Chapter 5

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18 year old Riccardo rolled his eyes at his elder brother shoutings.

Salvatore sighed. Annoyed.



Salvatore sighed.



Hearing no response, Vincenzo looked at Riccardo only to see him rolling his eyes in attitude.


"Hmm" He hummed and left.


"Vince, he is getting bratty. We can't let him do all these things. We have to stop him" Salvatore told Vincenzo sighing.

Vincenzo rubbed his forehead tiredly.

"You are right"

That day when Riccardo returned after hanging out with his so called friends, Vincenzo grounded him.

And From that day, he started coming late at home.

Day by day, Vincenzo and Salvatore started punishing him. Sometimes they gave him homework, sometimes they gave him household works to do, sometimes they told him to babysit Bella, and whenever he started getting out of hands, they even spanked him.

As a result, he started rebelling more. He started getting drunk. He started smoking. He started partying late night. He even got arrested for some times. But, he felt like All these make him cool.

Vincenzo never wants his brother's life to get ruined.

But in all these no one noticed 7 year old Bella.

She always noticed how her brothers were always tensed. How her Favourite brother always comes home late and slept empty stomach. How there are always bruises on his face.

One day, after colouring her unicorn picture, she came out from her room.

But her eyes caught her youngest older brother.


She ran towards him and hugged his legs.

Riccardo looked down immediately.

"What are you doing Bella ?" He asked her wearing his shoes.

"Where are you going Ric" She asked with her doe eyes on display. He stared at her for a second.

"None of your business. Go to sleep Bella, you have school tomorrow" He said blankly and left without looking back.

Bella frowned. She sat there on the sofa.

She kept looking at the clock then at the door. She started dozing off but still shake her head trying to pry the sleepiness from her eyes. She yawned rubbing her eyes.

Clock strikes 11:20.

She stood up from her place seeing Riccardo on a door. She immediately ran towards him.

"Ricc you are back" She said excitedly before hugging him.

Riccardo was not drunk that day. But he was clearly not in a mood to talk.

"Why are you up Bella ?" He asked removing his shoes.

"I was waiting for you, Ric" She replied innocently.

"Why ?" He asked removing his socks.

"Because, I was not sleepy" She told him.

He could clearly see she is sleepy. But still not going to accept it. Not in a mood to argue, he started walking towards his room.

Bella widened her eyes. She immediately started running behind Riccardo trying to match his pace with her small legs.

"Ric did you eat ?" She asked him running behind him.

"Hmm" He hummed, throwing car key in a stand.

"Ric you are going to sleep ?" She asked struggling with her steps.

"Hmm" He again hummed.

He came in his room and was going to lock it. But she entered in it.

"What do you need Bella ? Go to your room and sleep" He told her irritated.

"But Ric I am scared" She mumbled looking at him with doe eyes.

"Of what ?"

"Those white creatures" She replied.

"They are not here. Go and sleep. I am tired Bella" He told her annoyed.

"Can I cuddle with you ?" She asked pouting.

"Go to Vincenzo or Salvatore" He told her.

"They slept" She replied.

"Ughhh fuck it" He groaned, going towards his bathroom.

"Thank you Ric" Bella smiled ear to ear before climbing on his bed.

Riccardo came after some time and found that Bella is already sleeping on his bed.

He sighed and lay down on other side of the bed keeping some distance between them. He turned other Side, keeping his back towards her.

Actually he has a fight with his girlfriend. And he just can't concentrate on anything else except this matter. Because of this, Instead of partying right now, he came back soon.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his torso. He flinched but sighed instantly knowing Bella is here. He felt small legs on him.

He sighed and turned around.

He made her sleep away from him a little.

But Bella just kept coming closer to him. She is cold. She needs warmth. So, unknowingly in sleep, she is trying to cover her body with heat.

At last, getting tired Riccardo let her do whatever she wants.

And they slept cuddling and hugging together tightly.

Like this, days spent.

Riccardo started coming late again.

Salvatore and Vincenzo were trying their best to make him understand. They even locked him in his room but he always jumped from the balcony.

Bella always sat their on the couch waiting for him.

This becomes daily routine for Riccardo.

He even returned drunk, stumbling on his feet.

Bella's eyes widened when she saw her brother's condition first time.

She immediately ran towards him.

She hugged him but as usual he never hugs her back.

Why ? Because in his mind, his Bella is pure. He can't touch her with his dirty hands.

But in all these, he forgot how Bella always loves his hugs. How he is hurting her !

As usual Bella started sleeping with Riccardo in his room.

One day, Bella was dozing on the couch when suddenly she heard a door creak open. She looked at the figure entered in the house.

As usual, she ran to him and threw herself on him.

But this time, he pushed her.

Bella looked at him with doe eyes.

"Ricc" She mumbled.

His head snapped towards her. He glared at her.

He removed his shoes, and go towards his room. As usual, Bella followed him.

But like always, he didn't keep his door open for Bella to come.

"R-Ric I also wanna-"

"Bella, not today. Go to your room" He ordered her.

She pouted. Not understanding that her brother is not in the mood, she kept telling him to let her sleep with him.

Sighing, Riccardo said "Ok bring me a glass of water. I am very thirsty."

Bella's eyes sparkled. She frantically nodded and run towards the kitchen.

Riccardo closed his door and goes towards the bathroom.

Soon enough, Bella is back with a glass. She knocked on the door, but Riccardo didn't open. She pouted and knocked again. She frowned.

Why he is not opening it ? Isn't he thirsty ?

She thought before keeping the glass outside of his door and knocked on his door again with both hands.

But to her luck, Riccardo never opened it.

While, Inside Riccardo thought she will leave soon if he will not open the door.

But how wrong he was !

Poor Bella sat outside his door leaning on the wall.

"Ricc said he is very thirsty. I should keep it here." She mumbled keeping glass beside her.

"But why he is not opening the door ?" She pouted talking to herself.

"I guess, he is in washroom" She nodded at herself.

She kept waiting for him to open the door but it never happens. She eventually closed her eyes tiredly.

Riccardo yawned as he stretched his arms.

He put his sleepers and goes towards his bathroom to get fresh. After getting fresh, he opened his door to go towards kitchen but the sight infront of him made frown.

He frowned when he saw Bella sleeping there in water ?

When did she come ?

His eyes widened when last night events started playing in his mind.

"Shit- Don't tell me, she slept here, whole night ?" He mumbled in shock before picking her up in his arms. He felt her body is trembling. Her hands, legs, body is cold. She is cold.

As soon as he picked her up, she snuggled in his embrace mumbling something.

"R-Ric w-wat-ter-" He heard some words and he felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

In this condition also, she is thinking about him. And he ? He is so selfish.

He called Vincenzo immediately and told him about Bella's condition.

Salvatore scolded him for his carelessness and Vincenzo called doctor.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and Vincenzo hugged her, pulling her in his embrace.

"Ricc ?" She mumbled.

Riccardo's head snapped towards Bella. He never thought she will call him. Whole time he was just standing there looking down in shame and guilt.

"Y-Yes Bella ?" He rushed towards her.

"I am s-sorry Ric" She mumbled looking down. Riccardo frowned.

"Why are you saying sorry Baby ?" He gently asked her cuping her cheeks.

Her eyes watered.

"B-Because of me, you didn't get w-water y-yesterday-" She whispered.

Riccardo's eyes widened as his heart dropped. Never in million years, he thought that she will apologizing for something he did. It's not even her fault.

Riccardo pulled her on his lap and pushed her face in his chest.

"No Baby, I am sorry. It's not your fault. I am really sorry, Bella. Because of me, you were sleeping in c-cold. I am really s-sorry. Please forgive your b-brother" He sniffled hugging her close.

"Only on one condition" She told him seriously.

"What ?"

"Please Ric, don't come l-late from now. I felt sad when I saw how you got injury here-" she said pointing towards his face. "I felt sad when you can't w-walk properly, Ric, p-please-" She told him with teared eyes.

His heart melt. He stared at her. Her doe eyes. Her Pouty lips. Her puppy dog look. Her button nose. He gulped a lump in his throat.

Salvatore and Vincenzo looked at each other.

Riccardo nodded his head. He himself was not sure.

Bella's eyes sparkled and she immediately hugged him.

He chuckled and hugged her back.

"Ok Bella, go and get fresh" Salvatore told her. She nodded running towards her bathroom.

Riccardo sighed and was going to left the room when Vincenzo called him.


He turned back to look at his older brother.

"I know you are not sure. But just think about it, What would you do if she was in your place ? What if she also comes home late at night like you ? What if she also came home drunk like you ? What will you do if you also see her coming home every night bruised like you-"

"ENOUGH. I WILL NEVER LET HER" Riccardo gritted his teeth.

He could never in his life imagined this. He will never let her doing all these things. Never.

"So imagine how she must be feeling seeing you in that condition. You never know, but you are her role model. Always Remember that, Your Bella is looking upto you"

He kept hand on Riccardo's shoulder and said

"Always make sure to return home soon. Remember that, your sister is always waiting for you at the doorstep"

To Be Continued...

8 year Old Bella.

Do you like this chapter ? I mean small glimpse of past.

I hope you like it.

If you guys like it, then I will keep showing you guys small glimpses of their past like this... Through chapters.

More to come 😉.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you on next Saturday till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 25 July 2023.

Total Words : 1960 words 😁.

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