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A dark skinned muscular man raised a brow at the list that lay on the small, decaying desk he sat at. When he spoke he grunted in a bored tone,

"Jackson Chancellor?"

The said male who stood in front of the desk nodded and spoke in a relaxed tone. Being a regular at the Blacksmith's Bar Jackson often attended the illegal street races that took place around the back of said pub.

"That'll be me a'right."
Feeling his tinted shades slide down his thin nose, he pushed them back up again. 

"It's George, ain't it?"

"Yeah, my name's George." The dark man named George said slowly, "Why'd ya ask?"

Jackson looked towards the red fire door down the end of the dimly lit corridor, his smirk hidden by the black bandana that half covered his freckled face. The door opened and out stepped a large bulky looking tan skinned man with tatooes coating his large biceps. He wore a black vest over his ripped torso and a large scowl was spread across his peiced features. He walked briskly toward the conversing males, his scowl deepening. 

"Oh shit." George mumbled, "It's ma boss."

Jackson stepped smoothly back to make way for 'Mr Muscles' who was making his way towards the now sweating George. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYIN' AT?!" 'Mr Muscles' bellowed, slaming his great fists against the small, rickity desk which shattered to splinters at the impact. "THIS IS NO TIME FOR CHIT CHAT!"

"Y-yes, sir." George slowly backed against the wall. 'Mr Muscles' lifted his fist, bringing it back behind his head. However, before he could punch George's trembling jaw clean off, an agile foot met the back of his skull and 'Mr Muscles' sunk to the floor; the force of the powerful round-house kick had knocked him out cold. George stood gawping at the sight in front of him: a large beefy guy knocked out while a smaller, petite-looking male stood over him.

"Thanks, kid." He said as soon as he had found his voice again. Jackson shrugged his small shoulders. 

"Anytime." He said with a slight wave of his skinny, leather-cladded hand. 

With that, Jackson headed toward the fire door, straightening the collar of his shiny black biker jacket. If only he knew.


Engines of the eager racers' bikes growled through the cool night air. Jackson Chancellor was in second, trying to swerve into first place, however, a cocky looking seventeen-year-old with a short blond ponytail flapping from under his luminous lime-green helmet. He looked over his blue leather covered shoulder to see a black cladded lad with a full face covering helmet riding a silver and night-coloured Suzuki motorcycle speeding towards him. Turning back to face the road, he revived the engines of his Honda dirt bike, yearning to gain extra speed; 'Faceless Rider' as he had dubbed him, was gaining on him. 


He looked back once again, his eyes widening with shock; 'Faceless Rider' was gone. As he tried to kid himself that the wind was making him hallucantate, he felt a mass ram into the side of him. Slidding wildly in circles, he pressed his black booted foot to the pavement to stop himself from smashing into the ground face first. Sparks flew as he skidded to a halt. He could just about make out a black wearing racer riding a silver and black Suzuki motorcycle in the distance.

"Bastard." He hissed to himself as he dusted himself off before mounting his bike again. He saw 'Faceless Rider' look back at him and then turn his attention back to the road, a grin hidden under the visor of his helmet. Jackson raced towards the finish-line, addrenaline pumping through her veins. That's right her veins. Jackson was a girl. Though none of the racers knew that. She smiled as she crossed the finish-line, careful not to let her helmet slip off as she wheelied for the cheering crowd of males around her. 

"Nice one, Jackie." A boy smaller then her with a hood that covered her face raising her skinny arm for a high-five which Jackson, who was really called Jaquline, returned. 

"Thanks, Sam." Sam was short for Samatha, and she too was prentending to be a male. 

"Bit small for a man arn't cha?" The cocky blond racer that Jaquline had run off the road approched the two females in disguise. 

"Piss off, Zakk." Samatha hissed, glarring daggers at the arrogent seventeen-year-old. 

"Make me, pipsqueak." Zakk hissed back, returning the glare with his emerald coloured orbs. Jaquline stepped between the two.

"Break it up, you two." The black leather wearing motorcyclist growled, "Before I fucking knock your heads together."

Zakk had no comeback for this so he turned on his heel and left, leaving the two friends alone in the middle of the dirt track.

"Well, we'd better get back to the appartment before Eliott gets back from his game of poker." Samatha said.

Jaquline nodded, "Hop on."


The two girls were now back in more femmine styled clothing, and were sitting on the creamy coloured sofa of Jaquline's appartment. Or rather her brother's appartment. The female gender, in male's eyes, was a weak class of beings; laws were made against females being in areas that were considered  'rough'  such as bars, pubs, visiting prisoners and others. Jaquline Chancellor lived in a world where women were inferior to men, and she hated it.

"It's just bullshit." She mumbled under her breath as she quietly sipped her coffee. Samatha turned to look at the haired-haired female sitting beside her.

"What's bullshit?" Jaquline cursed her best friend's incredible hearing. She sighed,

"The waste, poop or shit of a bull."
Samatha nudged her with her pointy elbows.

"Okay, that's funny and all, but seriously," The hazel-eyed girl replied, "What's up?"

"Nugh." Jaquline moaned into a cusion. "Why do us ladies have to be so weak to men?"

"Because we're girls?" Samatha suggested unhelpfully. Her brown-haired bestie rolled her chocolate eyes. Then Jaquline paused, a sudden relisation sweeping across her freckled face. 

"I hate it when you're right." Jaquline groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. She looked up at the clock; 11:54 it read. 

"Holy shit," Samatha almost exclaimed, "It's late."

"You don't say." Jaquline's tone dripped with sarcasm, as she watched her curly haired friend stand and leave the room.

"See ya, Jackie." Samatha called from the hall before the sound of the front door slaming indicated that she was gone. 

"Bye, Sam." Jaquline smiled. "See you tomorrow, I guess."

With that, Jaquline headed to bed, her brain pounding with tiredness. 



Footage of an petite male round-kicking the back of a more muscular one was displaying on the large screen that hid a majority of the thick, steel wall it hung apon. A single being stood in the middle of the desks pressed up against the remaining walls, all displaying different sorts of technology or experimentations. This being observed the low-quality recording with interest; perhaps they had finally struck gold. They lifted a finger to their ear, pressing the button of their comm-link before speaking. 

"Find her."



A bed-headed Jaquline smashed the snooze button annoyedly, allowing a groan to escape her dry lips.

"Fuck me." She whined into her pillow before rolling onto the floor and sitting up. She stretched, causing her joints to pop and click. 

"Welp." The brown eyed girl mumbled, "Time for work."


The once knotty brown locks of Jaquline were now tied up in a simple and messy ponytail, her bangs falling over her eyes with every toss of her head as she dusted the mantlepiece. 

'This sucks.' Jaquline thought to herself as she dusted, 'Complete bullcrap, in my opi-'
Her train of thought was interupted by a loud rapping knock at the door.

"Coming." The brunette sighed as she made her way to the white front door. She opened it to reveal two burly looking men wearing suits and sunglasses, not unlike that of 'Men in Black'. 

'Shit.' Jaquline thought as dread plunged throught her sweating body. 'I'm fucked.'

"Are you Jaquline Chancellor?" One of the suited men asked gruffly. Jaquline's chocolate coloured orbs narrowed slightly. 

"Who wants to know?"The rebelious female questioned daringly; no ordinary women in her situation would have dare question the intentions of a male. 

"Are you Jaquline Chancellor?" The other man asked, his voice raising to a threatening growl. Jaquline hesitated for a split second before she replied. 

"No. Now fuck off and leave me alone. Goodbye, kind sirs." She gabbled quickly as tried to slam the dooor in the men's scowling faces. 

"Not so fast." One of the men had held a muscular arm between the door and the doorframe, preventing the brown haired girl from shutting it close. Jaquline growled under her breath as one the men attempted to grab her, swinging her now clenched fist upwards towards his squared jawline. 

Feeling a pair of large hands wrap around her defenceless neck, Jaquline began to gasp for air as a hammering pain in the back of her skull pulled her into darkness.

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