(Soul Eater) Tsubaki x Reader

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Anyways thanks to Burgundy_wolflegend for requesting it! A little a/n will be after the story. Enjoy!
"Tsubaki, be careful!" You shouted, your voice masking the concern in your mind. In the midst of a battle, you didn't pause to think about emotions while adrenaline rushed through your veins. Your senses sharpened, and you clutched the black sword tighter as you rushed to slice the beast in front of you. It let out a series of high pitched laughs that made you want to close your ears. It swiped a green clawed hand at you and you quickly ducked it, avoiding it's grip. You swiped at the arm with Tsubaki, effectively amputating it. "Cursed human!" It yelled and swatted at Tsubaki. Without thinking, you rushed to where Tsubaki was and dropped her instead getting wounded as the monster's clawed slice through your clothes and pierced your skin, drawing blood. You gritted your teeth, resisting the urge to cry and quickly picked up Tsubaki. You threw it aiming at the monster's chest and miraculously it hit. The wound drew red blood and the monster stood still for a moment before it fell backward. You pulled Tsubaki with what remaining strength you had and fell to your knees, letting out a hiss of pain as you felt the wounds with your right hand. Tsubaki transformed back and rushed to your side, taking your hand and looking at you. Her black eyes held compassion, and despite her disheveled appearance, she had never looked more beautiful. She smiled at you, though the pain in her eyes was clear. "_________-chan, d-don't worry. I''ll get you to a hospital. You're going to be okay." You smiled at her, because you knew that she was trying to be strong for you. She held your face in her hands, and your lips were not far apart from hers. She gently pressed her lips to yours, and you closed your eyes. This kiss was one meant to comfort, one for reassurance. She pulled back. "I-I love you." Your foreheads touched briefly,and as she took you in her arms, carrying you bridal stylex you closed your eyes, succumbing to a world of darkness.

I'M SO MAD AT MYSELF BECAUSE I TOLD MYSELF AND U GUYS I WOULD RELEASE A ONESHOT EVERY WEEK! It's my first oneshot after saying that and it's late.
Good job me.

Ranting and deadlines aside I'm sorry this is really short. And I'm also sorry because my writing has gotten worse and Tsubaki is probably super OOC. Like I said I'm pretty new cuz I just started reading the manga and watching the anime.
Anyways I love you all. Keep the requests coming and I will be back soon.
Also please do me a favor and when you request let me know if u want lemon,no lemon, and any other details you want included.
Okay baii! (^-^)/

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