chapter 10 the walk home

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"Diner was great." Sarah says walking with you. "Yeah, it was." "Thanks again for paying" she says smiling. "Of course. And who says chivalry is dead?" "Not me." You both laugh and continue walking. "Hey I know a shortcut, follow me" Sarah says going a different way. You followed and looked around. "This place" you stop and looked around. Sarah looks for something to knock you out with. She finds a huge stick and grabs it. "Y'know the food wasn't that bad" you said turning around and she hides it. "Yeah the food was great" you turned back around and kept looking. She pulls out the stick again and before she could strike, you turned around. "Hey Sarah what's yo-what's that?" You said curious. " to play pretend sometimes!" She says nervously laughing. You nervously laugh with her and back away slowly. "How..about we take the regular route eh?" "Y-yeah"

You walked into your house and laid on your bed. "Was...was she trying to kidnap me?" You thought. You heard tapping on your window, thankfully you locked it and just closed your eyes to sleep. The next day you went out with your friends to the park. "So, I think Sarah was on some shit." You said swinging on the swing. "The hell you mean?" F/N asks. "Well, last night on our little date, I think she tried to knock me out." You said. "That's it! She's fucking done!" F/N says with anger. "Woah woah woah, calm down" "calm down?! Have you fucking LOST IT?! SHE TRIED TO KIDNAP YOU! AS IN TO NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN AND TO DO GOD KNOWS WHAT TO YOU!" F/N was fuming with rage. "While I do agree what she did was wrong, I don't think she deserves to be harmed." "Whatever...listen I need to go" he/she says leaving. "Don't worry man, we got you" F/N says with you nodding. "He/she just needs to blow some steam" "I agree"

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