Finley Lestrange

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Anyone read Bluebird Tales yet?

If not, don't read this and go binge read it now

If You have—

Welcome to this little discussion about Finley!

Alright, everyone whose read it knows that Finley is Draco's cousin which means he's Bellatrix's  Son right? Right. Everyone also knows that I've introduced him around chapter four? Five? I don't remember which one but yeah— You also know a bit of his backstory don't you?

Of course you do.

So— As I'm a bored little bunny, I want to see how many of my readers have actually been well... reading.

Rules are simple

You can either do fan art/ one shot/ whatever else you want to make because I'm bored

Of little old Finley because tbh, I love him as my favorite originals so much


Guys, you do realize I'm a fourteen year old girl with parents who hate people they don't know/are probably borderline a?

Prize would be that you can get a shout out from me or I'll add your one shot to a special reading list...

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