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how's your weekend been so far?

sent 6:12PM
seen 6:18PM



sent 6:22PM
seen 6:23PM


oh? i'm delighted that you remembered me, mr. kim.

sent 6:25PM
seen 6:25PM


it'd be a miracle if i didn't remember you.

you have saved 320-4355 under 'G' in your contacts.

sent 6:27PM
seen 6:28PM


cruel as always, aren't you?

but i'm kind of curious about why you decided to go help jungkook the other day.

weren't you mad at him? why would you drop everything to venture out into the storm for someone who only wanted to hurt you?

sent 6:31PM
seen 6:32PM


how the fuck do you know about that?

sent 6:39PM
seen 6:39PM


don't underestimate me, taehyung-ssi. i know a lot more about you both than you might think.

but nevermind that, i'll let it slide. after all, you still caused jungkook to get his head in a guilty wreck after lashing out on him that day and honestly, i'm very proud of you for finally getting rid of his good-for-nothing ass.

sent 6:42PM
seen 6:43PM


just why are you so determined to destroy him like that?

sent 6:45PM
seen 6:45PM


i've told you before, taehyung-ssi, and i'm not going to tell you again.

that boy almost ruined my entire life.

say, why don't i pay you back for kindly listening to me?

sent 6:47PM
seen 6:48PM



sent 6:50PM
seen 6:51PM


let's meet up, shall we?

i'll tell you who i am in return for you staying away from jungkook for the rest of your life.

i know you want to uncover my identity and my personal motives, don't even try to deny it.

so this should be the perfect opportunity for you to do that, no?

sent 6:53PM
seen 6:56PM



when and where?

sent 7:00PM
seen 7:02PM


in exactly 2 hours, right in front of your cousin's — kim seokjin, was it? — cafe.

don't keep me waiting, taehyung-ssi.

sent 7:03PM
seen 7:08PM


taehyung was scrolling away at his phone, lazily sprawled across his couch as he patiently waited for 8 o'clock. he wasn't going to lie, he was a bit hesitant at first due to the G stranger suggesting them to meet up at 10 at night. luckily, they were going to meet at a relatively bustling place in the city so he wouldn't have to worry that much about getting robbed or possibly kidnapped.

he was in the middle of a news article when the doorbell of his condo unit abruptly rang, prompting him to halt his scrolling with a frown and begrudgingly stroll up to the front door.

but maybe he should've peered through the peephole to see who it was before swinging the door open because as soon as he opened that door, a giant weight immediately collided with him, knocking them both down onto the carpeted floor.

taehyung let out a pained groan as his back hit the floor, straining to check who on earth decided to stumble into his flat with such oddly rude demeanor.

however, his face paled when he realized it was jeon jungkook himself, in the flesh.

"jeon, what the fuck are you doing here? how did you even find out where i live?" taehyung hissed, trying to push jungkook off him but all his muscles made him unbelievably heavy. "for god's sake, jungkook, get off of me!"

"taetae~ i'm t-tired," jungkook slurred, lifting his head up from the blond's chest just to stare straight into the other's eyes with an utterly dazed look.

and that's when taehyung went completely still.

"are you... are you drunk?" taehyung exclaimed in a mixture of irritation, fury, and the slightest speck of concern towards the younger man. "what the actual shit, jeon?" he muttered under his breath, using all his energy and strength to ultimately push jungkook's body off of his, letting him roll to the side as he watched the tattooist start giggling like a madman.

"what do you always end up needing my help at the worst times?" taehyung grumbled, standing back up on his feet and narrowing his eyes at the large baby-faced adult laughing at absolutely nothing on his carpet. "alright, big boy, work with me and fucking stand up," he ordered, reaching down and tugging at jungkook's arm which luckily, the ravenet got the memo even in his drunken state and obediently pushed himself up whilst his giggles carried on.

"taetae, i'm very very ver—" jungkook stopped to let out a hiccup and a chuckle, in which taehyung simply scrunched his nose at, wordlessly continuing to lead jungkook over to the couch. "very very s-sorry. jungoogie is sorry," he garbled out with a pout.

taehyung scoffed, realizing that jungkook was definitely one hell of a clingy and annoying guy when he's drunk.

he carefully set him on the couch and sighed when jungkook instantly grabbed a cushion and began talking to it as if it was a pet. "i must've done something horrible in my past life to deserve this," he mumbled, walking over to the open kitchen in order to retrieve a glass of warm water for the ravenet.

"tae, i'm reeeeally really tired. taetae~ come sleep with me!" jungkook suddenly called out, causing taehyung to almost drop the glass in his hold.

"no, jungkook. you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying," taehyung reminded, heading back to jungkook who was now happily cuddling with the cushion instead of cooing at it. "here, drink this," he stated, stretching out the glass of water to jungkook who slowly took it in his hands and surprisingly downed it all in one go as if it was the alcohol he drank previously.

"tired," jungkook soon whispered, his eyelids beginning to get heavy. "m-me sorry, tae."

"go to sleep, jungkook," taehyung deadpanned. "you're making this way too hard for me. i can only hope that we won't have a lot to talk about when you wake up."

jungkook eventually fell asleep with soft snores coming out of his mouth, and that was the blond's cue to finally take a peek at the clock and notice that he had merely 30 minutes before his planned meetup with 'G'.

hurriedly digging through his cabinets to fetch out some painkillers, he placed them on top of the coffee table for the tattoo artist before quickly changing into a black hoodie and a pair of casual sweatpants, also making sure that he didn't forget to grab his keys, his wallet, and his cellphone.

taking one last glance at the peacefully snoozing jungkook on his couch, he headed out the door with a deep inhale.


taehyung impatiently tapped the sole of his sneakers against the pavement, leaning against the door of his white audi as he kept darting his gaze from one corner of his vision to another corner.

he was currently standing in front of jin's cafe, which was already closed given that it was now a few minutes past 10pm. he hasn't received a single text message from 'G' ever since this evening, right after they made the agreement to meet up. yet, despite the fact that 'G' was the one who told him to not be late, he was the one who's actually late in the end.

with a frustrated click of his tongue, taehyung was considering whether or not he should probably just drive back home and forget about it until he started hearing light footsteps gradually approaching him from behind.

"i see you've really come, taehyung-ssi."

taehyung whipped his head around in a split second and he swore he felt every limb on his body go numb at the realization of who 'G' was all along.

he felt his windpipe starting to clog up while his heart was beating irregularly fast and not in a good way. everything began to spin and he could hear his racing heartbeat in his ears.

"it's been quite long, hasn't it?" the man asked with a sickeningly familiar voice, stopping right underneath the street lamp and pulling off his cap to perfectly reveal the face of the one that taehyung wished to never see again,

the one who shattered taehyung's heart 2 years ago,

the one who destroyed taehyung's trust with a couple of words,

the one who took taehyung's love for granted.

"park bogum," taehyung snarled.

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