Female Cop X Male Reader

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(Readers POV)

I woke up due to an alarm going off. I slowly opened my eyes and turned the alarm off. I turned around in my bed and looked at my wife, who is still sleeping. I sat up and started to lightly shake her.

(Y/N): Honey. Wake up.

She groaned and opened one eye slightly.

Emily: Ugh... I don't wanna get up. I want to stay in bed with you for a while longer.

Emily grabbed onto me and snuggled into me.

(Y/N): You have a job to go to. You can't be late.

She slowly got up and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

Emily: Ok. Fine. You're so mean sometimes.

She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I got up myself and went outside of our bedroom and went into the kitchen. I started to make some breakfast. I quickly made some pancakes and put them on a plate. I saw Emily wake into the room, wearing her police uniform, sitting down at a nearby table. I walked up to her and placed the plate of pancakes in front of her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Emily: Thank you (Y/N). You're so nice.

(Y/N): It's the least I can do for you, my honey.

Emily started to eat the pancakes. I made some coffee while she eats her breakfast. I put some cream and sugar in the mug filled with coffee and placed it next to Emily. She smiled at me and drank the coffee.

Emily: It's so good. You never disappoint me.

(Y/N): Hehe. I try my best.

Emily finished her breakfast and stood up. She gave me another kiss on my lips.

Emily: Wish me luck for work. I'll be thinking about you all day.

(Y/N): Thank you for that Emily. Good luck.

She walked out of the front door, heading off to her work as a police officer. I sighed and sat down at the table.

(Y/N): Oh man...

My mind got filled with me and Emily's dream to have some kids soon, but there's just so much that makes me worry. I'm worried about many things that come from having a child. I heard a knocking at my door. I got up and opened the door, seeing a scruffy man standing in front of me.

Alex: Hey. Is the wife here?

(Y/N): No. She isn't. Emily just left for work.

Alex: Good, good.

He walked inside, walking over to the couch and sat down on it. Alex looked around.

Alex: Glad the wife isn't here, we would both be in serious trouble if she found out about our business. I'm sure you have what I want.

(Y/N): ...Yeah, I do.

I went over into the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets. I moved around some stuff and grabbed a bag filled with... Special substances. I walked up to Alex and handed him the small bag, which he happily took from me.

Alex: My good sir, it's always a pleasure to do business.

He reached into his back pocket and handed me some cash. I counted it to make sure it's the amount we agreed on.

Alex: If you don't mind me asking, why do this stuff? If it's anything personal, then don't answer if you don't want to.

(Y/N): No one wanted to hire me here for a job, so this is the only way I can make a decent amount of money.

Alex: You doing this for the money? Fair enough motive. I'll be taking my leave. I have some more business to do for the Vagos gang.

Alex got up and was about to leave my house. He turned back to look at me.

Alex: You know the deal, you tell anyone about this and you and your wife won't have to be worrying about money no more.

He showed me a pocket knife and moved it around. I just nodded my head. He smiled and walked out of my house. I looked at the money in my hand, not feeling proud of what I did to achieve it.

(Y/N): It's fine. I'm doing this so me and Emily can have enough money to have children.

(Emily's POV)

I made it to the police station. I saw Stacy walking towards me.

Stacy: Good morning Emily. How's your morning going?

Emily: It's going great. My husband made me breakfast today.

Stacy: Lucky. I wish I had a boyfriend or husband that would do that stuff for me.

Emily: Then find someone. It can't be that hard, I mean I have a husband myself.

Stacy: You wouldn't mind if I borrowed your husband-

I put my hand over her mouth and laughed.

Emily: You better keep that mouth shut before I smack you.

Stacy just nodded and took my hand off her mouth. I heard a loud cough, making me and Stacy look over, seeing the chief.

Chief: I would like everyone to go into the meeting room. There are somethings I wish to discuss.

Everyone walked over into the meeting room and we all sat down at nearby desks. The chief walked into the room and stood in front of everyone.

Chief: I'm sure everyone will be pleased to hear that we have gotten some information on the Vagos gang we've been trying to bust down.

Information? Finally, we can get rid of this gang and move onto something else.

Chief: Through some anonymous tips, we know that some of them have been spotted on Oakwood street.

Oakwood street? That's where me and (Y/N) live. I can't help but get worried for him.

Stacy: Oh wow. Don't you live on Oakwood street?

Emily: Yeah, I do.

Chief: Do to the number of reports that said gang members have been seen there, I believe that they have moved their operations at Oakwood street for the time being. I'm going to need someone patrol the nearby area to make sure any suspicious activity isn't going on.

I immediately stood up and raised my hand.

Emily: I'll do it.

Chief: Alright then. Emily, you can patrol the area, but make sure to be careful.

Emily: Of course sir.

Chief: That's all I wanted to say for the time being. I'll make sure to keep everyone informed about any new information that I learn.

Everyone started to leave the room. I walked out of the room and station. I was about to get into one of the cop cars, but Stacy stopped me.

Stacy: You won't mind if I join in to help you, right? Having an extra pair of eyes could make this go by quick.

Emily: Fine Stacy. You can come with me. Just don't do anything dumb.

Stacy: Nice!

Stacy went into the passenger seat of the car. I got into the driver seat and turned the car on.

Stacy: You ready to bust some bad guys?!

Emily: I doubt we'll get that kind of action today.

(Readers POV)

I'm watching some tv, trying to forget what I just did to earn some money. I heard a knocking on my front door. I got up and opened the door, revealing Alex with two other people. They walked inside and closed the door behind them.

Alex: Hey there buddy.

(Y/N): What's going on here?

Alex walked up to me and put his arm on my shoulder.

Alex: We need you for something. You see, all the cars we usual use are being tracked down by the cops. We need you to drive us to a special deal we are needing to complete.

(Y/N): I-I'm sorry, but I don't think I can-

Alex: Don't say that. It would be a shame if someone told your wife what you've been doing under her nose.

The other two guys laughed a bit. I'm really not liking the situation I'm in.

Alex: How about this... You can get paid for this driving us to this deal.

(Y/N): ...How much?

Alex: Now that's what I like to here! The three of us can give you 350 dollars each. That's 1,050 dollars right there for you! It's such a steal, huh?

(Y/N): I want the money now or no deal.

Alex: I figured you would say that. I gotta say, you're a smart fella.

The three guys reached into their pockets and handed me the money. I quickly counted it all and smiled a bit when I saw I have over a thousand dollars in my hands. I quickly went to a cabinet and hid the money behind some random objects.

Alex: Let's get going bud. We can't be late to this deal.

(Y/N): Alright. Just know that I'll only help like this just this one time.

Alex: Understood.

The four of us went outside and went inside my car. Alex sat down in the passenger seat and the two new guys sat in the back. I turned the car on and left my driveway.

Alex: I'll guide you. We will be taking a longer route, just to make sure we're not getting followed. You know how this works.

I looked back and saw one of the guys lighting a cigarette.

(Y/N): Excuse me. Can you please not smoke in my car?

The dude looked at me pissed. Alex smacked his leg, making him stop.

Alex: Come on, respect the man's car. He already agreed to this for us, so it's the least we can do.

The dude scoffed and rolled my window down and threw the cigarette out. I sighed. This is already so stressful. After some driving, I saw a cop car behind me. After a little bit, the cop car's lights went on.

Alex: What the hell did you do?

(Y/N): Nothing! I just did what you told me!

Alex: It's fine, it's fine. Just pull over.

(Y/N): Alright.

I pulled over and the cop car stopped behind me. I looked through one of the mirror's and saw Emily step out.

(Y/N): Crap!

Alex: What is it?

(Y/N): It's my wife!

Alex: This couldn't have gotten any better. We'll be fine, just use your husband charms on her and get us out of this situation.

I took a deep breath. I saw Emily walk up to my window and pointed down. I rolled my window down.

(Y/N): Hey Emily. What's going on?

Emily: I was just around the area and saw you driving by. I just wanted to warn you that there are some reports nearby that some bad stuff is happening.

(Y/N): Thanks for that honey. I'll make sure to stay safe.

Emily looked past me and looked at Alex.

Emily: Who are these three guys with you?

Alex: I'm a friend of (Y/N)'s that is visiting out of state. You must be the wife he's always telling me about. The two in the back are some of my buddies.

Emily: It's very nice to meet you three.

Emily turned her attention back to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Emily: Please, stay safe for me.

(Y/N): Right. You too.

Emily: You boys are free to go.

I waved Emily goodbye and drove off. I let out a huge sigh.

Alex: See dude? Nothing to worry about.

(Y/N): That was extremely stressful.

Alex: It's fine. It looked like she didn't suspect a thing.

(Y/N): How much longer til we're at this deal?

Alex: You can drop us off nearby.

After some more driving, Alex signaled me to stop. I stopped the car and the three guys all got out.

Alex: Thanks again bud. It wasn't that stressful. Just remember, don't be snitching.

They all walked off. I sighed and started to drive again, heading back to my house.


I heard the front door open. I looked over and saw Emily walk inside. She took her shoes off and sat down on the couch, next to me.

(Y/N): Hey Emily. How was work?

Emily: It was fine. I had to deal with some speeding teenagers. Not fun.

I reached around her and put my hand on her hip, holding her closer.

(Y/N): Sorry to hear that. So what was going on earlier today?

Emily: I was patrolling the area since people gave some tips about the Vagos gang being around.

I felt my heart stop for a moment. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

(Y/N): Vagos gang? Isn't that the gang you've been telling me about recently?

Emily: Yeah. I got so worried hearing that they might be near you.

Emily leaned against me and wrapped her arms around me.

Emily: So how come you never told me you were going to hang out with some friends today?

(Y/N): Oh, uh... I guess it just spilled my mind.

Emily: How come I'd never heard about them before?

(Y/N): I just didn't think it was that big of a deal. Sorry for not telling you sooner.

Emily: It's fine. Sorry for embarrassing you in front of your friends.

Emily got up and yawned.

Emily: I'm going to bed. You coming with?

(Y/N): In a moment. You can go on without me.

Emily: If you say so.

Emily walked out of the living room. I sighed as my phone started to ring. I answered it.

Alex: Buddy! You're still awake!

I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): What do you want now?

Alex: Listen. The boss wants you for something.

(Y/N): Could it wait til the morning? I'm about to go to sleep with my wife.

Alex: If you don't show up, then you won't be able to sleep with your wife ever again!

He got really serious for a moment. I sighed and nodded my head.

(Y/N): Ok ok... I'll be there.

Alex: That's what I thought a buddy of mine would say.

The call ended. I put my phone in my pocket and slowly went to my bedroom. I peaked inside and saw Emily sleeping peacefully.

(Y/N): I'll see you later.

I whispered to her. I slowly walked outside to make sure I didn't make any loud noises to wake Emily up. I got into my car and started it.

(Emily's POV)

I stared outside of the window, watching (Y/N) start the car up.

Emily: Where is he going at this time of night?

I saw him drive away. I pulled out my phone and opened a tracking app that's linked to (Y/N)'s phone. I quickly got dressed and ran outside.

Emily: (Y/N)... You said you'd stay safe for me.

(Time Skip)

I found (Y/N)'s car outside of a warehouse. I peaked into a nearby window and saw several men with guns. (Y/N) walked up to them. I saw one of (Y/N)'s friends walk up to him.

Alex: Buddy! How is your night going?

(Y/N): Not great.

Alex: Don't say that. You get to see the boss. Not a lot of people can say that.

Boss? What's going on? I saw a big man with a cigarette in his mouth walk up to (Y/N).

Alex: Hey there boss. This is the guy you wanted. He's already been searched.

Boss: So this is the man who's been helping the Vagos gang.

Vagos gang?! Oh no (Y/N). What did you get yourself into?! I quickly pulled out my phone and called Stacy. After a few rings, she answered.

Stacy: Heya Emily. Why are you still awake this time of night?

Emily: Stacy, are you still at the station?

Stacy: Yeah, I was just about to leave in fact.

Emily: I need you to send as much officers as you can to my location.

Stacy: What?! Are you in trouble?!

Emily: Kind of. I found the Vagos gang.

Stacy: Oh crap! Don't worry! Back up is on the way!

The call ended. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my pistol, getting ready to defend myself. I looked back through the window.

Boss: So tell me, (Y/N). I'm giving you a chance to join the Vagos gang.

(Y/N): Join?!

Boss: Yes. Because whenever you get told to do something, you get it done when expected. I see you as a valuable asset. So what do you say?

(Y/N): I'm more than just an asset to other people. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm tired of having you people telling me what to do and threatening me and my wife's life. I made some bad choices in my life, but joining this gang is one I refuse to make.

I smiled to myself as I felt proud of (Y/N) standing up to himself. I saw the big man pull out a gun and pointed it at (Y/N).

Boss: That's a shame. It's touching to hear you standing up for yourself, but that just proves to be the worst decision in your life.

A bunch of sirens went off as red and blue flashing lights filled the area.

Stacy: Come out with your hands up! We have you completely surrounded!

Boss: You have to be kidding me! Alex! I thought we could trust this guy!

I saw the big man about to shoot his gun at (Y/N). I quickly took aim and fired my pistol, shooting his hand which made him drop his gun.

Boss: AAAHHH!!!

I jumped through the window and pointed my gun at the big man. I saw everyone else try to reach for weapons.

(Y/N): Emily?

Emily: No one move, or I'll shoot him!

I pointed at the big man. Everyone stayed still.

Emily: Good. (Y/N). Come over to me slowly.

He nodded his head as he made his way towards me. I made sure that no one tries to do anything. (Y/N) stood right next to me. I heard the doors get kicked down as more officers rushed inside.

Stacy: Everyone! Hands where I can see them!

Everyone put their hands up and went down to their knees. The officers quickly went over and put everyone in handcuffs. I saw the chief walk up to me.

Chief: Thank you Emily for calling Stacy. She wouldn't quiet down about you finding the Vagos gang.

Emily: Just doing my duty sir.

I looked over at (Y/N).

Emily: So you've been helping the Vagos gang?!

Chief: He's been what?!

(Y/N) took a step back and sighed.

(Y/N): Yeah, I have. It's just... It's the only way I could make a decent amount of money and I just wanted to make enough so that me and Emily can finally start a family. I know what I did was wrong and I'm willing to do the time.

He put his hands up, excepting a pair of cuffs to be put on him.

Emily: (Y/N), you didn't need to do all this. I'm touched that you would do something like this for me, but there are better ways to go about that.

Chief: Well... Normally I would arrest you, but you are the reason we found the Vagos gang and able to arrest them. I'm willing to let this fly under the radar just this once.

(Y/N): Really?! Are you sure about that?!

Chief: Don't give me enough time to rethink my decision.

(Y/N) had some tears fall down from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I hugged him back.

Emily: Come on you big trouble maker, let's get back home.

Chief: I think we all deserve some rest after this night.

(A Few Months Later)

Me and (Y/N)'s lives haven't really changed that much after the incident. (Y/N) managed to get a decent paying job a few weeks ago. I'm sitting at a table while (Y/N) is making my breakfast like a great husband. I clenched onto a small box I have in my hands, hiding it under the table. (Y/N) walked over to me and placed a plate with eggs and bacon on it.

(Y/N): Here you go.

He placed a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and kissed his cheek back.

Emily: I have a gift for you too.

I handed him the small box. He gave me a confused look as he opened it. He saw that it's a pregnancy test that says positive.

(Y/N): N-No way.

Tears escaped his eyes as he held me tightly me. I hugged him back as we shared a passionate kiss with each other. I'm glad I can start a new chapter in my life with (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you so much.

Emily: I love you more, my little criminal.

(Y/N): Please don't call me that.

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