SFW Alphabet ♡ ChronoDeku

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A = Affection (How affectionate is him? How does he show affection?)

~~ Hari is very affectionate toward Izuku. He loves to kiss her everywhere to remind Izuku how he truly feels and says 'I love you' all the time. He is the sweet and caring type.

A relationship between Izuku and Hari is full of loves, affections, hugs, cuddles and kisses!

B = Best friend (What would he be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

~~ When Izuku and Hari met as a kid, Izuku was afraid of him (and Kai too-) because she was still traumatized by her parents' death.

And Hari, determined to make the girl happy, gave to her an All Might plush as a welcome gift. After that, Izuku took a liking in him and they got along very well.

Hari was a very helpful, caring, rational as a best friend. He will always be there to listen to Izuku's ranting regarding her problems or worries. And Izuku does the same with him.

They are going to be the friends who support each other in whatever situation!

C = Cuddles (Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)

~~ Cuddle? Ahahaha, cuddle is one of his daily activitiies he does with Izuku!

No matter the time, no matter how busy he is with his work, he will always find the time to cuddle with Izuku. Even though he feels tired and exhausted from works.

Because to him, cuddling with Izuku is the best cure for fatigue.

D = Domestic (Does he want to settle down? How is him at cooking and cleaning?)

~~ Hari is serious live the rest of his life with Izuku, so he will definitely settle down with her.

Because Hari is Kai's right-hand man, he learns some tricks or some tips from his... Close friends regarding cleaning. Which means, he is really good at cleaning.

But he is better than Kai in term of cooking! Why? Because when he has plenty of free time, he will spend the time to learn cooking with Izuku~

E = Ending (If he had to break up with Izuku, how would he do it?)

~ Hari... Will be very hesitant to do it. He will question himself many times, thinking his decision through and think of the consequences first before deciding to end the relationship.

He will also feel extremely bad when he sees the tears leaving Izuku's eyes, after he tells her those hurtful words.

F = Fiance(e) (How does he feel about commitment? How quick would he want to get married?)

~~ Even before they start dating, Hari has arranged a perfect plan for his future with Izuku. He plans to start as lovers at first, takes things slowly so Izuku will feel comfortable.

Perhaps, it will take around five or sixth months of dating, then he will come to Izuku with a box of ring~

G = Gentle (How gentle is him, both physically and emotionally?)

~~ Hari is pretty gentle physically and emotionally!

He will always do his best to comfort Izuku whenever she is upset or has a bad day. If he sees any hint of sadness on her face, he will immediately stop working and goes to comfort her.

Because he hates seeing her crying. He loves her smile and will do anything to see Izuku's angelic smile again!

H = Hugs (Does he like hugs? How often does he do it? What are his hugs like?)

~~ Hari is a soft boi. Izuku is a precious girl. Both of them love hugs so much!

Hari frequently hugs Izuku! And he loves to surprise her with a hug when she lets her guard down. He likes to hear her soft squeak everytime he attacks her with a hug from behind. They look so adorable!

I = I love you (How fast does he say the L-word?)

~~ Hari frequently told Izuku how he loved her when they were kids, but it didn't sound as special as the romantic I love you.

Hari confessed his feelings to Izuku when both of them were still teenagers, because he was determined to take care of her for his whole life.

J = Jealousy (How jealous does he get? What does he do when he is jealous?)

~~ Hari isn't the type to get jealous easily. Because he knows Izuku loves to interact with the yakuza group's members.

It could be a normal day where they are walking together in the base, chatting and talking, when they run into the Precepts. Izuku will quickly go to them and begins to interact. But never once he gets jealous.

But with Kai... Is a different case. It ticks him off if Kai spends too much time with Izuku. Since he knows that germaphobe has feelings for her too, and won't hesitate to steal Izuu from him.

If he feels like Kai and Izuku is spending too much time alone together, he will immediately go to find them and pulls Izuku away from Kai.

It could turn into a dangerous fight between these two men.

K = Kisses (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss Izuku? Where does he like to be kissed?)

~~ Hari's kisses are like therapy... His kisses are always tender and gentle, like his soft-hearted personality. His kisses is the definition of his personality.

Izuku always feels ticklish whenever Hari kisses her which manages to make Izuku giggle adorably.

L = Little ones (How is him around children?)

~~ Hari loves children so much! He just can't get enough of their cuteness. He even helps Izuku babysitting and taking care of Eri from the time she is still a pure baby till these days.

They both love and treasure children a lot.

M = Morning (How are mornings spent with him?)

~~ oh yes, this is the reason I love Hari. He is a soft boi, though he looks cold from outside.

His morning with Izuku is spent with snuggling his head into her chest, while her hand caresses his arrow-like locks.

N = Night (How are nights spent with him?)

~~ Night time is usually consisted of Hari and Izuku talking about their days, recalling their childhood days and laugh at the jokes they make. After that, they climb on bed, cuddles till they fall asleep...

O = Open (When would he start revealing things about themselves? Does he say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

~~ Hari is open-minded about talking his past, if Izuku ever asks him about it. He will not hesitate to tell her, because of the strong bonds and trust they have in each other.

Unlike Kai who is very tight-lipped to tell Izuku about his past, Hari will be pretty calm about it.

P = Patience (How easily angered is him?)

~~ Eh, Hari isn't easily angered by trivial things.

But when he does get angry, everyone around will immediately run away from him.

Even Izuku is scared of Hari's angry side. It is like a vision of the most terrifying nightmare.

Q = Quizzes (How much would he remember about Izuku? Does he remember every little detail she mentions in passing, or does he kind of forget everything?)

~~ Hari will never ever forget about what Izuku likes or dislikes, her birthday and all. He will always remembers everything Izuku says, because it proves how he close he is to Izuku and how he cares about her.

R = Remember (What is his favorite moment in his relationship with Izuku?)

~~ His favourite moment is when Izuku started to accept him into her life. Like I stated above, Izuku was afraid of him at first.

So when Izuku started to show a sign of acceptance, Hari was on cloud nine. Never in his life he felt so happy.

S = Security (How protective is him? How would he protect Izuku? How would he like to be protected?)

~~ Hari is protective when it comes to Izuku. Remember, he keeps a gun to himself. So if he senses anyone attempting to harras Izuku, he will not hesitate even a second to shoot him to death.

Even if they are the members of Shie Hassaikai, or Kai.

T = Try (How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

~~ Because Hari and Izuku rarely get the chances to spend the whole day alone together , so when they get the chance to do so, he will put a lot of efforts into their special days or dates. Because he wants her to know how much he loves her.

U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of his?)

~~ Izuku dislikes it when Hari tear off her clothes with his arrow locks when they get too intimated. Because majority of the time, he destroys her FAVOURITE CLOTHES.

V = Vanity (How concerned is him with his looks?)

~~ Hari cares about his appearance. He will always try to look attractive for Izuku's sake.

W = Whole (Would he feel incomplete without Izuku?)

~~ Izuku is very clingy with Hari, and Hari is extremely clingy with Izuku too, ever since they were kids. Because he was the first person in the yakuza group who talked to her and comforted her.

So when one of them is away, they feel less motivated to do daily tasks and all. It feels like they lose half of their heart.

X = Xtra (A random headcanon for him.)

~~ So, uh- When Hari gets embarrassed, his arrow-shaped hair tend to wave in the air and begin twirling like snakes, which is a sight that amuses Izuku- so she will do anything to get him embarrassed- just to see his hair waving around like snakes again.

Y = Yuck (What are some things he wouldn't like, either in general or in Izuku?)

~~ he doesn't like it when Izuku spend too much time alone with Kai.

Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of his?)

~ This is base on Izuku's witness. Hari will always end up snuggling his head into her chest when he is asleep. It is such a cute sight~

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