Chapter 1

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GorshStar called the clan to the tree stump" Every cat old enough to catch their own prey please gather by the tree stump". Every cat basically went to watch then I remembered I'm six moons old know I'm going to be an apprentice. GorshStar spoke"Can I please have Bushkit and Blackit up on the stump". I walked up to the stump and sat down. GorshStar spoke again" Bushkit you are now known as Bushpaw, Blackit you are now known as Blackpaw. Can Scrawnyfur please can you come up to the stump". Scrawnyfur came up to the stump, Scrawnyfur is a beautiful she-cat and has a shiny grey coat. Once again GorshStar spoke" Scrawnyfur you will now mentor Bushpaw and Blackpaw" Scrawnyfur nodded in please. "Now touch each others noses to confirm" said GorshStar. I went close to Scrawnyfur and touched noses with her so did Bushpaw. GorshStar flicked his tail meaning clan dismissed.

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