Their Children With Izuku

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A/N - We are going to do something different this time! A chapter specialized for one topic only! And the first one is about our chosen yakuzas having children with Izuku! UwU I can't wait to finish this—

Also, sorry for typos, grammatical error and all... I'm kinda sleepy ;-;


1. Kai X Izuku

As we all know, Kai despises children, calling them 'filthy little creatures' because in his point of view, kids are just a bunch of dorks who love playing with dirt on the ground. This is why he always stays away from Eri every time she comes to visit the yakuza residence.

BUT. Everything changed one day. Izuku and Kai just finished eating dinner and she was washing dirty dishes. Kai surprised her with a hug from behind and began whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

That was when the words were uttered. the words.. That changed their lives.

Izuku told Kai how she had been wanting to have a child, but afraid to discuss it with him since she acknowledged his hatred toward children.

Hearing this, Kai didn't think long. He might hate kids, but he didn't mind having his own kids with Izuku BECAUSE, he believed his kids are going to be special and different from other kids.

So, long story short, Kin Chisaki was born! A beautiful girl blessed with straight, silky dark green hair. She inherited her father's shiny golden eyes.

Her name "Kin" means "Golden". Kai was the one who named her. According to him, he chose that name because her golden eyes were so breath-taking. They shine like a golden ray of light at night.

As this precious girl grew up, Izuku and Kai noticed the signs of anti-social tendecies. She preferred being alone and quiet. And the mother knew where her baby girl got it... Obviously from her father.
To Kai's and Izuku's surprise, Kin was Quirkless. Considering Izuku was Quirkless, it wasn't impossible for their child to be born that way.

Kai was the happiest one when he heard this news. He was grateful that his child didn't possess his deadly, monstrous Quirk; Overhaul.

For everyone's information, during Izuku's pregnancy, Kai secretly hoped that his child will be Quirkless like Izuku, so they can live a normal life and have happy childhood that he never experienced.

Our germaphobic father here had nothing but dark memories during his childhood, so he swore he wouldn't let this happen to his kids. Izuku, who fully understood his situation, did her best to provide happy memories for Kin and him.

What a great father and loving mother you two are... *sobs*

2. Hari X Izuku

Even before they got married, Izuku and Hari had planned for their future. Where to go for honeymoon, where they want to live, how many kids they want to have and many more. They were fully prepared.

Hari and Izuku both genuinely adore children. Sometimes, they will visit the orphanage near the yakuza residence to spend their time with the precious children there. They do everything to make these innocent kids happy.

So after they were married, they wasted no time. Izuku and Hari had been waiting for this moment -- to have their own kids -- for too long.

After nine months of Izuku carrying the baby, Izumi Kurono was brought into the world. This boy was a carbon copy of his mother in term of personality, but inherited mostly of his father's looks.

Izumi had curly silver hair and dark gray eyes. He was a shy boy with bright personality, like his mother. He loves to help people in need. Quite responsible and polite to everyone he met. His presence always seem to brighten up people's worlds. No wonder he has many friends who genuinely treasure him!

But eh. This boy was reckless sometimes. He wouldn't hesitate to jump in to a scene just to save someone. (Look at Izuku.) I wonder where he got that trait?

By the way, his name "Izumi" means "fountain" and "spring". Izuku was the one who decided that name. Because Izumi was born during spring season. And during her pregnancy, Izuku spent most of her time sitting on the water fountain in her flower garden.

Izumi's Quirk was a powerful version of his father's. Like Hari, he could slow down the time. BUT, during the slow motion moment, he could move!

So whenever he sees someone in trouble-- like a woman's bag is snatched -- he will slow the time and grabs fast the bag back. Our pure boy here is a true hero. And his parents are very proud of him.

Izumi may become a hero when he grows up. Izuku just knows it because of his loves toward them. Izumi loves hero and admires them.

3. Shin X Izuku

Well, well. It is our loyal man's turn now ?

Shin and Izuku were in pure love relationship. He had never touched Izuku even once. He would like to save her innocence for their marriage. So as long as they were dating, Shin never laid his fingers on Izuku.

Shin never planned to have kids so soon since he wanted to spend more times with Izuku before moving on to the next stage of marriage; having children. Izuku was okay with it and went along with the flow. She didn't protest his idea.

But looked like his plan didn't last long. Just a few weeks after their marriage, the two had a steamy night, and clumsy Shin forgot to use protection.

The result is, Shinjiro Nemoto was born! OwO

The origin of Shinjiro's name; it means "believe and true". Shin and Izuku chose the amazing name for their first child.

They want their child to grow up as a honest and loyal person. A person who will stay true to himself and never lie to anyone he meets.

Shinjiro has straight, neat light green hair and light purple eyes. His hair's colour is light green--  a much brighter colour than Izuku's -- thanks to Shin's gene. His light purple eyes come from his father.

Shinjiro is a quiet boy, but actually is very friendly and talkative when you actually get closer to him. He would fanboy about everything he likes (only with closest friends)-- just like his loving mother.

And just like his parents hope, Shinjiro grew up to be very loyal and honest toward everyone. He was taught strictly yet kindly by his father not to lie to anyone. Shinjiro will never lie anyway because of Shin's Quirk.

Shinjiro inherits Shin's Quirk; but the way he uses his Quirk is different. He needs to lock eyes with his target to activate his Quirk.

Additional information, Shinjiro is a responsible student at school. He is praised for his intelligence, honesty, discipline and maturity. He is also teachers' pet.

4. Toya X Izuku

Shy boy x shy girl. Precious couple uwu.

Toya and Izuku got married after he successfully recovered from major depression and anxiety. It took very long, but Izuku was fine with it. They went through many hardships, especially Toya who was struggling with his mental conditions and dark past. But Izuku's presence in his life helped him overcome it.

Though it too a long time for them to be together, it was worthwhile. They ended up together happily; and even got married!

After about a year of marriage, they finally decided to have a child. On their first anniversary's night, they made love and nine months later,

Their two children -- Takahiro and Tsubaki Setsuno -- were born!

Oh my lord, these twins were so adorable and precious! Takahiro was a boy and Tsubaki was a girl.
Both of them had beautiful curly blonde hair and big, round black eyes. They totally look like Toya. And this soft-hearted father cried his heart out the moment he held their little bodies in his arms.

Takahiro is the firstborn. A very very shy boy who has problem talking to people. He tends to stutter or distance himself from people who approach him, which result in him having no friends. His only friend is his younger sister, Tsubaki. His name means "valuable".

Meanwhile, Tsubaki is a complete opposite. She is very hyperactive and talkative. The one who throws lots of tantrum that even Toya couldn't handle. Only Izuku could deal with her.

Her name means " Camelia flower". Tsubaki is an overly cheerful girl. She is quick to make friends. She is like Izuku when she was a kid. (Izuku was a hyperactive kid when she was young)

Tsubaki is also pretty protective over her big brother. If there are mean kids trying to bully Takahiro, she will chase them away JUST TO PROTECT HER BELOVED BIG BROTHER. (She has Izuku's scary side. So beware. Don't ever try to bully Takahiro)

These twins always come in one set. Where ever you see Takahiro, Tsubaki is there by his side. They have never been separated from each other ever since they are born.

And for your information, Takahiro has Toya's Quirk, while Tsubaki is Quirkless. Tsubaki isn't sad by the news though. In fact, she doesn't even care if she has Quirk or not. Takahiro and Toya are the ones who cry when they discover this. Tsubaki and Izuku spend lots of time to comfort them.

5. Kendou X Izuku

So these two had a rough time to be together. Pops couldn't believe Kendou couldn take care of Izuku, but she defended him. After many difficulties and hardships, Pops eventually blessed their relationship.

Kendou might be a violent fighter, but with Izuku, he became a soft-hearted, cuddly big teddy bear. He only acted this way with the love of his life. She accepted him with all her heart and she respected his passion for fighting.

Kendou didn't really like the idea of getting married because of his fighting hobby. Izuku knew about this and she was saddened. She had decided to spend the rest of her life with her lover, but if he chose not to marry her... She would be heartbroken. But Izuku tried to be patient. She knew one day Kendou will change his mind.

And yeah, he did.

Well, it all happened because of him too.

One night, Kendou just returned home from a little drinking party with his friends (the Precepts). He was really drunk and couldn't think straight.

The moment he saw Izuku, he pinned her on the bed, roughly made out with her. In the end, Izuku gave in to Kendou and they made love.

When they found out Izuku was pregnant, Kendou didn't hesitate and decided to marry her.

After that, Kana Rappa was born into the world.

Kana means "the powerful one". Obviously, Kendo gave that name. He wanted his daughter to be a powerful woman!

Kana's appearance; she has dark brown hair and emerald eyes. Her hair was unruly and always messy. Well, because of her mother.

Kana is a very wild and aggressive girl. She is extremely strong too! She always picks fight with the bad kids at the kindergarten and beat up bullies who hurt other kids. This always end up with Izuku getting called by the teachers because they were too scared to stop her. (Kana punched her male teacher's "son" once because he tried to stop her beating up a group of bullies)

Izuku is a little tired with Kana's violent tendecies but she doesn't complain about it. She knows where those traits come from. And Kendou is clearly proud of his daughter. Kana is daddy's girl after all.

Kana has her father's Quirk, but a stronger version. Even as a child, she can throw a kid older than her with one hand. Which result in strong kids or bullies in the neighborhood to grow scared of her.

When she finds out her father is actually a yakuza and her mother is a milady of the yakuza group, Kana swears to be a yakuza too and join Shie Hassaikai once she reaches the suitable age. Her parents don't oppose her dream. ^~^

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