SFW Alphabet ♡ ToyaDeku

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A/N - WARNING! Discuss of suicide! It isn't done but only mentions /discusses.

Remember, if you ever feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts, don't hesitate to come to me to talk. I will always be here to help. ❤


A = Affection (How affectionate is him? How does he show affection?)

~~ Toya is really needy and clingy. He feels like he needs to be with Izuku all the time, to make him feels better about himself and his life, and to remind himself how lucky he got to have Izuku as his true soulmate.

Freak his ex. She can go to hell and get eaten by Cerberus.

B = Best friend (What would he be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

~~ It was stressful when Izuku first known him. They were only close friends back then ( not lovers yet) so Toya frequently spoke of suicide and how he wanted to die.

Izuku constantly needed to check on Toya so he wouldn't do anything that could harm himself.

C = Cuddles (Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)

~~ Cuddles is a therapy for Toya— a therapy for his broken heart. Cuddling with Izuku always manages to wash away his anxiety and depressing thoughts. Because whenever they do this, the only thing he feels is happiness and the only person in his mind is Izuku.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How is him at cooking and cleaning?)

~~ He definitely wants to settle down with Izuku, because he is so in love with her! Izuku is the cure for his loneliness that he has been searching for his whole life, so he doesn't want to lose her.

Meanwhile, Toya is not okay at cooking or cleaning, to much Kai's dismay. If he ever offers to help with the chores, Kai refuses to let him help, considering he knows how bad the younger male is when it comes to cooking or cleaning—

E = Ending (If he had to break up with Izuku, how would he do it?)

~~ Toya... Will never end his relationship with Izuku. Even though he doesn't feel the same way anymore...

He will still stay by her side, though it will hurt him deep inside—

Because he knows the pain of  being left by the one you love. So to make sure she doesn't go through the same experience as him, he will stay by her side.

F = Fiance(e) (How does he feel about commitment? How quick would he want to get married?)

~~ it is a big yes for Toya! He loves Izuku too much so of course he wants to get married with Izuku and has kids with her. ^~^

G = Gentle (How gentle is him, both physically and emotionally?)

~~ Toya is too gentle physically. He often gets nervous whenever he touches Izuku. He will get flustered and blushes madly when Izuku reacts to his soft touch.

But he is really fragile emotionally. He gets hurt too easily so Izuku needs to be careful not to say anything hurtful while talking to him.

H = Hugs (Does he like hugs? How often does he do it? What are his hugs like?)

~~ He loves hugs from Izuku so much because it calms his heart.

I = I love you (How fast does he say the L-word?)

~~ Toya will rethink of this many times— feeling unsure and scared — because he was traumatised by his past relationship. It will take a long time for him to confess since he needs to build up confidence and musters the courage. H

J = Jealousy (How jealous does he get? What does he do when he is jealous?)

~~ Very easily. If he sees Izuku hugging Kai, he will begin to snivel and cry.

But of course, Izuku will always assure him she loves him more than anything in this world.

K = Kisses (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss Izuku? Where does he like to be kissed?)

~~ His kisses are feathery light and very tender. His lips are so soft when he brushed them on Izuku's neck, planting soft kisses.

He likes it when Izuku kisses his lips, because her lips are so soft and kissable. If they get intimate, he enjoys the sensation of Izuku's lips brushing on his neck or collarbone

L = Little ones (How is him around children?)

~~ Toya doesn't hate them but he gets flustered easily around these little kids. Well, kids can be scary sometimes so—

M = Morning (How are mornings spent with him?)

~~ Toya will wait for Izuku to wake up first. He frequently wakes up early due to nightmare, which Izuku sympathizes about. He can't have a nice sleep like a normal person.

N = Night (How are nights spent with him?)

~~ Toya usually spends his night talking about his days while cuddling with  Izuku. And the female will run her fingers through his hair as he talks, humming at everything he wants to say.

O = Open (When would he start revealing things about themselves? Does he say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

~~ Toya will never hide his past. Even before becoming friends with Izuku, he would unintentionally reveal his dark past to her, saying how badly he wanted to die or jump from the tall building just to end his suffering.

P = Patience (How easily angered is him?)

~~ nope, he doesn't get angry. Mainly sad only. And when he is sad, he gets extremely emotional. He will cry, sob and sit in the corner, thinking how horrible and useless he is.

But Izuku is always there to comfort her boyfriend.

Q = Quizzes (How much would he remember about Izuku? Does he remember every little detail she mentions in passing, or does he kind of forget everything?)

~~ Toya isn't a forgetful person but he still keeps a small notebook full of information related to Izuku, just in case. Because he wants to impress her in any way that delight her.

R = Remember (What is his favorite moment in his relationship with Izuku?)

~~ His favourite moment is when Izuku hugs him for the first time ever— after a long time not feeling the warmth of a person's hug. It moves him to tears everytime he recalls the moment Izuku assures that he isn't alone in this world, and there is always people who will love him.

S = Security (How protective is him? How would he protect Izuku? How would he like to be protected?)

~~ Although he gets scared scared and nervous if he sees Izuku in danger, he will never hesitate even a second to protect her.

T = Try (How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

~~ He will put lots of effort into their dates or anniversaries. Because there special days are the ones that give him the meaning of hope.

U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of his?)

~~ Talking about suicide or ending himself. Izuku dislikes this side of his but she understands his situation, so she can't blame him. She needs to be alert if she senses any disturbing signs from the male.

V = Vanity (How concerned is him with his looks?)

~~ Toya does the basic and simple stuff only. Depend on the mood, he may put on some cologne for Izuku.

W = Whole (Would he feel incomplete without Izuku?)

~~ He feels extremely anxious and nervous when Izuku isn't around so yeah, he feels incomplete without her. He needs her to live his life.

X = Xtra (A random headcanon for him.)

~~ Toya loves cats so much! He is glad when he found out Izuku's favourite animal is cat~

Y = Yuck (What are some things he wouldn’t like, either in general or in Izuku?)

~~ He hates cheaters the most. He hates people who manipulate others for their own selfish gains or people who ain't loyal to their partners.

Meanwhile, there is nothing about Izuku he could hate. He just feels a little uncomfortable when Izuku spends too much time with other men (Kai, Hari, Rappa, etc— But Pops is an exception)

Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of his?)

Frequently, Toya waited for Izuku to fall asleep first. He probably won't sleep soundly after all, so he wants to spend more time on admiring his girlfriend— this definition of perfection and angel.

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