New OC sketches

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Sorry about the lack of quality lately, I've had lot's of homework and stuff to do.

These are some new OCs, Kristian and EV. They're actually based off a dream I had, EV can turn into an owl person and Kristian can turn into an arctic wolf. All the pencil drawings are kinda bad but it shows more of EV's character design. I will do a proper drawing of them at some point.

From what I remember of the dream EV had blonde hair and a purple sweater thing with light brown/beige panty jeany things. I made up the other outfit for when she's an owl because I forgot what it looked like. I had this idea that, when she's in her.. owl form I guess, her hair turns into feathers near the end.

In my dream Kristian (as a wolf) has a dark green beanie and floofy white fur. He was also wearing, like, a dark blue tuxedo? I don't even know at this point, my dreams are so random. 

Fun fact, Kristian's name came from the word Kristianstad, it's a city in Sweden which, to my knowledge is a cold place. I swear I'm not a furry lol.

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