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"hey, taehyungie," yugyeom greeted cheerfully, a bag grasped in his left hand and his other hand holding the door open. "i finally got the goods!"

"please don't say it like that, you make it sound like you brought drugs." taehyung scowled, allowing yugyeom to enter without bothering to knock because that's what he always does. he mumbled a soft 'thanks' as yugyeom reached into the bag to pull out a chicken sandwich, handing it over to the blond before plopping down on the small couch placed in the corner of the office.

"how's the proposal going?" yugyeom then asked, taking a big bite out of his turkey sandwich and trailing his gaze over the mountain of documents atop taehyung's desk.

taehyung groaned loudly at that, pinching the area between his eyebrows in frustration. "don't even mention that. i literally just started writing it earlier," he replied, followed by a click of his tongue.

"hyung, you can't be slacking now," yugyeom warned with a frown. "your father's going to be disappointed in you if you submit it late, especially with how much he wanted the project with the park's company to launch when he was still the owner of kim corp."

"i know, but that old man keeps forgetting that i'm the CEO now, not him," taehyung retorted while rolling his eyes. "doesn't he understand how much stress he's putting me under? i'm not even trying to slack off, yuggie — i'm just so worn out and tired, jesus christ."

"but you know that your father couldn't possibly keep the CEO position for much longer, hence why he chose to hand it over to you so early," yugyeom claimed, setting the half-finished sandwich on his lap and glancing worriedly at his friend.

"oh, trust me, he knew exactly what he was doing. he knew what i was going to go through when he gave this lame fucking company to me," taehyung growled. "he pushed his faults onto me. now look at who needs to carry on all his unfinished bullshit? me."

"okay, hyung, i think this conversation's going a little too far, yeah?" yugyeom began, cracking out a forced laugh. "let's talk about something else, shall we? maybe that'll cheer you back up."

"yeah, sure. go for it." the blond sighed, reaching out for the mug next to his keyboard that was filled with pure black coffee — something he actually hated but had to force himself to drink in order to stay awake and fully productive.

after all, he hasn't properly slept in over 29 hours, excluding those occasional 20-minute naps in between.

"so, that jeon jungkook guy asked me for my number after he finished my tattoo yesterday and we texted for the en— oh, right! you want to see my tattoo?" yugyeom excitedly offered. "i personally think it turned out pretty dope."

"no, thank you. you already know how i feel about those things, yuggie," taehyung murmured, not missing the way the brunet's aura immediately dimmed a little at his words.

"right, sorry. well, as i was saying," yugyeom coughed, pulling a grin back onto his lips. "he was so kind, y'know? i expected him to be some cold bastard that had a gigantic ego and only boasted about his body but he was surprisingly so considerate and patient with me since i told him it was my first time getting tatted."

"that's great," taehyung hummed, struggling to understand how jungkook and kind could possibly be in the same sentence but kept his mouth shut after seeing how yugyeom's irises practically glowed as he gushed over the successful tattoo artist.

"he told me about his encounters with you," yugyeom suddenly added.

taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "is that so?"

"yeah, he said you definitely misjudged him but he views you as a pompous asshole so it didn't matter much to him anymore. he also said that he absolutely despises you," the other male answered. "his words, not mine."

"when you see him again, tell him that the feeling's mutual," taehyung grumbled.

"why don't you like him though?" the brown-haired accountant questioned with a curious tilt of his head.

"because he reminds me of him," taehyung muttered so quietly that yugyeom had to strain his ears in order to hear what he said.

yugyeom tensed up in his seat. "he does?"

"very much."

"that's not good. i thought you already moved on, taehyungie," yugyeom spoke with a slight pout. "if staying away from jungkook will help you forget about that douche, then i'll gladly stop contacting jungkook, hyung."

"you don't need to do that for me, yuggie," taehyung assured with a gentle smile of gratitude. "i'm sure i'll be able to handle it. besides, it's not like i see jungkook every day anyway so it shouldn't affect me that badly."


"remember, i only get to boss you around during work, but i don't have a say in who you take an interest in. please don't let my past stop you from being happy, yuggie," taehyung finished.

he let out a tiny squeak when yugyeom quickly jumped off of the couch and ran over to where the blond was seated to wrap him in the tightest embrace he could muster.

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