Muggle paroxysm

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Muggles were prone to diseases that most wizards and witches never had or understood. They were prone to sicknesses that either killed them slowly, painfully, or they were prone to sicknesses that come and go, some even worse than the last. There's one sickness that all both muggles and magic folk could agree on and that was Lycanthropy.

The disease of turning into a beast hungry for human flesh and stopping at nothing to tear a person's limb off was horrid. To most extent, Muggles only believed this to be a fairy tale and that werewolves could die by silver or that they could be warded off by performing rituals or hanging some food off your neck to look like a human meal ready for consumption. Despite such claims and despite such avid belief that these will no doubt, work against such creatures, Werewolf attacks against muggles, no matter how rare, are never able to be stopped.

Born with a sickness transmitted down from the very one that killed his mother, Cyrus's life was dictated by measuring how much medicine he took, how much he slept, how much he ate and so on and so forth. His whole life had been decided by his father from the moment he was diagnosed yet when a werewolf breaks out of Azkaban prison and goes on a hunt to find food, Cyrus's blood draws it right to them.

Despite his father's protests as people with sticks and robes rush over as if the dam had just broken, Cyrus is whisked away to St. Mungos to try and save his life. Complications arise as they manage to get the nearly dying boy stabilized yet when his infection starts to cross with his sickness, Cyrus is suddenly starting to look much more like a chew toy than a actual child.

Lycanthropy had its own little effects but that didn't mean it didn't come with a whole new package of new ones, especially when it crosses with a sickness of one Half blood child. With his magic beginning to spasm out of control like a damaged sprinkler, Cyrus is forced to attend the school in which his mother had been in before.

Hogwarts dealt with werewolves before, they dealt with people having bad magic before, and they've certainly dealt with children protesting that this is all a Dream but none of the staff were prepared for a boy who doesn't even have a wand.

Haven't used the name Cyrus in awhile bah—


He's a half blood which means that his mother was a wizard for people who are want to start talking.

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