Female Vergil X Male Reader

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(Readers POV)

I am currently working on a van with a woman named Nico. She is under the van while I worked on the engine. It was silent, so I wanted to break it.

(Y/N): So... You know my son well?

Nico: Nero? Yeah, I know him. He can be a big pain in the ass.

(Y/N): He's a good meaning kid. I think you're just giving him a hard time.

Nico: What kind of Nero do you have around? Trade me.

(Y/N): Hehe, with how you feel about him, I think the version you have is perfect for you.

I heard someone walk inside the garage, making me look over and see my son, Nero.

Nero: I heard you two say my name?

(Y/N): Son! Just in time! You can help work on this van with us.

Nero let out a sigh and walked over to the van, standing next to me. I handed him a wrench and patted him on the back. I stepped back and sat on a nearby chair, smiling to myself. Finally, an excuse to take a break. I heard someone shouting from the house.

Kyrie: Hey, you three! Dinners ready!

Nero: Be right there!

Nero shouted back. I know Kyrie's food is good, but I just sat down.

Nero: Hey, why don't you two go on ahead? I'm gonna finish up here.

Nico got out from the bottom of the van and looked over at Nero.

Nico: I'll try to save you some... Not.

She stood up and went inside the house. I let out a groan as I stood back up and stretched. I heard some footsteps nearby, catching the attention of me and Nero. We looked back and saw a figure wearing a cloak standing right outside of the garage. They are breathing heavily.

Nero: You, uh, you need something?

The person didn't say anything, just standing there. Nero started to walk away from the van to grab something.

Nero: What is it, you hungry?

Nero chuckled to himself. The person walked into the garage. A hood is covering their head, hiding their features.

Nero: Well, you're in luck pal, cause food's ready and Kyrie always makes too much.

(Y/N): Just hope you don't mind loud talkers. I'm one of them.

I chuckled to myself. I noticed that the person just stared at Nero, like they didn't even care about me. Nero turned back to look at the person, getting a confused look on his face.

Nero: You see something you like?

Me and Nero noticed that his demon arm started to glow all of a sudden. I don't know much about that arm, but I know that when it glows, it's not good.

(Y/N): What the?

Nero: You a demon?

Nero and the stranger just stared at each other. I can just tell that a fight is about to happen.

Kyrie: The foods getting cold! What are you two-

Nero: Kyrie! Get back inside, now!

Nero turned around and the stranger grabbed onto his demon arm. They swung Nero around, making him crash into a shelf. I looked at the person and saw that they are holding his demon arm in their hand.

(Y/N): N-Nero!

I ran over to Nero as he looked up at the stranger.

???: I'm taking this back.

They said in a raspy voice. Nero noticed that they are holding his arm, making him look at his arm to see it's not there anymore. He began to scream in pain as blood started to spew out. I quickly took off my shirt and wrapped it tightly around Nero's wound, trying to slow down the bleeding as much as possible. I looked back and saw that Nero's demon arm turned into a katana. The person began to cough.

???: I'm running out of time...

They unsheathed the sword and slashed the air, causing some kind of portal to open up. They walked into the portal, disappearing.

Nero: Wait... Wait!

I saw Nero trying to crawl towards the portal.

(Y/N): Nero! You need to calm down. You can't fight, especially without an arm.

The portal disappeared as I heard two more people walk into the garage. I looked over to see Kyrie and Nico.

Kyrie: Nero!

Nico: I leave you alone for two minutes, what the hell happened?!

Nero quickly passed out. I thought about what to do next. I might need to call Dante for some help with this. What even was his number again?

(Two Months Later)

I am riding in the back of Nico's van while she drove around. Nero is sitting in the passenger. I looked around, seeing all of the weird tech things Nico has.

(Y/N): Can I ask something?

Nero: What is it, father?

(Y/N): The hell is going on?!

Nero: I thought I already explained that to you?

(Y/N): The explanation of "demon tree" isn't good enough!

Nero: Nico, it's your turn to explain it.

Nico: I'm not doing it. Get V to do it.

I looked over and saw a black haired woman that is covered in black tattoos holding onto a cane and reading a book.

V: We are trying to stop a demon named Urizen. She is using the Qliphoth to gain human blood to power herself up.

(Y/N): And that is what the tree thing is?

V: Correct.

Griffon: Wow, for the oldest one here, you are slow.

I looked over and saw a big black bird said to me. I think he belongs to V.

(Y/N): Having many years goes to show how much experience I have.

Griffon: Yeah... Sadly not experienced in demon shit. Y'know, the important thing at the moment.

I turned to look at V.

(Y/N): I don't like your bird.

Griffon: Hey!

V: It's very understandable. He can be a pain at times.

Griffon: I wanted this time to be bully other people time, not bully me time!

After that, everything went into an awkward silence. I looked at V's book and figured to get some conversation going.

(Y/N): So, V... What are you reading there?

V: It is just some classic poetry.

(Y/N): Oh, really? I don't know much about it, but I have been wanting to look into it.

V: Interesting. If you wish, you can read with me.

(Y/N): It would give me something to do.

V moved over to sit next to me and she held her book out so we can both read the pages. As I was reading the pages, seeing the old fancy words that I don't necessarily know the meanings of, V closed the book and looked at me.

V: I'm surprised to see you opening up to new experiences.

(Y/N): Well it's not like I can do much right now. Just sitting in a van that's driving down demon boulevard.

V: ...I like you.

Nero: Hey, that's my dad you're talking to.

V: Don't worry... I'll be gentle with him.

I felt my face heat up as I was taken aback by her sudden flirting.

Griffon: Looks like we figured out what her type is.

Nico: Bow chicka wow wow!

Nero: Alright, everyone shut up! That's my dad you're all talking about! I'd prefer that mental image not in my brain.

(Y/N): ...So, can we go back to talking about a demon tree?

Nico: Sounds like you're just jealous that your old man can get more game than you.

Nero: Let's just focus on the mission. Actually, let's find a safe place to drop off my father.

(A Month Later)

I was sitting on my couch, reading a newspaper that told about what happened about a month ago with that weird tree thing. I haven't seen Nero at all since then, but I assume he is slaying demons or whatever with Dante. I heard the doorbell ring, making me put the newspaper down and get up. I went to the front door and opened it, seeing Nero and a white haired woman standing behind him.

(Y/N): Son! I'm glad to see you again!

I quickly gave him a hug and he returned it. We broke the hug as I looked at the woman.

(Y/N): So who's your new friend, Nero?

Vergil: My name is Vergil. I am Nero's mother.

(Y/N): ...

I just stood quiet, staring out into space.

Vergil: Is he alright?

Nero: Give him a minute.

(Y/N): ...I'm sorry, what?!

I started to think back and looking at Vergil, she does seem familiar to me and I do recognize that name from somewhere.

(Y/N): You two can come on in.

Nero and Vergil walked into the house and went over to the couch, sitting down on it. I walked up and stared at them.

(Y/N): So... I guess this is some kind of family reunion?

Nero: Yeah. I just brought her over so you two could meet. I have some work that needs to be done.

Nero got up and walked out of the house. I waved him bye as I turned to face Vergil. We just kind of stared at each other in awkward silence for a moment.

Vergil: Do you remember me at all?

(Y/N): Ack, that was a long time ago, but I couldn't forget the first time I had se-

I was about to finish my sentence, but Vergil gave me a cold glare. I nervously laughed as I took a step back.

(Y/N): The first time meeting such a wonderful woman like yourself.

Vergil: That's what I thought you'd say.

(Y/N): ...You look good! It's been how many years and you still look as great last time we met.

Vergil: Thank you... You also have quite the looks on you.

(Y/N): I never hear that everyday. Thanks.

I thought about what to do and an idea popped into my mind.

(Y/N): Oh, I just thought of something cool we could do!

Vergil: Oh? What might that be?

(Y/N): Me, You, and Nero can have a family night tonight and play some games!

Vergil: A family night? I think I'll pass.

(Y/N): Oh, don't say that! I'll get everything ready!

(Later That Night)

Me, Nero, and Vergil are all sitting at a table. I got a card game and started to deal everyone some cards.

(Y/N): Are you two excited?

Nero: About as excited as I can be for a card game.

Vergil: I don't know how to play.

(Y/N): I can easily explain that. The game is called Uno. We all take turns playing cards in a rotation. You play cards that either match color or number and you have to say "Uno" when you have one card left. Play the last card you have and you win.

Vergil: That sounds simple enough.

Nero: Hey... How come Dante isn't here?

(Y/N): What do you mean? This is family night.

Nero looked over at Vergil.

Nero: You didn't tell him?!

Vergil: The conversation never came up.

Nero let out a sigh and looked over at me.

Nero: Vergil and Dante are siblings.

(Y/N): Oh crap! I gotta call Dante then!

I quickly got my phone out and started to call Dante. After a couple of rings, the call answered.

Dante: Devil May Cry.

(Y/N): Dante! You want to come over? We are having a family game night.

Dante: Oh... I'm going to be busy with a job I'm about to accept.

(Y/N): That's a shame to hear. I just got done ordering a pizza and figured it would be great bonding time... Hello?

I heard a knocking at the front door. I got up and opened the door, seeing Dante there. He started to catch his breath before looking up at me.

Dante: So, family game night, huh?

(Y/N): What about that job you were about to do?

Dante: Uh... Lady and Trish have that covered.

Dante walked inside and saw Vergil and Nero sitting at the table.

Vergil: Dante.

Dante: Vergil.

Me and Dante sat down at the table and I gave him some cards.

Dante: Uno? I guess it make sense to start on something simple. For Vergil's sake.

Vergil: It may be my first time playing this game, but I will still beat you, brother.

Nero: This isn't going to end well.

We started to play the game. I put down a card, then Nero put one down. Dante looked at his cards and smiled, putting down a card. Vergil looked at her cards.

Vergil: So I have to match the number or color of Dante's card?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's right.

Vergil: ...And what if I don't have a card like that?

Dante: Heh, then that means you have to draw a card.

Vergil reached her hand over to the deck and picked up a card. We continued to play until it was Dante's turn again. He put down a plus 2 card, making Vergil confused.

Vergil: What does this card mean?

Nero: That's a plus 2. If you don't have a plus 2 of your own, you have to draw two cards.

Vergil: 2 cards? A small inconvenience, but it's nothing I can't overcome.

She drew 2 cards and was about to play a card, but I had to stop her.

(Y/N): You can't play after a plus 2. It also skips your turn.

Dante started to chuckle as Vergil grumbled. We continued to play until it was Dante's turn again. He put down a skip card, making Vergil look at it.

Vergil: And what does that card do?

(Y/N): That's a skip card... It skips your turn.

Dante: What was that about you beating me, sis?

Vergil: I do not like this game. Dante can attack me, yet I can't attack him back.

I looked at my deck and saw that I have a reverse card. I put it down.

(Y/N): There. Now the order is reversed.

Vergil: And that means?

Nero: It means you can attack Dante and he can't attack back now.

Vergil stared at her deck of cards. She leaned over to me to show me them.

Vergil: Do I have cards that can hurt him?

I looked at her deck and saw that she has a plus 4 card. I pointed at that one. Vergil smiled and put that card down, making Dante draw 4 cards.

Vergil: I have gotten my revenge on you, Dante.

Dante: Yeah yeah, the game isn't over yet.

Nero didn't put down a card and had to draw one. I put down a card, making Dante perk up.

Dante: Jump in!

He quickly put down the same card that I did.

Vergil: It wasn't your turn.

Dante: That's a thing. If you're quick enough and have a card that's the same number and color, you can jump in.

Vergil: What foolishness is this?

Nero: Dante's right, that's a thing in this game.

Vergil just scoffed and tried to play a card, but Dante stopped her.

Dante: You can't play, it's Nero's turn.

Vergil took in a deep breath and started to clench her fist, crumpling the cards in her hand.

(Y/N): Vergil?

She put her cards down on the table and drew out a katana.

Vergil: Let's settle this matter the way we know how, Dante!

Dante: I figured you'd say that!

Dante summoned a sword in his hands as Vergil and Dante went outside. I looked out and saw the two swinging the swords at each other. Nero walked up to me and sighed.

Nero: I knew it was going to end like this.

(Y/N): Well... At least they are having fun right now.

Nero: Maybe next time, don't have Dante play with Vergil.

(Y/N): Yeah that's probably a good idea. Say, what happened to that V girl?

Nero: So mother didn't tell you about that either.

(Y/N): Tell me what?

Nero: She is V. Or was... Whatever.

(Y/N): Oh... So they are the same person?

Nero: Yeah.

(Y/N): Oh... Oh! How does that work?

Nero: ...I don't know myself.

(An Hour Later)

Nero had left to go back to his home. I was getting ready to go to bed. While I was getting ready, I heard the clashing of swords stop. I heard the front door open and then close. Looking over, I saw Vergil walking towards the bedroom, wiping her forehead of some sweat. I followed her, seeing her sitting on my bed.

(Y/N): Hey Vergil, so how did the fight go?

Vergil: It went fine. I landed one more blow on Dante, but his lack of counting makes him think he had more than me.

(Y/N): Did you have fun?

Vergil: ...I suppose.

(Y/N): Perfect! Going to bed on a good note.

I laid down on my bed and got under the covers. I closed my eyes and got ready to go to sleep. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Vergil staring at me.

Vergil: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Yeah? What is it?

Vergil stayed quiet and looked away from me.

Vergil: ...I enjoyed tonight.

I smiled at her and sat up to start hugging her. I leaned back down, pulling Vergil down and making her let out a small yelp. I started to lay down again with my arms wrapped around Vergil. I closed my eyes again, trying to go to sleep. I felt Vergil rest her head on my chest and started to hug me too.

(The Next Day)

Me and Vergil are walking down the street. I had some stuff that I needed to do and Vergil decided to tag along to keep me company, or to keep me as company for her. I let out a small yawn.

Vergil: Did you not get enough sleep last night?

(Y/N): I'm sure I did. I guess I'm just not feeling it today.

I noticed that a gas station was coming up and I figured that it would be the best time to get an energy drink. I pointed at the station, making Vergil look at it.

(Y/N): I'm going to get something real quick.

Vergil just gave me a small nod as we walked into the gas station. I walked over to the section with the drinks and Vergil followed me. I looked at the numerous options of energy drinks, making me think what I wanted to get.

Vergil: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hmm? Yeah honey?

Vergil: People are giving me strange looks.

I looked over and saw some people looking at Vergil, but quickly walked away and acting casually when I looked at them. I looked at Vergil and noticed she is holding onto her sword.

(Y/N): It's probably because you're carrying a katana around.

Vergil: It's my sword. Im going to carry it with me at all times.

(Y/N): I get that. It's just something you don't see everyday. Well... What others see everyday.

I grabbed an energy drink and walked over to the cashier. I paid for the drink as me and Vergil left the gas station. I opened the can and took a sip from the drink and soon felt the energy rushing through my body. I let out a satisfied sigh.

(Y/N): There we go, now I'm feeling better. You want to try some?

I offered the can to Vergil. She looked at it for a moment before taking it out of my hand and taking a sip. She stared at the can.

Vergil: I don't understand the appeal-

I saw her look forward. I'm guessing the energy started to kick for her.

Vergil: What form of power is this?

(Y/N): It's an energy drink. It's something people drink to stay energized.

Vergil: Interesting. Does Dante drink these?

(Y/N): Ummm... He might?

Vergil: So that's how Dante has beaten me before.

(Y/N): I don't think he used energy drinks to beat-

Vergil: Now that the playing field is equal, he shall learn this devil's true power!

I let out a sigh before chuckling to myself. Glad to see she likes the drink.

(Months Later)

Nero: Happy birthday, father.

I was sitting in the living room with Nero, Dante, Vergil, Kyrie, Nico, Trish, and Lady. They all have party hats on and holding presents for me, except for Vergil.

(Y/N): It's nice to see so many people show up for this party.

Kyrie: It's important to celebrate this day! We wouldn't have Nero here if it wasn't for you.

Dante walked up to me and handed me a small box. I opened it and saw a gift card in the box.

(Y/N): Thanks Dante.

Dante: It was nothing.

Lady: For the record, he begged me to get that for you.

Dante tried to hush Lady, making me laugh.

(Y/N): It's still the thought that counts.

Trish: You would think he would use his own money.

Dante: At least I did get him something. What about you, Vergil?

Vergil: Me?

Vergil noticed everyone staring at her, making her blush a bit. She folded her arms together, as Dante started to laugh.

Dante: You're telling me that you didn't get your lover anything for his birthday?

Vergil: I am not good with picking out gifts.

Nico: Cmon guys. It's obvious the gift she got him is waiting in the bedroom!

Dante just started to laugh a bit more. Vergil grunted and unsheathed her sword and pointed it at Dante, making him put his hands up and stop laughing. Vergil looked over at me.

Vergil: What do you want? I'll make sure to get it this instant! And I'll make sure it's one hundred times better than my little brother's gift!

(Y/N): Oh! Uh... I've always wanted a pet dog. But you don't have to-

Vergil: Very well!

She slashed the air with her katana, making a portal and walked into it before it disappeared. Everyone waited in silence as I just had a realization.

(Y/N): That was the same kind of portal from that one person that cut Nero's arm off.

Nero: Seriously, how much did she not tell you?!

Suddenly a loud thud was heard outside. Everyone went outside to check it out and I saw Vergil standing in front of a giant three headed dog that's covered in ice.

Dante: What the hell is this?

Cerberus: Let me go, puny mortal!

Vergil slashed her sword behind her, making the giant talking dog get knocked back. It laid down and started to let out some whimpers, submitting to Vergil.

Vergil: I have got you the pet dog you've wanted.

Dante: Now that's one big pooch.

(Y/N): Well... It's the thought that counts.

(One Week Later)

I walked into the living room and saw Vergil sitting on the couch, reading a book. I walked over to her and saw she is reading some classic literature.

Vergil: Is there something you need?

(Y/N): Eh... Not really. I just want to be around you.

I sat down on the couch right next to Vergil.

(Y/N): So how long have you been reading?

Vergil: I started about an hour ago. What does it matter?

(Y/N): Let's do something together.

Vergil: Like what?

(Y/N): Uh... Um...

I thought what we could do together and an idea popped into my head. I pulled out my phone and started to play some music. I put my phone down on a nearby table and stood up.

Vergil: What foolishness is this?

(Y/N): I think some dancing would be fun.

Vergil: Dancing is not my style.

I started to move my body slightly to the rhythm of the music. Vergil let out a sigh and went back to reading her book. A bead of sweat came from my forehead. Before I could turn the music off, I saw Vergil's blue demon clone thing appear.

(Y/N): Honey, your demon clone is here.

The clone started to dance with the music. It grabbed onto my hands and started to make me dance with it. I smiled as I began to dance with the clone. I looked over and saw Vergil looking at me and her clone dancing with the music. She noticed me looking at her, making her look away.

(Y/N): Dancing is your style!

Vergil put her book down and stood up, unsheathing her sword.

Vergil: Enough.

She slashed her sword down at her clone, making it disappear entirely. I stopped the music and took a few deep breaths, a little tired from the dancing.

(Y/N): Why don't you like dancing? Your clone does.

Vergil: It is not my style.

(Y/N): You don't have to keep appearances with me. I'm not going to make fun of you or anything.

Vergil crossed her arms and looked to the right, avoiding eye contact with me. She sat back down on the couch. I sat down on the couch next to her. I thought about what else me and Vergil could do.

(Y/N): ...What do you want to do?

Vergil: What I want to do?

(Y/N): Well yeah. What do you like to do?

Vergil thought for a moment before getting up on the couch and walked into the middle of the living room. I saw her holding onto her sword and she unsheathed it.

Vergil: Allow me to show you my mastery at swordsmanship.

(Y/N): Could you make sure to slow down so I can see them? You're usually too fast for me to follow.

She just nodded at me before getting into a battle stance. She took a step forward and slowly swung her sword with her step. She brought her other foot forward and slashed her sword down. She turned around and took a few steps forward, swinging her sword in several ways during it. I don't know a bunch about swords and stuff, but I can tell that Vergil has put a lot of time and effort into it, so I made sure to admire every motion she took. After a couple of slow sword swings, she brought her sheath up and made the blade of her sword glide on the entrance of the sheath. Vergil started to put her sword back into its sheath, stopping right before it was completely in. She quickly pushed the rest of the sword in, making a nice clink noise from it. She let out a small breath as I clapped my hands.

(Y/N): That was really cool Vergil. Just how long have you been practicing?

Vergil: What kind of daughter of Sparda would I be if I wasn't a master of swordsmanship? I pride myself in my capabilities.

She smiled to herself.

(Time Skip)

Me and Vergil are walking through a mall.

(Y/N): Do you want a treat?

Vergil: A treat? I suppose I can go for something to eat.

(Y/N): Alright honey.

Me and her walked over to a place that sells sweets and Vergil looked at the menu. I saw her eyes lit up a bit and pointed up at the menu.

Vergil: I want the one known as "Berried Delight".

(Y/N): Ok, if that's what you want honey.

I ordered a Berried Delight and soon after me and Vergil was given one. We walked over to some nearby tables and sat down at one. Vergil picked up a fork and got a slice of the sweet with fork and put it in her mouth. She slightly smiled to herself.

(Y/N): I assume it tastes good?

She took the fork and used it to grab a bit of the sweet and held the fork out towards me.

Vergil: Try some.

I opened my mouth, letting Vergil put the piece in my mouth. It tasted pretty good, very sweet. Suddenly, we can hear a bunch of people screaming. Me and Vergil looked over, seeing that some demons have spawned in the mall.

(Y/N): That's not good. Can you handle that, honey?

Vergil stood up and readied her katana. A bunch of blue swords summoned around me in a circle.

Vergil: Stay right there. Make sure to alert me if any demons get near you.

She dashed off and started to kill the demons with her sword. I let myself get comfortable as the blue swords were there to protect me. I looked over to see how Vergil was doing. I couldn't see her with how fast she was moving. All I could see were the demons getting slashed apart.

(Y/N): Demons are crazy.

I looked over and saw a demon trying to walk towards me. The blue swords around me immediately thrusted forward, stabbing the demon and tearing the demon apart.

(Y/N): Oh...

Vergil is kinda scary when she gets serious about fighting. I'm glad that I'm not a demon. I noticed that all of the demons have been killed and Vergil is walking towards me, while she is in her demon form.

Vergil: It is time for us to leave.

(Y/N): Alright honey. Thanks for protecting me.

She just nodded her head. I went to give her a kiss, but I stopped myself as I got confused.

(Y/N): How do I kiss you if you don't have lips in this form?

She just sighed and grabbed my hand. Vergil started to walk forward as I followed behind her. I smiled to myself. Looking at Vergil, I remembered the first day we met and with how long it's been since then, I'm glad that I'm with Vergil again. Who wouldn't be happy to have a half demon wife?

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