Female Sans X Male Reader

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(Readers POV)

I woke up in my bed. I looked over at my phone and picked it up. I turned it on and noticed that it's 6:59 am.

(Y/N): ...I woke up right before my alarm went off-

My phone started to beep. I let out a sigh and turned the alarm off. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. I walked into my kitchen and started to make some coffee. I turned on the news on my phone as I sat down on a chair. I heard what today's weather would be and it will be sunny. I heard the coffee machine ding, meaning the coffee is done. I poured myself a cup and started to slowly drink it.

News Reporter: In other news, it would appear that the monsters that were sealed away in Mount Ebott have broken the barrier that has kept them inside for so long.

I spat out the coffee in my mouth as I looked over at my phone and picked it up to look at it closely.

News Reporter: We don't know the details, but word has it that it was thanks to a small child.

(Y/N): The monsters are out?

I never thought that would ever happen. I thought they would've stayed sealed away in that mountain forever.

News Reporter: The King of the monsters, Asgore, has been working hard to show that the monsters have come in peace. Due to the sudden increase of the population due to the monsters, there is a program that will let you home a monster that doesn't have a house.

(Y/N): Huh... a program?

News Reporter: Those who participate in the program will be compensated for their participation. Aka, money.

(Y/N): Money...

I opened my wallet and it's absolutely empty. I do need money. Maybe letting someone live with me won't be bad.

(Time Skip)

I walked into a building. I walked into a large, open room and a bunch of different monsters are inside.

Muffet: Hello sir! Would you like to buy a donut made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders?

I looked over and saw a spider monster at a table. I just waved at her and kept walking. I made it to a table with a human sitting at it.

Human: Hello sir. Are you here to join the program to give a monster a home?

(Y/N): Uh, yeah. That's right.

Human: Great. I need you to sign here on this piece of paper.

I was handed a pen and I signed my name on the paper.

Human: With your signature you are accepting the terms and conditions, where you are solely responsible for your safety.

(Y/N): That sounds... Reassuring.

Human: It's just formalities. The monsters are genuinely great and wouldn't do anything to harm you. Well intentionally anyway. So what kind of monster are you looking for?

(Y/N): I get to choose?

Human: We try to put humans and monsters together that can get along with each other. So it would be for the best that you get a monster that you can get along with.

(Y/N): I see... Well I guess any monster that won't destroy my house will do.

Human: Alright then. Let me go through the list of monsters.

They looked over at a laptop and started to click on it.

Human: We do have a monster available, but it seems it will have to be a two for one package. Is that alright with you?

(Y/N): So two monsters will be living with me then?

Human: Yes, but you will get double the money for the both of them.

(Y/N): Then that's fine.

Human: Perfect.

They took out a microphone and turned it on.

Human: Will Sans and Papyrus please come to the front desk? You have someone willing to give you two a home!

I was about to turn around to see who will be staying with me, but I felt a sudden chill up my spine. I heard a pair of footsteps behind me, slowly getting closer and closer to me. I can feel someone right behind me, but I couldn't move at all.

Sans: human... don't you know how to greet a new friend? turn around and shake my hand.

I slowly turned around and saw someone completely covered in shadow. They held their hand out at me. I grabbed it and the shadow surrounding them disappeared, and a loud fart noise came out.

Sans: the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. works every time.

(Y/N): Eh?

Why did that actually scare me for a moment?


I looked past the girl in front of me and saw a taller girl with a bunch of cases in her arms.

So these are the two monsters that will be living with me? I can't help but get a weird sense of deja vu when I look at them. The tall girl ran up to me.


(Y/N): Yeah, that's me. I'm (Y/N).


Sans: the names sans. i'm papyrus's older sister.

(Y/N): So you two are sisters?

Papyrus: THAT IS CORRECT, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Then let's get going back to my place then.


(Y/N): Well let me carry some of your luggage then.

Sans: are you sure? there is a skele-TON of it!

Papyrus sighed as Sans chuckled to herself.

(Y/N): Let's not wait any longer. Let's get going.

Papyrus: YOU GOT IT (Y/N)!

Me, Papyrus, and Sans left the building and started to walk down the street. I looked over at Papyrus as she carried all of the cases with a big smile on her face.

(Y/N): Are you sure you don't need help?


(Y/N): The Royal Gaurd?

Sans: yep. but since we are peaceful now, there isn't a need for the royal guard. man is my sis cool, almost getting in though?

(Y/N): Uh... Yeah, that's pretty cool.


After a bit of walking, we made it to my house. I pointed at the house to the girls.

(Y/N): This is my home. And yours too now.


Papyrus ran into the house and I heard a loud crash noise. I looked over at Sans and she's staring at the house.

Sans: something is missing though.

(Y/N): Missing?

Sans looked over at me and smiled. She snapped her fingers and suddenly snow covered the roof of my house.

Sans: there. now it's more like home.

(Y/N): Won't the snow melt?

Sans just winked at me.

Sans: so show me around your home.

(Y/N): Right.

Me and Sans walked into my house. I saw Papyrus looking around, trying to find a place to put the cases.


I walked over to a spare room I have and opened the door. I couldn't think of anything to due with the room, so it's mainly empty.

(Y/N): This can be your room Papyrus.


She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me really tightly. It felt like she's about to crush my back, but thankfully for my back, she let go and ran into the room. She shut the door as I heard crashing noises.

Sans: so... mind showing me to my room?

(Y/N): Oh, the only other bedroom I have is mine.

Sans: that's fine. i don't mind sharing.

(Y/N): Are you sure that's a good-

Sans: hehe. you should really see your face right now. it's as red as ketchup.

(Y/N): O-Oh!

Sans started to laugh as she put her hands into her coat pockets. So I guess that was just a joke from her.

(Y/N): I'm going to sit on the couch.

I walked into the living room and sat down. I saw Sans walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I saw her grab out the bottle of ketchup and walked over to the couch and sat down next to me.

Sans: you want some?

(Y/N): Uh... What?

Sans: i guess not.

She opened the bottle and started to drink the ketchup.

(Y/N): So, you mind telling me about yourself and Papyrus?

Sans: about us? i'm not sure if you could handle it honestly... but why not? me and papyrus are skeleton monsters.

(Y/N): Skeleton monsters?

Sans: yeah, check it out.

She held out her other hand and a bone appeared in her hand. I touched and felt a small bit of pain from it, making me pull my hand back.

Sans: yeah it's best not to touch the bones. you wouldn't want to break any of yours. TIBIA honest, that would be bad.


I heard Papyrus shout from her room.

(Y/N): Wait I just realized there isn't a bed in the room for her.

Sans: she already has that covered. she brought her own bed.

(Y/N): I don't believe that.

Sans: heh, guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

(Y/N): So you said you're a skeleton monster.

Sans: yep.

I touched her hand and felt the skin on her body. It's a little cold to the touch.

Sans: hey, I said skeleton monster. not skeleton.

She started to drink more of the ketchup. I stopped touching her hand.

(Y/N): So... Where is all of your stuff?

Sans: i brought it. i've already brought it in.

(Y/N): You did? When?

Sans: i think i answered enough of your questions. i have some of my own. so what do you do?

(Y/N): Well I just kinda lay around when I'm not working.

Sans: it's the best feeling, right?

(Y/N): What job did you have in a mountain?

Sans: i had to stay at look out posts for any human that went by.

(Y/N): I imagine it wasn't that busy.

Sans: trust me, it was.

(Y/N): I doubt that.

Sans just shrugged her shoulders at me and finished drinking the bottle of ketchup.

Sans: so why did you want to house a monster?

(Y/N): Well I had the extra space and I need the money, so I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea. From what I heard you monsters are peaceful now.

Sans: i guess you weren't expecting me and my sister huh?

(Y/N): As long as you two aren't going to kill me, then I'm fine with you.

Sans: won't kill you?

She closed her eyes and opened them back up, showing that her eyes are now completely black. I actually got a bit scared from the sudden change as it felt like the air in the room went cold.

Sans: how can you be sure of that?

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could say a word, Sans started to laugh as her eyes went back to normal.

Sans: hehe!

(Y/N): D-Don't scare me like that!

Sans: i guess you don't like those kind of jokes.

She picked up a tv remote and turned the tv on.

Sans: let's watch some tv to calm those nerves of yours.

I let out a sigh as I turned my head to watch the tv. It was some kind of show with a robot that looks... Fabulous? I looked over back at Sans and saw her asleep, the smile still on her face even with her asleep. I slowly reached over and grabbed the remote out of her hands. I changed the channel, but I heard Sans yawn and took the remote out of my hands.

Sans: i was watching that.

She turned the channel back to what it was on.

(Y/N): You were sleeping!

Sans: that's how i watch my shows.

(Y/N): I... That... What?!

I looked down at the ground, trying to figure out what she told me. I looked back at Sans and she's asleep again. I looked at the remote on the couch and there is a blue bone on top of it. I let out a sigh.

(Y/N): I guess you win this game of yours. You've got me... Boned!

Sans: hehe!

I heard a door slam open as Papyrus ran into the room. She put her hand over my mouth.


(Y/N): My bad.


(Y/N): Thank you, I think?


Papyrus reached into her back pocket and pulled out a plate of spaghetti. She handed it to me as I questioned where she was keeping tan entire plate of spaghetti and just how dirty her pockets are now. I picked up the fork and put the food in my mouth. Papyrus smiled happily at me as I smiled back. The taste though... It's hard to describe.

Papyrus: HOW IS IT?

(Y/N): ...Out of this world.


I can just feel that this is only the beginning of the wackiness that these sisters will bring.


Me and Sans are sitting on the couch. She's asleep as I just watched the tv. I saw Papyrus walking around.

(Y/N): Papyrus? You're still awake?


(Y/N): Oh. Do you require sleep?

Papyrus: NOPE!

I nodded my head as I looked at the time. It's getting late. I should be heading to sleep soon. Papyrus went into her room. I looked over at Sans and she's still asleep. I gently picked her up, she's surprisingly light, as I walked over towards my room. Weirdly enough, there is weirdly colored flames coming from under my door now, but they don't seem to be hot at all.

(Y/N): Weird.

I opened the door and walked into the room. It was completely dark as I walked forward to get to the light switch. I kept walking, but I quickly noticed I should've reached a wall by now. It feels like I'm walking in a dark abyss. I heard something click as the lights turned on. I'm walking on a treadmill. I got off of it as I looked down at Sans. Her eyes are open and she's smiling at me.

Sans: got you.

(Y/N): Where did you get a treadmill?

Sans: the treadmill store.

I sighed as I walked over to my bed and put Sans down on it. I started to walk out.

Sans: where are you going?

(Y/N): You can sleep in my room. I'll be on the couch if you need anything.

I walked out of my room and went into the living room. I laid down on the couch as I started to watch the tv. After about half an hour of watching, I let out a yawn as I turned it off. I closed my eyes as I tried to fall asleep.

(The Next Morning)

I slowly woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. I opened my eyes and stretched. I got a bit confused as to why I was on the couch, but I quickly remembered that I let Sans use my room to sleep. I sat up and noticed Sans sitting on the other side of the couch.

Sans: mornin.

(Y/N): Good morning. How did you sleep last night?

Sans: pretty good actually. your bed is pretty soft actually.

(Y/N): Glad you liked it so much. So where's Papyrus?

Sans: she's out, trying to make some new friends.

(Y/N): I figured she would have a lot of friends.

Sans: she does, but she wants everyone to be her friend. it's something only she could accomplish.

(Y/N): Well I wish I could tell her good luck.

Sans: welp, i'm hungry. want to go somewhere out to eat?

(Y/N): Sure, I guess. Do you have any place in mind?

Sans: i have this friend that opened a food place not too long ago. we can go there.

(Y/N): Alright then.

I got up and made sure I had my phone and wallet. I noticed Sans standing next to the front door, waiting for me.

Sans: come on, i know a shortcut.

Me and Sans walked through the front door and instead of going outside, we are at the entrance of what looks like a food bar of some kind.

(Y/N): Wait, what just happened?!

Sans: shortcut. pretty good, huh?

Me and Sans started to walk up to the front counter. People and monsters are at some tables. I noticed a table completely surrounded by white dog monsters. All the monsters greeted Sans as we walked. She definitely popular from what I can tell. We sat down at the front counter and a monster made completely out of fire walked up to us.

Sans: heya grillby. two burgers please.

He nodded his head and put two plates on the counter, one with a burger each. He walked off as I looked at my pretty sizable burger. Sans grabbed the ketchup bottle.

Sans: you want some?

(Y/N): Yeah, I can go for some ketchup.

I grabbed the top bun of my burger as Sans started to put ketchup on my burger. She put on a large amount, probably half the bottle on it. I nervously smiled as I put the top bun back on.

Sans: i wanna say, thanks for treating me.

(Y/N): But you brought me here.

Sans: i did, huh?

I took a bit of my burger. I think it tastes good, but most of the flavor is covered up by the ketchup. I felt Sans put her hand on my shoulder. I looked over at her as it seemed like everything stopped moving but us. The lights got dark, except for a light right above the two of us.

Sans: i want to say thanks.

(Y/N): Thanks? Thanks for what?

Sans: for giving me and my sis a home. duh.

(Y/N): It's no big deal, really.

Sans: what I mean is, you aren't the first that tried to give us a home.

(Y/N): What?

Sans: you are about the fifth human that's tried to house me and my sister and by the next morning, we would get kicked out. me and my sis were too much to handle. so thanks for not immediately kicking us out.

(Y/N): I think you and Papyrus are great monsters. You two in my house honestly beats the quiet and emptiness it once had. I wouldn't want to kick you two out.

Sans: you already got attached to us... i don't know if that's cute or creepy.

(Y/N): Well if you had to pick... Which one would it?

Sans: hmm... i'm leaning on the creepy side.

I let out a sigh as I heard Sans laugh. She elbowed my arm.

Sans: don't take what I said seriously. i was only messing with you.

(Y/N): Yeah, you do like your jokes.

The lights went back to normal as it seemed like everything started to move again. I saw Sans take out a blue comb from her pocket and started to comb her hair a bit. I tried to finish my burger, but all the ketchup made it really hard.

Sans: i'm full.

I looked at her burger and there isn't a single bite taken out of it.

(Y/N): W-What?

Sans got out of her seat. I managed to finish my burger as I cleaned my hands from the ketchup that got on them. I was about to pull out my wallet to pay, but Sans stopped me.

Sans: i will pay. my treat.

She winked at me. I got out of my seat as Sans started to walk away. I quickly started to follow her, confused at what she's doing.

(Y/N): Uh Sans? Don't you have to pay?

Sans: grillby, put it on my tab.

I looked over and the monster made out of flames just nodded his head. We walked out of the building and we are in the city. I figured that weird teleportation thing would only be one way.

(Nighttime) (Sans' POV)

i am laying down on (Y/N)'s bed. i got out of his bed and walked out of his room. i looked into the living room and saw him sleeping on his couch. i went over and got on the couch too, laying on top of (Y/N). letting out a yawn, i closed my eyes. something wrapped around me. i opened an eye and saw (Y/N) has an arm around me. i started to smile a bit more as his warmth felt nice. closing my eye, i quickly fell asleep.

(One Week Later)

me and (Y/N) are sitting on his couch, watching the tv. there is a knocking at his front door. (Y/N) got up and walked over to the door. he opened the door and i saw frisk there. i got up and stood next to (Y/N).

Sans: hey kid. who's it going?

they waved at me.

(Y/N): Are they a friend of yours Sans?

Sans: yep. this is the kid that helped break the barrier. they wanted to see where we are staying now, so i gave them your address. frisk, this is (Y/N).

The kid turned to look at (Y/N) and waved at him, giving him a gentle smile.

(Y/N): It's very nice to meet you Frisk. Would you like to come in?

they nodded their head as they walked into the house. i went back to the couch and sat down on it. i watched as (Y/N) and frisk went into the kitchen. i closed my eyes, but i noticed it's been quiet recently.

Sans: i wonder what papyrus is up to? i haven't heard from her in awhile.

(Y/N): So Frisk, do you want something to eat or drink? I don't have much, but you're welcome to anything.

i opened my eyes and saw (Y/N) open the fridge and started to look in it. the kid walked up behind them, but they looked at me. they opened their eyes, revealing piercing red eyes as they smiled at me. they held up and knife and was about to stab (Y/N) with it. i quickly got up and pointed my hand at them as my left eye started to glow blue. their soul turned blue as i moved my hand to the right, sending the monster into the wall. (Y/N) turned around and was surprised.

(Y/N): S-Sans?! What are you doing?!

the kid's soul went back to red, but i made a bunch of blue bones surround them before they could move.

Sans: stay back from this genocidal freak. now listen kid... get out of here. i don't want to make a mess of (Y/N)'s house.

they just smiled at me. i couldn't help but notice some dust on their shirt. i quickly sent several bones at them, but they went right through the blue bones and slashed at the normal bones, breaking them. they tried to slash at me, but i dodged the attack.

(Y/N): What's going on?!

i made (Y/N)'s soul blue and threw him away into the living room. i dodged more slashes from the kid. i turned their soul blue and slammed them into the floor. i made them crash into the wall and tried to attack them with some bones, but they jumped away. i summoned several gaster blasters as they shot out a beam of energy. the kid dodged the beams and tried to hit me. i kept dodging, but the kid wouldn't let up.

Sans: i never thought we would go back to this. guess that's just wishful thinking.

i sent several bones at them, knocking them back. the kid quickly recovered and slashed at me. i dodged it, but they quickly went behind me and was about to attack again. i couldn't get out of the way as i knew. before i got hit, (Y/N) got in front of me and took the hit for me. a large wound appeared on his chest as blood came from the wound. (Y/N) spat out some blood and fell down to his back.

Sans: (Y/N)!

i got down to my knees and put my hands on him. i saw the kid trying to get closer, but i teleported them back to where they were standing originally.

Sans: (Y/N)! why would you do that?!

(Y/N): I... I didn't want to see you get killed by this monster.

Sans: you didn't have to do that... i know my fate is to keep dying to this freak. you shouldn't be caught up in this mess.

(Y/N) looked up at me. the life in his eyes slowly fading away. his soul appeared in front of his chest. he grabbed it with his hand and held it towards me.

(Y/N): Then maybe this has the power to help...

he smiled at me as he leaned up to give me a quick kiss on my lips. he put his soul in my hands as i felt my body start to absorb it. the life faded from his eyes as the soul was completely absorbed by me. i felt a lot of emotions going through my brain, but the one feeling that overpowered every other one was determination.

Sans: kid... i'll put you back to hell where you belong.

the kid tried to attack me, but i quickly turned their soul blue and slammed them down into the ground. they tried to get up, but i made sure to keep them down.

Sans: looks like you can't move... ready for a bad time?

i made tons of bones spring out from the ground, stabbing the kid all over. i turned the bones orange, hurting the kid more as they couldn't move an inch to avoid the damage. i snapped my fingers as tons of gaster blasters appears and started to charge up their beams. the blasters finished charging as they shot out their beams at the kid. a bright light covered the area. I got rid of the blasters and bones, revealing the kid in the ground, barely breathing.

Sans: still kicking? what is with that look on your face? you think you can go back? that you'll learn my attack pattern and kill me?

i couldn't help but chuckle as i walked up to the monster and looked down at them.

Sans: since I have more determination than you, i wonder what will happen if i reset instead of you. you may not exist anymore... hehe. get dunked on.

i made a bone pierce their soul, shattering it. i let out a sigh as they are finally gone. i looked back at (Y/N)'s body.

Sans: i hope to see you after the reset. maybe i'll get the courage to say i love you to your face.

i saw a button appear that said "RESET" on it. i took a deep breath as i'm going to end back up in the underground. but i'll happily go through that fate one more time if i can get to live with (Y/N) in peace.

Sans: ...

i pressed the button with my hand. i looked at (Y/N) and i felt this strange sense of comfort. like his soul is hugging me.

(Y/N): I can't wait to see you again.

Sans: ...me too.

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