13. Engagement ♥️

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" Is that what you really want?" My dad asked me for the third time and I answered with a nod.

" I initially thought it wasn't a good idea but your mom wants to get you married before her surgery. She kept ranting about something happening afterwards and getting you married is a dream come true. Which I do not oppose" he said, staring right at me.

" She said you guys have been dating for seven months now, is that true?" He asked and a chill ran down my spine.

Lying is really not something I am comfortable with, that's the reason why they all could see through me. And am not blaming them for doubting it, afterall I never had a boyfriend in the past.

" Yes " I answered, swallowing the guilt lump in my throat.

" I was a bit taken aback when your mom told me of your plans to get married due to the fact that I had never seen anyone with you and no one officially came to ask me for your hand except him" he added and the last part shocked me.

So he came to ask my dad? When did that happen, why wasn't I informed of this part of the plan?

Why make a fuss about it? You should have known that he likes doing things his own way. My subconscious reminded me and I immediately nodded to confirm what he said.

Thanks to Allah it was here this time, I would have blown everything by making it obvious that I had no idea.

" He is a calm and well mannered person, I know he'll be a good husband" my father said as he took another sip out of his ginger tea.

Little did he know how much of a jerk Mr. Rude really is. Not to talk of his gigantic Ego, taller than Everest. Am just trying to be a good daughter by being a wife to the worst husband.

Allah knows for how long I will have to put up with his rudeness. Nine months? A year? Two Years? Urrgh why didn't he specifically tell me when my service won't be needed anymore? He loves making things more complicated than it's supposed to be.

" I'll talk to your Uncles so tell him to inform his relatives too, the engagement should be next week. We have to rush things because of your mother's surgery" he said, and that brought me back from the clutches of Mr. Rude's thoughts.

" Ok" I answered, gesturing for me to leave, which I gladly did.

Talking about Farhan with people other than Husnah and Dr. Fahad is something that keeps getting harder and scarier every passing second. Because I know anytime I open my mouth, a lie will find it's self out of it. That's why I prefer not talking about him at all. But what can I do? Afterall am getting married to him in a month time.


"I think this looks better" husnah said, raising a sea green floral dress, beaming with excitement. I non-chalantly shrugged in response, earning a death glare from husnah.

" For three days now I have been bugging you to choose a dress, He sent ten different dresses so that you'll pick the one you want to wear, The engagement is starting in two hours time and you still haven't decided. Are you sure you want to go through this?" She asked in a calm yet frustrated tone.

Honestly I have been second guessing going through this. Like how hard it was to initially decide but now Ten times harder. I just don't know what to do anymore..... I don't know if I'll be able to go through with this marriage, my thoughts are just so messed up.

" Or should I call mom and tell her you're having a hard time deciding what to wear?" She threatened.

"It's  not like I would attend the engagement, it's traditionally something only the male folks are supposed to involve in but I only have to see him and have a useless conversation after the engagement so why send a goddam dress for crying out loud? Did I tell him I don't have clothes?" I screamed at her.

She flinched a bit due to the impact and I immediately regretted snapping at her. Afterall she wasn't at fault.

Honestly I wasn't angry with anyone in particular, it was just an excuse to let out all my bottled up frustration.

She calmed down a bit and a look of pity spread across her face.
"Am sorry you are going through this and am sorry I have nothing to do about it. You can just wear anything you feel like" she said before leaving the room.

Ya Allah help me.

After a while, she came back and met me sitting in the same spot. She face palmed herself before dragging me to the bathroom. It took me an hour to finish bathing, I came out and met a black and white kimono on my bed plus a glaring husnah. Thank God she selected it from my wardrobe, to prevent anymore complaint from me. Honestly I was very close to exploding and she knows at this point, any little thing could get me pissed.

" They are already here so they would be done soon" she quietly said before she continued chatting on her phone.

I silently got dressed before she tossed a makeup bag at me which I completely ignored and she didn't try to talk me into it.

After so much pouting and hissing, I was done so in the meantime I decided to check my WhatsApp. I had several messages but replied few because I really wasn't in the mood for unnecessary chatting.

I was about logging out when a message popped up on my phone screen. It was a new number so I had no idea who it was.

The profile had a breath taking picture of a waterfall which for some reason made me smile. The name was confusing and at the same time Amusing.

You're close to becoming mine Baby girl. I hope nothing but blessings comes our way.

The message annoyed me. Not only the 'Baby Girl' part but also the incredibly annoying amount of love emojis.

I let out a low hiss and tossed my phone aside, ignoring was a better option because I wasn't even in the mood to rain insults on the person.

" Take it easy girl, you're not married to him yet" husnah said.

Her phone started to ring and her face lit up in excitement, Definitely Dr Fahad.

" He said you should go see him now" she said, dragging me off the bed before adjusting my veil. She finally sprayed all the perfume on me before pushing me out of the room. 

I lazily dragged my feet to the sitting room. There I met him and Dr. Fahad both engrossed in reading something on his tablet.

Guys my husband-to-be... Oh sorry, Fake-husband-to-be looked like he waltzed out of a fashion house. He wore a black Kaftan with white embroidery and a black cap. Guys I never knew black color looks this good.  Indeed "Black is Class"  

My eyes met his and his expression immediately turned blank. He took his eyes off me and back to his tablet.

Wait does he want to act like I didn't just catch him checking me out? But I did also check him out. So acting like it never happened isn't a bad idea.

"You look beautiful Masha Allah" Dr Fahad complemented, earning a low hiss from Mr. Rude.

I rolled my eyes at that and I gave him a simple 'Thank You' plus a fake smile.

" Meet me in the car" he said to Mr Rude and added a wink which The well known Egoist shrugged off.

" Why do you always look terrible whenever I see you? Thank God you didn't wear any of the dresses it would have looked awful" he said before standing up.

" Thank God you weren't wearing any of your dumb suits you would have looked more horrible than you already are" I fired back.

" Feisty huh? Let's see how much longer you'll put up with it" he said.

" I have nothing to say to you so hit the road jack" I replied, pointing at the door.

I was already fuming with anger because this guy really have the ability to hit my nerves. I just can't stand him even for a second.

"You have to see me out stupid. And act like you are madly in love with me" he said with a stupid smirk before heading out, with me silently tailing behind.

Immediately we got out of the house, I met him standing at the door glaring at both of us. Guess who... Victor!

" Urrgh.. will this day get any better?" I groaned in frustration.

" Baby girl who is this?" Victor asked.

" My fiance" I answered plainly.

" Really babe? When am this close to making you mine?" He asked again and that hit me. So the sender of that dumb message was Victor afterall. No wonder everything in the message was stupid and annoying.

"Why did you do this to me?" He asked with teary eyes and that softened me a bit.

Was I a bit harsh by telling him about my fiance?

All these while, Mr Rude just stood, leaned back to the wall and continued his stuff on his tablet. Considering I and Victor Non-existent.

"Baby girl why?" He asked again, taking slow steps towards me and I took a step backwards, my back colliding with the now closed door.  He stretched his hand towards me and when it was a few inches to my face, another hand grabbed it and to my amazement, it was Farhan's.

" What the hell are you trying to do?" Victor shouted angrily, trying to yank his hands away which he Surprisingly couldn't. Guess Mr Rude is a very strong man.

He pressed a button on his wrist watch and immediately two guys in black suits came and took Victor away.

" They aren't going to harm him right?" I stammered, still haven't recovered from the first shock.

" Yeah they'll just take him home" he answered in his usual plain tone before moving further towards his car.

"Thank you for helping me" I muttered under my breath. I don't know why but a part of me was thankful to him and I ended up spiting it out.

"I didn't do that to help you, I just don't want people meddling with things that are mine" he replied and I immediately regretted thanking him.

I rolled my eyes " Get something straight Mr Rude, am not yours and stop making me look like an object" I said, emphasising on the 'NOT'

" Almost mine.. do you remember when I told you to call me Master? I think it's time you start practicing it." He replied. 

Immediately we came into view, I spotted two men sneakingly taking pictures of us.

" Who are those people?" I asked him.

" Those are what we call paparazzi so get used to it." He answered like it was no big deal for him.

Ohh that was why he sent dresses... Too bad am not the type that likes to look flashy for paparazzi.

He flashed me that million dollar smile which I am sure the person captured before he waved and got into the car.

I waved back with the most genuine-like smile I could muster before they zoomed off.

I huffed before going back into the house. Guess I have to really get used to stalkers since I am now Mr Farhan Junaid's Fiancee.

So guys am back 😉🥳

Decided to give you a long chapter to make up for my sudden absence.

I hope you guys didn't have any intention of roasting me 😆😉.

So how was the chapter?

Don't you think Victor is going too far?

Stay tuned 😉

Much love ♥️♥️ Nightingale ✍️

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