Female Author X Male Reader

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(Readers POV)

I'm sitting in class, hoping that school will finish soon. I looked at the chalkboard, seeing a bunch of words written on it. I sighed, but a sense of joy filled my body when I heard the bell ring.

Teacher: Ok class, make sure to read pages 102 through 105 for a quiz next week. I hope you all enjoy your weekend.

I packed up my stuff and left the classroom, getting ready to leave school for the weekend. I felt someone hug me from behind. I looked behind and saw my girlfriend, Jackie.

(Y/N): Heya Jackie.

Jackie: How are you doing?

(Y/N): Better since it's the weekend.

Jackie: Can I stay over at your place? I know you have the free time, so don't say no!

(Y/N): Sure. I don't mind your company.

Jackie: Awesome! Let's get going already! I don't want to be here anymore!

(Y/N): Same here.

(Time Skip)

Me and Jackie are in my room, sitting on my bed. I'm playing some video games while Jackie is on her laptop. I looked over at her, watching her type away.

(Y/N): What are you type?

Jackie: Stuff.

(Y/N): Do you have an assistant for school or something?

Jackie: Sure, let's go with that.

Now I'm confused. I tried to look over at the screen, but Jackie moved the laptop.

Jackie: No looking!

(Y/N): Now I really want to look.

I tried to get close enough so I can read what she's typing about, but she started to push me away with her leg. I quickly started to tickle her, making her stop to laugh. I grabbed the laptop out of her hands and looked at the screen.

(Y/N): What is this?

Jackie nervously laughed and tried to grab the laptop from my hands. I continued to look at the screen.

(Y/N): What's Wattpad?

Jackie: It's nothing!

She yanked the laptop out of my hands and slammed it shut. Jackie's face went red. I leaned over to her.

(Y/N): So, you called yourself Divine Quirk?

Jackie: What's wrong with that name?!

(Y/N): Nothing. I think it's kinda cute.

Jackie's face went redder. She crossed her arms and pouted, looking away from me. I let out a chuckle and hugged her.

(Y/N): If you want, maybe we can read one of your stories together.

Jackie looked over at me.

Jackie: Do you really want to?

I nodded my head. Jackie let out a sigh as her blush started to fade away.

Jackie: If that's what you want, then fine. Just promise not to laugh at them!

(Y/N): I won't laugh unless it's a comedic part.

Jackie huffed as she opened her laptop again. I saw that she has a good number of stories made.

Jackie: Not all of my stories are complete, so don't expect to get a satisfying ending from all of them.

I looked at the stories she's made and thought about which one to pick. I pointed at one of them.

(Y/N): How about this one?

Jackie: Oh, I think you'll like that one! You better get ready to be on edge from the twists and turns!

I'm glad to see Jackie excited to show me her stories. She opened the story and we started to read together.

(An Hour Later)

Me and Jackie finished reading one of her stories.

Jackie: Thoughts on the story?

(Y/N): I really liked it. Some of comments people posted were pretty funny.

Jackie: Yeah, most of the comments make it a lot more enjoyable.

She closed the laptop and put it to the side.

Jackie: Is there anything else you want to do?

(Y/N): We can play some video games.

Jackie: Alright, just don't start crying when I beat your ass!

I turned my console on and started a game. I handed Jackie a controller.

Jackie: Get ready to lose badly!

(Y/N): You always smack talk before the games start.

Jackie: What can I say, I'm just that confident in myself.

(A Few Games Later)

Jackie: Bull crap dude! How did my attack not hit you there!

I looked over at Jackie and her face is going red from the amount of blood rushing to it. She kicked the air in frustration.

(Y/N): I barely won that game and you won the last couple ones too. Why are you upset?

Jackie: Were you not looking at the screen?! My character's fist was clearly hitting your character but the game said no and took your side!

(Y/N): Ok I think that's enough video games for now.

I turned my console off. Jackie sighed and put the controller down on the floor.

Jackie: Stupid game. Always picking favorites and it's never me.

Jackie wrapped her arms around me and hid her face in my chest. I hugged her and started to move my hand through her long black hair.

(Y/N): You want to snuggle to help you calm down?

She just nodded her head, not showing her face to me.

(Y/N): Alright then.

I laid down on my bed, keeping Jackie on my chest. I pulled the covers over us.

(Y/N): Are you starting to feel better?

Jackie: Mhmm...

She nodded her head again. I gently rubbed her back. Jackie moved her head up to look at me.

Jackie: Ok, I'm feeling a lot better now. Thank you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Anything for my girlfriend.

Jackie: I feel like taking a nap now. Don't wake me up unless it's important.

(Y/N): Ok. Enjoy your nap.

Jackie closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep on my chest, lightly snoring in the process. I tried to grab my phone to watch some YouTube videos, but my phone is too far away to reach in my current position. I sighed and closed my eyes. Might as well join in with Jackie's nap.

(The Next Day)

I'm in the kitchen making me and Jackie a quick snack to eat. I heard her shouting in my room.

(Y/N): That can't be good.

I grabbed the snacks I made and walk over to my door, being able to hear Jackie more clearly.

Jackie: That's so stupid! How can you think that?!

I opened the door and saw Jackie wearing a headset with her laptop in her hands.

Jackie: Explain! I want to hear how you think Saitama beats Goku in a fight! It's pretty obvious Goku is beating Saitama with a glare!

Oh no, she's arguing with people on the internet again. I think it's best if I just let this run it's course.

Jackie: I don't care if Saitama has one punched planetary level threats! Goku can one shot entire universes! Saitama doesn't even come close to Goku's level!

She growled and turned her laptop off. She took her headset off and let out a sigh as she rubbed her forehead.

Jackie: How can people be that dumb? It should be obvious who wins... What dumb thing am I going to hear next? Itachi would beat Sakura from the Boruto era?

Jackie looked over and saw me standing in front of my door.

Jackie: (Y/N). How long have you been standing there?

(Y/N): I heard you shout something about planets and universes.

Jackie: Oh, so you agree with me then, right?!

(Y/N): I don't know enough about how strong Goku is or whatever. I don't really know anything about that kinda stuff.

Jackie: Well I do! I have to make sure misinformation about these kind of things don't go lose across the internet!

She noticed the food I made in my hands. She pointed at it.

Jackie: Can I have those?

(Y/N): You can have one. The other is for me.

Jackie: So mean, but thanks.

I handed one of the snacks to Jackie. She smiled and started to eat it. I decided to tease her a little.

(Y/N): I think Saitama would beat Goku.

Jackie stopped and slowly looked over at me. Her eye twitched as a blood vein became visible on her forehead.

Jackie: You don't think that.

(Y/N): I don't know, Saitama does seem pretty strong. He'd probably destroy Goku like it's a normal Tuesday.

Jackie took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

Jackie: You better stop.

(Y/N): Or what?

Jackie: I'm an author! I can easily write a story about me fucking you!

(Y/N): What?! Eww! No one would read that!

Jackie looked over, like she's looking at a specific someone.

Jackie: You'd be surprised.

She looked back at me.

(Y/N): Either way, please don't write a story like that. I was just teasing you.

Jackie: Fine, I won't. But not because you told me to.

She opened up her laptop and started to type away. I looked over and she's writing a new chapter for one of her stories.

Jackie: Don't look! You'll spoil yourself!

(Y/N): Ok, I won't spoil myself.

Jackie stopped typing and sighed, closing the laptop.

Jackie: I want snuggles!

(Y/N): No.

Jackie pouted at me and crossed her arms. She flopped down on my bed. She started to toss and turn, making angry noises while doing so.

(Y/N): Alright, fine I'll give you snuggles.

Jackie: Yay!

I let out a sigh and got into my bed. I wrapped my arms around Jackie, holding her close to me.

Jackie: Thank you sweetie.

(Y/N): Yeah yeah. You act like such a big baby you know that?

Jackie: I do, but you still love me.

(Y/N): I'm starting to rethink that.

Jackie laughed and put her hand over my mouth.

Jackie: Shuddup!

She laid her head down on my chest. I put my hand on her black hair, slowly petting her.

Jackie: You do still love me, right?

(Y/N): Well of course I do, I was just teasing you.

Jackie: Good... Good. Sorry, it's just difficult to tell when people are joking or not for me.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry for making you worry. You know I won't ever stop loving you.

Jackie: Thank you for saying that. You have no idea how much that means to me.

I kept petting her head, trying to soothe her and help her calm down. Jackie looked up at me, making me stare into her green eyes.

Jackie: I love you more, just saying. Not to outdo you or anything.

(Y/N): Hehe. Yeah right. You probably hate my guts.

We shared a quick laugh. Our laughter died down and we stared at each other again.

(Y/N): Is there anything you want to do?

Jackie: Nah, I'm too bored to do anything right now.

(Y/N): Really? Let's test that...

We laid there for a few minutes. Jackie sat up on my lap and looked down at me.

Jackie: I'm super bored now! Let's play some video games!

(Y/N): Fine, we can play some games. Just promise not to get mad.

Jackie: I don't get mad. I get passionate!

I let out a laugh and sat up. Me and Jackie picked up a controller and we started to play video games together. She rested her head on my shoulder and gave me a contagious smile.

Jackie: Let's have some nice, fair games.

(Y/N): Sure, unless the game says no.

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