Chapter 7

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"Ric, it's enough" Bella scolded him, keeping her hand on her hips.

Riccardo showed her his tongue.

Bella gasped.

"You are kid" She rolled her eyes before rolling her eyes, and left from there sassily.

Riccardo looked stunned.

"Wow" He said and followed her.

"Let's buy-"

"No Ric, it's enough. Now let's buy something for Sally" She beamed.

"Ah no, old Sally has everything, let's buy something for Young Riccardo, how is it ?" He asked grinning.

Bella narrowed her eyes at him.

"My Sally is not an Old. You are Old, Mister" She scoffed.

"My Sally ? My ? Really ? And Me ? I am Old ? Excuse me, Miss, you are getting out of hands, I will sell you in teddy bear shop" Riccardo asked dramatically keeping his hands on his hips.

"Then, My Sally will buy me and then he will never give me to you" Bella smirked at Riccardo's smirking face.

"Heyyy, did you forget I am your favourite Brother ? Why did you keep calling that Old Sally yours ? You are mine and I am yours. Happy Ending" Riccardo huffed.

Bella shook her head.

"No, Ric, You are my favourite Brother but Sally is my boyfriend. And I of course love my boyfriend more" Bella grinned.

Riccardo's eyes widened.

"What the actual fuck ? When- how- what- when did all this happen ? Oh My God, that Old man took my girl away from me ? Heyy, you cheated on me-" Riccardo exaggerate.

"Nah Riccy, Sally is so handsome" Bella smiled dreamily. Riccardo narrowed his eyes.

"You Cheater-" He said snaking his hands around her waist, picking her up easily in one go, earning a fit of giggles from the girl. His favourite sound.


"Let's eat Pizza" Bella muttered.

"Okay. Wait here" Riccardo said and moved towards counter.

Bella sighed and sat on the nearby chair. She was tracing her fingers on the design pattern of the table cloth.

She was murmuring some songs to pass her time when her eyes caught something. Or someone.

Old Man.

She slightly frowned when she saw that man is actually staring at her.

She gulped and immediately averted her gaze towards Riccardo, who is just coming back with tray in his hand.

"Let's eat and then we will go for rest of the things, okay ?" Riccardo asked keeping tray on the table.

Bella bit her lips and again looked at the place where she saw that Old man but to her relief, there is none.

I guess, I am watching too many movies.

She chuckled at herself before turning towards Riccardo, who in response raised his eyebrow at her sudden chuckle.

"Why are you laughing suddenly ?"

"Huh ?" She looked at him surprised.

"I asked why are you laughing suddenly ?" He asked her, giving her Pizza.

"Oh- Nothing. I thought I saw someone staring at me there. But there is no one, I guess I am just being paranoid" She shrugged it off, before darting her eyes on the delicious Pizza infront of her.

"Oh" Riccardo said looking at the place where she point. He frowned looking everywhere but found none. Part of him wants him to believe that his Bella is just being paranoid while Part of him Knows that Bella can never be wrong. She literally has a great instinct. Her sixth sense is very powerful.

I have to talk to Vince about this.

Thinking this, he turned his attention towards Bella. She already started eating her pizza, moaning in delight.

"Oh My God, Paranoid ? Big word huh ?" He teased her, smirking.

Bella rolled her eyes "Of course, Not everyone is Dumbo here". She smirked back.

"Heyyy, you are literally giving me savage replies. That's not at all fair." Riccardo huffed.

"Deal with it, Baby" She teased him.

Riccardo's eyes widened.

"You Brat. This is all because of that Old hag. I will eat that man" Riccardo exclaimed.

Bella looked at him weirdly.

"First of all, He is Sally. My Sally. Not an Old hag. And I will not let you eat him. I will protect him" She replied.

Riccardo scoffed.

"God knows when all this happened. Just wait, Salvatore, till I get home then you can see what I will do with you."

He muttered.

Bella giggled silently knowing she made him angry.

You lose, Sally. I made him angry at you.

She thought before smirking cutely.

💭 Flashback 💭

"Nooooo Salllyyyy" Bella whinned.

Salvatore rolled his eyes and made her drink that bitter medicine.

"You are so bad" She huffed, before running towards tap and washed her mouth.

Salvatore chuckled at that.

That's her Vitamin B12 syrup. But Bella, of course never liked that Bitter medicine. She always gets angry with Salvatore after he forces her to drink syrup. But he always find it cute. This made her more angry.

How dare he not take her seriously ?

She came towards Salvatore and kept her hands on her hip and glared at him dangerously.

Well, for Salvatore, she is looking like a kitten. He raised his eyebrow.

"Salvatore Russo. You are very very very bad" She gritted her teeth.

Salvatore chuckled, and ruffled her hair.

"Heyyy Don't ignore me" She said in disbelief.

"Oh baby, I am not ignoring you" He smiled at her, fondly.

"I am NOT a baby" She narrowed her eyes.

"You are, baby" He smiled.

"I am Not" She narrowed her eyes more and commented with gritted teeth.

"Ok, you are big girl, baby" He said seriously like he was talking to a kid.

Bella for a second didn't catch what he was trying to say but not so soon after, she realised and immediately glared at him again.

"You are again calling me, baby" She point out.

Salvatore chuckled and shook his head.

This made her more angry.

"Heyyy you are laughing at me. I will tell this to Ricc and then he will punish you"

Salvatore raised his eyebrow at her.

"He won't, sweetheart."

"What if I made him angry at you" Bella smirked, cutely.

Salvatore looked at her amused. He kneel down infront of her, to match their height level and booped her nose.

"Did you forget little one that he is younger than me" He smirked.

Bella smirked back.

"Ok, be ready for the payback, Mr.Salvatore Russo" Bella looked at him proudly. Salvatore shook his head, amused.

💭 Flashback Ends 💭

"Excuse me, Miss Sally's Bella" Bella flinched slightly seeing Riccardo's fingers infront of her eyes.

But she giggled at the name.

"Where were you lost ? I was calling you since last 3 minutes" He sighed.

"In Sally's dream. He is so handsome, right ?" She squealed.

Riccardo sighed. The fangirl in Bella is on full display.

"Yes yess he is too handsome. So handsome. Very handsome. Total handsome" He mocked. She laughed at his jealousy.

"Why are you so jealous huh ?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Because, he stole you from me" He pointed out.

"Not him. His handsome face actually." She corrected.

"I am the most handsome one, you know" He rolled his eyes.

"Nah ! Sally, then Vinny, and then you" She replied monotonously.

"Wowww" He looked at her in disbelief.

"I will sell you right now" He said and picked her up in his arms, making her squeal in surprise.

"They will make you sit beside teddy bears in the shop" He said nuzzling his face in her neck. She giggled loudly feeling ticklish.

They gained attention but who cares ? Not Russos atleast.

He came towards teddy shop with her in his arms.

Bella's eyes widened as she clunged tightly on him. He laughed heartily.

"Excuse me, Miss" He said politely.

Two women looked at him mesmerized by the handsome man infront of them.

He smirked seeing that shining look in their eyes.

"How much for this girl ?" He winked at them, silently signalling them to play along with him. Their confused face suddenly turned into smiley one as they nod their heads. Bella's mouth hang open.

She was just joking when she said Sally will buy her. I mean of course he will buy her but who is going to inform him that his Bella is sitting in teddy bear shop among teddies.

"But She is not a teddy bear" One of them said.

"Oh trust me she is. You know I will tell you how ?" Bella looked at him in utter disbelief.

"Teddy Bear is cute. She is cute too, see" He said and made her face to those women. She tried to pry his hands from her jaw and immediately hide her face in his neck, holding his neck tightly.

"No Sally, I am not cute" She mumbled on his shoulder.

"You can carry teddy everywhere. You can carry her too, see, I am already carrying her" He smirked. Those ladies cooed at Bella's cuteness.

Bella's eyes widened and she started getting out of his hold.

"You know the most important one. We can cuddle with teddy and we can cuddle with this girl too." Riccardo said, seriously.

"Ah- this is nice then" One of the woman said. Bella's eyes widened as she shook her head.

"Noooo I am not Teddy. Teddy never talks. I am talking, see" Bella exclaimed in horror. Her mouth agape when she saw That woman extended her hand towards her.

She immediately clung more tightly on Riccardo. Her legs is on his waist. Her hands are around his neck and her face is in his crook of the neck.

"No, Ricc, Don't sell me, please, please" Riccardo laughed heartily seeing her and hold her close to his heart.

"I am kidding, baby" He laughed out loud with those two ladies.

"I hate you so much, Riccy, you know" She mumbled on his shoulder still not losing her hold.

"I am sorry, babygirl, you made me jealous so this is a little payback" He laughed. She bite his neck.

"Oww- leave me, it hurts" He winced slightly.

She pulled out and glared at him cutely.

"Did you know you just gave me hickey ?" He stared at her in disbelief. She scrunched her face in disgust.

"Eww. Yuck. I have to clean my teeth again" She said again holding him back.

He lightly smacked her head.

"Shut up"

She giggled.

"Ok, now tell me, what do you want ?" He asked her.

She looked in the shop, scanning through the room until her eyes stopped on the blue and white Teddy bear. Her eyes sparkled.

Riccardo followed her gaze.

"Give me that Blue Teddy" He told those ladies.

"Sure Sir"

They took that Teddy and left the shop after thanking those ladies.

"Ricc, I want to Pee" She said.

Riccardo looked here and there and took her near ladies washroom when he spotted one.

"Go ahead" He put her down and pat her bum.

She nodded, running towards the washroom. He wait there patiently until he got a call.

He looked at the washroom and picked up his call. He came near railings and answered his call.

Soon enough, Bella came out from the washroom after completing her business. She looked everywhere and found her brother, leaning on the railing. She started walking towards him.


"Ah ouch" She mumbled pouting when she bumped with someone.

"Sorry, I didn't see you" She bowed without looking up.

That someone fake coughed gaining her attention. She looked up and immediately frowned.

A lady.

"You are definitely the pretty one" That lady said, smirking. She ruffled Bella's hair and left from there, smirking slightly.

Bella stood there stunned. She couldn't move.

A stranger calls her Pretty ? Strange.

Before she could think anything, Riccardo came towards her.

"Bells, what happened ?"

She looked at him and nodded.

"Your Sally called" He rolled his eyes.

Bella giggled seeing jealousy in Riccardo's voice, forgetting earlier incident.

Riccardo narrowed his eyes and again picked her up in his arms.

"You brat, laughing on me, huh ?" He said and kissed her cheeks multiple times. She giggled loudly feeling ticklish and they left the mall.

To Be Continued...

Mall With Riccardo 😉.

Hope you like it ✨.

Long Chapter guys, please fill it with comments and do votes.

What do you think about that Old man and then this lady ? Share your thoughts.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 31 July 2023.

Total Words : 2066 words 😁.

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