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a/n: in case if you didn't catch it in the disclaimers, this book features switch!taekook, meaning that both of them take turns and switch between the dominant and submissive role in all aspects of their relationship, including sex.

jungkook grimaced when he noticed all the ice on his leftover iced latte had long melted, leaving a watery mixture of coffee, milk, and water.

packing away his laptop and getting ready to head back to the tattoo parlor, he was about to stand up to toss his drink away when—

"shit!" a loud voice suddenly echoed within the compact area of the small cafe and jolting jungkook in his spot.

immediately whipping his head to the direction of the noise, his eyes narrowed when he saw an infuriated businessman standing in front of a panicked jimin behind the counter.

"i'm sorry, mr. kim! it was an accident!" jimin immediately apologized, rushing over to the man with a bunch of napkins in hand to help wipe away the large stain now plastered on the front of the man's suit jacket.

mr. kim? jungkook's ears perked in curiosity.

"are you kidding me?" the man angrily growled, harshly snatching the napkins out of jimin's fingers to try and wipe at the stain himself. "how the fuck am i supposed to go to a meeting like this?"

"i'm so sorry. i can give you a refund, sir! oh, i-i can, uh, even buy you a new suit!" jimin made haste to offer, a nervous smile stretched out on his lips.

one of jungkook's eyebrows quirked up at his best friend's proposal. the suit that the man was wearing looked like it costed more than his yearly income.

"save it," the businessman seethed, practically shoving the napkins into the trash bin next to the counter. "i already know how you're going to pay for this — give up on your job now, boy."

"what?" jimin's jaw dropped to the floor, blood running cold. "n-no, wait, i need this job—"

"this cafe doesn't need someone as clumsy as you working for them," taehyung interrupted with a smug smirk. "what are you going to do? cry to your manager about it?"

jimin didn't reply. it seemed like he was legitimately about to cry, and jungkook couldn't bear to just sit still and observe his best friend getting pushed into a corner by this stranger any longer.

"hey, he already apologized! don't you have at least an ounce of empathy for others?" jungkook snapped, getting up from his chair with a loud screech and storming towards the two males.

"and who do you think you are?" the man in the suit queried, tilting his head to the side to stare at jungkook. "no, scratch that. do you even know who i am?"

"of course i do," jungkook confidently replied. "you're a cocky bastard that thinks the world only revolves around him and makes a big deal out of the smallest things."

"excuse me?" the man scoffed, folding his arms in front of his chest. "watch your words. i can make this pitiful cashier here lose his position with a snap of my fingers," he claimed, completely unfazed by jungkook's bulky appearance.

"taehyung," seokjin, the manager of the cafe, interjected after hearing all the commotion, emerging from the storage room and taking his place next to a frightened jimin, wearing the most unimpressed expression on his face.

"hyung," taehyung — apparently, that was his name — murmured. "hyung, tell your little employee here to do his job correctly. i'm literally about to fire him for you."

"there's no need for that, taehyung," seokjin assured with a slight frown. "jimin's new here, he's naturally going to make some small mistakes."

"oh, believe me, he made a huge mistake—"

"kim taehyung," seokjin hissed, instantly shutting taehyung up, to jungkook's utmost surprise. "you're a CEO, so act like one. also, you need to stop causing so much unnecessary drama. you've attracted enough attention."

taehyung clicked his tongue, sending a quick glare towards jungkook who didn't miss a beat, instantly returning the glare.

"you should learn how to wash your clothes," jungkook then suggested snarkily. "maybe then you'll realize that getting coffee stains on your clothes isn't the end of the world," he continued, unflinching when taehyung abruptly slammed his hand on the countertop.

"you piece of sh—"

"jungkook, that's enough," seokjin stated with a groan. "don't make this worse. taehyung, you should go back to work now, please. i'll have a talk with jimin later, alright?"

"whatever," taehyung grumbled. "i'll be back tomorrow to discuss how you'll—" he pointed straight at jimin before pointing down to the stain on the front of his suit. "—make this up to me."

jungkook stood at the side with clenched fists, watching as taehyung swiftly shrugged off his suit jacket and started heading for the exit.

but the man halted in his steps when something in his peripheral caught his attention.

his eyebrows rose so far up, disappearing behind his blond fringe, at the visible viper tattoo that ran down the entire length of jungkook's exposed right arm.

"how unprofessional. that tattoo is hideous," taehyung muttered under his breath, but jungkook could hear his insult as clear as day.

jungkook opened his mouth to curse the hell out of the man but was stopped by a hand falling on his shoulder. "don't," seokjin warned.

the ravenet slumped his shoulders down.

"who does he think he is?" jungkook exclaimed in annoyance as soon as the man finally left the cafe. "why were you so nice to him, hyung? he was such a dick!" 

"jungkook, do you live under a rock?" jin began with a sigh. "you really have no idea who that guy was?"

"no. am i supposed to?"

"that was kim taehyung, my cousin. but most people in korea would know him as the current CEO of kim corporation, the company that manages almost all of the business deals and finances within seoul, including trade transactions with other cities. you know, he even offered me the land to build this cafe on."

"w-what?" jungkook uttered in pure disbelief.

to make it worse for jungkook, "your tattoo parlor was also built on one of the properties under his company, kook," seokjin added.

"how did i never know about this?" jungkook pinched at the area between his brows in irritation.

that prick was actually the infamous 24-year-old CEO of kim corporations that everyone in korea seemed to swoon over? he just insulted jungkook's tattoo without a second thought!

"i know you were trying to help me but you just, well, disrespected one of the most influential figures of south korea as of our time," jimin announced with a nervous chuckle. "you should start praying, jungkook. with how hard you got on his nerves, i'm sure the first thing he'd do will be tearing down your parlor."

"well, fuck that — he can kiss my ass if he wants to mess with my parlor. remind me to give him an extra punch to the face tomorrow so he won't be able to show his face in public anymore," jungkook declared with a roll of his eyes.

"jungkook!" jin scolded, throwing a paper cup at the back of jungkook's head.

a/n: not proofread. story gets better as it progresses.

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