Chapter 1

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HailStar when for a walk his mate shimmerFur had just given birth she told him to go for a walk.
He walked along the river bank when he walked past a old ferret den he heard cries a kit he raced over and found a small brown Tom who hadn't even opened his eyes he quickly looked for a mother then took the kit home to riverClan.

Four moons Later ...

"Come On ferretKit! StormClaw said she would show us some battle moves!" PebbleKit squealed shimmerFur purred at her kit
I sighed knowing shimmerFur never truly loved me she just pretended in front of HailStar but when he wasn't around she was really mean to me.
i walked over to StormClaws a sliver she cat with sandy paws but that wasn't why she was named StormClaws I heard that when she fought and it looked like a storm of claws!
I watched her crouch down then spring up and pounce on a leaf "why don't you kits try?"
She said showing us how to do it again. I crouched down the best i could then I looked at to her for her approval
"ferretKit your leaning to much to the right but uh don't worry you still have plenty of time to practice before you become a warrior." She said I tried to lean more to the left but I fell face first into the ground.
When I got back up I saw shimmerFur laughing her head off, PebbleKits face was full of concern and storm-claws shook her head.
I ran into the nursery embarrassed and upset tears in my eyes.Now everyone will think I'm weak and can't fight.

Sorry this short I just wanted to get this out there thanks for reading!

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