Moka x Reader

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Alright I'll try to do a quick intro. No smut(i apologize)
"Wow, you all look so cute! I can't choose who looks the best!" Tsukune exclaimed, smiling at all the girls. His eyes slid past Moka to the sucubbus on her left and the snow maiden on her right. His blank eyes cut her like a shard of glass, and the rapture in this eyes as he looked at Kurumu brought a lump to her throat and tears to her eyes. Unable to control her impulses, she tore out of the room, fleeing from the scene before they could see her tears.
Outside the school she sank onto her knees, tears flowing and choked sobs escaping her throat. The feel of her cold palms on her face helped her collect her thoughts. Tsukune liked Kurumu. The beautiful succubus with soft lips, large breasts and silky hair, who had brought many boys under her control with carefully calculated flirting but had chosen Tsukune as her soulmate.
But wait. If Kurumu could choose Tsukune as her soulmate, then Moka could choose hers as well. Moka wouldn't have to stay here, with stupid Tsukune and annoying Kurumu. Moka could go out, and find her own soulmate! She stood up, tearstains on her cheeks, her eyes sad and tired, and she walked out the gates, into the human world.
-Outside In The Human World-
Moka walked through the streets, admiring her surroundings. One thing the textbooks never mentioned, how beautiful the outside world was. Colored neon signs lit up the cement with colors and aromas of food  coursed through the air. Moka was so fascinated that she tripped over her own feet and fell right onto someone. Both people fall to the floor.
-Your POV-
You wince when you hit the floor, feeling the impact go up your spine. You look and in between your legs(😏no dont be me and get ur mind out the gutter i know exactly what you're thinking bout) is a high school girl. Your eyes trail up her body and when you see her face a breath hitches in your throat. Her green eyes reflect confusion, and she is looking up at you. Her pink hair is perfectly straight and her green blazer does little to hide her cleavage.
She gets up quickly, and chirps "Sorry, I didn't see you there! My name's Moka Akashiya!" You get up, trying to hide the fact that you were staring. "I'm _________." You hold out your hand, and she shakes it once quickly. After you both let go, you blink once, and notice the tearstains on her pale cheeks. "Hey, are you alright? You look like you're going through a rough time." You softly ask, not wanting to seem rude. She looked so innocent and naive too, which only increased your desire. She smiles back, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Her eyes look sad, and you recognize the glimmer of unshed tears. "How about we talk about it somewhere else? Perhaps my house?" You ask, picking up her signal and holding out your hand. "It's not far from here, and there's food." You give her a gentle smile, and she weakly smiles back, taking your hand. You start to runquickly, dragging her along with you, and the sound of her giggles makes your heart feel a little lighter.
-Time skip-(brought to you by Tsukune's harem)
You reach your apartment, a little out of breath. Moka is still holding on to your hand and gasping for air. You quickly unlock your door and usher her inside. "Welcome, to my comfortable abode. Be warned, it's a mess because I wasn't expecting anyone, but I hope it's not too uncomfortable." She is gazing at your apartment in awe, as if your simple home was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Maybe it was, you didn'tknow. "So, Moka, right? Do you want to talk?" You ask her, gently prodding her out of her daze.
"Moka." She answers, her eyes  still focused on something far away, a picture you could not see.
"Ah I see. Moka's a beautiful name. I'm ___________. Come sit with me." You pat the empty spot beside you, kneeling on the floor near a table. "Anything to drink?" You ask kindly, pouring yourself a cup of __________(choose any beverage). She sits in front of you, her hands trembling as she takes a cup. "__________-san, you're very kind. But, there is something I think you should know, before you assist me any more."
Her eyes close, and your voice is full of worry as you panic mentally, worried thoughts flying in a frenzy. Her breathing is shallow and uneven, which does everything but calm you down. Her pale fingers linger near a rosario that went unnoticed by you. You pull it, with just enough force to break the string around her neck. Maybe that's what's causing her unsteady breathing. It falls from  your hand, but all your attention is focused on her as she transforms. Her pink hair turns white, and the childlike naivety in her eyes has now been replaced by ice, her eyes deadly and calculating.
"I am a vampire. This rosary, is what seperates my two personalities. If you do not wish to have any more to do with me, I shall leave peacefully."
"However," She adds. "Cross me and you will have to learn your place." Her eyes have hardened. Gone is the sweet outer personality of Moka, now present is a cold inner personality. However, she isn't as cold as she seems. Not to you at least.
She told you that she would leave peacefully, and the fact that she revealed something this important suggests that she cares about you, or at the very least trusts you.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, and once your eyes open your decision is made. You stare at Moka, taking in her appearance, remembering the sweet exterior and the icy interior that had shown warmth to you. You smile at her, hoping to ease her worries.
"Moka, I don't mind that you're a vampire. Even this whole personality thing is absolutely fine by me. All I want is for you to be happy. If you feel that you may be happier where you came from, then you are free to leave."
You swallow, preparing your words carefully. "But, " you speak again, softer this time. "You are welcome to stay with me. It may not be much, but if you're happy here then stay." For me. Your thoughts whisper, though your voice stays silent. You stand up slowly, placing your cup down on the table and glancing at the floor. "So? Stay or leave?" You ask, hiding your hands behind your back.
"Stay." She whispers softly, her eyes filling with tears. You walk quickly to her and embrace her, unable to bear the sight of her crying. You stand together for a long time, Moka crying openly into your shoulder and you squeezing her tightly.

She pulls back, her eyes now puffy from crying. She smiles at you, all traces of sadness gone from her eyes. She kisses you, chastely on the lips. You close your eyes and kiss her back, your hands moving upwards into her hair and her hands moving down to your waist. You both pull back, smiling giddily at each other.
"So, I guess we're dating now."
She nods back at you, and in that moment her smile is all you need.
(A/N: PREPARE YOURSELF! It is the biting scene you all wanted! Hope you enjoy it!)
-A couple days(or months if you want) later-
You and Moka are lying on the couch. She's decided to stay with you, and you've spent some time getting to know her. Her head
lies on your shoulder, warm and comforting. Your fingers are touching hers, and they both lie comfortably. "_____________. I'm, I'm a little hungry."  She hesitantly says, her voice soft and shy. "Sure, what do you want to eat?" You ask nonchalantly, smiling at her. "I've got chips, a sandwich, some pasta..." You trail off, trying to remember what you have in your pantry. "No, I want your blood." Her eyes are cast downward, and there is a light blush in her cheeks. "Oh." You get up and pull your top to the side, exposing your shoulder. "Go ahead, I'm fine with it." You look away, not sure if it's going to hurt or not. You can feel her move, her body stretching and her hands moving to hold you closer for easier reach. You close your eyes. Don't let it hurt please don't let it hurt. Her fangs sink in and while initially it hurts, you get used to it, and let go of the breath you were unconsciously holding.
You feel her saliva on your skin and it numbs it, the pain reducing. Her tongue is wet as it laps up the blood coming out. You relax against her, not resisting as she sinks her fangs deeper into your skin. After a couple of seconds she pulls back, licking her lips for any spare blood and leaving your neck wet and exposed. You start to feel light headed and you rely on your left hand to steady yourself, seeing dots before your eyes. "Sit and put your head between your knees till you can see again." You follow her commands, and eventually your vision clears. (A/n: this is a real thing i do, if you see dots in front of your eyes sit down preferably on a chair and put your head between your knees and wait till you can see again. This loss of vision is caused by sudden  movements sometimes, so move slowly afterwards for a while. ) You move your head slowly up, feeling drained from the blood loss. "Are you okay?" Moka asks worriedly. "Did I take too much? I'm sorry for taking too much, I was so hungry. I haven't had blood in a long time." You shake your head yes, then no. "I'm okay, it's fine. I just have to rest a bit to recover." You give her a smile and then put your head on her thigh, closing your eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.
-Fast forward a couple of months-
"__________, I'm so worried what if your friends don't like me? Maybe they'll think I'm too weird or not pretty enough." She blabbers on, her hand squeezing yours tightly. "Moka, they're gonna love you. Trust me." You cut her off, but secretly you find her nervousness a little cute. "Oh look there they are. Don't worry, just be yourself because you're great." You smile at her and walk over to your friends.
"Damnn, is that your girlfriend? She's a total knockout, how'd you end up with her?" Your friend exclaims, his/her/their eyes scanning Moka. "No kidding you're gorgeous. I'm ________. Nice to meetcha." Your friend smiles and extends a hand. Moka shakes it and smiles. "Thank you! I'm Moka, ________'s girlfriend." "_________, you don't deserve her at all. She's too good for you." Your friend gives you a look and a teasing smile.
"Come on, cut it out. I'm really happy for you, __________. You guys look so cute together! Please tell me I can take some cute pictures of you guys!"
Your other friend, _________ shows up with a smile, her eyes admiring you and Moka together!
"Sure, but let's go get some food first. I'm starving."
A/n: TADAA! I finally got around to editing and (hopefully) fixed all the mistakes! Thanks for pointing them out. As always I finished this at like 1:30 am i need to change my bedtime
I hope it wasn't too bad.
A loving shoutout to the person who requested this Azureman136
And to everyone reading this, thank you so much for your neverending patience as I struggle to update.
I will definitely try to update more, because this year my updating has been pathetic. To be fair, I was moving but now I am slighty settled in, so now I will have more time to update.
Also I've been feeling lonely sOMEBODY TALK TO ME
Ignore my angsty self that'll be it for now.
(No but srsly dont hesitate to just pm me and be like yo i know nothing about u but lets just talk)
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you (hopefully) soon.
Also merry christmas to whoever celebrates! I'm gonna try and publish another one shot for christmas! Not sure if it'll be christmas themed but I'll still try to finish off a request!

here's the image link for Outer Moka -

Inner Moka -

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