Chapter 2

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This first thing that Dream did was go nuts once he woke up. He was tearing the stuffed animals apart. Nightmare would need to remove those so he wouldn't try to eat the stuffing.
God he needed to get error to get dream out didn't he? This was going to be awful dream really needed a bath. Getting error to come and tie up dream and drag him into the bathroom was a lot easier than what came next. God, the growling and thrashing. And it was horrible trying to get him into the water. He had to keep the muzzle on during the whole time. Otherwise, he probably would have bitten through his bones. After hours of a thrashing dream and his struggling. He had managed to scrub dream down and he now smelled of soap and was no longer covered in mud and filth he was done and finally let dream go. Dream to hop out of the Bath immediately on all fours on the bathroom rug and shook himself, trying to get rid of all the excess water. Nightmare threw his hands up to try and shield his skull from the water. "OK now that you're all clean, let's try and get some clothes on you.  God this is gonna end poorly. Nightmare had managed to get dream into a white shirt and black pair pants. But dream kept shaking his legs and arms and wiggling around and rolling around. Trying to get The Thing off. It was hilarious to his boys who were laughing at dreams indignation.  The glare's that dream was giving nightmare set off new sets of laughter. Dream even with his muzzle still on managed to rip his shirt and pants off into shreds. It wasn't until hours later he found his brother in his room stark naked. He then had to try to get more clothes on him. It took a few more hours to get more clothes on dream.  Another shirt and pair of pants. And he proceeded to put a thing of specially made gloves that error had made to keep him from using his claws. To tear off the shirt and pants dream's immediate reaction to the gloves and clothes was to flop on the floor not move for the next few hours.  Dream had barely been here for 24 hours. And he'd always caused him so much trouble. Just getting him clean and clothed took most of the day. Another problem seem to be having is dream kept escaping his room somehow. And it was driving nightmare nuts. That he couldn't figure out how! No matter how many times he analyzed the room, nothing was wrong, how was He getting out? God, he'd need to go and ask sci to make him a camera. So he can stick it in the room and watch what dream does when they're not watching. Dream despite his worries had quickly warmed up to the castle. He would still growl at the others if they got too close, but they could at least be within 5 feet.  Or at least the same room as him.
 Dream would occasionally go into the main living room and sit in front of the fireplace and just nap there for hours. Sometimes he laid down on the couch. And he would growl anytime the others tried to sit on the couch. Nightmare knew he was in for a lot of work and it would be a long time before a dream was finally in a somewhat sane state. Once dream had earned the right to be outside his room without his muzzle. The amount of dog toys around the castle had become high as they found it was really the only safe things he could chew on without ruining their furniture. Though it would seem that Nightmare's brother liked him. Dream would quite often follow Nightmare. Sometimes he would follow his dark twin to his room at night and sleep on the floor next to his bed. Nightmare tried many times to get him to sleep in his own room though dream was stubborn. Nightmare was surprised one night after going to bed to feel a dip on the end of his bed. He sat up ready to lash out to see his twin curled up at the end of the bed sleeping peacefully. Nightmare relaxed at his twin's sleeping face and laid down and fell into a peaceful sleep with a smile on his skull.

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