Misunderstanding ~ OverDeku/ChronoDeku

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Ship : OverDeku/ChronoDeku

Scenario : So... Kai and Hari had a little argument and they ended up lashing out at each other. And Izuku caught them in a position that could easily be misunderstood.


Ah, another normal day in the Shie Hassaikai base. Everyone was minding their business, doing their own works or immersed themselves in their hobbies. It was another relaxing and calming day.

But not for Hari and Kai.

These two childhood friends— were in a quite... Intense moment at this time. Both of them were currently in Kai's office, discussing an important matter. They were glaring at each other, killing intent written on their faces.

What got them so mad at one another?


A dispute broke out between these two powerful yakuzas, because of a single woman. A special young woman who had stolen the two men's hearts.

How did this fight start?

Let us rewind to a few hours before this altercation occured...

Izuku just returned home from doing a little shopping with Pops. Well, shopping was just an excuse to spend her time with her beloved grandfather and to leave the base. She hadn't set her foot on outside world for a while. She missed the refresh air and the loud laughters of children playing around the neighbourhood. Don't forget the exciting scenery of the city too.

And Izuku came back with a surprise.

"Guys, I'm home~" Izuku burst into the living area were all Precepts along with their superiors were hanging out. Kai and Hari were also there, just relaxing and enjoying their day off.

All males' attention shifted to her. Kai was overjoyed (heh, got it?) to see Izuku again. Hari smiled softly upon seeing her figure. The other yakuzas bowed down respectfully to the young lady.

Making her way to the couch where Kai and Hari sat on, she flopped in herself between them. Izuku leaned her head on Hari's shoulder, locking her arms with his. "I miss you two." She murmured under her breath meaningfully.

Hari's heart beat faster in his rib cage. Kai experienced the same thing, but he was feeling more irritated than excited. He was irritated by the fact that Izuku was being much more affectionate with Hari.

"I...miss you too, Izuku. How is your shopping trip with Pops?" Hari responded along with a small smile. Damn it, Kai extremely hated that disgusting smile of Hari. He was worried that his rival would steal Izuku away from him first.

Izuku removed her arm from Hari's turning her head to the mysophobic overjealous (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?) man.

"Today is so fun! I got to buy new dresses and books! Grandpa also treated me to KFC!" Izuku began to fangirl when she recalled the fun time she had with Pops. It was very wholesome and worthwhile.
"Oh... That is good. I'm glad to see you happy." Kai started to make his move, voice smooth and gentle, with a hint of seduction. He wrapped his arms around Izuku's shoulders before pulling her close to him.

"Maybe next time, we can go out together." Kai continued, gloved hand rubbing her forearm gently. Izuku had an excited smile on her face.

"Really? Then, that is a promise! You will take me out next time!" The happy greenette grinned at the brunette, feeling happy with his statement.

Feeling left behind, Hari started to frown. His grey eyebrows drew together in sadness, secretly sulking.

Izuku suddenly attacked Hari with a surprise hug. "Hari,  you, me and Kai will hang out together next time! I can't wait!" She didn't hide her excitement.

Kai choked on air when he heard that, while Hari mentally smirked in victory. Look like Izuku misunderstood Kai's invitation.

"That sounds awesome. I can't wait too." Hari ruffled Izuku's fluffy hair. The girl purred at his soft touch.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!"

Izuku took out something from the paper bag she put aside just now. There were two papers in her hand.

"You see, just now... I won some tickets of hot spring trip in from a lottery!"

Her news shocked them and piqued interest of the two males at the same time.

"Oh, congrats. You sure are lucky." Hari wasted no time and showered Izuku with praises. He was right though. Izuku has an infinite luck.

"That sounds interesting... So who are going to the hot spring with you?" Kai asked, tilting his head slightly. Izuku looked up to the ceilings before looking at him back.

"Haven't decided yet. Well, I will tell you guys once I manage to think of someone!"

Suddenly, Izuku got up from the couch. "I'm going to take bath and rest in my room. See you guys again at dinner!" With that, the bubbly girl left the two male yakuzas.

"....well, aren't you always busy with your works? So I will be the one to accompany Izuku." Hari argued, irk mark popping up at the side of his head. Kai halted his action, looking up at his right-hand man in distaste.

"Ah, regarding that, I have finished all works for today. So I have many free time in my hand. Sorry, Chrono. But I won't let you go with Izuku on this
trip..." The Overhaul user stood up from his cozy chair, walking over to his rival.

Kai stood still before Hari, glaring at him deadly. "...you think I'm going to back down, huh? Then let me say this out loud. I will never ever give up. I'll definitely become the one to accompany Izuku." Hari declared seriously.

"Looks like words aren't enough to convince you to give up..." Kai's fingers began dancing at the rim of his latex glove. Noticing this, Hari pulled out his gun -- containing sleeping dart -- and pointed it right at Kai.

Kai was about to reach his hand to the ground when his foot SUDDENLY slipped. The floor was slippery today for some odd reasons.

As a result, Kai lung forward to Hari. Both were knocked down to the floor. The two males hissed in pain upon receiving the impact, but Hari suffered more pain; from the brutal force and Kai's weight.

Kai, still whimpering and cursing under his breath, slowly got up. His arms were caging Hari between him. And he realized, his leg was between Hari's legs.

Oh God.

This position is awkward and uncomfortable.

A minute passed, Kai was still processing everything that happened. The silvernette, losing patience, yelled at him in annoyance,

"Overhaul, get off me—"

"Hari~ Kai~ Look what I found—"


The young woman stopped on her track, eyes locked on the two men's figure, one hovering on top while the other laid underneath. Train of weird thoughts immediately flooded her mind.

Izuku froze in silent shock, face clouded with disbelief. "S-sorry for disturbing..." She muttered nervously, slowly shutting the door back.

Kai and Hari were mortified. Both of them turned into white statue. The brown-haired yakuza swiftly got off tharrow-headed man.

"Izuku, wait! You got it wrong—"

Too late, Izuku already completely closed the door. And they could hear footsteps errupting through the hallway.

Izuku had left. (The chat XD)

We are doomed.


Izuku bawled her eyes out in Pops' arms, while the old man patted her head to comfort her.

"K-Kai and Hari are together... I have no chance..." Izuku sobbed as she cling on her grandfather, asking for comforts and encouragement.

"There, there... It is okay... This is inevitable. None of them are your true soulmate... We can't do anything about it. I know you will find your true love one day..." Pops tried his best to calm down his granddaughter. His mind was swirling with countless thoughts of his two most loyal subordinates.

'I never know they are
gay....' Pops heaved a sigh of defeat as he let Izuku cried in his embrace.


Hellow people!

How is this chapter? Enjoy it?

Looks like I unintentionally add slight ChronoHaul in this chapter 😂

Honestly, I have the urge to make part 2 where they go to the hot spring.

Do you guys want a part 2?

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