Noelle (Genshin Impact) x Male Reader

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Your looks: (Gerard from Grand Chase)

(Narrator's POV)

Mondstadt, the city of freedom! One of the many nations of Teyvat! Just like every nation, the lands of Mondstadt were full both of pretty and dangerous things. It was up to the knights of Favonius to protect the citizens of Mondstadt from the many dangers outside the walls such as Hilichurls, bandits and sometimes a few Fatui agents. 
But becoming a knight is not an easy task. A knight has to be brave, strong, smart and be able to adapt to any kind of situation in order to help those in need of aid. But... Where do you fit in all of this? Well, you are indeed one of the knights of Favonius. You are currently aiming to become a captain. However, you are heading towards that goal at your own pace. After all, you are trying to pay back someone a favor.
You see, despite the time you spent training, you didn't had faith on becoming a knight. Not because your technique with the sword was bad. You actually made everyone at the day of the test look like if it was their first day at holding a sword... Except for one person. The same person that gave you the self-confidence that you needed... Noelle.
You didn't thought that you would become a knight because you felt like some things were lacking. But Noelle helped you understand that one doesn't become a perfect knight during a test. One must improve constally, even after passing the test and if you fail, you must learn from that failure to become a better version of yourself. Noelle's words gave you the confidence that you needed. But because of that, she failed the test that year. The captain that organized the exam that year placed his eyes on you. Despite Noelle being very talented, she got overshadowed by you that year. Because of how things turned, you wanted to help Noelle and pay her back for what she did for you. Until Noelle doesn't become a knight, you were not going to try to become one of the captains of the knights of Favonius.
However... While helping Noelle with her training, you started to grow more and more attached to her. It became normal for you to spend the day with Noelle to the point that some rumors quickly grew inside the city of Mondstadt. Many people from the base of the knights of Favonius asked you if you were dating Noelle. At first, it was easy for you to say no. But with time, it became harder and harder. You knew yourself better than anyone, you knew how your heart felt towards Noelle. But just like the day of the exam, you didn't had the confidence to tell Noelle how you felt. You knew that Noelle was not mad because of what happened the day of the test. But despite of that, you were still afraid of rejection. You knew that you were not going to be able to tell Noelle how you felt without help... So you made a deal with some demons.

(Your POV)

I never thought I would fall this low. But sometimes we must do what we don't like in order to do what's right. But this...

Venti: Soooo... You need help with a Lady?

Kaeya: You came to the right place, (y/n).

The bard Venti is quite famous. He is quite the heavy drinker but also knows a few things about romance... And he also never pays for what he consumes in Angel's Share. My idea was to ask Captain Kaeya for some help since he can keep secrets and I believe he has experience in dating too. After all, he spends a lot of time in this tabern with sister Rosaria.
The two of them were quite skilled with their words so maybe they can tell me how to confess to Noelle without sounding like an idiot.

Venti: What will you give me in exchange from my help?

(y/n): Ugh... How much Mora do you want?

Venti: How about-

Kaeya: Please don't ask (y/n) for a big amount of Mora. He helps his family with most of what he gains as a knight.

Venti: I see.

I was watching Venti rubbing his chin for a bit. I was a bit Nervous about what he was going to ask for-

Venti: How about three bottles of the best wine Master Diluc has to offer?

(y/n): ...Alright, consider those bottles yours.

Venti had a huge smile on his face. I should have expected that...
I looked at Captain Kaeya. Unlike Venti, it seems like he already knows what he wants from me as payment for his help.

Kaeya: I will help if in exchange you train the inexperienced knights in my place for the rest of the month.

(y/n): A bit harsh but alright then. Now... What should I do?

Both Kaeya and Venti looked at each other. I was a bit nervous but what they said caught me off guard.

Venti: Just be direct.

Kaeya: For someone like you, there is no other way around.

(y/n): H-Huh?! What do you mean?

Venti: Well, the only thing holding you back is your lack of confidence. 

Kaeya: If you try to set up a big plan to confess your love, you will only end up finding a way to ruin everything in a big way.

Venti: But if you are direct and honest, everything will be easier. One of the most important things in a relationship is being honest with the person your love. Start with telling her your true feelings.

Kaeya: I know Noelle would love to hear those sweet words from you.

Kaeya had a big smug smile on his face. Is a good thing I couldn't see my own face right now because it was probably red like Baron Vunny.

(y/n): You knew it from the begining, didn't you?

Kaeya: I might have one eye but I'm very observant person.

Venti: Noelle, huh? You have a nice taste, (y/n). She has a nice-

(y/n): Would the lovely bard like his wine bottles shoved inside his mouth?

Venti: ...Pair of eyes.

I simply glared at Venti with my arms crossed.

Kaeya: Welp! I wish you the best of lucks, dear (y/n).

Venti: Yeah! If you win Noelle's heart, come back to celebrate with us! But of course, with those lovely wine bottles.

(y/n): Aye!

I honestly thought things would take a darker path with the help of those two. I guess I got way ahead of myself and everything turned different from what I imagined.

(Meanwhile) (Narrator's POV)

Noelle and Amber were currently waiting outside Marjorie's shop. You see, Lisa asked Noelle if she could pick a book that Marjorie borrow and she had to give it back today. Noelle, being a helpful and kind maid, said yes. Amber saw Noelle heading outside the library and decided to tag along to buy a gift for the traveler.

Amber: Sooo... You and (y/n)...

Noelle: A-Amber! Not this talk again!

Amber: But you two are so close! There has to be something between the two of you!

Noelle: We are just good friends. 

Amber: But would you want to be more just friends?

Noelle's cheeks turned slightly red. Amber let out a slient gasp while placing her hands over her cheeks.

Noelle: W-Well...

Amber: I knew it!

Amber said outloud while hopping off from the floor. 

Noelle: K-Keep it down please!

Amber: Sorry! Sorry! But you should totally ask (y/n) out!

Noelle: I can't do that... He has so many things to do as a knight...

Amber: Noelle...

Amber crossed her arms and glared at Noelle with a "Really?" look.

Amber: You do twice his work as a maid and that is not stopping you from spending time with him.

Noelle: T-That's because (y/n) tags along and sometimes helps me with my training.

Amber: See? He wants to be with you. 

Noelle blushed harder than before. She was not used to this at all. She was so focused on her duties as a maid and her training that she never thought of dating anyone any time soon. But after so many people asking day after day, Noelle wasn't sure anymore about how she felt.
Amber could see Noelle burning her mind while trying to come up with an answer. That's when Amber came up with quite the idea to make Noelle discover how her heart trully felt.

Amber: If you don't ask (y/n) out then I might do it.

Noelle: How about you go and ask out the traveler out instead?!

(Yandere Noelle? :0 )

Noelle yelled with a tone of anger. But after a few minutes, Noelle realized what she said and how she reacted to Amber's taunt.

Noelle: O-Oh dear! I-I'm so sorry! I-

Amber: Hey, calm down. It's okay. I went a bit to far too... But now you see it?

Noelle: Y-Yes...

Amber: And are you going to listen to your heart?

Noelle: But what if (y/n) doesn't love me back? 

Amber: He totally feels the same way. I'm sure that if you tell him how you feel, he will surprise you.

???: Noelle! I have something to tell you!

Both Noelle and Amber looked at the source of the voice. You were walking towards them with an expression full of determination. Amber slowly took some steps towards the entrance of Marjorie's shop.

Amber(quietly): Good luck!

Noelle(quietly): Wait! Don't leave me!

Marjorie opened the door of her store. But before she could step back, Amber gentlely pushed her back inside.

Marjorie: H-Huh?

Amber: I'll explain but get back inside.

While Amber was talking to Marjorie inside the store, you and Noelle were in front of each other outside.

(y/n): Noelle!

Noelle: Y-Yes, (y/n)? Can I help you?

(y/n) opened his mouth and said-

(TAKE 2)

(y/n): Noelle... I... I...

Once again, your confidence problems started to kick in. You were trying to think how to tell her the truth.

(y/n)(mind): Come on, (y/n)! Just spit it out! 

Meanwhile, both Amber and Marjorie were spying from the window of the shop.

Marjorie: He is struggling.

Amber: He can still save it!

Back to the confession, Noelle started to get worried because of the long awkward silence. But then, you placed your hands over Noelle's shoulders. This made her jump a little for the sudden action.

(y/n): Noelle... I'll be direct with you...

Noelle: D-Direct?

Noelle asked with a small amount of pink color on her cheeks. She was looking directly at your face.

(y/n): Noelle... I-

Venti: He likes yooouuu.

You completely frooze in place. You slowly turned your head and saw Venti having some trouble to stand still... He was drunk. Noelle looked at you and this time, you were the one red like Klee's bombs.

(y/n): ...

Noelle: (y/n)... Is this true?

(y/n): Yes...

You said with a mix of anger and embarrasmente. 

Venti: See? It was eaaaaaasyyyyyy.

You quickly turned around and grabbed Venti by the shoulders.

(y/n): Yoooouuuu..

Venti: Ehe.


You were violently shaking Venti back and foward. Venti was too drunk to realize in what situation he got himself in so he just laughed.

(y/n): You were suppose to help me! This didn't helped me!

Venti: Hehehehe!

Noelle: Would you like to eat dinner with me?

(y/n): Not now Noe- Wait...

You stopped shaking the drunk bard who ended up in a dizzy state.

Venti: Uuuuhhh... Everything is spinning more than before...

Both you and Noelle decided to ignore Venti for a bit.

Noelle: I asked if you wanted to eat dinner with me.

(y/n): Wait... Does that means-

Noelle: (y/n)... I like you too. Amber gave me the little push I needed to realize that.

You looked towards the windows of Marjorie's store. Both Marjorie and Amber quickly tried to hide, but Amber's  bunny "ears" were still visible.

(y/n): Hmmm.

You just looked at the windown unsure how to feel about those two spying.

Noelle: It makes me happy to know that you feel the same way.

(y/n): Yeah... I just feel bad because my confidence problems got the best of me again.

Noelle: Don't worry! I will help you overcome your problems! But... Will you help me when I can't do the same for myself?

(y/n): Y-Yes! I'll help you too in any way I can!

The two of you smiled at each other. But then, the awkward question had to be made.

(y/n): S-So... Should we kiss?

Noelle: W-Wow! H-Hold up! I-I'm not sure my heart can handle that!

Venti: Owwwww-

Amber/Marjorie(from the store): -wwwww!

(y/n): I see... A-Alright then. I'll take this guy to the headquarters.

Noelle: You are going to arrest him? 

(y/n): No. But if I leave him on the streets like this he might cause an accident.

You lifted Venti off the floor and placed him over your shoulder.

Venti: Hehehe! It seems I'll be the one having some-HICC-action with (y/n).

(y/n): Please shut up.

Noelle giggled while looking at you walking away with Venti, who was waving his hand at Noelle.

Noelle: Can't wait for that dinner.

Noelle turned around, only to see both Amber and Marjorie having smug smiles on their faces. It was obvious that the two of them were about to tease poor Noelle-

???: Ara ara.

The big smug both Marjorie and Amber had quickly got replaced by an expression of terror. Noelle felt shivers on her back and heard the sound of electricity. The sky was quickly getting covered with clouds... Lisa arrived.

Lisa: So... About that book.

In that moment Amber, Noelle and Marjorie felt true terror.

(The end?)

I decided to write this to have a chill moment before continuing with the chapters of the main books. I hope you liked it and if you didn't liked it, I'll find you, break the door of your home and say... I LOVE YOU ALL!

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