Welcome To Umbrella Academy

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On October 1st 1989, 43 women gave birth around the world. These women gave birth without being pregnant from the start, which caused a man, an adventurer billionaire by the name of Sir Reginald Hargreeves to locate these miracle children and adopt as many of them as he could. And he did adopt—seven of them. 

But way before the famous October 1989, on October first 1982, Reginald found a newborn baby on his doorstep with the most vibrant blue eyes, he has ever seen. There were no people around, just this small boy, wrapped tightly in a warm blanket. Even if the infant was maybe a day old, he looked intimidating, yet warm. The child couldn't be older than a few days, maybe a week or two. When Sir Reginald felt the power that the small boy held, he knew that this very child will be his most prized possession. Most prized number and most prized hero to come. Number Zero. The first to be taken by the man and the first to be trained as soon as the boy could talk and walk. Nobody asked questions about this peculiar situation.

Then, when the first of October 1989 came, the seven of the adopted kids joined with Number Zero, or Cole, as the robot woman, that took care of the children named him, yet everyone called him Colby. She fell in love with the boy immediately, when his bright blue eyes met hers and her motherly instincts just took over. For a robot, she was very human-like. Her emotions and appearance were very much real, even if many thought them to be just a crazy idea. Small-minded people would never understand.

All kids were given names by Grace. All but one. Number Five. Somehow, he didn't get a name, yet as years went by, it didn't look like it bothered the boy. 

Now, speaking of the children, they were all very peculiar. Each had an ability, a power, that was useful in different ways. Number One - Luther, was extremely strong. Number Two - Diego, had an uncanny aim. Number Three - Allison, could control people's minds by starting her sentence with the words "I heard a rumour...". Number Four - Klaus, was a medium. He could see and speak to the dead. Number Five, he could teleport and travel in time. Number Six - Ben could summon tentacled monsters. Number Seven - Vanya seemed to be ordinary, as Reginald would always say, much to Colby's distaste. Finally, Number Zero - Colby, had very similar powers to the Norse God Of Mischief and Lies, Loki Laufeyson. Other than that, he had enhanced senses, was abnormally smart, was telepathic and was a medium, just like Klaus, but this ability for Colby was way weaker. Still very much present and well working. 

Though the eight children were treated like soldiers, more so than kids, none of them rebelled against the ways of the old man's treatment. Rules were very strict in the Hargreeves Academy, or The Umbrella Academy and even if it was sometimes very hard, the kids didn't dare to break the rules. Well... They did but were always subtle and quiet about it. Sir Reginald forbid any kind of relationship in the Academy and other than that since Vanya was ordinary, she was excluded from most of the events. And the only one who seemed to care enough for her well-being was the eldest child, Colby. The only child, who was brave enough to not give two damn about the rules and went as far as reprimanding their father for mentally abusing and degrading Vanya. He has lived with the man for long enough, he wasn't scared anymore. "For the last time, do not speak to her as if she was a mare pest, father! You adopted her, the least you can do is keep your mouth shut and keep your thoughts to yourself!" His voice was cold and dominant, which shocked the rest, that sat at the dining table. Every meal was eaten in silence and every sign of attitude was punished. But Colby didn't care. He would endure any punishment, as long as his adopted siblings were not the ones to suffer through it. And it amazed them. Luther was a daddy's boy, everyone saw that. He was Number One for a reason and he would be the only one to follow Reginald's every nonsense. Even if all the kids saw the way the old man treated Colby, with a bit more respect, for he was also older than the other seven children, they also saw how the boy hated it. "No talking during meals, Number Zero. And do not give me an attitude. I will make sure you train harder. It seems that your anger needs to be let out and gone for good." This pissed Colby more, but he just took a deep breath and looked to Vanya, who smiled sadly at him, thanking him silently for taking her side. Colby sent a small smile to her as well, before he turned back to his untouched food. Luther glared at the blue-eyed boy, warning him to stop before things escalate. Scoffing, Colby raised an eyebrow at him with an emotionless expression. He and Luther had a silent competition, that Colby never wanted, yet Luther never stopped. The blonde boy followed rules and listened to the old bastard, like a good boy, even if the man who called himself their father did nothing but destroy them and their childhood. Luther was turning out to be like Reginald. Scolding everyone, as if he were the leader, even though he was not even the oldest, only pushed everyone away from the strong man. This competition was also between Luther and Diego. Both were constantly at each other's throats, and Colby was always the one to calm the knife boy down, taking him away, before anything major could happen. 

Colby was loved by five of his siblings. Diego looked up to him, especially, when Colby would help the boy with his speech, or teach Diego new things, the blue-eyed boy had the same passion for daggers and knives as his brother. They bonded over training and whenever they had a bit of time for themselves, they would hang out a lot.

 Klaus was terrified of the things he saw, especially at night, the nightmares, the constant voices and the screams would keep him awake. And he saw Colby be the only one who understood him. Having medium powers as well, though, not as strong as Klaus', made Colby look out for the boy and make sure that the spirits wouldn't bother him, as it seemed that even the spirits were intimidated by the blue-eyed boy. Klaus was fun to be around. The boy was very chaotic, but it only made the relationship between Colby and the medium stronger. Colby was known to be witty most of the time, even if his aura was dominant and intimidating, when you get to know him better, he was a very warm and sweet boy. 

Five and Colby, when they first met, they knew something was different. When they touched their hands, a small green and blue glow appeared, wrapping itself around their wrists, like ribbons or a rope, attaching, binding two people together. A bond was sealed, only waiting for them to be of appropriate age. And though both were too young to understand, their relationship was very different. At one point, when Five was five and Colby was twelve years old, you would never see one without the other. Five would always teleport in front of Colby, just to annoy the blue-eyed boy, before going to the kitchen and making them a sandwich. 

Ben was close to Klaus and Colby as both of the boys were kind enough to care for the shy boy. If they could, sometimes the three would prank Luther or Allison, just to get on their nerves, while Colby would take all the blame, if Reginald ever caught them. Ben was a silent boy. He read a lot and Colby, who loved to read as well, joined him many a time, making sure that Ben had company and didn't feel left out. And Ben appreciated it. No matter how scared he was at first when he saw Colby, the warmth that the boy provided was enough to calm Ben instantly.

Finally, Vanya. Colby called her V since he felt deep down that the girl will change at one point. These two were acting like biological siblings. They shared a love for music and while Vanya played the violin, Colby played the clarinet. The duo would meet sometimes to play together, while other times, he and Vanya would just spend the calm time, they had to play chess or gossip from time to time. Colby was very trustworthy and any secret you told him, was safe from the world. He would always cheer Vanya, whenever Reginald degraded her or made a comment, or whenever Allison would treat the girl badly as well. Most of the kids didn't care for Vanya. They all ignored her. All, but one. Colby, the oldest. And this was the only reason, that Vanya kept a smile on her face, ignoring the harsh words from the others. 

Allison had a secret crush on the older boy, while also having a crush on Luther, which caused her to be a little two-faced towards Colby since some things he did made her appreciate Luther more than the older boy, not understanding how the older boy could be so cruel toward their father. She didn't understand until later, that Colby was right all this time, calling the old man a monster. Yet Colby didn't care about the girl. He did make sure his siblings had everything they needed and he took the blame for them, most of the time, even if the five favourites always tried to talk him out of it, Allison and Luther were distant from him. And he didn't mind, as long as they weren't abusive towards the others, which later he, unfortunately, learned that Vanya was the most abused person in their family, just because she was seen as ordinary.

While Klaus, Diego, Ben and Five were very close to Colby, none of them knew the true boy, as she did. Vanya discovered many secrets about the boy and even asked him, why would he tell her and not Klaus, Diego, Ben or Five. "I trust them, I do. But they wouldn't understand as much as you would. You are in pain and only I noticed it. Whenever I am in pain, I hide it and you are the only one noticing it." He spoke, looking deep into her eyes, while she smiled sadly "Why won't you let them know of your pain, Colby? Why won't you let me know of it?" She asked softly, her eight-year-old self trying to understand why the boy avoided talking about his pain, even with her, it's just that she saw it. They didn't, because he was a great actor. Just like Loki was. "Because it would destroy you. And all of us are in pain already. There is no point to bring you more." His voice was soft and her eyes saddened. She hugged him tightly, knowing that even if he won't share his pain with her, a hug would never hurt anyone and to him, it would bring peace, at least for a little while.

When Colby was seventeen, Reginald sent him on a mission, alone. This made Five, Vanya, Ben, Klaus and Diego nearly burst into tears, seeing their beloved teen go away. "I promise, I will come back," He said, sharing one last goodbye before he had to go. He didn't know for how long he would be gone. But they already missed the deep voice and the warm, dominant aura of Colby. 

The boy didn't come back, for almost two years, and when he did, he saw how everyone changed and they saw how much he did. "Colby?" Klaus asked, bringing the attention of the other kids to him. Immediately, he was attacked by his favourite siblings and Five, who hugged him tightly. "I've missed you too," He said, his voice soothing the young teens. And although Colby seemed to be exactly the same as before, they all picked up things that weren't there before. For example, the sudden protectiveness over the younger kids, or how harsh he was towards Reginald, only gained more punishments. Other than that, Colby seemed to hide several things from everyone. He never spoke of the mission and he never showed emotions, whenever Reginald pushed him to use his powers. Everyone noticed the distant looks, that Colby sometimes had or the way, he was lost in thought almost constantly, with a frown on his face, or his sudden leaving the academy for a day or two. Reginald was not happy that Colby would leave, but at the same time, he suspected the boy to do so sooner or later. He knew Colby only stayed with them in the Academy because he felt the need to be there for the kids, he wasn't doing it for Reginald anymore. No, in fact, he was cold towards the man even more than before. None of them could guess what was wrong and none of them was brave enough to ask about it. But it didn't matter. What mattered, was that Colby was back with them. 

At the age of twenty and thirteen, Colby and Five were even closer than before. "Finally found a way to travel, Five?" Colby asked, feeling the boy's presence behind him. "How do you always know it's me?" He asked defeated. Five loved to sneak up on Colby, but with the growing powers and constant training, that Reginald pressured Colby to have, the boy developed his enhanced senses so much, that nobody and nothing could sneak up on him. Smiling, yet not taking his eyes off of the book, Colby answered "We're not three anymore. Besides, I'm older. Training increased and our powers are stronger." He mused and Five sat down beside Colby with a sigh. "Yeah, you mean your training? The old man will kill you if he continues his tortures" Colby finally put his book down, smiling at the boy beside him. "Believe it or not, but I am glad to train so much. Old Reggie said that I have developed yet another interesting ability." Five rose his brows in disbelief. "How many powers do you have, again?" He asked and Colby chuckled. It was true, that of all the siblings, Colby had the most powers. That's why he was Number Zero, well that and he was seven years older than the rest of the kids. "Picture Loki Laufeyson with the added powers of medium and telepathy" Five nodded his head, before looking Colby in the eyes, smirking "So you're like Loki, but... Hotter?" Colby froze in his movements to stand up, before bursting into laughter. "Smooth, Five. Very smooth" Five chuckled as well, seeing how amused Colby seemed. "Yeah, you could say that. Hotter, and still older than you, Five. So none of that" He winked at Five, ruffling his hair and the boys chuckled more before the time-traveller calmed down and asked curiously "So you are a living lie detector too, huh?" Colby nodded softly. "I guess I am. This means that I know when you lie, Fivers" Five mocked surrender, "I would never lie to you, Emo God" The nickname made Colby smirk. "Come, I need to check on V." As promised, Colby always checked o her, to be sure that she was alright. Five smiled softly at the selflessness of the boy and followed him out the door. 

The kids were all over the place. They had an hour before they had to gather in the dining room for the meal. Five and Colby were in Colby's room, the blue-eyed boy trying to get the idea of time travelling out of his head, but the stubbornness of the green-eyed boy made it impossible. "Just listen, I am ready, Colbs. I feel the need to get out of here, preferably with you" He sent a charming smile to Colby, who just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, tired of this conversation. "Five, I trust you, ok? I do. But we are not getting out of this prison, like this. It's dangerous to travel into the unknown. Having abilities like yours is exciting, believe me, I understand, but this is too risky. I cannot lose you and I cannot leave V, Klaus, Ben and Diego alone with this degenerate of a father." Five stood up from the armchair, while Colby was silently sitting at his desk, not looking at Five anymore. The sixteen and twenty-two-year-olds were silent for a second before Five broke it. "Look at me, Colbs" The soft voice of the boy made Colby turn his head to him and their faces were so close, their noses were brushing against each other, while their breaths were mixing together. "I would never leave you" He whispered and Colby knew it was true. Without a second thought, Colby kissed the boy in front of him, standing up from his seat, towering over Five. Five was quick to reciprocate the kiss, glad that it finally happened. Their wrists shined softly, the bond only grew stronger, now that the two (More, like Five) were appropriate to start their bonding. The kiss was passionate, filled with long-awaited emotion, that finally was out. Of course, Colby was the dominant one and Five didn't mind at all, in fact, he loved it. Colby was the only person to see Five's soft side, for the usually very sarcastic and dominant-like teen loved to be taken care of by his truly dominant soulmate. Ending the kiss, to take a needed breath, Colby and Five rested in their embrace for some time, enjoying the warmth and calmness they were feeling from each other. Hearts beating quickly from the small make-out session were slowly calming down as well, returning to their healthy and steady beating. "God, I should've done this way back" Colby whispered and Five let out a breathy chuckle. "Glad to know that we had the same thought" Five whispered back and Colby chuckled this time, making Five smile at the sound. "It would be inappropriate, Fivers. You're still seven years younger" Five rolled his eyes "You're just old, grandpa" With a raised brow, Colby smirked "Are you sure that calling me grandpa, seeing as I am not only older but taller than you is safe for you? Especially since you are trapped between me and the desk?" Five smirked as well "I'm not intimidated, Colbs. Try harder" He teased, although he knew that Colby would easily overpower him. "You, Mister, are going to be the death of me. I swear" Colby sighed, giving Five a small peck, before letting him go, leaving the room to go to the dining room. "Not Fair, tease!" He heard Five call after him and Colby chuckled softly.

The children and the twenty-year-old were down in the dining room. Five and Colby sitting at their respective seats, both sending each other knowing looks, that Klaus seemed to notice, as he smirked at the pair. But that soon vanished, when Colby felt like something was going to go wrong and he glanced at Five to see the boy not eating but playing with a knife, that he quickly and aggressively stabbed to the table. "Number Five?" Reginald coly asked and Colby closed his eyes, suppressing a sigh that tried to escape his lips. "I have a question" Five smiled sarcastically. A slightly darker, more sadistic aura surrounded the boy "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." The cold voice of Sir Reginald would make anyone shiver, but Five and Colby did not feel even slightly intimidated by the old man. Colby, because, well, he didn't care and Five, because the only intimidating person in this world for him, was Colby. And Five loved the dominant boy, even though he never told him that. "I want to time travel" There was no hesitation from Reginald, who immediately shut down this absurd idea. "No." Colby glanced at Five, meeting the boy's stare and he tried to shake his head softly, to let the subject go, but Five was persistent. "But I'm ready! I've been practising my spatial jumps, just like you said!" He teleported right next to Reginald and Colby let out a breath of annoyance. This boy will be the death of Colby, he just knew it. "See?" Reginald was not impressed, by any means. "A spatial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and repairing as an acorn." Reginald's voice was strict, yet not raised, like Five's. "Well, I don't get it" Colby was starting to feel his headache coming. "Hence the reason you're not ready" Answered the old man "I'm not afraid!" Five pushed and Reginald was quick to speak "Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." But of course, Five didn't listen. He ran out of the room, with one last apologetic glance at Colby, whose eyes winded at the realisation of the boy's actions. "Number Five! You haven't been excused! Come Back Here!" Now Reginald raised his voice, but Five ignored it. Colby rushed after him, ignoring everyone "Five, Come Back!" He yelled, but by the time he was outside, Five teleported, or time travelled away. And although Five felt the sharp pain in his heart, telling him to go back, he ran out of the academy and jumped one time, then another... Leaving Colby and the academy behind...

What an idiotic idea it was... But you learn from your mistakes, even though, this one was far too big...

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