

"Now shoo~" He said cuddling to his Baby, closing his eyes.

Salvatore shook his head at his younger brother's dramas. He signalled Vincenzo to come downstairs, who in response nodded.

Both elder brothers left the room after telling their younger to wake her up and come downstairs in 30 minutes.

Vincenzo get ready and came downstairs.

"Vince we have meeting in two hours with Mr. Astrod." Vincenzo frowned.

"Astrod ? Why ?" Vincenzo raised his one eyebrow at Salvatore.

"They are keep nagging to listen to their offers and deals" Salvatore rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Hmm. Ok then, I also wanna see what's special in their deals" Vincenzo replied coldly.

Salvatore nodded, continue reading his newspaper.


"Hmm ?"

"What happened to those Bastards ?" Vincenzo asked coldly.

"They are in lock ups, getting their punishment" Salvatore said blankly.

Vincenzo nodded.

Yesterday, when Salvatore told them about those Boys taking Bella's pictures, they were livid. Riccardo want to kill them. He even punched a wall making a hole. He so badly wants to hold their necks in his fingers. He so badly wanna feel their bodies in his hands.

While on other hand, Vincenzo was silent. His past memories started flooding in his mind. His past started crowding over his mind.

Why can't people let them live peacefully?

Why are they so disgusting ?

Why these disgusted people are making children their victim ?

Why are they ruining their innocence ?

Why can't they let children carefree ?

They ruin his innocence, his childhood but he will never let same happened to His Bella. He will give her a carefree childhood. He will protect her at any cost even if it means to hide from her that she is his daughter.

If hiding this from her, will save her from tormentors outside, he will do that willingly.

And at that time, he decided that he will make those bastards pay for their deeds.

Just looking at his Bella in a wrong way is a Sin in itself.

Those bastards have dared to take her photos, they will surely gonna beg for death.

And he will make sure of it...

To Be Continued...

Short chapter... Sorry 😅.

What do you guys think about Vincenzo ?

About Salvatore ?

And about Riccardo ?

Don't forget to Vote and Comment Guysss pleaseeeee ... ☘️

I will meet you soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 18 July 2023.

Total Words : 1038 words 😁.

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