MINE ^^ R.Harem/MinaDeku

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Ship : R.Harem/MinaDeku

Scenario :

Aight, I don't know why but I love the idea of Mina being a yandere for Izuku- it just sounds...hot

Warning! Yandere boys ahead!



( not really yandere. Just slightly possessive )



A figure of a frightened teenage girl barged into the common area where everyone was hanging out. Tears were rolling down her plushy cheeks profusely. Her hair was still damp and , indicating she just finished her bath. The female greenette ran toward her best friend. Clutching on him tightly, she sobbed in his chest.

"D-Deku-chan, what is wrong? What happen?!"

The concerned male friend asked, sounding a bit panic. Izuku lifted her head up, staring at his face with watery eyes. "M-Mineta-kun stalked on me while I took bath just now... H-he saw everything a-and he was recording me..."

"THAT LITTLE JERK! I'm gonna murder him! Who is with me?!"

Kyouka punched his fist into his open palm sternly. His face clouded with pure anger, eyes glowing red like a devil's eyes. Tsuyu already grabbed a metal bat. "I won't show him mercy anymore. That pervy grape is so dead today, kero." The usually calm and rational boy had it enough. Murderous intent was darkening on his feature.

"You two go beat him up... I will prepare some torture devices for that piece of trash." Momo got up from the couch and walked away from them, heading into the vacant room in the common area. "Yao-momo, let me help you! I know some useful torture devices that will surely shut that freak up for the rest of his life!" Toru followed Momo from behind.

Ochako untangled himself from his best friend. "Deku-chan, you wait here, okay? I'm going to take a look at my knife collection. I think I have sharpened most of them. Finally, I can try out the sharpness.. Anyway, see you later!" The brunette left the scared green-haired girl alone with a certain pinkette. Mina.

The other boys were scared to death when they saw the horrifying change in the six boys' personalities. Ever since they turned into males leaving Izuku the only girls, they acted as her personal bodyguards and protected her from perverts. One wrong move on Izuku and they would beat the crap out of the perverts.

They are scarier than villains..

"Hey... Midoriya. Are you okay?"

Mina approached the crying cinnamon roll. Tears wouldn't stop trickling her face. They kept flowing down non-stop. Minoru had gone too far this time. It hurt her so much deep inside that her own classmate would do such cruel things her.


Izuku accidentally called Mina with his first name. She instinctively hugged the taller curly-haired male. Mina returned the hug, ruffling her also curly locks. "It is fine. You won't see Mineta anymore tomorrow. I swear on my life I will end him with my own hands."

The blossom pink-haired boy whispered into her ear reassuringly. He then took the liberty to kiss Izuku's earlobe, making her squeak in surprise. "See you again, Izu-cute." Giggling playfully, the wannabe hero left the heroine in complete cluelessness after that.

Izuku lightly caressed her ear lobe. It felt warm... And slightly wet with Mina's saliva. "What is that for...?" She muttered, asking herself. But somehow, she didn't hate the way Mina treated her. Though she was baffled.


Several hours had passed. Minoru was sent to hospital due to being critically injured. The six boys seriously beat him to death. Well, he was lucky to survive just because Shota and the other teachers stopped them from going overboard. If not, the grape boy would be dead for real.

According to doctor, it would take Minoru months to fully recover. The boys were contented with the news. Recover Girl couldn't help the purplette... Since the six boys requested her not to heal him. Let him suffer for a while so he could contemplate on his wrong action.

"Now you can relax for a while, Midoriya-san. No need to worry about stalker anymore. I don't think anyone else will be foolish enough to...spy on you." Momo patted Izuku's small back gently. She mustered a soft smile for him.

"Mineta-chan may not be here anymore for the time being but there are other boys too... So, if anyone ever disturb you, don't hesitate to tell us, okay, Izuku-chan?"

Tsuyu had the happiest smile tugging on his lips. He felt so satisfied to finally get revenge on Minoru. Never in his life he felt such bliss.

"... Thank you... B-but don't you guys think you went a bit... Too far this time?"

Izuku was unsure on how she would react. She was relieved that Minoru wouldn't stalk on her for a while. But she also sympathized the short boy. He suffered fatal injuries that could kill him.

"He went overboard too this time so he deserved that punishment. Don't waste your pity on him, Midoriya."

Kyouka harshly stated as he rubbed the back of his neck. He heaved a heavy sigh. Izuku was too soft-hearted and kind. She easily felt pity toward everyone she met. Heck, even villains.

"Jiro-san is right. Don't let it bother you. Now, just enjoy yourself and rest. You can sleep peacefully at night, relax in the bath and many more.. See? There are many benefits when that crap isn't around." Ochako ruffled her curls gleefully.

"I agree with everyone!"

Toru flopped himself next to Izuku in the couch and clung on her. Mina, who had been watching silently the whole time, had reached his limit.

Without hesitating, Mina pulled Izuku away from his friends. The boys and her were flabbergasted by his unpredictable action. "Ashido-san, what are you--"

"Oh, shut up! Stop being so close to her, you little freaks! She is mine!" Mina screamed furiously at the males. He had been holding back his anger this entire time since he was determined to see his crush's beautiful smile. But he couldn't bear the uneasiness anymore. He couldn't afford to let Izuku got taken by other guys.

Because she was his.


Not paying attention to whatever Izuku wanted to say, Mina led her to his bedroom. He was emitting a dangerous aura that terrified her. So she resulted to silent. Upon reaching his room, the door was opened and then slammed close brutally.

Mina grabbed her wrists and pinned Izuku against the door. He buried his face in her shoulder, inhaling deeply. "Mi-Mina.."

"...sorry... I... Lost my cool... And brought you here... I... I can't bear it anymore. Seeing them hugging and touching you like that... Ticked me off."

Mina apologized shakily. Izuku was silenced for a few minutes, still processing everything that happened. "Say, Midoriya.. If I say... I love you, will you accept or reject me?"

A love confession was made at last. Izuku's emerald green eyes flew open in bewilderment and shock. She looked up at him, inspecting his expression.

He was serious.

Gulping down her saliva, Izuku then stood on her tip-toe. In mere seconds, their lips were connected. Mina wasn't expecting such a bold action. Especially from someone as shy as Izuku.

"...that is my answer..."

Izuku said as soon as they parted. A string of slick saliva attached their lips. Mina's pink face tinted with red shades. A smirk spread across his feature.

The pinkette suddenly picked her up bridal style. "Now that you're my girlfriend... I guess I should show you some love~"

Izuku's body was immediately thrown onto the bed while Mina climbed on top of her. She stared at him with a reddened face.

"Beware, baby. I'm rough. I can't assure I can be gentle... Although this is your first time."

Without procrastinating, Mina removed his clothes and merged their lips again. Izuku was left with no choice. She submitted herself to his lustful desire.

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