[1]•Inspiration Vs Plagiarism

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This is all my opinion and I have a right to say what I want. You guys, as the readers, have a right to your opinion which means that I shouldn't be seeing a whole chain full of monkeys arguing over a damn banana. Now, let's get started with the first rant of the day!

First off, let's tackle what this rant will be about. Often times, After a new story is posted by a author, a few days later, someone else might post a story that has the same concept but a different plot, pairing, title, and so on and so forth. Today, I'll be ranting about how some people claim that inspiration is stealing and that Plagiarism is inspiration. Hunny, No, I don't think you understand what these two words mean so allow me to enlighten you brainless fools.

Inspiration is the flow of creativity, it is the feeling that courses through your veins and makes you joyful. It is what gives books their life and what gives readers their own joy.

It is not stealing.

Let me give a example of how this works. When someone publishes a book on here about a disabled person, most readers look to their favorite author's book to see, oh, the character is also disabled, that person is stealing!

Once again, Inspiration is not stealing.

People may have the same concept, they may have the same disabilities or the same love interest but it has to reach a point where it isn't considered stealing. Consider my drafted book, 'Mischief'. In it, the Mc is a blind Hufflepuff and the love interest is Albus S. Potter whose in Hufflepuff. If someone creates a book with the love interest as Albus Potter, you cannot immediately accuse them of stealing. The key points to notice when someone isn't stealing a work is when you confront them.

•If they act confused/Sensible/Polite, chances are that they did not steal unless you see that the book is very similar.

•Contact the original author in the other story for their confirmation. It's rude when you accuse someone of doing something they probably have no idea about. The proper way is contacting the original author in the supposed 'Plagiarized' Story and if the original author says that it's not like their book, that's it- let it go.

Despite these things, You also have to make sure that you aren't being a total ass to someone whose innocent. Someone can have the same love interest but a totally different plot and concept, after all, the original author did not create the concept and it has been in progress long enough on this site to be used over and over.


Plagiarism is the act of copying someone's work and posting it as your own. There are no exceptions to this horrid act unless the author has directly given you permission to post the story. Plagiarism comes in many forms, not just copying someone's work. It comes in playing their characters, acting like them, being similar to them, and even a few lines worth of that is horrible however, people also have to understand that sometimes, it isn't even plagiarism.

I'm not defending anyone who steals, they can all slip on banana peels while you monkeys chase them to their deaths but I am suggesting that maybe, you don't do with the harsh language and probably try explaining? Chances are, again, that the stealer is a little kid who just wanted to be like their favorite author, however, there's a limit to how many stealers on this site are 'kids'.

The term for 'kid' is a child under thirteen years of age on this site. Despite the age, I believe that some kids should understand what right and wrong is unless they've been influenced to think that copying someone's work is A-ok. Recently, I've come across a plagiarized work of kitty's two books (they were taken last time I saw) and it's clearly seen that the person behind that screen is not a child. While seeing the argument, I noticed that the stealer kept saying that she doesn't 'own' the pairing and other things I'm too lazy to remember but look—

Doesn't own the pairing

Of course she doesn't own the fucking ship, you two faced Muggle bitch. I can't argue to say that this person is a kid because in this generation, kids are smarter than they let on and no kid would randomly say that.

Plus, you have to remind yourself that stealers always, and I mean always have these in their books.

•No cover
•Same/similar title
•Same summary, word for word/Similar summary
•Hasn't updated in a while because they're probably waiting for the original author

There's a loophole to this though, as some concepts being reused can lead to what's mentioned above but I doubt that people would publish a book without a cover plus the last bullet point applies to almost every author struggling for inspiration and having writer's block for that specific book, but you also have to notice something else.

•They're quick to argue
•They're quick to call you names
•Comments and votes on all your stories and then, two hours later, they've posted a new story that seems awfully familiar.

Plagiarism is not flattery

It is not inspiration




•May have the same concept
•Different pairing/Same pairing but different concept
•Different Title
•Polite and sensible when confronted/Confused and afraid when confronted (this can go two ways)
•May have different covers
•May have ONE similarity between characters because everyone has something in common with someone else, it depends on how they execute it

•no cover
•Same/similar title
•Same plot
•Same/similar summary
•Quick to argue and call names
•Using characters that aren't theirs without permission/Using names without permission. (again, the second one goes differently as some people have the same name)


How inspiration and plagiarism differ from each other.

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