Female Reader x Male Samara

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Requested by Leathecatwhisperer. Just imagine a male dressed in baggy white clothing, and have hair covering most of his hair.

You were walking around town, until you found a tape. You picked it up, and it read "The Ring". No questions asked, you decided to keep, even though you forgot where you kept your tape player at. You went home, and searched under your bed for it, and you found it. You took to the living room, and set it up. After it was fully set up, you inserted the tape into the player, and it started. When it started it just showed a ring, a well, and some weird things, that's when the phone rang, and you picked it up.


???: Seven days, my dear

"Uhh what?"

That's when the caller hanged up, you decided to call the phone operator and asked where the last call came from, the phone operator just said that no one called you for today, so they can't trace it, you just thank them for the help, and hanged up.

"What the hell? Seven days?"

Seven days came by, and you were checking out some movies, in a old movie store, while you were looking for something to rent, you noticed some little boy crying outside, he was dressed in white clothing. you walked up to her.

"Uhh excuse me, little boy? Why are you crying?"

Little Boy: That jerk took my teddy bear!

You looked at where he was pointing, and saw 3 teenagers laugh as the tall one had his teddy bear in his hand.

"Hold on, I'm gonna get it back."

You walked up to the teenagers.

"Excuse me boys? But that doesn't that belong to someone else?"

Short jerk: Yeah so? What are you going to do?

"Until you gave him back that teddy, i'm gonna beat on your skull."

Tall Jerk: Go ahead, I'm not scared.


You just punched the guy really hard in the nose, a loud crack was heard. He then fell down, cringing his nose, while dropping the Teddy Bear. You then looked at the other two, and they began to run away. You picked up the teddy bear, and gave it to the boy.

"There you go, if someone picks on you again, i suggest you go tell a cop, ok?"

Little boy: Ok, thank you.

The little boy then hugged you, and then ran home with a smile. You walked home, and just purchased an old Spongebob movie. You tossed it on the table, and took a nap on your bed. After an hour or so, you felt that someone was watching you, you woke up, and found a boy in wet white clothing , he was walking through the halls, and was about to enter your room, you quickly shut the door, and hid under your bed, you would've grabbed a bad, but sadly, your brother took it with him, when he moved out. The door opened, and you could see the boy's naked feet, he was walking around the room, looking for you, judging by the leg movement, he desperately looking for you. That's when the phone rang, he walked away. You quickly got out from under the bed, and ran to the basement, there was another bat you could use. When you got to the basement, you accidentally fell on the stairs, and hit the ground hard, you passed out. After an hour, you woke up, to find the boy sitting sitting next to you, his hair was covering her face.

Samara: Seven days are up my love.

He then reached down, and kissed you. You quickly feel unconscious again. The next morning, you found yourself tied upside next to a well, and that boy climbing up. You tired to untie yourself, but it was too late, the boy's face was already in front of yours, he was actually very cute to you, a boy who looked to be in middle school.

Samara: Hello my love, did you miss me? Of course you did.

He then kissed you again. You were forever in the hands of Sam, but you actually liked him. 

-Author's Note-
I copy and pasted, and changed some stuff, sorry if you were excepting something else then from my Male Reader version. Let me know, if there's something I didn't changed.

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