Chapter 3

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A/N: I should really finish this story off. (It's been I while since I've last done a chapter for it).

(Y/N): goji. That was incredible! I thought they had killed you but you took them down easily.

Goji: well....that's uh.....sort of me.😊

(Y/N): you were amazing.

Goji: hehe...thanks.

She Blushes a bit.

Goji: so what?

(Y/N): oh I was going to get you something but unfortunately I lost it along with the rest of the bags when those women attacked.

Goji: that's okay. They're right here.

She points to the bags on a bit of rubble. They were completely undamaged and unscathed.

(Y/N): oh wow.

You went and picked them up. You walked back to goji while looking in one of the bags for what you had go for goji earlier. You found it and pulled it out. It was a (F/G/N).

((F/G/N) means favorite gift name just to let you all know that).

Goji looked in surprise and delight from the gift you had gotten for her. You gave it to her as she held it.

Goji: you (Y/N). That's so sweet of you.

You scratched the back of your head.

(Y/N): hehe....well you know me.😅

She then hugs you and it made you blush a little bit.

(Y/N): 😶

Goji: I love it.

You eventually hugged her back.

(Y/N): i..........I'm just really glade I could help out a friend.


You both eventually stopped hugging.

(Y/N): well uh..........i guess we should get out of here before the people from the news or whatever arrive.

Goji: yeah I'm really not in the mood to deal with anyone from the news or the police to blame me for all or this damage done here.

(Y/N): yeah.

You held her hand and she blushed a lot.


(Y/N): 😊

You then started to walk back to the house and goji started to follow what with your hand holding her's and all. The cops and news people showed up but you and goji were already gone.


Envy and gluttony both had the shit beaten out of them by Austin after they tired to pull a prank on him but look where it got them now. Austin was now in the living room just trying to call himself down as was Lust.

Lust: oh calm down already dear. You got back at them didn't you? Aren't you satisfied at that.

Austin: I know but I swear I just don't understand now or why you ever put up with two dumbasses like them.

Lust: sometime neither can i.😒

Envy flipped the two of them. Austin then picked up the two humonculie and threw them out.

Austin: so, where would you like to go, my dear?

Lust: any place you would like to go.

Austin: sounds good to me.

He said as the two of them headed out to somewhere nice.

A/N: I'll try my best to get this story done.

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