19. Wedding Party ♥️

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"Stand-up slothful" Husnah screamed, shoving me off the bed. I really didn't want to attend some stupid wedding party with a devil's spawn. I wasn't even a bit of ecstatic about this wedding and now I really hated the fact that my life was doomed.

In an actual sense, wedding days are supposed to be a very joyous and memorable day for couples but for this couple it's far from that. Well he might actually be happy cause he's gotten someone to display his psychopathic skills on. But I assure you, that person won't be me.

I got out of bed and got dressed into a sea green gown adorned with pearls and stuffs that looked like coral bead which I was in no mood to appreciate. Deciding on no makeup this time around, they all had to succumb to my stubbornness.

Thankfully it was my time of the month so they didn't have to worry about me tearing my gown off or taking my turban off to perform ablution.

" Okay at least why not put on some face powder and a lipgloss?" Husnah begged, with her eyes almost tearing up.

" No one forced you to marry him you know. So don't try to play an innocent card here. Don't waste my time the car is almost here." Anna snapped, which I choose to ignore.

I slowly rubbed some powder and lipgloss before they attached the long flowing veil to my turban. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Even though my mood wasn't helping matters, I still gawked at how beautiful I was. Infact I looked like an Arab princess.

I just really hope I don't end up smashing his head with a vase, bottle or even the heels of my shoe. "Subhanallah" I muttered, dismissing the thought from my head.

Just in time, the car arrived with a horn and I took it as a cue to leave. I stepped out, with husnah trailing behind me. If not that she agreed to go with me in the same car, I seriously wouldn't know if both of us would survive the car ride to the venue without wanting to rip each other's head off.

She got into the front seat and I got into the passenger's back seat. There I met him already waiting for me with Dr. Fahad in the driver's seat. My so called husband didn't even spare me a glance. Just Imagine such rudeness believe me, my husband is an egoist.

I let out a low hiss and brought out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

" You look beautiful Masha Allah and you too husnah" Dr Fahad said and I gave him a smile and a low " thank you" while husnah blushed and thanked him.

In less than thirty minutes we arrived at the venue just in time we were supposed to make our entrance. Photographers we all there flashing their annoying lights, trying to capture every moment.

Mr. Rude flashed me a smile and took my hands in his as we made our way into the beautiful and vast hall. Soft petals cascaded down from Allah knows where but honestly it was beautiful and for a moment I totally forgot everything I was about to start facing, how my life took a huge turn and how am supposed to spend almost three years in wealth but misery with someone who is hell bent on making sure my life during that time will be miserable. 

I focused on all the people smiling at me, taking pictures of me. I focused on the soft music played for me, i focused on the petals is walked on and  truth to be told, I definitely felt like a Disney princess.

We sat down on the plush chairs as the program began. I could notice Annabelle's sulking face and husnah's happy face. They were sitting together as they both took a sip out of their drinks.

My mom was the happiest I think because the smile she kept on her face was enough to make me forget that I had someone called a husband sitted close to me. His mom was very happy too. I guess parents are all the same in one way or the other.

We were called to dance a bit and cut the wedding cake. After cutting the cake, he smeared a bit of the cake icing on my nose and kissed it right off. Cheers erupted from the audience and he earned a glare from me. He certainly doesn't think he'd manipulate me with his little lovey dovey acts right? If he thinks so then please someone should tell him that he's wrong and dumb.

We were about going back to our seats when he took the mic from the MC.

" I have something to say to my wife here and I'll need everyone's attention please" he said and the hall went dead quiet. Only the sound was  that of my heart beating dents against my rib cage. That's if it's really as audible as I think it is.

Wait what is this man up to? I really hope he doesn't do anything to humiliate me in this wedding.

" Nafeesah my wife" he said with the most doting voice I've ever heard.

" As days turn to years, so many people come flooding into your life, each giving you a piece of what life is about, they all have a specific time-frame to be in your life, and once that time has elapsed, they leave.  But the question is not how long a person stays in your life, what really matters is what was he/she able to do. while the stopwatch they had in your life ticked, those little favors that a person does to another, they are the tires that keep life moving. The time I have in your life even though I don't know how long it is, though it’s ticking out. I don’t know how long I have left, I want to make it worthwhile. I will make it worthwhile, for the both of us." he said with a smile.

" I want to be the best thing that has ever happened to you. I want you to know that your place in my heart is the most sacred of all. I love you so much wifey I hope you give me four little rascals to run about in our house very soon and I want them to look exactly like you" he finished as he engulfed me in a hug. Cheers erupting from every angle of the vast wedding hall.

I was dumbstruck, I didn't even know what to think of, talkless of what to say. His speech held two meanings and each fighting to dominate the larger part of my head. Deciding a smile should be the best option. I flashed him a smile and we went back to our seats with my legs feeling like Jell-O.

Believe me Farhan is actually the most confusing man I have ever met.

The wedding party was over. And we went back home. I parted with my family and I was taken to my in-laws, where I'll sleep and head for Spain for my supposed honeymoon.

But the relieving part of everything was that my mom will finally get her transplant. The Chemo had already started and I could see a bit change in her. I was rest assured Because to I knew dad was there, husnah was there, and Fahad was there to take care of my mom.

Okay Guys. Wish me a happy married life with a fifty shades type of honeymoon. #Air quotes.

Let's go to Spain ❤️


Am back guys sorry for keeping you waiting ☹️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Much love Nightingale ✍️❤️💕

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