First Meeting ~ OverDeku/ChronoDeku

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Ship : OverDeku /ChronoDeku

Scenario : After her parents' death, Izuku was brought in to Shie Hassaikai by her beloved grandfather. Kai and Hari tried their hardest to get closer to the young girl.

Izuku is six years old.

Kai and Hari are ten years old.


Rain droplets outside fell on the property of Shie Hassaikai, a yakuza group's residence. The members sheltered themselves from the rain inside the large, spacious traditional Japanese house. Their laughters and chatterings erupted through the area.

Kai and Hari were also hanging in the common area. The silvernette looked outside the window, worry settling in his veins. "Pops is sure late today... I wonder where he went to?" He spoke up, turning to his best friend who seemed very immersed in reading a book.

Hearing his question, Kai averted his golden eyes from the book and closed it. "Who knows. Pops didn't mention where he would go. He only said he had urgent business. He would probably return soon enough." He answered, hopefully it would satisfy the arrow-headed boy's curiosity.

"But, it is already late. Plus it is raining heavily outside..." Hari was still worried sick of the old yakuza leader. Kai sighed in defeat, getting tired over the same complaints.

"I told you, no need to worry. Pops will surely come hom—"

"Oh, hey guys! The boss is here!"

A minor yakuza's voice interrupted their important conversation. Kai looked contented when he heard that. "See? Pops is home. You just need to be patient, Hari." The germaphobic boy stood up on his two feet and began to walk out of the common area.

"Kai, wait!" Hari frantically got up and tailed behind Kai, heading to the building entrance to welcome back Pops , after a long day of works. The friends duo silently descended the hallway until they could see the middle-aged man's figure.

"Welcome home, Pops." Kai spoke up, dipping his head down respectfully, followed by his best friend. "You must be tired after a long day of work. The dinner for you are already prepared in the dining room." Hari continued, smiling softly at his leader.

Pops smiled a grateful smile at the two young boys. "I appreciate that, Chisaki, Kurono. I will eat dinner later because I have more important thing to do." He polietly turned down.

"You still have some unfinished business?" Kai asked, curious. Pops nodded his head. Suddenly, they saw something moving behind the old yakuza. Hari tried to take a better look of that thing, only for it to hide further behind Pops.

"I want you two... To meet my granddaughter. Come on, Izuku. Don't be shy. They are all good people." Pops gently gave the said girl  a push on her back, bringing her out of her hiding spot. Kai and Hari were equally astonished. In front of them stood a petite young girl. She was fidgeting, her small hands still gripping her grandfather's pants.

"Go on. Greet them, sweetie." Pops softly told the shy girl, pushing her closer to Kai and Hari so she could have a better view of the two young boys. Tears suddenly welled up in Izuku's eyes. She flinched, and chibi tears flowed down her plushy cheeks.


Izuku ran back to Pops, crying her heart out. Her cries echoed through the entire building, attracting the other yakuzas. Pops shook his head and picked up the scared girl. He patted her small back to calm her down.

"Sorry, Chisaki, Kurono. This little one has gone through a lot... She has a hard time with strangers. That is why I went to pick her up from the hospital today." Pops explained, his hand stroking Izuku's hair. The little bean snuggled her head in to the crook of his neck.

"Hospital? What is she doing there?" Kai voiced out his question. Pops heaved out a deep sigh. "My son and daughter-in-law... Died in a hit-and-run  accident. Miraculously, Izuku was unharmed... But still, the accident traumatized her." His voice was filled with sadness. He tightened the hug around his granddaughter's small body.

The youngsters were silenced for a while, too dumbfounded to say anything. "Anyway, I need to go now. Izuku needs her sleep. I will see you guys again in next morning." He excused himself and walked away from there.


Early morning

Izuku's eyelashes slowly fluttered open. She looked around the tidy room she was sleeping in. It was Pops' bedroom. She fell asleep while Pops comforted her earlier.

But now that she regained her consciousness, Izuku seated up herself in the bed. "Grandpa...?" She murmured sleepily, looking for her grandfather's figure. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Having a bad feeling in her stomach, Izuku then jumped off the bed. Negative thoughts flooded her mind. Once again, tears pooled in her eyes. "G-Grandpa..." She sobbed before rushing out of the bed room.

The young child frantically looked for her grandfather. Running forward and farther, her teary emerald eyes searched the whole area. "G-Grandpa... Waaaah!!!" Izuku dropped on her knees in the middle of the hallway. It was pitch black. She lost her strength to continue walking. And only kept calling for Pops.

Footsteps coming closer to the crying girl caused her to tremble in fear. But the voice speaking up so gently caught her off guard. "Hey... Izuku? What are you doing here?" Kai questioned. He knelt down in front of her.

Hari who was standing behind the brunette stared at Izuku curiously. He flashed a wide smile when their eyes met. The little girl was on the verge of crying again.

"Hey, hey, it is okay. We won't hurt you. I know you are scared. Come here." Hari knelt down too and opened his arms, beckoning Izuku to come to him. Seeing his action, Izuku felt all warm and fuzzy inside. This brought a nostalgic feeling inside her.

Without hesitation, Izuku rushed into Hari's arms. The silver-haired boy embraced her and caressed her hair gently. "There, there. I'm here for you. No need to be scared anymore." He comforted.

Kai just watched the two bonding in complete silence. Deep down inside, he felt left out and irritated. Why only Hari got the young girl's attention?

His golden gaze shifted to Izuku's fluffy hair. A thought of ruffling the green bush began growing within him, yet he tried to control his urge. However, Izuku's next action made him lost control over himself.

The smile decorating her cute freckled-face when Hari ruffled her hair made Kai turned red. Not hesitating anymore, Kai reached out his hand to her hair and ruffled it. His behavior caught her attention.


"I know right? She is cute too."

Hari agreed with Kai's statement. He was slightly shocked by his best friend's reaction, but took it as a positive development. Izuku eventually felt comfortable with the two young boys. She snuggled into the crook of Hari's neck, while a smile was presented for Kai.

Ever since that day, Kai and Hari swore to protect Izuku and gave her the happinesss she deserved to have. Their first meeting was a memorable one. None of them had ever forgotten the warm feelings they shared back then.

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