bury a friend 🌼 doubinie

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WRITTEN BY: doubinie

They were innocent. They were pure. They were friends.

What happened now?

"Jaeyun!" Heeseung called out to his friend who seemed busy talking with others. Something in him boiled up, though it quickly calmed down as he knew that a friend would also have other friends. There's nothing wrong with it.

It is the Sim Jaeyun. Having everything he wanted. Top student of their class. If not, then their whole batch. Even got the girls and guys hooked around his finger. A total social butterfly. But he was a good kid. Keyword: was.

"Heeseung hyung! How are you?" Jaeyun replied, walking towards the older, leaving his other friends behind.

And there was Lee Heeseung. Always behind Jaeyun, like a shadow stuck to its owner. He always believed he was much better than the younger. He believed that he had more potential in this acadamy than the younger who does the bare minimum. Although, they were still the bestest of friends.

"I'm doing fine as usual. So, do you wanna hang out later? Maybe?" He played with his fingers a little, making small gestures to convince the younger.

"Of course! We can go wherever you like." Jaeyun gave a smile. About to tell the others until he was stopped by a hand around his wrist.

Heeseung went closer to him, whispering, "Don't invite them. I only want it to be the two of us. Together."

"Fine. Only because you're my best friend." Jaeyun stated, brushing the hand off of him. Walking side by side with the other, not caring if he's ditching his classmates.

I mean a pair of friends should spend time with each other. And only each other.

Because that's what true friends do.


As the sun had started setting, the two sat on an empty bench. Admiring the sky and each other's presence.


The said male hummed, signaling him to continue while he was about to finish his ice cream they bought not too long ago.

Heeseung sighed, not even sure if what he felt was morally right. As much as he wanted to overthrow the younger, he can't help but fall for him too.

"Shit, okay. I like you, Jaeyun. Not as a friend, but romantically."

The younger frowned, wanting to run away from this situation right now. Who knew that a friend would be in love with their own friend.

"Hyung.. look, I'm sorry but I feel the opposite way. I'm not into males nor do I even want to be in a relationship. Especially not with you." He mumbled the last part quietly enough for it not to be audible to the older.

Heeseung was taken aback by that, seeing how Jaeyun's tone went stern. Well who was he to blame? It's not like he chose to like his best friend. It just came to him. Like the universe wanted to see them at their peak, only for them to fall down into the void.

"Well, I guess that's it then. I've confessed and you gave out your reply. See you tomorrow then."

There's no way he could force the other to be with him forever. So the last thing Heeseung could do right now is to respect his response.

Because that is what a friend would do.


Days passed, and Heeseung still doesn't know how to move on. The more time went by, the more Jaeyun would be stuck in his mind. He hated it. It's becoming irritating knowing that he already got rejected. He doesn't want to get attached. He doesn't want to be obsessed.

On the other hand, Jaeyun took it simply as if he was expecting those words to come out of the older's mouth. He saw how Heeseung would act towards him. Whether it was jealousy or admiration. He knows. And he wants to break the older apart.

Upon making his way to the campus exit, his gaze was focused on something else. A classroom with only two students. Peeking through the slightly opened door, he was disgusted by the sight.

It had to be Jaeyun with another female student. Although, that female was a relative of Heeseung's. Specifically his cousin.

She had it all. She was youthful, beautiful, insightful. Yet, why was she with a guy like Jaeyun?

"Relationship my ass."

They were dancing around each other like what couples would do. They acted clingy but not to the point where they'd cross over one another's boundaries. Heeseung scoffed at how Jaeyun smiled at the female. He wanted to rip those lips of his. Or maybe his whole face. That would be lovely.

Though, he only kept quiet. Leaving them like that. To mind their own business as he is not one to interfere with something that's not even related to him.

That is what a friend should do.


Alone. He felt disregarded. Heeseung hasn't seen his friend for the past few days. He tried to contact him in any way possible. In the end, he was always left ignored and ghosted. Maybe he was sorting out his thoughts and such.

But maybe luck was on his side as Jaeyun passed by him who had a blank expression. Not sparing a glance at the elder.

"What the.."

Odd. Heeseung thinks that the younger is ignoring him. I mean who would temporarily cut ties with your best friend who's romantically in love with you. Jaeyun would.

Heeseung saw how he went to another group of students, immediately putting a bright smile on, joining their conversation as if he was already welcomed by them. Their loud conversation and laughs made the older dizzy. Like his mind was becoming hazy. But one thought stuck to his head.

"Leave him."

Oh well. Friends also need some time away from each other.


Although, that avoidance soon turned into hatred.

The moment he stepped foot into the campus, multiple pairs of eyes were staring at him. Some glaring at him as if he's a threat. And the others were staring at him in horror.

Heeseung was completely clueless. Mind going blank, trying to comprehend what was happening. Taking deep breaths, he took slow steps down the hallway, hearing several gossips about himself.

Calling him a freak and such. A monster of some sort.

With furrowed brows, he barged into his classroom, looking for a certain male. Hearing a familiar voice, Heeseung harshly took a hold of the younger's wrist and dragged him outside, to
somewhere more private.

"What the fuck, Sim?!"

"You didn't have to drag me all the way here, hyung." Jaeyun uttered, brushing off the dust and dirt on his clothes.

"Stop acting innocent. What did you do? Why are other students suddenly avoiding me?"

"What makes you think I said something about you?" He slipped. Realizing that he indirectly blew his cover.

"So, you said something about me? Rumors and secrets perhaps?" Heeseung caught on quickly. He shouldn't have entrusted Jaeyun with the happenings in his life. He shouldn't have
befriended him at all.

"Well, what a smart guess you have. But what's done is done. Can't defend yourself anymore when almost everyone has decided to side with me. The helpless victim in this 'relationship' we have," Jaeyun shrugged, acting so casually like a puppeteer controlling its

"You're nothing but a lowlife, Heeseung. You'll always be. But I am so much different from you. I'll always be the one with the upper hand." He continued, venom laced in his voice.

A two-faced bitch he was. That's what all Heeseung could label him as. Flames slowly rose up in his eyes, watching the younger leave the scene.

Were they even friends at this point?


It was quiet. Too quiet.

Heeseung looked back at their campus, seeing students exit the building with sorrowful expressions. Glancing at those who passed by him like he wasn't there. Maybe he was a ghost too. But what soul would still be able to become the freak he was today?

I mean, if the public wanted him to become a freak, then he'll be one.


Heeseung made his way to the cemetery, to that one spot only he knew. He saw the clouds changing its hue, to a darker and gloomy one. One that would be most fitting for the situation he's in.

Dropping the bouquet he had, not so carefully. Crouching down right beside where his friend was stuck in.

"Seems like it's going to rain today." Heeseung smiled as he started a little conversation with him.

"I used to believe you, you know.."

He took one of the flowers from the bouquet that was thrown on the ground, right beside where the body was buried. Crushing the red anemone with his palm that balled into a tight fist, trapping the flower inside. Slowly opening his hand to see the poor, crumpled petals, falling onto the grass.

"I guess you were as fragile as I am."

He let out a laugh full of mockery. Knowing full well that the gateway to hell is wide open for him. For them.

"Oh Jaeyun, sometimes I could still hear those muffled screams and begging down there."

Heeseung only did what he had to do.

To bury a friend.


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