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hey, you awake?

sent 8:13AM
seen 8:20AM


do i know you?

sent 8:22AM
seen 8:23AM


it's taehyung.

sent 8:25PM
seen 8:25AM



how did you get my number?

sent 8:27AM
seen 8:29AM


i asked yugyeom for it.

sent 8:29AM
seen 8:30AM


oh okay

you have saved 330-1295 under 'arrogant ceo' in your contacts.

what's up lol

sent 8:34AM
seen 8:34AM

arrogant ceo

are you free today?

there's something important i need to talk to you about.

sent 8:36AM
seen 8:38AM


i don't have to go to work until 1

so yeah, i'm free anytime between now and 1

sent 8:40AM
seen 8:41AM

arrogant ceo

great. i'll come over to your place during my lunch break.

around 12, i suppose.

sent 8:43AM
seen 8:44AM



my place? as in my house?

you know where i live?

sent 8:46AM
seen 8:46AM

arrogant ceo

of course. i'm kim taehyung.

see you later.

sent 8:48AM
seen 8:50AM


using the mirror above the shoe rack, jungkook made sure his hair wasn't a complete mess before he finally pulled the door open to reveal taehyung in all his professional glory with his car keys dangling from one hand and a plastic bag in his other hand.

"have you eaten yet?" was the first thing taehyung said and jungkook nodded slowly. "that's a shame. i even bought lamb skewers for you," the blond announced with a huff, lifting the plastic bag up to show jungkook.

"l-lamb skewers?" jungkook stammered as he gazed over at the plastic bag with glittering eyes which taehyung didn't fail to catch.

"here." taehyung chuckled, stretching out the bag of lamb skewers to jungkook. "eat it later or something, i guess."

"thank you, taehyung. you really didn't have to," jungkook uttered with the widest smile taehyung has ever seen on anyone at the mention of lamb skewers. he then remembered that he was supposed to invite taehyung into his house and coughed. "oh, come in. keep your shoes on if you want."

taehyung hummed and followed jungkook into the house, not forgetting to close the door behind him as he did.

he was in immediate awe by how cozy and neat the place was.

the whole place was bursting with warm colors which taehyung never expected from someone like jungkook — the exact opposite of taehyung's empty and monochromatic house.

the raven's place wasn't as big on the inside as opposed to its exterior, with a decently-sized living room next to an open kitchen and a short corridor that presumably leads to his bedroom and the bathroom.

"sorry if it feels pretty cramped in here," jungkook then spoke up, setting the bag of lamb skewers on top of the kitchen counter for now. "you probably live in a large condo or something, so this dingy house might be—"

"no, your place is very comfortable," taehyung assured with a smile, gaze trailing over the polaroids hung over jungkook's television which included pictures with namjoon, jin, jimin, and some other people that taehyung couldn't recognize. on the other side of the living room were a dozen pages torn out of sketchbooks with intricate tattoo designs that were taped up onto the wall.

"feel free to make yourself at home," jungkook stated while grinning back. "green tea or coffee?"

"coffee, please," taehyung replied, taking a seat on the kitchen island as jungkook started rummaging through cabinets.

a few minutes go by with taehyung admiring every corner of jungkook's house before jungkook returned with two mugs in hand, taking a seat across from taehyung and giving one of the mugs over to him who accepted it with a small 'thanks'.

however, he instantly grimaced when he took a sip from the cup, the taste of green tea lingering on his tongue. he glared up at jungkook who was surprisingly already looking at him with a smirk on his lips.

"why?" taehyung deadpanned.

"stop drinking so much coffee; it's bad for you, y'know," jungkook began, tracing the rim of his mug with his index finger. "you should take a break from all the coffee and prioritize your health before your work more."

taehyung honestly didn't expect that mini lecture from jungkook and could only dumbly nod in response.

"so, what did you want to talk to me about that was so important?" jungkook queried with a slight tilt of his head.

with a long inhale, taehyung reached into the pocket of his slacks and fetched out his phone. going into his text messages, he clicked into the conversation between him and 'G' a few days ago and swallowed the lump in his throat, sliding the phone over to jungkook who briefly stared at him in question as he took the phone into his own hands.

taehyung saw the way jungkook's face gradually became more and more pale as he continued to scroll down, nervous eyes skimming over every single word that 'G' said until he ultimately couldn't read any further, dropping the phone back onto the table as if it was the plague.

"jungkook, was what he said true?" taehyung snarled.

"look, taehyung, he's a liar—"

"tell me the fucking truth!" the blond demanded, losing his patience after seeing how jungkook reacted to the texts, harshly slamming his palm down onto the table.

jungkook jolted in his seat, eventually letting out a shaky breath with his head hung low. "yes, it's true. but—"

"are you actually fucking serious?" taehyung pushed himself up from his chair, clearly infuriated. "i can't do this anymore," he muttered, but hissed when jungkook hastily latched a hand onto taehyung's forearm, preventing him from leaving.

"taehyung, please listen to me," jungkook begged with clear desperation laced in between his words, and for a split second, he could've sworn taehyung's eyes softened even though they steeled right over almost immediately.

taehyung scowled and tried tugging his arm out of jungkook's grasp. "i'm not—"

"please." jungkook tightened his hold on taehyung and felt his heart wrench when taehyung visibly winced at the pain, yet, he just couldn't let the older man walk out the door like that without hearing his side of the story.

taehyung clicked his tongue but relaxed his arm nonetheless, taking in deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. jungkook sighed and hesitantly released his grip from the other's arm.

"that wasn't how i wanted you to find out about my past."

"cut the crap already and get to it," taehyung snapped, missing the way jungkook tried hard to not frown at that right away.

"after our first encounter at jin's cafe which went horribly wrong, i despised you a lot. so at first, yes, i decided to just pretend to be nice to you so that when i do happen to get a hold of your money and can finally pay for my mom's surgery, i can get away with it and i also won't feel sympathy for someone who's a total douche," the ravenet started explaining, causing a growl to slip out of taehyung.

"but after a while, i found out that you were a nice guy; one that always carries everything upon his own shoulders, one that puts others before him, one that never lets others down no matter how much he hates doing whatever he's being told to do. that lead me to realizing that what i was planning to do was wrong and inhumane, and that i'm the actual douche."

jungkook paused to gauge at taehyung's reaction, furrowing his eyebrows when taehyung's expression was completely blank.

"i'm so sorry, i know i'm a dick. just, taehyung, please say something," the black-haired male pleaded, trying to meet taehyung's eyes but to no avail.

little did he know, taehyung couldn't hear anything after the part where jungkook admitted that he had been eyeing his money in the beginning.

"you're exactly like bogum," taehyung soon mumbled, so lowly that jungkook had to strain his ears to hear even though they were simply standing a couple of mere inches away from each other.


"leave me the fuck alone!" taehyung suddenly seethed, tearing his arm away from jungkook's loosened hold and using his left hand to angrily fist at the front of jungkook's shirt in an instant, catching the younger off-guard.  "touch me again and i won't hesitate to hurt you."

"no! taehyung, i swear those are not my intentions anymore," jungkook claimed, now on the literal verge of crying out. "back then, i truly didn't have a choice. i couldn't—"

"save the bullshit, i don't want to hear it. i don't want to see you ever again," taehyung spat before roughly shoving jungkook backwards and storming out the front door.

jungkook couldn't bring himself to stop him this time because he knew he screwed up bad.

i don't want to see you ever again.

it shouldn't be hurting him this much, yet it was.

he tugged at his dark locks in frustration as that same sentence kept repeating itself in his mind like a broken record, alongside the abrupt news of 'G' resurfacing into his life and definitely not for the better.

a/n: 1.6k words! y'all thought their relationship would escalate that fast. ¯\_()_/¯ like this book ain't called 'feud' for no reason keke

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