Ships: Merry (Matilda and Ferry)

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Ferry and Matilda's relationship (called by the fans "Merry") is one of the favorites ships of the series. It is also the main romantic arc in the story and that came as a surprise for me because it wasn't meant to be that way in the beginning. But the fans' reactions when the two shared their first kiss made me change my mind and I'm glad I did ;).

In the first book, Matilda is Ferry's best friend. Their relationship, even then, was bumpy. Matilda is very stubborn, opinionated, straightforward when it comes to saying things as they are. She's also a tomboy and very sporty something that is opposed to May Flower, Ferry's first crush. She's selfish and possessive of Ferry because he's her only friend. She can be mean and manipulative. But she isn't a bad person. Because in the end, she accepts Ferry's fondness for May and Ben, and she can admit when she's wrong. She's also very brave and the only one to join Ferry to Tenalach, even though it's dangerous for a human.

In the second book, however, their dynamics change. Because they are teenagers, and she has feelings for Ferry, she isn't as open as before. Ferry notices the change, but he can't understand it (or is too oblivious to understand).

As for Ferry, he has mixed feelings about her. Because he is infatuated with May, he can't see her as more than a friend. Everything changes after their first kiss. (Fun fact: the chapter of their first kiss, called First Time, was the first one to break the record for reads and comments at the time, showing the fans' dedication for Merry). 

After they kiss, Ferry slowly begins to see Matilda in a different light, and he is very conflicted about his feelings towards her. When their friendship ends, that is the first time Ferry realizes how much she meant to him. Sage's "interference" finally opens his eyes, making him realize his true feelings for her. Their second kiss reassures that (the chapter broke the record for the most commented upon of any of my chapters). 

In terms of personalities, Ferry and Matilda complement each other. Matilda's wild, rebellious nature seems to match Ferry's gentle, kind one. They have a lot of things in common, too, such as bravery, curiosity, and loyalty for people they love and things they believe in.

At the end of the second book, Matilda is, once more, the only human to accompany him to Akna. They are back to the friend zone because Ferry's homeland is a place where everyone hates humans, and the relationships between fairies and humans are forbidden. 

How their relationship will develop from now on there is to be seen. Yet one thing is certain--no matter where they go or who they're with, they will always be there for each other, and their bond will always be special.

What is your favorite Merry scene? Drop your comments below and let me know. Love lots!

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