back to zero 🌼 wonberriess

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WRITTEN BY: wonberriess

Waking up in tears that night, Jiha gasped for breath as she looked around her room. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears, thoughts were wildy running in her head, and her hands were shaking. She switched on her lamp on the table beside her bed and reached for her phone, immediately dialing his number.

"Hello?" A voice asked from the other side of the line. He asked. "Jiha? Are you okay?"

She couldn't manage to say anything, instead broke down again at the sound of her best friend's voice over the phone. Breath shaking, she was able to get the strength to say a small "I'm sorry."

"Ji, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Do you want me to come over?"

She nodded softly even if Soobin couldn't see it right now. She knew she needed someone, and for some reason it had to be Soobin. "Please. Please come."

"Stay on the line."

Soobin rushed out of bed, still on call with Jiha. He lived two floors above her apartment unit, but he decided to go buy some ice cream at the convenience store down the road.

"What ice cream flavor do you want?" Soobin asked as he entered the store, making Jiha smile a little.

"You know what my favorite is." She replied.

Chuckling, Soobin picked out the ice creams and paid for them, jogging up to the building and to Jiha's apartment unit. He was concerned about her. Why was she crying? What happened?

"I'm here, open the door."

Jiha got to her feet and walked toward the door, her eyes puffy and her nose red from crying. She opened the door for Soobin and allowed him to enter the unit.

"Hey." He greeted Jiha.


He handed her the plastic bag containing the ice creams, making Jiha smile a little again. They settled down on the couch in her small living room, eating ice cream in silence, before Soobin decided to speak up.

"Okay, tell me what happened." Soobin shifted in position to face Jiha who was distracting herself with the ice cream.

"I had another one of those dreams." She replied. "Remember the dreams I told you about before? I've been having them again recently. I don't know how or why, but it's bothering me. Something triggered my emotions, and I don't –" She paused, holding back tears. "I don't know why."

So she's been having those dreams again.

Soobin remembered how much her parents' passing impacted Jiha that she'd been having nightmares that reminded her about it constantly for a year.

Soobin wrapped his arms around her as she cried again. He knew it was hard for Jiha, especially her parents were one of the reasons and people that she had strength.

"I miss them. I miss my parents Soob." She said in between sobs. "I'm so lost. I don't know where to go anymore, I–"

"Just let it out," Soobin whispered, taking her hand and setting down the treat in a cup on the table. "Let it all out now. I'm here, see? Lean on me." They stood up from the couch as they swayed softly without music. With Soobin leading their uncoordinated dance, he hummed a tune that he knew Jiha always loved.

"I can see, even if you're not by my side,

I feel you, even if you don't say a word

Because I believe in you, even if I'm anxious."

Jiha looked up to him teary eyed at Soobin who was smiling at her as he sang the next verse.

"I can touch, even if you're not in front of my eyes,

I reach, even if you go far away from me

Even if it's just in your memories, my heart is always dancing, just like before."

"Wanna sing the next part together?" Soobin asked. Jiha smiled again.

"I want to be your nap so I can dream with you, no matter when

As if nothing had happened." She sang in reply.

"On a sunset evening, even in the night when the sky is dark

My heart is full of you."

They sang together as Jiha finally calmed down. Soobin stroked her hair, untangling it. Both of them were now in a state of calmness and peace.

"You come closer to me in my dreams and you said to me

That you missed me a lot

To the me who was crying so much, don't worry

You said quietly,"

"I want to be your nap so I can dream with you, no matter when

As if nothing had happened

The moments that felt like magic and brilliant night sky

They're on my mind."

They ended the song together, both of them now sleepy and calmer. "Do you feel better now?"

"So much better. Thank you Soob. I mean it. You helped me so much, and I appreciate you for that. I love you."

"I love you too." Soobin replied, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips, shocking Jiha slightly, making her hug the boy more.

"You should go home and sleep already. I'm sorry for bothering you and waking you up, but I really thank you for helping me calm down."

"You didn't bother me. I'm actually glad you called. I couldn't sleep anyway." Soobin said. "By the way, I'm too lazy to go home. Mind if I stay tonight?" Asked with a cheeky smile, exposing his dimples.

"Psh," Jiha pushed Soobin lightly. "Good night, dimple boy. Sleep on the couch." She jokingly said as she walked to her bed, getting under her comforter and closing her eyes to fall asleep.

"Aww, come on," Soobin whined as he jumped on her bed and laid beside her. "I know you want a hug~"

"Shut up!" Jiha said blushing, as she turned off the lamp and facing her back to Soobin who reached out to hug her.

"Good night, Jiha." He said.

"Good night, Soob." Jiha replied. "Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning."

Now both resting, the soft noises of nighttime filled the room along with their soft breathing. Though it might take a while, Jiha was finally starting to heal. Sharing their dreams together as they slept through the night, comfort and peace enveloped the two. They were starting again, together. Back to zero.


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