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Enemies - Sinscale

Bosses - Sinspawn Ammes

Items - Potion x2, Longsword.

The game will begin just before a Blitzball game in the city of ZANARKAND.

You'll take control of the main character so run down the ramp to the group of

fans waiting at the bottom. Just go up to some fans and hit X to be given the

chance to name your character (he's the only guy you can name). You'll even-

tually get free from the group and head for the stadium.

On the way you'll hear the comentators from the stadium talk about Jecht, your

Dad. There is a girl you pass wearing a pink top, talk to her three times to

get 2 POTIONS. Go through the massive gate to another group of awaiting fans,

this one is somewhat bigger than the other. You'll find it hard to get through

this group, so head back through the gate and a movie will ensue.

It's a bit weird having the opening movie a bit into the game yes, but just

watch and be astounded by the silky graphics. You'll se a spectacular Bltizball

match where Tidus really kicks ass, followed by the whole city being blown to

buts by a mysterious force.

As soon as you regain consciosness you'll find yourself on a sloping road

littered with rubble. There are lots of scared people running about as well

looking for refuge I guess. Anyway run towards the bottom of the screen until

you meet Auron. You just follow Auron until you get in some fights. You'll also

meet a strange little boy who stops time and tells you not to cry. Just get

ready for your first battle.

These first battles are fairly simple and staright-forward. Just hit the enemy

with your sword. Just once will do. You can also use items, use a POTION if you

feel your health is getting too low for comfort. Auron will tell you just to

attack the fiends in your way, so only go for the ones in front of you. Once

you kill the Sinscales in front of you you'll run on.

Now for another fight. There'll be five enemies here, but you only have to kill

the three in front of you. If you kill the two behind then you'll just be wast

-ing time because they're replaced by more right away. After killing the three

in front you'll break through and head for the first boss.




HP - 2400

AP - N/A

Weakness - None

The first boss has 4 Sinscales around him for a bit of extra protection. This

fight isn't hard because on the Sinscales die you _can't_ be beaten. It is an

impossibility. As soon as you enter the fight you may notice Auron has his

OVERDRIVE meter full. These are like Limit Breaks or something, anyway they do

nore damage than a regular attack. For Aurons attack you have 4 seconds to hit

the DOWN, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, L1, R1, CIRCLE and X buttons. It sounds a lot for

just 4 seconds but if you are prepared it's not too hard. If you manage to pull

if off then all the Sinscales will die, and you'll damage the Sinspawn. Once

the Sinscale are gone, you can't lose. The Sinspawn will keep using Demi, which

takes off 1/4 of your HP. Even if your HP drops to 1, it won't drop any lower

so just attack away. Don't bother healing even, you'll be fully healed after

the fight.

After the fight Auron will just keep running on like the warrior that he is.

You'll see a little glowing blue globe over the the right beyond where you

fought the boss, go over to it. This is a SAVE SPHERE. Not only does it let you

save, but when you press X beside it all your HP and MP will be fully healed.

So save and heal, then follow Auron.

It will start raining little cacoons that the Sinscale emerge from, you end up

utterly surrounded. There will be seven Sinscale around you at all times, if

you kill one another will fill it's place. Sometimes you'll see a message say

-ing the wings are beginning to flicker, kill the fiends with flickery wings

before all others. After a few rounds Auron will tell you to attack a damaged

machine to he side of the field. Once it takes 1,000 damage it will break and

fall causing a huge explosion. The rest of the Sinscale will be wiped out. You

now lose control again, and Auron and Tidus will be sucked up by Sin. You'll

find yourself swimming through the air eventually. Turn around until you see a

blue platform with a man on it. Press CIRCLE to lower you height and make for

the platform. You'll be sent to the SUBMERGED RUINS.




Enemies - Sahagin

Bosses - Klikk, Geosgaeno

Items - Flint, Withered Bouquet, Ether, 200 Gil, Hi-Potion x2, Potion x2,

X-Potion, Al Bhed Compilation Sphere

You'll find yourself in a brand new area now, which is unknown to Tidus. There

is a small red arrow in the map in the top left of the screen, just head in the

direction the arrow points. The arrow will guide you through the vast majority

of the game. After some amout of swimming you'll reach a set of steps, so climb

out of the water and ascend. If you want you can access the menu now for the

first time by pressing the TRIANGLE button.

Once up on dry land, head for the north-west of the area and climb a set of

stairs to find the AL BHED COMPILATION SPHERE. Al Bhed is a language you can

learn throughout the game, but don't worry bout it yet. It will ask you to

save something to your memory card. Do if you feel like it. A little south of

the sphere there is a chest with 2 POTIONS inside. In the North-East you'll

find another chest containing 200 GIL. Now just head in the direction of the

arrow and take the stairs to the next section.

There is a SAVE SPHERE to your right as you enter the next section, so use it

if you like. Go forward until you see a left turn of the path you're on. Take

it and follow the passage until you reach a chest. It has a Hi-POTION in it, so

take it. Now head back to the main path. After a few steps forward the floor

will collapse from under you and you'll find yourself in the water again. After

swimming around for a short whil you'll be attacked by 3 Sahagin. They only

have 100 HP, so hack away at them. Once you kill two of them a much tougher

enemy arrives on the scene.




HP - 32767

AP - N/A

Weakness - None

As you can see this beast has an enormous amount of HP, so killing him isn't

really an option. This is one of those fights that you can't win, they're in

all Final Fantasy games. After the third time you attack him he'll just run

away. You can't die here either because all his attacks will just half your HP.

So just attack 3 times and that is that.

After the fight you'll find yourself in another passageway. The way you came in

has been blown to bits so the only way now is forward. Head out the other end

of the corridor to find yourself in a large but delapidated circular hall. Head

for the middle of the hall to see the site of a fire, Tidus will comment on how

terribly cold he is, and something about finding the stuff to light a fire.

Before you find that stuff though there are a couple of other items to be found

in this hall and it's surrounding chambers. You'll notice there are some green

squares on the map, they indicate door you can go through. There is one door

that doesn't have a green square though, go find it. To the right of it there

is a chest containing a X-POTION. It's advisable to hold onto this for a while.

Go through the exit to the north. In behind the door there's a chest with an

ETHER in it. Now go up the stairs, at the top in a vase on the wall find the

WITHERED BOUQUET. Could this catch fire I wonder, hmm. Anyway theres a door

near there, go through. Go to the end of the path to find a HI-POTION. Now head

back for the main hall.

There's a SAVE SPHERE in this room, indicated by a large white square on the

map. Save if you like and go in the door next to it, into a quite small room.

Its wrecked, just like everything else around here but you'll see a desk in

here, examine it to find the FLINT. You're now ready to light your fire. Save

if you didn't earlier, and go to the middle of the room and light the fire.

Tidus will fall asleep beside the fire until he's rudley awakened by a nasty

looking monster. Watch it run around in circles on the walls, and get ready to

fight it.




HP - 2250

AP - 5

Weakness - None

You'll fight alone for the first part of the fight, which is tough. You have to

take off 750 HP on your own. This might take about 6 or 7 attacks. Just heal if

you think your HP is getting too low. Once you've taken off your 750 HP, a

small group of weird looking people will enter the hall. One of them rushes to

your aid, you now have a companion in the fight. The new character is called

???? for now. You'll notice she can STEAL off Klikk, and also has a USE command

as well. For now use the STEAL command while just attacking with Tidus. You'll

take a GRENADE, and you have two of these in stock already. For your next three

turns with ???? throw GRENADES, they do an awful lot of damage. Keep attacking

normally with Tidus and heal if you need to. After the third GRENADE just steal

another one if Klikk isn't dead. The fourth GRENADE will do the job definately.

After the fight the group of people who came in will turn on you. They knock

you out with a smack on the head and carry you off to yet another new location.




Enemies - Piranha

Bosses - Tros

Items - Al Bhed Primer I, Potions (up to 99)

You'll wake up again on the deck of a ship. Before talking to anyone at all go

save and heal at the SAVE SPHERE, and take the AL BHED PRIMER I from the opp-

osite side of the deck. Now go back to the group of people and talk to the guy

on the left to get 3 POTIONS. Now talk to the girl who helped you in the fight

for a short tutorial on the SPHERE GRID. That's the way of strengthening your

characters in FFX. Talk to her again after the tutorial to hop in the water.

Once in the water you'll be given the command to dive again, as your next des

-tination is under the water. If you press SQUARE you can also return to the

ship. If you do that talk to the guy who gave you the potions to get another

3 POTIONS. Keep jumping in and out of the water and talking to the guy until

you have 99 POTIONS. Now jump in the water and get ready to dive. You'll see a

big chain going downwards to an underwater ruin, so follow the chain down. On

your way you may have to fight a few groups of Piranhas. They aren't especially

hard so don't worry. You can STEAL GRENADES from them, so I would suggest you

do as much as you can. Once you get into the ruins, swim up to a control pannel

and Tidus will start hitting it. Just back from it is a SAVE SPHERE, so save

and heal as there's a boss coming up shortly.

Swim through the ruins, just follow ???? and you'll know where to go. You'll

come into a big circular hall and to get through the other side you have to

swim at the right heigth, so look out for that. Go in through to the passage

and you'll have to battle some more Piranhas. Go to the end of the hall where

you can activate a machine, seemingly bringing the ruins back to life. Now go

back to the large circular hall and you'll face a boss.




HP - 2200

AP - 8

Weakness - None

Have Tidus be the healer here, while ???? attacks with GRENADES. If Tidus isn't

healing then have him attack, naturally. If you run out of GRENADES, steal some

more. After you've dealt about 350 damage to Tros, he will hide behind the big

pillar in the centre of the room. You'll be given a new command to try out,

STAND BY. This doesn't do anything but heal you 50 HP. You'd probably be better

off just using a POTION if your HP is low. After a turn or two Tros will attack

with his strongest attack, Nautilus Charge. It will deal at least 150 damage to

both characters. Deal him out another 350 damage for him to hide again. Instead

of standing by this time you can use a Pincer Attack. You'll each go to either

side of Tros, trapping him. He can't use the Nautilus Charge any more, which is

good. Keep attacking and healing, Tros should go down. He isn't all too hard.

After the fight head for the red triangle on the map again, and heal on your

way out. You'll do some more exploring under the water and eventually just go

back up to the boat, mission accomplished. You'll eventually find out that ????

is in fact called Rikku, and that Zanarkand has been gone 1000 years. You'll

regain control of Tidus halfway through the conversation, just talk to Rikku

again to continue. You'll just be getting friendly when your boat is attacked

by a powerful force, Sin! You'll get a chance to save your game now, so do so.

You'll awaken just of the shore of BESAID ISLAND.




Enemies - Piranha, Condor, Dingo, Water Flan, Garuda.

Bosses - Kimahri

Items - Antidote x4, 600 Gil, Hi-Potion x4, Moon Crest, Phoenix Down x2,

Potion x7 Mars Crest, Al Bhed Primer II, 400 GIL, Phoenix Down,

Rod Of Wisdom, Ether, Remedy, Seekers Ring, Brotherhood

You'll awaken in Carribean like waters off the coast of a tropic island. You'll

show off your snazzy Blitzball skills to the Besaid Aurochs, a Blitzball team

training on the beat. You'll also meet their charismatic captain, Wakka. He

now becomes a new recruit to your party. After a conversation he'll suggest you

head back to the village for some food. Before you follow him though, talk to

the Blitzball team. If you address each member twice you'll end up with 200 GIL

2 HI-POTIONS and 5 POTIONS, not too shabby at all. There are two more chests on

the beach as well, one is in a cove over to the east. It contains a MARS CREST

which will be useful later on. The other is in the south-west, it contains 2

ANITDOTES. After collecting all the items, follow Wakka back to the village.

Wakka will head right at the crossroad, which is the proper way. The other road

is blocked and empty. He'll dive off a cliff into the water, apparently you

have to swim back to the village. You'll face Piranhas under the water, but you

have fought them before so they shouldn't be too hard. There are three treasure

chests hidden under the water. The first is south as you jump in the water, at

the very beginning. If contains a PHOENIX DOWN. The second is a bit further up,

on the same side of the river where it begins to narrow. If contains another

HI-POTION. The last one is also on that side of the river after the bend but

before the river widens out again. It contains 2 ANTIDOTES. Once you reach the

end of the river you'll head in the direction of Besaid, and chat with Wakka

on the way. You'll be asked by Wakka about a prayer, you have to chose which

answer to say, it doesn't matter which one you pick.

Once you reach the village you won't be able to leave for a while. Take a few

moments to look around and talk to the inhabitants. The first door on the left

is a shop where you can buy:

Items | Price

-------------- | ---------

Potions | - 50 Gil

Phoenix Downs | - 100 Gil

Andidote | - 50 Gil

-------------- | ---------

Not very much, but stock up on any itmems that your low on. You should have

plenty of Gil. Around to the west of the shop is a little path, and you can

find 3 treasure chests at the bottom. Collect 400 GIL, HI-POTION, and 2 POTIONS

in all. Go in through the door to the north of the path, this is the Crusaders

Lodge. The Crusaders a a force who have vowed to battle Sin. They've been at

war with Sin for the last 800 years. You can rest and save at the SAVE SPHERE

in here. To the right of the front desk, blocked from view, is the AL BHED

PRIMER II, make sure to grab it. There is a blue screen in this room, it's a

tutorial which will teach you basics of the game. Give it a look if you really

want to, it isn't necessary by any means though. You've collected all the items

there are to get now, so explore the rest of the houses at your leisure, and

when you are ready go north the the Temple of Yevon.

Go into the temple and examine all the stautues and talk to everyone to learn

about summoning and the aeon. When you've done this mosey back to Wakka's house

which is the middle one on the east side, and you'll be prompted to have a nap.

Once you wake up go back to the temple. No-one can stop you from going into the

Cloister of Trials, you completely ignore the fact the temples are holy places.

Getting through these temples is quite tough, and they get harder as you go on.

This is the easiest one to manage. Start off by examining the symbols or glyphs

as the game calls them on the wall. As you examine, more will appear. Examine

again and say you want to touch the symbol yo open a hidden door. Go down the

stairs and look at the next set of symbols on the wall. You'll find out all

about the different types of SHPERES here. Take the GLYPH SPHERE from the wall

and head down the stairs on the right. Turn left at the bottom and check the

door. It will prompt you to insert a SHPERE, so pop in that GLYPH SPHERE you

are holding to poen the door. You can take the GLYPH SHERE back out of the door

now if you want. Now follow the corridor until you see a hole in the wall on

the left side under some white symbols. Insert the GLYPH SPHERE.

The wall will open up for you, and you'll see a DESTRUCTION SPHERE inside. Pass

it by for now, we'll come back for it later. Head round until you see a little

rut in the path. There's a pedestal beside the wall and some white symbols on

either sides. Touch the symbols to open up the wall and find a small chamber.

There's a BESAID SPHERE in the wall, so take it out and put it in the pedestal.

Now remember the DESTRUCTION SHPERE we passed earlier? Go back for it and place

it where you took the BESAID SPHERE from. The wall at the end of the passage

around to the right will dissappear, allowing you to take the ROD OF WISDOM

from the chest inside. The rod is a weapon for Yuna, who you are yet to entice

into your party. Now, go back to the pedestal with the BESAID SPHERE in it. You

can push it just by running into it in the direction you want it to go. Keep

pushing until the pedestal has sunk into the ground. Thats about it for this

puzzle, Wakka will find you and go on about Yevon.

Once you have control again follow everyone from the temple back outside to the

big circle in the contre of BESAID VILLAGE. Here you can see Yuna summon her

very first aeon, Valefor. Note that you have th option of calling it another

name if you want. Talk to Wakka and he'll ask you if you like Yuna, answer as

you will. Talk to him again and he'll ask you if you want to rest. You have to

rest for the game to advance, so do so when you are ready. During your sleep

you'll have a dream. Just walk left until you meet Yuna and watch what happens.

You'll awaken in the Crusaders Lodge. Go outside, saving if you like. When your

out Wakka will give you the BROTHERHOOD, the sword of his dead brother. Equip

it straight away, it has the STRENGTH +5% ability, remember to equip Yuna with

thr ROD OF WISDOM too. Before you leave the village go into the shop. Talk to

the sales woman, who'll comment on her dog. Now go to the northern-most house

on the right and examine the dog. Valefor will learn ENERGY BLAST.

Now head for the beach harbour were your ship awaits. On your way there you'll

have to fight one or two mandatory fights. These are just designed to familiar

-ise you with the battle systems. You'll start off by facing up against a

Dingo. All you can do here is attack, simple stuff. After he dies a Condor

will take his place. Wakka will tell you how flyers are his business, so use

Wakka to kill the Condor. An easy battle if ever there was one. Another ways

up the hill you'll face a Water Flan. This is tutorial on ELEMENTAL MAGIC.

Tidus will try to be the big man and take it out on his own, but fails badly.

Lulu, you're travelling black mage steps in and tells you about ELEMENTS. As

it is a Water creature you're facing, use THUNDER for best results.

After these easy battles proceed on and you'll stop at a cliff that overlooks

the town. Yuna takes a moment here, and then the party go to pray at a sacred

monument. Pray if you want, I did because it looks cool. At the SAVE SPHERE

save your game, and follow the red arrow to the next area. After a short run

a movie will kick in and you'll see panther/man jumping around like a lunatic.




HP - 750

AP - 3

Weakness - None

Tidus has to go this one alone I'm afraid. It isn't exactly the definition of

hard though, despite your opponents fearsome looks. You just have to attack

normally a couple of times until his HP is gone. Don't heal, don't hesitate,

just attack. After you beat him Wakka will step in, as it turns out Kimahri is

one of Yuna's guardians as well. Why did he attack you then? Anyway you're

fully healed after the fight, and Kimahri joins your party. Now continue down

the island path for another lesson in fighting, this one is a bit tougher than

the previous ones.

You have to face a Garuda this time, a huge bird. This time Yuna steps in, it's

time do do some summoning. Bring Valefor into the fray, he's more than a match

for the Garuda. Use all the attacks at your disposal, the regular attack, Sonic

Wings, and some Black Magic. If you happen to get an overdrive with Valefor,

the Garuda can pretty much give up. You shouldn't have too much trouble with

this fight. As soon as this fight is over you have the choice of picking the

FORMATION otption in the menu. This lets you decide who you want to start off

the fight with.

Keep moving, there are tow more fights you have to get through. The first one

is against another Garuda. For the first move you have to BLIND it using Wakkas

DARK ATTACK. You'll see black smoke over it's face if this is successful. Now

that it's blind just lay into it until it is dead. After this fight you will

have to face a Condor, Dingo, and Water Flan all at the same time. These are

all fiends you have fought before, so deal with them accordingly. Wakka can

take the Condor, Lulu can take the Water Flan, and Tidus can take the Dingo.

When you reach the crossroads follow the arrow south. The head west and you'll

arrive at the harbour where your ship is docked. Before you get aboard talk to

every person in the harbour to receive a SEEKERS RING, equip it on Yuna, an

ETHER, 400 GIL, a PHOENIX DOWN, and a REMEDY. This is your last chance to go

back to the village. Don't bother though, we've done all there is to do there

so get on the boat.




Enemies - Sinscale

Bosses - Sinspawn Echuilles, Sin's fin

Items - Al Bhed Primer III, Potion(up to 20), Remedy

You'll find yourself on the deck of the S.S. LIKI after some conversation and

stuff. Let us start by collecting all the items. Head south, about halfway

down the ship is a cabin type structure, the Bridge. There's a stairs at the

back of this, so go down. Go into the room over on the left hand side. In the

left of this room there is a hidden chest with a REMEDY in it. Over on the

right there's a suitcase. If you have _less than_ 20 POTIONS, kick the suitcase

to receive a POTION. You can only do this until you have 20 POTIONS. Now go

back to the main room. In the bottom right, beside the stairs there is another

door, go through. You'll meet a lady and some Chocobos. In the very bottom

right of this room, hidden from view is the AL BHED PRIMER III. Now go back out

to the corridor.

Look for a man with a big bag on his back. This is O'oaka, a traveeling merch

-ant. Talk to him and he'll ask you for money. Give him as much or as little

as you want, just give him something. The total amount you give him will change

his prices when you meet him elsewhere. Here is a list of how his prices change

compared to a normal shop when you take into account how much you give him.

Money given | Price

------------------- | ------------------

0 - 100 Gil | Normal price x 2

101 - 1000 Gil | Normal price x 1.5

1001 - 10000 Gil | Normal price x 1

10001 - > 10001 Gil | Normal price x 0.7

------------------- | ------------------

So there you have it. If you buy a lot of goods from him, and donate 10001 Gil

you can in fact save money. But I'm sure you don't have 10001 Gil free now, so

I would just give him 100. When you have collected everything around here go

back top-side onto the deck. Talk to Yuna, then talk to Wakka and then Yuna

again. You'll hear some stuff about Yuna and Tidus's fathers. It seems that

Tidus isn't the biggest fan of his dad. Anyway after these events your boat

will be attacked, by none other than Sin!




HP - 2000

AP - 10

Weakness - None

You'll be up against the fin here, and a never ending supply of Sinscales. You

start off against three sinscales, but there isn't any point in killing them

all so just kill two. If you kill them all they'll be replaced by three more.

So you can either leave the one as it is, or have three more on you hands. Any

way the fin doesn't seem to do too much except swim around. You want to get

Wakka and his long range attacks in here, and Lulu aswell. I would advise you

to give every character _at least_ one active turn so they can all get the AP

after the fight. Anyway once there is only a single Sinscale left, use the long

range attacks of Wakka and Lulu, and CHEER a few times with Tidus. If you want

to then summon Valefor, it won't be really worth it though as the chances of

gettting an overdrive with just one Sinscale attacking you are slim. Once you

have taken off the 2000 HP then Sin will rock the boat and Tidus will fall in

the water. Wakka will jump to his rescue, and the pair will face another boss.




HP - 2000

AP - 12

Weakness - Darkness

This guy is also accompanied by Sinscales, who get replaced when they die. It

is an utter waste of time even thinking about attacking them. They are just a

distraction. The Sinspawn is fond of using DRAIN TOUCH, so use DARK ATTACK

with Wakka to put that aside. Use DARK ATTACK once every three or four rounds,

you want to keep this guy blinded. Use CHEER with Tidus a few times too, then

just whack away at the Sinspawn. The Sinspawn has one nasty attack you can't do

a thing about, and that is BLENDER. It's his strongest attack, so you may need

to heal afterwards. This battle shouldn't be too tough if you keep him blind.

After the fight you'll make your way to KILIKA, to pray at the temple. Sin gets

there ahead of you though and lays the town to waste.




Enemies - Dinonix, Killer Bee, Ragora, Yellow Element

Bosses - Sinspawn Geneaux, Tetacles, Lord Ochu

Items - Ether, Potion, Al Bhed Primer IV, Antidote x4, Elixer, Hi-Potion,

Mana Sphere x2, Luck Sphere, NulBlaze Shield, Remedy, Phoenix Down x3

Scout, Red Armlet

You'll arrive in a decimated Kilika, Sin has taken out his vengeance. You can't

do very much here for the moment, Yuna has to send the souls of the dead. Just

go round talking to people if you like. From the ship go north until your only

option is to turn left, so do so. Head down this path and take a right, and

also take the right fork in the road. You'll be prompted to have a rest, it is

the only way to forwared the game. You'r adventure will continue in the inn.

There is the AL BHED PRIMER IV on the bar table just near the drunk on the

floor, so take it. Now head back in the direction of the the place you stayed

the night, except take the left fork this time. As you pass a hut, it will

collapse and Tidus will heroically save the girl inside. Now go back to the bar

to find a treasure chest on the right with an ETHER in it. Also go back to the

house down the left fork and take 3 POTIONS from the chest. You can also visit

the shop now, it's on a jetty south of the bar. Here's a list of its goods:

Weapon | Price

------------------ | ----------

Hunter's Sword | - 250 Gil

Rod of Wisdom | - 250 Gil

Scout | - 250 Gil

Cactuar Scope | - 250 Gil

Hunter's Spear | - 375 Gil

Seeker's Shield | - 150 Gil

Seeker's Ring | - 150 Gil

Seeker's Armguard | - 150 Gil

Seeker's Bangle | - 150 Gil

Seeker's Armlet | - 150 Gil

------------------ | ----------

Don't bother with any weapons now, but all the armour has the HP +5% abaility

so invest in some if you want. Now go find Wakka, who you'll find to the north

-east from the shop, just go down the long path pointing north-east. You decide

it's time to go to the temple. Go back to the fork in the road and take the

left one this time. Now keep going until you reach the woods. As soon as you're

in the woods save your game. There are tonnes of items to collect in the woods

but you'll have to endure random battles the whole time. You'll be able to

defeat all the enemies, and you should have a small fortunes worth of POTIONS,

so just heal when you need to. Most of the creatures don't like BLIZZARD, and

use Yuna's ESUNA to cure status effects.

Ok start off by going right from the entrance and go to the end of this path.

At the end there is a chest with 2 MANA SPHERES inside. Now go back to the

entrance and go left. Take the first right, and a short way up here you'll

find a chest on the left hand side. It contains a SCOUT, equip it on Wakka.

Now go back to the entrance again, this time go straight until you come up to

two people. Talk to the guy on the right to get 4 ANITDOTES. You can see the

Lord Ochu in the background, so heal up and go run into him for a fight.




HP - 4649

AP - 40

Weakness - Fire

This is an optional fight, but I would advise you to take the Ochu on. You can

always run away if you feels he is too much. Start off the fight by using FIRE

spells. They take off 1.5 times the regular damage. Like before, give every

character at least one active turn. Bringing them in and out of the fight isn't

good enough, they have to do something. If you've learned HASTE yet then use

it on everyone you can. Heal when you have to, and use ANTIDOTES and ESUNA when

the Ochu poisons you. As soon as you've done 2500 damage the Ochu will start

to heal himself up by sleeping. If you attack while he's asleep he'll retaliate

with EARTHQUAKE, which you don't want. So now is the time to summon. Bring

Valefor onto the field and attack away. Since he flies EARTHQUAKE won't affect

him. Use normal attacks and FIRE to whittle down the Ochus HP. If you get and

OVERDRIVE, lovely, use if for some huge damage. You should manage this fight

alright. The 40 AP is nice as well. You'll get two prizes for beating the Ochu.

Firstly go left at the crossroads where you fought and take to the two guys to

get a NULBLAZE SHIELD for Tidus. It cancels FIRE attacks. You'll get a REMEDY

from the other guy. Now go back to the two Crusaders, you got 4 ANTIDOTES from

one earlier. Talk to the other to get an ELIXER.

There is a Crusader standing in the crossroads now, he will submit 3 PHOENIX

DOWNS if you talk to him. Noth of the crossroads there is another guy who'll

give you a HI-POTION for talking to him. Take the raod going north beyond him,

it curves to the left. At the end you'll find a chest with a LUCK SPHERE in it.

Now you've gotten everything, go to the temple. Return to the guy you got the

HI-POTION from, and go right from where he is. Take the left when you reach the

T-Junction and follow the path. You'll reach some steps up to the temple. There

is a SAVE SPHERE someway up the steps, so save and heal here. Make your way

further up the steps. Once you reach the large circular platform you'll have to

face another boss, Sinspawn Geneaux and accompanying tentacles.




HP - 3000

AP - 48

Weakness - Fire




HP - 450

AP - 5

Weakness - None

Before you even think of attacking the Sinspawn, take out both tentacles. The

only magic you should use is FIRE, the rest is absorbed or damage is halved.

Just use physical attacks and FIRE until both tentacles die. They protect the

Sinspawn and absorb some of the damage you inflict on him. Once the tentacles

are gone, focus on the Sinspawn. As you can see, he's in a shell, so physical

attacks don't work too well. Use FIRE every round, try and HASTE up Lulu if you

have it. He POISONS you and uses WATER so use NulTide and Esuna with Yuna to

counter these. Once you've taken off 2400 HP, his shell opens up and you can

attack physically. This battle is not very hard if you use the right strategy.

Save and heal afterwards, then make for the Temple.

In the temple you'll meet a couple of not very nice people. One group are a

particularly big-headed Blitzball team who Wakka clearly doesn't like, and the

other is Dona, a summoner. You feel like smakcking her if you could. You're

told you can't go into the Cloister of Trials because you're not a guardian,

but that didn't stop you before and it won't stop you now. Kimahri shoves you

off the lift, but when it comes back Dona's guardian will put you back on and

down you go. This is another puzzle with the Spheres and stuff. Here's the way

to go.

Start off by taking the KILIKA SPHERE from the pedestal on the left. Put it in

the hole in the wall beside the door. The door will open, but there is still a

load of fire blocking the way. So just take the KILIKA SPHERE back from the

hole in the wall and the fire will vanish. Make your way down the corridor

until you come to another chamber. Put the KILIKA SPHERE in the hole in the

northern wall, the take it back out. Now put it in one of the holes on the east

or west wall. Go touch the glyph that appears to open the door. Now take the

GLYPH SPHERE from the pedestal and put it in the other wall. Go north now until

you reach the wall of flames and step on the glowing switch to the right.

The pedestal will appear close to you. Take the KILIKA SPHERE from the wall

near the switch and put it in the pedestal. Now go back to get the GLYPH SPHERE

from the previous room, and put in in the newly vactated hole that the KILIKA

SPHERE was in. Now get the pedestal and push it onto the glowing switch on the

floor. Now go round to the stairs on the left, descend and go over to the right

of the room to take another KILIKA SPHERE. Put it in the hole beside the door

in the north of the room. Now go back up to where you put the pedestal, and in

the room you opened up take the DESTRUCTION SPHERE. Go down to the lower level

and put it in the hole that you took the KILIKA SPHERE from. A secret room will

open up, and in it is a chest with a RED ARMLET inside. Equip this on Kimahri

when you have the chance. Now go back up to the northern door and remove the

KILIKA SPHERE from the hole beside the door. Another puzzle cracked, wuhoo!

Go through the door and you'll meet up with the rest of the gang. Yuna isn't

there, she's praying to the Fayth. Talk to all the guardians and then try to

leave the room. Yuna wil emerge from her prayer and she's aquired a new Aeon.

With all the fire in the palce, I wonder which one it could be... it's Ifrit.

Now you can leave the temple, head back through the forest to the village. Try

out your new Aeon in the forest. You've finished just about everything there is

to do in Kilika, so get aboard you're ship at the harbour to the south of the

town. You're headed for Luca, and your ship has changed name.




Enemies - None

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Primer V, Hi-Potion

This ships layout is pretty much the exact same as the S.S. LIKI, except the

only difference here is that you can go into the bridge. Start off by going

inside the ship into the corridor. You'll find A'aoka here and if you donate

him some money he'll put his items up for sale. Here's what he sells:

Items | Price

-------------- | ---------

Potions | - 50 Gil

Phoenix Downs | - 100 Gil

Andidote | - 50 Gil

-------------- | ---------

Buy anything at all that you are short on, and head in the door over on the

leaft hand side. At the back of this room behind a Blitzball palyer(the Aurochs

have joined your voyage for the tournament in Luca) is a chest containing a

HI-POTION. Now go back outside, save on the way if you like, and go into the

Bridge. It's the door beside the stairs leading down to the inside of the ship.

Right in the middle of the room on the green rug is the AL BED PRIMER V. Make

sure you take it, and go back outside. There is a set of stairs going up just

south of that door, so head for it. Going up is the only way to advance the

story. Listen to what they say, it's fairly important to the story-line. Now go

back to the north deck and look for a Blitzball lying on the ground. If you

approach it you'll get the chance to learn the JECHT SHOT, an invaluable Blitz

move. I would advise you save before you try, you want to get it right.

You'll see a flashback of Jecht doing the shot, it looks pretty impressive, no?

Anyway you'll be given a quick tutorial on how to pull it off. You'll hear

voices in your head of Jecht saying nasty things. These will appear on the

screen aswell. If they appear in the top left of the screen you press UP, LEFT

and X simulateously. If it appears in the middle of the screen you just press

the X button, if it appears on the right you press RIGHT and X at the same time

etc etc... You have to hit 11 of these messages on screen in 10 seconds to

learn the Jecht Shot. If you don't do it the first time, re-load and try again.

After you learn the shot go talk to Yuna, or eavesdrop on Wakka and Lulu three

more times in all. After talking to Yuna a few times you'll arrive in Luca.




Enemies - Sahagin Chief, Vouivre, Worker, Garuda,

Bosses - Oblitzerator

Items - Al Bhed Primer VI, Al Bhed Primer VII, 1600 Gil, HiPotion x2, Pheonix

Down x2, HP Shpere, Magic Sphere, Tidal Shpere

As soon as you arrive in Luca you'll realise this place is Blitzball mad. You

will stand on the dock for a while and see teams arrive for the tournament.

Tidus will jump up on top of a crate with a loudspeaker announcing how he and

the Aurochs will win the tournament. After a while you'll hear Maester Mika has

arrived, he's the leader of Yevon in Spira, like the Pope or something I guess.

You'll also see Maester Seymour, another of the four Maesters of Yevon. For

now though drop all thoughts of everything and focus on Blitzball. You'll have

to play your first and only compulsory match soon, and winning would be nice

I guess. Anyway just follow all prompts and arrows and you'll end up getting a

rather long Blitzball tutorial. I would adives you use it to your advantage.

After the tutorial (whether you use it or not) you'll hear news that Auron, the

guy who dragged you to Spira, has been spotted in a cafe in Luca. You'll now

have the chance to take control of Tidus and move about Luca on your own. Your

objective is to find Auron, but lets find some items first. Come out of your

locker room, and you'll see there are three sets of stairs beside each other.

You come out the one on the right so go over to the left one and go down. You

will find the AL BHED PRIMER VI behind the Blitzball player in the foreground.

You'll also find a chest with 2 HI-POTIONS in the back of the room.

I would now advise you go around the docks collecting all there is to get. To

get to the docks just Go to the SAVE SPHERE in the centre of Luca. Now turn

either right or left, doesn't matter. I would say go left though because it

leads you to Dock 1. In Dock 1 you'll find a TIDAL SPHERE and 600 GIL in two

chests. Go on to Dock 2 and you can get 2 PHOENIX DOWNS. There's a SAVE SPHERE

here too. Dock 3 and 4 are empty except for another SAVE SPHERE (they are all

over the place aren't they?). Go to Dock 5, and down the very end of the pier

there are two chests with a HP SPHERE and MAGIC SPHERE inside. Back in Dock 1

you'll also find O'aka, he has some new stuff to sell.

Items | Price

-------------- | ---------

Potion | - 50 Gil

Pheonix Down | - 100 Gil

Antidote | - 50 Gil

Eye Drops | - 50 Gil

Echo Screen | - 50 Gil

-------------- | ---------

Follow the arrow now to meet up with Yuna outside the Theatre. Head inside, and

keep going in until you come to a room with red carpet on the floors. Over on

the left hand side, in the foreground you can find the AL BHED PRIMER VII. If

you go out to the reception desk you can buy MOVIE SPHERES and MUSIC SPHERES

and 5000 and 2000 gil respectively a pop, so don't bother with these until

later on. They let you see the games movies and hear the music anyway. Now

follow the arrow in the direction of the cafe. Just before the cafe is Luca

Square, the cafe is the thin lane leading north from the square. First of all

take the path to the right, go up the two sets of stairs and take the 1000 GIL

from the chest. There's a weapons/items shop in the south-east of the square

too, look for a woman at a stall. Here's what she sells.

Weapons | Price

-------------- | ---------

Warrior's Sword | - 150 Gil

Enchanted Rod | - 150 Gil

Power Ball | - 150 Gil

Magical Mog | - 150 Gil

Halberd | - 225 Gil

Metal Shield | - 250 Gil

Metal Ring | - 250 Gil

Metal Armguard | - 250 Gil

Metal Bangle | - 250 Gil

Metal Armlet | - 250 Gil

--------------- | ---------

Items | Price

-------------- | ---------

Potion | - 50 Gil

Pheonix Down | - 100 Gil

Antidote | - 50 Gil

-------------- | ---------

Buy what you cant or need. Upgrading a weapon or two might not be a bad idea,

and if any armour is obsolete upgrade it too. Now go into the cafe. You'll look

around and see that Auron isn't in fact there, and neither is Yuna anymore. She

has been kidnapped! You'll have to make for the Al Bhed boat, it's located in

Dock 4. The shortest route there is blocked up, so follow the arrow on your map

and it'll take you there. When you move from one dock to another you'll be

attacked each time by a pair of Workers. They have just 300 HP, so you should

be able to deal with them. Lightning attacks are effective. As soon as you hit

Dock 4 you'll have to face 2 Workers 3 times in a row, without break. If you

go back to the docks afterwards you'll get in random battles with the Workers.

Your team will now leap aboard the Al Bhed boat as it tries to escape with Yuna

trapped on board. You'll have to face another boss here, Oblitzerator.




HP - 6000

AP - 36

Weakness - Lightning

Oblitzerator will counter Physical and Magical attacks with Blind Ball and

Mute Ball respectively, blinding or silencing your character. When he gets his

turn he'll use Blitzball Rush, which will hit all characters randomly about 5

or so times each, doing about 40 damage each time.

First of all, DON'T ATTACK at the start. You'll see Tidus has a Trigger Command

"use crane". As you may well have guessed, this lets you use the crane. But the

crane has no power at the moment, so use THUNDER on it with Lulu. HASTE her up

if you can. After using THUNDER three times on the crane, it will start to move

so now is the time for the Trigger Command. The crane will attack the Oblitzer-

ator, reducing it to 1/16th of its current HP. If you didn't attack at the

start it will be left with a mere 375 HP. It Will also lose it's ability to

Counter your attacks, so bash it up a bit, not a very hard boss at all.

Once you beat the Oblitzerator Yuna will emerge from the ship, and Lulu will

do a little magic trick. You'll see Wakka playing the Al Bhed Psyches and

scoring a somewhat heroic goal, winning the Aurochs their very first game. Not

only that, but their in the final, facing the Luca Goers. When you're back in

the dressing room you'll have one last chance to look over the rules of the

game, your about to play in your very first match. It's a hella hard match,

no-one expects you to win. For winning you'll get a SRENGTH SPHERE. If you

really really want to win, here are some tips you should keep in mind.

- If you don't have the Jecht Shot, don't get your hopes up.

- If you do, equip it at half time. It will allow you to take two defenders out

of action and still get a shot in on goal, your chances of scoring are high

if your close to goal.

- For the whol first half try and keep possession and pass the ball among your

players. Not only will in earn you exp, it will stop your oppenents from earn

-ing exp.

- Wakka will take to the field in place of Tidus 3 minutes into the second

half. This will interrupt everything going on, if a ball is about to sail in

to the top corner of the net you'll be screwed over. Keep an eye on the clock

and try to make sure any attack you might be launching is well and truly over

by then.

As soon as the game is over you'll get the chance to save. The pool will now be

invaded by fiends, Sahagin Chiefs to be precise. You'll have to face a total of

17 of them before you can finally leave the pool. Wakka's overdrive has the

potential to hit all opponents at once, exploit this to the full. The Sahagin

Chief has 170 HP, so it isn't too bad. Make sure you use POTIONS when your HP

gets low, you should have loads of them. As soon as you kill all the Sahagins,

Auron will make his first appearance in Spira. In the first fight you control

him in you'll easily kill your opponent with a single shot. Tidus and Wakka

join the fray for the next fight against a Garuda. Use DARK ATTACK with Wakka

and POWER BREAK with Auron. Now just hack away at the Garuda until it's dead.

You'll now be surrounded by more enemies, but Seymour helps out and Summons

Anima, a big nasty powerful aeon. He's such a nice guy, isn't he? You'll now

get ready to leave Luca, the pilgrimage must go on.




Enemies - Foating Eye, Mi'ihen Fang, Raldo, Ipiria, Vouivre, White Element,

Bomb, Dual Horn, Thunder Flan

Bosses - Chocobo Eater

Items - Al Bhed Primer VIII, Al Bhed Primer IX, Antidote x6, Ether, Eye Drops

x3, Fortune Sphere, 2600 Gil, Heat Lance, Hi-Potion x4, Hunters

Sphere, Ice Brand, Lv. 1 Key Sphere x2, Mars Crest, Mega-Potion x2,

Remedy, Scout, Soft x3, Thunder Blade

The Highroad is broken into loads of sections, you start off in the South End,

then move into the South, the Central, then there's the Agency, then Newroad

South, Newroad North, and North End. From the North End you can deviate to

the Oldroad North and Oldroad South. Once you hit the Agency it's possible

(but not guarnteed) you can ride a Chocobo for the rest of the way.

The Mi'ihen Highroad is pretty much a Big long straight road for the best part.

You can deviate from your course to collect items, which is advisable though.

You'll see a SAVE SPHERE pretty much at the start of the road, you'll see that

you can warp to the Blitzball Stadium for a game now. Do if you like, but I'll

continue with the game. I would take a while now to strengthen up your party.

Just run around the SAVE SPHERE for a while and fight, you can fully heal for

free after every single fight. After this, continue on your journey. Talk to

every single person you see on this road, a lot of them will yield items. A

guy south of the SAVE SPHERE will offer a HIGH POTION, and two others just

north of it will give you 2 ANTIDOTES and a HUNTERS SPHERE. Equip this on Kima

-hri, it's a good weapon. A little further on you'll see the historian Maechen,

studying some ruins. He will pop up at various points throughout the game, he

will tell you about the place your at and fill in gaps in the story. He'll

mentio the old ruin further north. Head for there, and around the back of it

you can find an ICE BRAND.

Thats the last item on this section of the raod. As you run north you'll meet

up with three Chocobo Kinghts, who you'll have a short chat with. A little

further on you'll see a woman standing in a little area to the left of the

raod. This is Belgamine, another summoner. She'll offer Yuna a friendly fight

between your aeons, you should accept.




HP - ????

AP - 0

Weakness - Ice

This is an optional fight, and you can't get a game over from losing. Belgamine

will fully heal your aeons before the fight, and you can only use Valefor. Keep

in mind that this is one of those fights that the game EXPECTS YOU TO LOSE. It

is possible to win, but very tough. Once way to go about it is to run around

for a while before the fight and get your Limit gauge up for Yuna AND Valefor,

giving you two overdrives with Valefor. If you execute these two and then

attack normally a few times (if you get the chance), you'll be in with a shout.

Use ICE as well, Ifrit is weak against it. Don't worry if you lose, the chances

are you will.

If you manage to win you'll get an ECHO RING for Yuna, if you lose you'll have

to settle for a SEEKERS RING. Now just keep heading north to reach The Mi'ihen

Highroad - South. This section is pretty short as far as they go. A guy dressed

in white and blue will present you with a RED RING. There's a chest containing

a REMEDY in a niche on the left behind a Chocobo. You'll also see a Blitzball

lying on the ground. Don't go near it, and go talk to the child nearby. Now go

kick the ball to get 3 SOFTS. Now head north to the Central Section. There are

loads of items to collect here. Just talk to everyone you see and you'll have

gotten a LV. 1 KEY SPHERE, 4 ANTIDOTES, 600 GIL, a HI-POTION an an ETHER. There

are also a pair of chests, one in a niche on the right containing 2000 GIL

about half way up the road. The next one contains 3 EYE DROPS and is at the

very north end of the road. You'd have to die or lose your eyesight or some

-thing to miss it. Once you leave this section you'll reach the agency.

You can take a break here. Go outside to talk to Yuna. Then talk to a customer

to get a LV. 1 KEY SPHERE. Go back inside and try to leave again, and Rin will

give you the AL BHED PRIMER VIII and 2 MEGA POTIONS. These are very handy, they

restore 2,000 HP to everyone in battle. Now save, and get ready for another

boss. Go fill up your overdrive gauges (people and aeons), and go back to the

agency. Save again, and head just north of the agency.




HP - 10,000

AP - 90

Weakness - Fire

This is another fight you don't _have to_ win, it's incredibly advisable though

so DON'T LIE DOWN AND DIE! This fight is sort of fought on a cliff, you can be

pushed off, but then again you can push the Chocobo Eater off too. If your

pushed back twice you'll fall off. I got pushed off the first time I fought him

so I RESET and TRIED AGAIN. Don't be a wussy, and kill him. I'm going to auto

-matically assume you beat him for the walkthrough purposes, if you don't your

on your own for a while.

Now he has 10,000 HP, so it's gonna take a while to take him down. He also is

fairly powerful attack-wise. He will knock all your characters back at once and

take off 200 at the same time. He also points at one character and says "you're

next!", on his next go he'll take about 1,000 HP from that character. If you

manage to knock him over he'll counter with Blizzard. He is tough.

To knock him over you'll have to take 1,200 HP from him. Then to puch him back

you'll have to take a further 500 while he is on his back. Once he falls over

attack relentlessly. Don't cure, don't revive, just attack. Pushing him back

-wards is imperative. You won't win if you don't push him back. Aeon ovedrives

can inflict HUGE damage on him, if you use Ifrits and Valefors overdrives you

can take off about 4,000 HP in total. This is very helpful. I would advise you

either keep these until your about to beat him, or if he's about to knock you

off the cliff then summon.

The best party is probably Lulu, for her fire spells, Auron because he has a

piercing weapon, and Kimahri for the same reason. The Chocobo eater is armoured

im afraid. Bring in Yuna to heal and summon as well. Try to give every person

in the party at least one active turn so everyone gets AP.

When you win, you'll continue the adventure outside the travel agency. Have a

word with the attendant outside the agency to get the chance to ride a Chocobo!

No more random battles for you for a while. Head north from the agency. Race

through the Newroad South, there isn't anything worthwhile here. When you reach

the Newroad North, run on until you reach the first bend in the road. On the

left hand side of the path you'll see a Chocobo feather on the ground. Go over

and examine it (remain on the Chocobo), and the Chocobo will jump up to a ledge

previously unreachable. You'll get a HEAT LANCE for Kimahri for your troubles.

Back on the ground, continue until you meet the second major bend in the road.

There is the AL BHED PRIMER IX on the ground on the right hand side of the

road. Now you can leave this area. You'll reach the North End of the road now,

you can either contiue your journey or look for more items, I would go for the

latter first. There's a path heading South East from this section, head down it

to reach the Oldroad North. If you ventured too close to the North of the North

End and got off your Chocobo, just go back up to him and "talk" to him to mount


On the Oldroad North, you'll see a little piece of path on the map the winds

across the main path. At the very South end here you can find another Chocobo

Feather, examine it to reach a THUNDER BLADE and a SCOUT. Head South the the

Oldroad South, and continue down the path to the south. You'll see another

path branching off the main one, you need to find the Chocobo Feather to access

it. It's found at the South End of the branching path, examine it to find a

FORTUNE SPHERE. Now head further South, past a SAVE SPHERE (save if you like)

to find a chest containing a MARS CREST. This item is pretty handy later on in

the game, it will still be there later but there is no reason not to take it

now. Do so and head back to the North End. Dismount, and look for the chest

holding 2 HI-POTIONS to the left.

Talk to the guard beside the barricade to the North and he'll tell you you can

not pass. Go over to the large carriage that is blocking a path and it will

trundle off. The man to the bottom of the screen here is looking for donations

for the crusaders. 100 Gil will get you a SCOUT, 1,000 Gil will get you an ICE

LANCE, and a whooping 10,000 Gil will get you a MOON RING. It has SOS SHELL and

SOS PROTECT. Not really worth it if you ask me. Go to othe guy you can see here

and he'll tell you you can't pass. Now leave this little road, back to where

you found the hi-potions before. Seymour will appear and tell the Guards to let

you pass through. Isn't he nice? Make sure you do everything you want here on

the Highroad, you can't come back for a while. Next Stop, Mushroom Rock Road.




Enemies - Raptor, Gandarewa, Lamashtu, Red Element, Funguar, Garuda

Bosses - Sinspawn Gui

Items - Al Bhed Primer X, Ether, 1400 Gil, Hi-Potion x4, Mega-Potion x2,

Phoenix Down x2, Potion x10, Remedy x2, Serene Bracer, Serene Armlet,

Soft x4, Tough Bangle, X-Potion

The Mushroom Rock Road is so named because there are lots of rocks there in the

shape of Mushrooms. Inriguing, no? Anyway start off by talking to everyone you

see. The first five people you see on the Mushroom Rock will hand over a REMEDY

, a TOUGH BANGLE, an ETHER, a HI-POTION, and 2 PHOENIX DOWNS. As you head on

you'll be informed that you all have to go to the Command Centre. You'll have

to turn left, into the Valley. You'll meet O'aka on the way, his prices now

depend on how much money you donated to him earlier.

Price (depends on how much you donated before)

Weapons | < 100 Gil | 101-1000 Gil | 1001-10000 Gil | > 10000 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Ice Brand | 1500 Gil | 1125 Gil | 900 Gil | 525 Gil

Rod of Wisdom | 1050 Gil | 788 Gil | 630 Gil | 368 Gil

Metal Shield | 1050 Gil | 788 Gil | 630 Gil | 368 Gil

Magic Ring | 4050 Gil | 3038 Gil | 2430 Gil | 1418 Gil

NulFrost Armguard | 1950 Gil | 1463 Gil | 1170 Gil | 683 Gil

Magic Bangle | 4050 Gil | 3038 Gil | 2430 Gil | 1418 Gil

Light Bracer | 3150 Gil | 2263 Gil | 1890 Gil | 1103 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Price (depends on how much you donated before)

Items | < 100 Gil | 101-1000 Gil | 1001-10000 Gil | > 10000 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Potion | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Phoenix Down | 200 Gil | 150 Gil | 120 Gil | 70 Gil

Antidote | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Eye Drops | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Echo Screen | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

As you can see there are some dramatic swings in price there. For the cheapest

prices you would gave had to donate over 10,000 Gil. After that to have made

any kind of profit you would have to spend well over 20,000 Gil (sounds odd),

I don't think paying that much in advance is worth it. Head past O'aka. You'll

be heading for a stone platform now, talk to the person before it for a HI-

POTION. Get on the platform an ascend. This would be a good spot for training

if only there was a save sphere near-by. Anyway, this is a pretty long section

and you'll be brought into battle regularly. The toughest opponent is the

Garuda, use a BLIND attack to render him harmless.

As you can see by the map the path weaves back and forth, only making your

journey that bit longer. You'll see a chest containing 1000 GIL in a dead end

after the first wind in the road, the person near the chest will give you 10

POTIONS. Back on the path you'll a REMEDY in a chest a little further on. If

you happen to bump into Shelinda, talk to her 3 times and she will fully heal

you. She'll do this unlimited times, making this a perfect spot for some

training. Try to get your Lulu to learn the level 2 Black Magic spells like

Fira etc. They are really helpful at this stage. After you finish training (or

if you don't want to bother), let Shelinda heal you and continue on. If at all

possible try and fill your overdrive gauges (people and aeons). Don't use

the overdrives though! Just before you leave the valley you'll find a chest

containing a HI-POTION. At the end you have to step on another platform which

will bring you up.

You've now reached the Precipice. Talk to the man in front of you as you come

up to get an X-POTION. Continue on and turn left when you see a turn. Another

platform will take to to a SERUM ARMLET. Head bakc to the main path, an keep

heading forward. When you see another left turn take it again, follow the path

around to pick up AL BHEP PRIMER X. Back on the main path look for a man who

will kindly donate you 400 GIL. Have a word with the next gurad you see, he

guards a huge machina. He'll give you a MEGA-POTION. If you want to see Wakka

punch Luzzu in the face then take a few steps to the South where a conversation

will ensue. When you're ready, head back to the big machina and go up.

You're up at the command centre now. The only thing to do is head straight for

the next area, around to the left. Talk to any guards for snippets of informa

-tion regarding Operation Mi'ihen. There's a SAVE SPHERE over to the left hand

side, save here. O'aka is beside it, and he's selling better weapons now.

Price (depends on how much you donated before)

Weapons | < 100 Gil | 101-1000 Gil | 1001-10000 Gil | > 10000 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Avenger | 8100 Gil | 6075 Gil | 4860 Gil | 2835 Gil

T.K.O. | 10100 Gil | 7575 Gil | 6060 Gil | 3535 Gil

Sentry | 18150 Gil | 13613 Gil | 10890 Gil | 6353 Gil

Pearl Ring | 500 Gil | 375 Gil | 300 Gil | 175 Gil

White Armlet | 3100 Gil | 2325 Gil | 1860 Gil | 1085 Gil

Alert Armlet | 500 Gil | 375 Gil | 300 Gil | 175 Gil

Blue Bangle | 5250 Gil | 3938 Gil | 3150 Gil | 1838 Gil

Red Ring | 12300 Gil | 9225 Gil | 7380 Gil | 4305 Gil

Lucid Armguard | 3750 Gil | 2813 Gil | 2250 Gil | 1313 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Price (depends on how much you donated before)

Items | < 100 Gil | 101-1000 Gil | 1001-10000 Gil | > 10000 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

Potion | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Phoenix Down | 200 Gil | 150 Gil | 120 Gil | 70 Gil

Antidote | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Eye Drops | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

Echo Screen | 100 Gil | 75 Gil | 60 Gil | 35 Gil

------------------ | ----------- | ------------ | -------------- | -----------

As you can see the weapons are a bit pricey, but have some really good abilit

-ies such as Initiative and Counter-Attack. Buy any if you can afford them.

After you've finished your business with O'aka then head into the main section

of the control centre. You'll be stopped by Gatta, and have a short chat with

him. Answer as you see fit. There are some scenes with Maesters Kinoc and

Seymour too. There are two chests here, it can be hard to see them. One is in

the top right corner, it contains a SERENE BRACER. The other, a little south of

that one, contains a Mega-Potion. When you're ready talk to the guard at the

South East corner of the area, and prepare for battle, a lovely big boss. Oh

and there are some really cool FMVs coming up here, look out for those.




HP - 12,000 (Head - 4,000) (Arms - 800 each)

AP - 485

Weakness - None

This boss is one of the toughest you will have encountered so far. He has

four parts, the Head, Body and Arms(2). The Arms will always regenerate when

you destroy them. However, if you don't take out the arms you will be unable

to hit the body with Physical attacks. Therefore you have to take out the arms

every time they come back.

My party of choice here would be Auron, Yuna and Lulu (if she has second level

Black Magic). Give every Character at least one active turn for the puprpose

of gaining AP. Use everyone's Overdrive as well. Start off by dealing with the

head. Cast spells with Lulu and Physical attacks from Wakka can do that. If

you get a message on-screen saying the head is moving suspiciously, make sure

the next thing you do is attack it or else it wil Poison the whole party. It

also deals a good bit of damage with the Poison attack. You can't really afford

to get hit with that. The Head uses Thunder attacks, so cast NulShock with Yuna

for some temporary immunity. After some relentless attack of the head, it will

change colour, meaning it's dead. Now switch Auron in for Wakka. It's time to

take out the Arms.

They don't have much HP, so just attack and use spells. Once they are both gone

it's time to go nuts on the body. Bring in anyone with a full Overdrive gauge

to deal good damage. Auron should use POWER BREAK at first chance, significant

-ly reducing the amount of damage dealt. After a couple of turns the arms will

come back. Now summom an Aeon with full Overdrive to deal a good amount of

damage, upwards of 2,000 HP. If you didn't take my advice and didn't fill the

overdrive gauges, summon anyway and see if you can fill the gauge during the

fight. When the arms are gone it's also a good idea to switch Yuna for Tidus

and have him attack the body with Auron. After you give him a good beating he

will die. Or will he...

No is the answer. The big bastard comes back alive. But this time his HP is

halved, and you fight alongside Seymour! He is very strong, and lets you kick

ass. His Black Magic will take off in excess of 1,200 HP a turn. Again take out

the head first, then the arms and body. This is the only chance in the whole

game that you get to see Requiem, Seymours Overdrive. It takes a while to fill

his gauge, but it is worth it. This second battle should be a breeze with

Seymour on your team. After winning you'll get 6 shiny LV. 1 KEY SPHERES,

letting you go to new and mysterious places on the Sphere Grid.

You'll regain control on the beach, you're task is to find the one living

person left. It will be either Gatta or Luzzu (I always get Luzzu). You can

find him to the very north of the beach, in the middle pretty much, resting

against the cliff. After talking to him you'll be zapped to the Aftermath area

of Mushroom Rock. You're adventure in this part of the world is about to end.

Save you're game, and run straight left from the Sphere to find a HI-POTION.

You have to exit at the North East, you'll meet O'aka on the way. He only sells

items now, see lists above for what he sells and prices. As soon as you leave

Aftermath, you're on the Djose Highroad. If you return to the First part of the

Mushroom Rakc Road much later in the game you can find 4 SOFTS at the far end.




Enemies - Ganarewa, Bit Big, Garm, Simurgh, Bunyip, Funguar, Snow Flan,


Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Primer XI, Ability Sphere, Ether x2, Bright Bangle, 4000 Gil

Hi-Potion x3, Mega-Phoenix, Mega-Potion, Halberd, Potion x10, Remedy

Switch Hitter, Variable Steel

***Some of the items can only be obtained afetr the Djose Cloister of Trials***

This road has a whooping 8 items to collect on it. Talk to everyone you meet to

receive a VARIABLE STEEL(talk to this guy twice), a SOFT RING and a MEGA

-POTION. North of the guy you got the mega-potion from you'll find a chest on

the left hand side of the road. North of that again on the right hand side you

can find the AL BHED PRIMER XI behind a rock. Run on and in a little niche

on the left find a chest containing a BRIGHT BANGLE. There are tow further

people to talk to on the Highroad, one gives up a HI-POTION, the other a dose

of ETHER. When all items are collected proceed to the next area, the Pilgrim

Road. Turn right at the end of the Highroad. The left turn leads to the Moon

-flow, but we don't want to go there yet.

There are no items to pick up here (yet). They become availible after the

Cloister of Trials. Head straight through this road, you'll now be approaching

the Temple. In this area you'll find 4000 GIL to the extreme left and 4 ABILITY

SPHERES in the North East corner. Save also, and browse through to items on

sale in the shop beside the Save Sphere.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Fencing Sabre | 550 Gil

Rune Rod | 550 Gil

Hyper Ball | 550 Gil

Rune Mog | 550 Gil

Halberd | 825 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 825 Gil

Metal Shield | 550 Gil

Metal Ring | 550 Gil

Metal Armguard | 550 Gil

Metal Bangle | 550 Gil

Metal Armlet | 550 Gil

Metal Bracer | 550 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

You can rest here, but it's a bit pointless to say the least. When you are

ready go into the Temple. You'll meet Isaaru, another pilgrim summoner. He'll

warn you about summoners getting kidnapped. Once you have control again look

in the chambers to the right and left of the door to the Cloister to find a

MEGA-PHOENIX and a REMEDY. Just outside the chamber to the left you can also

find am ETHER. Now head into the Trials. The word(s) for this one is(are) a

pain in the ass.

As you enter, you'll find DJOSE SPHERES on the left and right walls of the

chamber. Insert them both in the door to open it. You'll enter another chamber.

There are a load of symbols on the floor, your job is to light the lot of them

up. You'll see a pedestal, and a door beyond it. There are DJOSE SPHERES on

either side of the door, take one of them. Run to the right and you'll see two

more holes in the wall for spheres so put it in either. Now take the other

DJOSE SPHERE from near the door and place it in the other hole to the right.

A pedestal on the ceiling will light up. Now go to the pedestal on the ground

and push it under the one on the ceiling (it must have a DJOSE SPHERE in it).

The DJOSE SPHERE will charge itself up. Take it and place it in the hole to the

right of the door.

The door will now open, but the way is still barred by a pit of lightning. Go

back to the pedestal on the ground and put 2 DJOSE SPHERES in it. Now push it

into the lightning pit, creating a platform. Use the action button to jump onto

the platform, then to the other side. Push the switch to light up a piece of

the rune on the floor, then head back to the main chamber. Take the charged

DJOSE SPHERE from the right of the door and put it in the hole on the left.

Now run the the left and step on the shiny spot on the floor to get back the

pedestal. Take the two remaining DJOSE SPHERES (one in the pedestal, one in the

wall to the right) and put them in the holes back in the walls of the first

chamber of the trails you entered. This should light up the remaining parts of

the symbol on the floor. A platform will materialize so jump on and head up.

Run north to a room with 5 pedestals, each in an alcove in the wall. Push each

one into the wall as far as it can go to create a flight of stairs an pedestal

near the platform. Don't go up yet, head back down on the platform instead.

Near the shiny spot to the left a Glyph has appeared on the wall. Touch it to

find a DESTRUCTION SPHERE. Now go back up on the platform and insert the

DESTRUCTION SPHERE in the pedestal. A secret chamber will appear, take the

MAGIC SPHERE from the chest. Now go up the stairs and complete the Trials.

You'll encounter Dona again, she's a cow. Yuna heads into the Chamber of the

Fayth, and as soon as you regain control try and leave to get Yuna back, com

-plete with new aeon, Ixion. You'll all now end up in the courtyard in front

of the temple, minus Yuna. Go into the inn, where a new chest holding a SWITCH

HITTER has appeared. Now go into the temple to the room to the left of the

Trials entrance to find Yuna. Once everyone has been rounded up head south.

Remember the turn for the Moonflow? That's our destination. On the bridge south

talk to everyone to get a HALBERD, 2 HI-POTIONS and 10 POTIONS. Now go for the





Enemies - Gandarewa, Bite Bug, Bunyip, Funguar, Ochu, Snow Flan

Bosses - Extractor

Items - Al Bhed Primer XII, Antidote x4, Ether, Lv. 1 Key Sphere x3, Magic

Defence Sphere, Mega-Potion, Phoenix Down x2, Summoners Soul,


Just follow the path to the North here. Look out for the four chests scattered

around on the path and you'll end up with 6 LV. KEY SPHERES, a X-POTION and a

MAGIC DEFENCE SPHERE. Run around for a bit and get your aeons Overdrive gauge

full, and Yuna's too if you can. Yes, Belgemine wants another fight. You'll

also bump into Biran and Yenke Ronso who seem to have a vendetta against





HP - ????

AP - 0

Weakness - Water

This fight is easy if you built up your overdrive gauge first. If you get to

use Hellfire twice then you will win. If you get hurt too badly you can use

FIRE on yourself with Ifrit to heal. If you didn't build up the Overdrive

gauges before-hand you can still win, and you do it like this. Summon Ifrit.

Attack and heal every second round. Eventually your overdrive gauge will fill

so use Hellfire. Now Ixion will use haste on itself, and Ifrit it going to die.

That's a given. Once Ifrit is gone Summon Valefor. Ixion will keep attacking

quickly, but Valefor should be able to dodge a lot of the attacks and also get

a full overdrive gauge. Use it, and you should win. If you don't, I don't know

what to tell you. Anyway good look, it's not vital you win.

If you win you'll get 2 DRAGON SCALES, if you lose you'll get 6 SMOKE BOMBS.

Either way you'll get a SUMMONERS SOULS, letting you teach your aeons new

abilities if you have the respective items. This is very handy, trust me. Once

your business is complete on the South Bank Road, head north to just the plain

old South Bank. There isn't a thing of interest here, so leg it through as fast

as possible. You'll stop a ways up to admire the river, then just go for the

South Wharf. There is a treasure chest on your characters righth containing

2 PHOENIX DOWNS. If you lent O'aka any money at all at the start of the game,

he'll be beside the chest. Here is what he sells.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Double-Edge | 2175 Gil

Switch Hitter | 975 Gil

Snakehead | 3075 Gil

Mythril Ring | 1575 Gil

Emerald Bangle | 1125 Gil

Serum Bracer | 1425 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

There are four other shops around here selling stuff too, I'll add the lists in

at a later date. Two of them sell armour though, the other two sell weapons. All

sell items but they are all more expensive than O'akas. From O'aka head to the

left. You'll be introduced to the Shoopuf. Head to the left of the steps into

another area with a tent in the background. Some little blue men (aren't they

cool?) will tell the Chocobo Knights that a Chocobo can't go on the Shoopuf. Go

up into the tent and find 5000 GIL in a chest behind Lulu. Now go back to the

steps leading up to the Shoopuf and talk to the blue guy to depart. On the way

over you'll see a machina city submerged underwater. Yuna will tell a little

story, and then is kidnapped! Wakka and Tidus heroically jump to her rescue,

here comes a boss.




HP - 4000

AP - 660

Weakness - Slow, Lightning

This boss isn't very hard in my opinion. He only has two attacks, Aqua Shooter

and Depth Charge. Now I will admit that Depth Charge is a strong attack, about

400 from each character and it inflicts the Darkness effect, but you can stop

this attack from being exectuted every time. Weapons with LIGHTNINGSTRIKE are

ever so helpful here.

Ok he has set patterns to his attack as well. He'll use Aqua Shooter twice,

then float upwards to ready Depth Charges. If you can inflict 500 HP of damage

on him while he is readying the Depth Charges you can cancle the attack. If

you keep getting hit by the Depth Charges then use PROVOKE with Tidus every

three turns. He'll just keep using Aqua Shooter, although it will become a lot

stronger than before. He only has 4000 HP too, if you get an Overdrive you can

knock his HP down by about a quarter. If you manage to get Lightning on the

Elemental Reels with Wakka you'll deal a lot of damage. If you prevent the

Depth Charges this guy is a walk in the park.

You'll get Yuna back, naturally after the fight, and the rest of the journey

across the Moonflow will be a lot less eventful. Once you reach the North Wharf

You can find the AL BHED PRIMER XII up the ramp to the right of the screen.

O'aka is hanging about again, he only sells items now, see the items list above

for what he sells. Leave this area via the left of the screen and grab the

ETHER in the chest to the left of the hut. Continue in that direction and

you'll encounter a young girl lying on the ground. This is none other than

Rikku, who you met at the start of the game. She'll join your party, which is

always helpful. In a little mock battle her overdrive Mix will be demonstrated.

She is _really_ weak at the moment, she starts with 360 HP. Make sure to level

her up a good bit.

In any battles that follow on your way now look out for treasure chests on the

bettlefield, have Rikku STEAL from them to get the contents. Also look out for

the pair of chests left on the path, they contain a Mega-Potion and 4 ANTIDOTES

for your inventory. Continue to the north to enter Guadosalam, ruled over by

Maester Seymour.




Enemies - None

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Primer XIII, Elixer, Hi-Potion x2, 3000 Gil, Mega-Potion

Lightning Marble x8

As you enter Guadosalam you are greeted by Trommel, a Guado. He tells the party

the Seymour has some business with Yuna, and leads her off to Seymours Mansion.

Rikku will now tell you about the CUSTOMISE function, it lets you use items to

add extra abilities to your weapons. It really is handy. Steal lots with Rikku

as the items you get are often used in customisation. When you get control back

look around for the items on offer. Go into the inn on the right to save, and

have a word with the Historian Maechen. You can practice fighting Iron Giants

and Larva at the moniter. When your finished head out and take the next right.

In a house to the extreme west you can find the AL BHED PRIMER XIII and a chest

holding 3000 GIL. Exit that house and head South, passing a turn to the right

to find and ELIXER. Now head back in the direction of the mansion, it's to the

north. To the right of the entrance you can find a MEGA-POTION in a chest. Now

enter the mansion. Before you do anything else, go up the stairs to find a

chest holding two HI-POTIONS. It's hidden behind the railings on the far side.

Now try and leave, Trommel will appear. Follow him into the hall and talk to

each and every one of your companions to trigger Seymours entrance. He will

show you some weird stuff, such as the Zanarkand of 1000 years ago. The party

will now be lead to the mystical Farplane, you get to see it for yourself now.

Follow everyone to there. Auron and Rikku refuse to go in. Once inside talk to

Wakka and then Yuna. Once the conversation is over you'll see the BROTHERHOOD

sword has been greatly enhanced. On your way back from the Farplane look for

a chest hidden on the left of the path just before you return to the main

part of Guadosalam. Now head back to Seymours place. Talk to all your fellow

guardians, and then head west and down to find Shelinda waiting to lead you

from Guadosalam. Next stop is the Thunder Plains. If you like do a bit of

shopping first, the shop is found on the path below the one to the Farplane.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Baroque Sword | 1237 Gil

Ductile Rod | 1237 Gil

Switch Hitter | 1237 Gil

Variable Mog | 1237 Gil

Halberd | 2475 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 2475 Gil

Devastator | 1237 Gil

Yellow Shield | 3487 Gil

Yellow Ring | 3487 Gil

Yellow Armguard | 3487 Gil

Yellow Bangle | 3487 Gil

Yellow Armlet | 3487 Gil

Yellow Bracer | 3487 Gil

Yellow Targe | 3487 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 75 Gil

Phoenix Down | 150 Gil

Antidote | 75 Gil

Eye Drops | 75 Gil

Echo Screen | 75 Gil

Soft | 75 Gil

----------------- | ---------

The items that have protection against Lightning will prove very handy in the

up-coming areas, as will ones with the WATERSTRIKE ability. O'aka also sells

stuff from the shop.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Double-Edge | 2175 Gil

Belladona Wand | 3075 Gil

Blind Pass | 3075 Gil

Fatal Cait Sith | 12825 Gil

Simmering Blade | 1650 Gil

Devastator | 825 Gil

Yellow Bangle | 2325 Gil

Yellow Shield | 2325 Gil

Yellow Ring | 2325 Gil

Yellow Armguard | 2325 Gil

Yellow Armlet | 2325 Gil

Yellow Bracer | 2325 Gil

Yellow Targe | 2325 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

As far as the items and armour are concerned, O'aka is a country mile cheaper

so go to him. The weapons are different so just buy what you need. Now head for

the Thunder Plains.




Enemies - Aerouge, Buer, Melusine, Kusariqqu, Qactuar, Gold Element, Larva,

Iron Giant

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Primer XIV, Ether, 7000 Gil, Hi-Potion x2, Phoenix Down x2,

Remedy, Water Ball, X-Potion, Yellow Shield

The Thunder Plains are so called for a reason. I wish the real world has small

isolated spectacular electrical storms like that. I'd live there. Anyway as you

make your way through the Thunder Plains you'll sometimes see the screen flash

white, meaning your about to be hit by lightning. Hit X as soon as the screen

goes white to dodge. You can get items by dodoging, but leave this till later.

For now I would just collect the 2 PHOENIX DOWNS and 2 HI-POTIONS from chests

on the left, both are before the SAVE SPHERE. Once you reach the SAVE SPHERE I

would run around it a bit to level up, this is a great chance to beef up Rikku

a bit.

As you make your way through the plains you'll see little glowing stones every

now and again. These are Qactuar stones, if you stand in front of them and

press the SQUARE button you can activate them. If you activate one stone you

can fight Qactuars, but only one at a time. The second stone you activate makes

them appear in groups of two, the third makes them appear in groups of three.

You can only activate a maximum of three stones.

Head North down the left of the plains to find another chest, this one holds

5000 GIL. Once you have that cut across to the right hand side, and once the

plain widens to the right, head right and get a WATER BALL from the chest.

Equip this right away, it will work really well against the creatures here.

On your way down the plains you also might meet Maechen, who will tell you

about the plains, and Shelinda, who will ask about Seymour and Yunas propsed

marriage. It doesn't matter what you tell her. You can now head for the next

section of the plains, take the exit to the left in the north to reach the

travel agency, owned by Rin. Here you can buy equipment that will protect

against lightning attacks.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Baroque Sword | 825 Gil

Ductile Rod | 825 Gil

Switch Hitter | 825 Gil

Variable Mog | 825 Gil

Halberd | 1650 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 1650 Gil

Devastator | 825 Gil

Yellow Shield | 2475 Gil

Yellow Ring | 2475 Gil

Yellow Armguard | 2475 Gil

Yellow Bangle | 2475 Gil

Yellow Armlet | 2475 Gil

Yellow Bracer | 2475 Gil

Yellow Targe | 2475 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Grenade | 300 Gil

Map | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Talk to Rikku, and Rin will appear. Go talk to Rin now, and when he asks how

your study of Al Bhed is going, answer that it goes well. He'll give you the

AL BHED PRIMER XIV. Now go down the passage to the right to find Yuna. You'll

catch her at a bad moment kind of and Tidus will somewhat embarrass himself.

Talk to Rikku again to leave. Outside there is a YELLOW SHIELD on the ground.

It's not in a chest or anything, so make sure you get it. Equip it as it gives

100% protetion against LIGHTNING ATTACKS. The North part of the plains has a

new enemy, the Iron Giant. If you can beat these they offer 800 AP, not to be

sniffed at. As you enter the plains again go straight right to find a chest

holding an X-POTION. Now head north. As soon as you reach the SAVE SPHERE you

could do a little more training, try and kill a few Iron Giants to boost your

AP. Now head for the left hand side of the plains and go North. You'll come

across a chest holding an ETHER. Now go to the right of the plains to find a

chest holding 2000 GIL, and back on the left a little further on you can find

a REMEDY. You're at the end of the Thunder Plains now, head North to reach

Macalania Woods.






Enemies - Chimera, Iguion, Murussu, Wasp, Blue Element, Xiphos

Bosses - Spherimorph

Items - Al Bhed Primer XV, Jecht Sphere, 2000 Gil, Sleepy Cait Sith, Remedy,

Phoenix Down x3

The three parts of Macalania are the Woods, Lake and Temple. You'll encounter

them in that order as well. First off, the woods.

Your party will have a little talk by the SAVE SPHERE. Save here if you like,

and head North, it's your only option. Round the first large bend to the left

you'll find a SLEEPY CAIT SITH, and further on down the path here you'll find

200 GIL. If you haven't leveled up much during the game the random battles here

might get a bit overwhelming, if you fell you're struggling then flee. In the

Central section of the woods you can find 3 PHOENIX DOWNS, they're at the

northern-most part of the big circle-shaped bend. In the Northern Section you

can find a REMEDY, it's tucked into a the corner of the third bed in the road

you come up to. Once you're through the North section, you can save again at

the Lake Road. As you head north Auron will notice something about the area

and hack a new path through the bushes. Apparently Braska, Jecht and Auron had

visited this spot on their pilgrimage. Jecht left a Sphere behind too. You'll

see the stuff Spheres are made from, and then be attacked by a boss.




HP - 12000

AP - 3240

Weakness - Varies

This boss is a bit weird, his elemental weakness shifts every single time you

attack him, and there isn't all that much that helps you find out which

element his weakness shifted to without attacking. Spherimorph counters with

magic, and his weakness will be the OPPOSITE spell to the one he countered

with. He starts every time weak to Ice, so start out by using BLIZZARA.

Your strategy is as follows. Use Blizzara. He will then shift element, so have

someone attack with a physical attack. He will counter with a spell, so have

Lulu use the OPPOSITE spell to that one. Make sure you use the right spell

because he counters a wrong magic spell with a physical attack on ALL the

characters in battle. It hurts, trust me. Keep this up and have Yuna heal

every time a persons HP gets low.

When the Spherimorphs HP gets low he will use Press, an attack that halves all

characters HP. Heal up after this, and continue attacking. Try to give every

person a turn in the fight as it offers a fair amount of AP. If you manage to

finish him off with an aeons overdrive you'll get over 4500 AP, which is nice.

After the fight you'll get a JECHT SPHERE, which teaches Auron a new overdrive

technique called Shooting Star. It can hurl enemies from the battlefield, and

if it doesn't it inflicts a good bit of damage. Now head back to the SAVE

SPHERE out at the Lake Road. Just before the turn off to the right of the save

sphere you can find the AL BHED PRIMER XV. You'll find O'aka near the Save

Sphere, don't buy anything and tell him his prices are too expensive. He'll

drop them. Now take the exit to the north to reach Lake Macalania.



Enemies - Evil Eye, Madfet, Snow Wolf, Ice Flan, Guado Guardian

Bosses - Crawler, Wendigo

Items - Al Bhed Primer XVI, Avenger, 4000 Gil, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key

Sphere, Mega-Potion

You'll have a talk outside the agency, owned by Rin again of course. Talk to

Clasko to the right of the agency and tell him he would be a good Chocobo

BREEDER. He'll gve you an item later on if you do. The chest behind him is

not accessible for now, nor are any of the other items apart from the AL BHED

PRIMER XVI which can be found to the left of O'aka outside the agency. Speaking

of O'aka, here is what he sells.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Sonic Steel | 13838 Gil

Halberd | 2925 Gil

Force Knuckles | 1463 Gil

Serum Ring | 3263 Gil

Echo Bangle | 3488 Gil

Echo Armlet | 1238 Gil

Soft Bracer | 2813 Gil

Soldiers Targe | 2588 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 75 Gil

Hi-Potion | 750 Gil

Phoenix Down | 150 Gil

Antidote | 75 Gil

Eye Drops | 75 Gil

Echo Screen | 75 Gil

Soft | 75 Gil

----------------- | ---------




Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Baroque Sword | 825 Gil

Ductile Rod | 825 Gil

Switch Hitter | 825 Gil

Variable Mog | 825 Gil

Halberd | 1650 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 1650 Gil

Devastator | 825 Gil

Seeker's Shield | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Ring | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Armguard | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Bangle | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Armlet | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Bracer | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Targe | 1575 Gil

Longsword | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Hi-Potion | 500 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Grenade | 300 Gil

Map | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Now go into the agency and save. There's an AL BHED COMPILATION SPHERE to save

your Al Bhed Dictionary to. Maechen is here too, have a word with him about the

area. When you go outside, Trommel will appear again to escort Yuna to Maester

Seymour but those pesky Al Bhed make an attempt to kidnap our beloved Yuna

again, here's another boss.




HP - 16000

AP - 4400

Weakness - Slow, Armour Break, Delay Attack, Lightning

The Crawler is accompanied by a negator, a little flying thing that stops all

magic and summons being used. Defeat it quickly by using long rang attacks

like Wakka. As for everyone else, just keep attacking the Crawler while he is

doing this.

The Negator needs to be taken out just for the sake of speed. Your chars can

probably do about 200 damage to the Crawler, it'll take ages to whittle down

16000 HP. A Thundara spell can do a good 1000 HP of damage to the Crawler,

whcih really is a lot.

The other thing is that Crawler brings back the Negator after magic is used on

him 4 times, and while the Negator is gone he will use Mana Beam, a nasty

attack that can do over 1500 HP, to everyone. You'll get plenty of prior

warning though, so summon an aeon and use the SHIELD command. Another thing you

could do is haste up your Lulu and slow the Crawler so Lulu may get 4 magical

attacks in before the Crawler uses Mana Beam.

Needless to say, kill the Negator as soon as it comes back. Keep as many chars

on haste as you can, and use ARMOUR BREAK if you have it. As long as you can

manage to block Mana Beam there isn't too much to worry about. You aeon may

even get an overdrive, wouldn't that be joyful. Over-all this is a long, drawn

out fight, but very winnable. It's all about the strategy my friends.

After the fight you reach the far North of the lake, and are on the way to the

temple. The view from the road to the temple is pretty panoramic and breath

-taking, if you are so inclined. Anyway talk to the guy right in front of you

at the beginning of the road for 400 GIL, then head for the temple.



Enemies - None

Bosses - Seymour, Guado Guardian

Items - 5000 Gil, Elixer, Ether, Hi-Potion x2, Remedy x2, Phoenix Down x3,

Shell Targe, X-Potion x2

This temple is somewhat unique because you get the aeon _before_ you do the

trials. Anyway as you enter the temple talk to Trommel on the right to get a

SHELL TARGE. Save if you like too. There are a load of niches in the wall here,

the first one on the right as you enter holds 2 X-POTIONS, while the second on

the left holds 5000 GIL. Look in the room to the right of the steps up to the

trials and talk to both persons inside to get an ETHER and an ELIXER. There's

chest too containing 3 PHOENIX DOWNS. Go to the room on the other side now and

speak to the guy on the right. He'll give you 2 HI-POTIONS, and in the chest

you'll find 2 REMEDIES. Now head for the stairs and you'll hear someone calling

out about Lord Jyscal. Head to the room to the right again to view Jyscals

Sphere, revealing the dark and treacherous side of Seymour. So he isn't so nice

after all. Now it dawns on you that Yuna is stuck with Seymour at the moment,

so rush to the trials to face off with Seymour.




HP - 6000

AP - 2000

Weakness - Slow




HP - 18000

AP - 2500

Weakness - None

Don't worry, you don't fight them both at the same time, but this fight is

still really hard. The first part of this fight pits you against Seymour and

a pair of Guado Guardians. You can't hit Seymour physically while the guardians

live, they take all the attacks. If you do attack a guardian he will heal

himself with auto-potion, restoring 1000 HP. There is a simple way around this

though. Have Rikku steal just once from each guardian and they won't be able

to heal any more.

At the start of the battle use the "talk" command with Tidus to almost double

his strength. It's always helpful to double your strength. Once this is done

focus on the guardians and take them out. I would save aeons for later though.

Seymour has a rigid sequence for attacking. He _ALWAYS_ goes like this: Ice,

Lightning, Fire, Water. You'll know what spell is coming up all the time, so

Yuna can cast a NUL spell to block it. This renders Seymour pretty harmless

for the time-being. The guardians will attack with low level magic (about 100

per hit) and confusion. Get any characters off confusion right away should they


When the guardians are dead and Seymour's HP drops below the 3000 mark he'll

summon Anima on you. This is the reason you've been saving your aeons. Anima

has a _lot_ of HP, and aeon overdrives are some of the most damaging attacks

in your arsenal. Anima also has a rigid attack sequence: Pain, boost, Pain,

boost, etc. Pain causes damage and instant death, but since aeons are immune

that won't be an issue. I would summon your new summon (named ????) first of

all. She is really strong, and will either kill Anima or damage him lots. What

you do it just attack normally, and heal yourself by casting ice spells on your

-self when you need to. Once your overdrive builds up, use it. It should do a

lot of damage. If this aeon gets knocked out simply summon another, it should

be all you need.

Once Anima has been dealt with we have to face a new, rejuvinated Seymour. He

wants that power that defeated Anima. He's not as bad this time, no guardians.

He casts elemental spells on two people per turn now, buut the NUL spells

should still block that. Use SLOW if you have it, second level elemental

spells, and physical attacks. Seymour should go down easily enough. Try and

make sure you give everyone an active turn for AP purposes.

When you've won, you'll find a new SAVE SPHERE in the chamber. Save, then get

ready for the Macalania Trials. You go up and try to cross an ice bridge, but

it dissappears halfway across. It's your job to try and rebuild it and escape.

Before I go on, DO NOT TRY AND SAVE AGAIN. If you're halfway through the trials

and you go and save, all your work will be un-done.

Go down the ice ramp, and find the pedestal. Push it into the little ice peak

to the right, the ice will dissappear but stop the pedestal in the process. Now

go get the MACALANIA SPHERE from the wall to the right and insert it in the

pedestal. Now push the pedestal forward into the other ice block. Take the

GLYPH SPHERE from the middle pillar in the hall, and go down the ramp in the

same direction you sent the pedestal. When you're down at the bottom you'll see

the pedestal has been stopped by a little ridge of ice. Now push the pedestal

to the right, it will take it's place under a pillar. A piece of the ice bridge

will reform itself. Now go to the far right and insert the GLYPH SPHERE in the

wall. A piece of the ground will rise up and make another MACALANIA SPHERE

availible for your use.

Go up and take this sphere, and bring it back to the lower level. But it in the

central pillar down here. Another piece of the bridge will be restored. Now go

up the ramp and take the MACALANIA SPHERE from the top. Put it into the pillar

you took the GLYPH SPHERE from. You can leave now if you like, but I would

advise you get the hidden item from here as well. You'll thank me later.

Take the sphere from the central pillar and put it in the wall on the right.

Now go up the ramp to the very top level, as it you were about to leave. Step

on the shiny spot on the floor to make the padestal appear beside you. Take the

MACALANIA SPHERE from it, and push it down the hill. A GLYPH on the ground will

fire it off to the right. Insert the MACALANIA SPHERE into the far wall where

the ramp down was to reform it. Now go step on the shiny spot on the floor

here to bring down the ramp, complete with DESTRUCTION SPHERE. Take the sphere

out and push the pedestal into the ice formation like before, then down the

ramp. Follow it down and place the DESTRUCTION SPHERE in the hole to the

left of the ramp. A part of the floor will give way, revealing a chest. Take

the LUCK SPHERE from inside.

Now go back up to the middle level and take the MACALANIA SPHERE from the wall

on the right. Bring it back down, put it in the pedestal, and push the pedestal

into postition like before. Now go back up the ramp, take the MACALANIA SPHERE

from the top and put it in the central pillar. The bridge is now totally re

-formed, and you can leave. DON'T STEP ON THE GLOWING SWITCH AGAIN! The bridge

will be destroyed, and you'll have to do all that stuff again to rebuild it.

Leave the temple, save outside at the new SAVE SPHERE. You have to run here,

and some Guado Guardians will chase you. If they catch you you'll have to fight

them and a fiend it summons, a Madfet, and Evil Eye or an Ice Flan. Keep

running, you may have to fight up to three of these fights before you get off

the ice bridge from the temple.

In the next section, the Crevasse, stick to the skinny paths to the east. You

will eventually come across a chest holding a LV. 1 KEY SPHERE. Save at the

bottom here and get ready for yet another boss.




HP - 18000

AP - 2000

Weakness - Fire, Sleep, Darkness, Delay Attack.

The Wendigo is again accompanied by a pair of Guado Guardians. They cast BESERK

on the Wendigo which makes him take off DOUBLE (!!!) what he usually would.

They auto-potion themselves again so steal from them first. Then kill them any

way you can. Keep using Esuna with Yuna to keep the BERSERK status off, that's

very important. When the guardians die, they will cast SHELL and PROTECT on the

Wendigo, which is annoying as hell. If you manage to finish them off with an

aeons overdrive they won't though.

When you have the Wendigo on it's own, there are a couple of things you should

do right away. First of all use POWER BREAK on the Wendigo. Then use SLEEP

ATTACK or DARK ATTACK. If you manage to put it to sleep cast HASTE on Lulu and

then attack with FIRA until it wakes up. DELAY ATTACK will push the Wendigo's

attack down a bit in the attack order. If you BLIND the Wendigo just go all out

on it. Summon an aeon because it will miss most of it's attacks and fill the

aeons overdrive in the process. HELLFIRE will probably do the most damage.

If you keep the Wendigo BLIND or ASLEEP you will win, hands down. Remember not

to attack physically when it's asleep.

After the fight the Wendigo will smash the ice on the lake in one last spiteful

move. You'll end up under the lake. Make sure you get the LV.2 KEY SPHERE from

the chest to the right of Kimahri. There's another chest hidden beside Auron

holding an AVENGER. Just talk to Rikku then Auron to leave trigger the next

story event. Sin will appear, he's listening to the hymn of the fayth coming

from the temple apparently. He starts to mess things up too, and next thing you

know you're in an oasis...




Enemies - Alcyone, Mushussu, Mech Guard, Mech Gunner, Zu, Sand Wolf, Cactuar,

Sandragora, Sand Worm

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Potion x24, Al Bhed Primer XVII, Al Bhed Primer XVIII, Ether

, Elixer, 10000 Gil, Hi-Potion x12, Lv.2 Key Sphere, Megalixer x3,

Mega-Potion x5, Mercury Crest, Remedy x4, Teleport Sphere x2,

X-Potion x2

As you can see there are an absolute dump load of valuable and nice items to

collect from this desert. It takes a while to get them all but I would advise

you to stick with it. Before I go on, lets clear something up about Al Bhed

Potions. They are not normal items. Only Rikku can use them at the moment, with

her "Use" command. In the same way that you use Grenades and the like. They are

extremely good items, they give everyone back 1000 HP and cure Petrification,

Poison and Silence.

Anyway save your game and then jump back into the water in the Oasis. There is

a chest containing 4 REMEDIES in the water. Get back out and head North.

Eventually you'll be attacked by a Zu, a giant bird. You'll have to fight alone

for now, so do your best. As soon as Tidus loses half his HP, Auron will enter

the scene and help, Lulu will follow soon after. BIO will take 25% of the giant

birds max HP every single round, try that to win.

Head north again to find Wakka taking shelter under what looks like a huge

up-side-down bathtub. There's a chest here containing 8 AL BHED POTIONS too.

It says the Al Bhed leave these for travellers in need, maybe they aren't so

bad? Head round to the left to enter Sanubia Desert - East. Go to the right

straight away to find Kimahri standing on a dune. Now go back to the main

path and head north. You'll see a tent on the way with a SAVE SPHERE in it.

Use this, and take the 8 AL BHED POTIONS and the 2 ETHERS from the chests.

You'll also come across Riku again, she'll re-join the party. Keep heading

north and when the path opens out to the left, head left into the corner to

find 4 HI-POTIONS. Now head North again to leave the east section and enter

Sanubia Desert - Central.

Run straight North again to find 4 HI-POTIONS. South-West of here you can find

2 X-POTIONS behind some debris in the sand. In the extreme west you can find

2 MEGA-POTIONS. Follow the boundary now to the North-East and you'll find a

SAVE SPHERE eventually. There are another 8 AL BHED POTIONS in a chest here

too. Run to the extreme North to find the AL BHED PRIMER XVIII, now go back to

SAVE SPHERE. Save and heal, now go west.

In the very South-West you can find an Elixer. In the large dome shaped ruin

to the North you can find 10000 GIL and a LV.2 KEY SPHERE. Head North again and

to the right of the exit to the next area you can find the AL BHED PRIMER XVII.

Now head for Sanubia Desert - West. Head north along the boundary of the desert

abd as soon as you can turn left, do so. Go down here into the corner and find

the MERCURY CREST. To the North-East of there you can find 8 HI-POTIONS. To the

North-East again you can find a whirlpool of sand with a Sandragora in it.

Plunge yourself into the pit to fight it. Use FIRE attacks, sleep and poison

on it to win. Also have protection or a cure for CONFUSION. Once you kill it

you can get 3 MEGALIXERS from the chest. To the north is anothe pit with a

Sandragora in, kill it again to claim 2 TELEPORT SPHERES. From there head

straight west, and once you reach the desert boundary head south, into a corner

to find a chest containing 3 MEGA-POTIONS. Now head north into the top corner

to find 2 X-POTION. Nopw head east and then north when the way opens up to

reach the Al Bhed Home.




Enemies - Evil Eye, Guado Guardian, Chimera, Bomb, Dual Horn

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Potion x10, Al Bhed Primer XIX, Al Bhed Primer XX, Al Bhed

Primer XXI, 10000 Gil, Friend Sphere, Hi-Potion x2, Lv.2 Key Sphere,

Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Special Sphere, Skill Sphere

You'll see that Home is under siege as soon as you get over the hill. Rikku

panics and runs off, you all follow her. You'll meet Cid, the leader of the Al

Bhed. Examine a body on the ground wearing yellow and white to get 2 HI-POTIONS

and the AL BHED PRIMER XIX is on the ground in the north-western corner. Now

try and equip characters with the ICESTRIKE ability, and protection against

FIRE would work too. When you enter the building you'll have to fight a Guado

Guardian and 3 Bombs. They're a lot stronger than they should be for some reason

so just do what you need to finish them. The AL BHED POTIONS will come in handy

as will MEGA-POTIONS if you get desperate.

Once you enter the main corridor of Home you'll be drawn into another battle.

After the battle you'll be forced down the stairs. Now just turn around and go

back up to hunt some items. There is a door on the left hand side of the screen

so go in. You'll be ambushed by a Guado Guardian and 2 Dual Horns. Once you

beat them you can take the AL BHED PRIMER XX. The chest beside it will ask you

a question in Al Bhed when you examine it. Chose the second option on the top

row to get an ELIXER. The other chest asks you to pick a number of words from

a total of 9. You have to choose 3 words, in Al Bhed of course. Pick the right

word in the middle line, the middle word in the bottom line, and the middle

one of the top line. You'll get a FRINED SPHERE for your troubles.

Go back up the stairs (flee from random battles if you're not strong enough)

and go to the right. You can find the AL BHED PRIMER XXI on the ground just

beyond the door to the living quarters. Now enter the living quarters and get

ready for another ambush. Once the fiends have been dispatched you'll see

another two encoded chests on the ground. The one beside the COMPLITATION

SPHERE asks you to solve some maths puzzles in Al Bhed. The answers are 5,6,3,3

in that order. You should be able to do that one on your own anyway. You get

a FRIEND SPHERE for your troubles. There's another chest hidden to the right

of the other. It will ask you 4 questions in total. Pick the 3rd answer, then

the 4th, then the 2nd, then the 1st to unlock a SPECIAL SPHERE. Now go back

to the main corridor and take the middle fork to get 6 AL BHED POTIONS. Now

take the left fork. The group will have a discussion and you'll be forced into

yet another fight against Dual Horns. Save your game after and go down the


Go left as you come down the stairs to find a LV.4 KEY SPHERE, and in the other

corner you can find a LV.2 KEY SPHERE. Now go through the door to the summoners

sanctum. But lo and behold, Yuna isn't here. Get 10000 Gil from the corner

before you high-tail it to the airship dock.




Enemies - Evil Eye, Bomb, Dual Horn

Bosses - Evrae

Items - Al Bhed Potion x4

You still don't have control of the ship yet, the only objective here is to

rescue Yuna. You can save your game in the Bridge, then head outside to talk

to the people of the ship. Go to the cabin (the only other room with a SAVE

SPHERE) and talk to a guy on the left to get 4 AL BHED POTIONS. Now go back to

the Bridge and talk to everyone to find the ship is in fact under siege. The

corridor outside the Bridge is an absolutely perfect training ground if you

want to beef up your characters. You should be able to get a good few overkills

on the enemies you fight, if you overkill a fiend you get twice the usual AP.

At the very least get Tidus to learn SLOW or HASTEGA if you're close. SLOW is

really important for the next fight.

When you feel you're ready head for the guy you got the AL BHED POTIONS from.

Well not him exactly, that room. Save you game and go for the ramp in the north

of the room. You can buy stuff off Rin here, just talk to him to hear Wakka

sound very like Bender from Futurama.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Baroque Sword | 907 Gil

Ductile Rod | 907 Gil

Switch Hitter | 907 Gil

Variable Mog | 907 Gil

Halberd | 1815 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 1815 Gil

Devastator | 907 Gil

Seeker's Shield | 1732 Gil

Seeker's Armguard | 1732 Gil

Seeker's Bangle | 1732 Gil

Seeker's Armlet | 1732 Gil

Seeker's Bracer | 1732 Gil

Seeker's Targe | 1732 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 55 Gil

Hi-Potion | 550 Gil

Phoenix Down | 110 Gil

Antidote | 55 Gil

Eye Drops | 55 Gil

Echo Screen | 55 Gil

Soft | 55 Gil

Power Distiller | 110 Gil

Mana Distiller | 110 Gil

Speed Distiller | 110 Gil

Ability Distiller | 110 Gil

Grenade | 330 Gil

Map | 55 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Rin has apparently jacked all his prices up by 10%. That stingy bastard. Anyway

buy what you need, make sure you're ready for the following fight, go back and

get more levels if you think you're weak, and go up the ramp to face possibly

your toughest challenge so far.




HP - 32000

AP - 5400

Weakness - Slow

Before you enter the fray try and make sure you have lots of Al Bhed Potions.

I know you can only get 4 on the ship, but you should have a good few from

Bikanel Island. If they weren't in the game, this fight would verge on imposs

-ible for your average, casual gamer. You have a couple of TRIGGER COMMANDS

here, they are to PULL BACK and MOVE CLOSER to Evrae. They take a few turns

to execute. A little tip, don't use OVERDRIVES at the start of the battle,

hang onto them.

Here's how we start. Have Rikku, Auron and Tidus in your party. Use POWER BREAK

with Auron to half the physical damage he does (to about 600), cast SLOW with

Tidus until it hits (it make take a few goes), and STEAL with Rikku. You should

be getting WATER GEMS, which you can USE on Evrae for over 1000 HP damage. Once

Tidus manages to get Evrae SLOWED down, then use HASTE on Auron, or HASTEGA in

the off-chance that you have it. Keep attacking with Auron and Tidus, and bring

in every character and give them one active turn at least.

Eventually you'll see Evrae kind of rear back his head. This means he is prep

-aring POISON BREATH, his most devastating attack. Drop everything you're doing

and make sure Tidus and Rikku are in the party. Use the trgger command PULL

BACK with Tidus. Now keep attacking with Auron, and just defend with Rikku. If

you pull back before Evrae manages to use the attack, that's all well and good.

If you don't, prepare to have about 1500 HP taken from EVERYONE and the POISON

status inflicted. This is why Rikku is there. Her Al Bhed Potions will heal

for 1000 and cure the poison. If she's knocked out then revive her and use the

Al Bhed Potion. Now heal fully and continue to attack. If you managed to dodge

the attack then pull back in. While you wait have Lulu and Wakka attack.

Once you get Evrae's HP below the 10000 mark he'll cast HASTE on himself. You

can't take this off unless one of your characters has the ability to cast

DISPEL. This is highly unlikely however. This is why you've hung onto your

overdrives. Move In and hit him with all you have. If you don't feel confident

like this then Pull Back and let Lulu and Wakka finish him off. He'll counter

with Swooping Scythe, which has the same effect as Move In. Just Pull Back

again continue to attack with Lulu. When he moves back it's a perfect time to

unleash your overdrive attacks. Use AL BHED POTIONS any time you even think

your HP might get low in the next few rounds. You should win eventually, and

I take my hat off to you when you do. Good luck soldier...




Enemies - Warrior Monk, YAT-99, YKT-63

Bosses - None

Items - Al Bhed Primer XXII

You'll now reach Bevelle, and witness some of the coolest FMVs in the game in

my opinion. Check out Tidus sliding down the ropey thing. Pure genius if you

ask me. But anyway, you're in the heart and soul of Yevon, the centre of his

teachings. And yes, they start a fight with you. Make sure your HP is totally

full now, and run forward. You'll have to fight 5 battles in total against the

enemies listed above. If you fight Warrior Monks always take out the one in the

middle first, he has a flame-thrower. It's twice as damaging as the other guys

attacks and it hit everyone. If you fight a YKT 63 (the guy with the big legs)

make sure you kill him before anyone else. If you're left alone on the battle

-field with him he'll use THRUST KICK, and hurl an ally from the fight. Use

LANCET to learn this skill for Kimahri. If you fight a YAT-99 you can only

attack him with long range attacks before all the other enemies on the field

are dead. If you heal after every fight you should be fine. Again, make sure

every person gets an active turn in every fight. You'll all have gained a

Sphere Level or two before the last fight.

After all the fights your party is held at bay by some guns. Weren't you all

shot loads of times in the previous fights? Weird. But anyway, you're held up.

Yuna tries to send Seymour, but Maester Mika says all her friends will die if

she does. Ther'll be more talk, and Yuna will jump off the building. Oh my God!

I hear screams of, but Valefor saves the day. You all now head for the cloister

of trials in Bevelle Temple. This is by far the most annoying one in the game.

I swear to God these things are annoying to write for. Anyway, there are

Machina and stuff in the temple, Wakka is pretty disgusted. The leaders of

Yevon are big fat hypocrites. At the bottom of a flight of stairs you'll find

the AL BHED PRIMER XXII on the ground. Now run to the save point, save, and

enter the trials. I'm going to try and draw a little map showing the layout

of these trials, it's eas to get confused.

1 3

| |___________ A

^ |

| |___________ B

X-X |

| | |\

| |___________| \ C

^ |

| | _______

|_________|___________| D

2 4

Now that may look a bit confusing, but it will help, trust me. If you look at

the straight with the X on either side, if you go to the end there (marked 1)

and keep going you'll end up back at the start (marked 2). It's the same with

the other straight, from 3 you'll end up at 4. The two X's on the map are

little alcoves to either side of the path. And I forgot to mention you don't

run around these trials, you stand on a little platform that brings you about.

You turn at glyph junctions by pressing X when the arrow flashes the way you

want to go. I know it's confusing, but I'm doing my best. Ok, lets begin.

Go past the first Glyph junction you come across, and when you're coming up to

the second one you'll see the arrow flashes left and right alternately. You

need to hit X when you're at the junction and the arrow points left to move in

to the alcove. Take the BEVELLE SPHERE and the push the pedestal into the

walkway to create anothe platform. Now continue on to point 1 on the map,

you'll then come to point to, and then you want to go into the right alcove

this time. Put the BEVELLE SPHERE in your hand into the hole in the wall,

making a new piece of path. Now push the pedestal into the walkway and get on

the platform. Head for the southern junction now, the one just after point 2

and turn right. Now turn left at the bottom and take the second right, into

the lane marked B on the map. Take the GLYPH SPHERE from here, put it in the

pedestal, and push it into the walkway to set off again. Now take the next

right, marked A on the map.

Here, take the BEVELLE SPHERE from the pedestal and insert it in the wall. A

floor will form to one side of you. Now take the GLYPH SPHERE from the pedestal

and insert it in the hole at the end of the new walkway. The wall will open

and let you access the DESTRUCTION SPHERE, so take it. Now insert the DESTRUCT

-ION SPHERE in the Pedestal. Now take the BEVELLE SPHERE from the wall and do

the same. Now take the DESTRUCTION SPHERE back into your hand, and push the

pedestal into the walkway. Travel back to where you got the GLYPH SPHERE, that

is marked B on the map. Put the DESTRUCTION SPHERE in the wall, this will open

up a passage in lane B on the map. Now travel to lane D on the map, and take

the BEVELLE SPHERE from the end of the passage. Now head for lane B. Halfway

down here you'll stop at a platform. Push the pedestal into the walkway on

the other side to continue. You're now going to stop travelling around on these

annoying platforms. Go up the stairs and put the BEVELLE SPHERE in the hole in

the wall right in front of you. Take the HP SPHERE from the chest to the right.

The chest will dissapear and leave a shiny spot on the floor. Step on it and

the obedient pedestal will appear.

Push the pedestal to the left into the walkway. Step on the new platform and

the platform will take you to a chest holding a KNIGHT LANCE for Kimahri. You

can now leave the trials, just head in the direction the HP SPHERE was. You'll

arrive at the chamber of the fayth and Tidus and Kimahri will kind of break in

to witness a new aeon joing with Yuna. This bad boy is Bahamut. You're all now

caught by the gaurds, and tried in a court of Yevon. As it turns out Maester

Mika is dead too. You're all sentanced to be thrown in the Via Purifico, the

Way of Purity or something like that I presume in Latin. Anyway it's more-or

-less a death sentance.



Enemies - Bat Eye, Cave Iguion, Sahagin, Maze Larva, Swamp Madfet, Warrior

Monk, Aqua Flan, YAT-99, YKT-63

Bosses - Grothia, Pterya, Spathi,

Items - Black Magic Sphere, Elixer, 10000 Gil, Lucid Ring, Mega-Potion,

Skill Sphere, White Magic Sphere

You'll start of with control of Yuna on her own. You're pretty much dependant

on your aeons here, summon like mad to stay alive. A few of your companions are

in this area too, so lets find them. First of all, go to the SAVE SPHERE and

save. Turn right from this area, and follow the path. Turn left at the junction

and head straight. You'll find Kimahri here, and a chest containing a MEGA

-POTION. Continue north and follow the path to find Auron and a SAVE SPHERE.

Head to the left when you get Auron and follow the path. Turn left again when

you can, and head south. Ignore the first left turn, and take the second. In

this dead end you'll find a WHITE MAGIC SPHERE, and Lulu. Now head back out and

go south until you enter a chamber with a chest and a glyph on the wall. The

chest contains an ELIXER. Touch the glyph to activate the teleport platforms.

Now go back to the enterance by turning right from the chamber. Save your game

and then head North. Run through a clearing and turn right. Here you'll find a

BLACK MAGIC SPHERE, and also step on the platform on the ground. Now head back

to the place where you found Auron. Run to the left in the direction you went

to find Lulu and you should come across a platform on the ground. Move to the

South of the platform (without stepping on it) and stand on it when it points

west. You'll enter a previously sealed off chamber containing 3 chests. They

hold a SKILL SPHERE, a LUCID RING and 10000 GIL. Step on the platform in here

to get back out. Now head back to where you found Auron again and save. Now

run around and build up your aeons overdrives, another battle of the aeons is

coming up. You have to win this one though. When the overdrives are full, head

North to meet Isaaru. He tells you he can't let you pass, and he and Yuna enter

the duel.




HP - 8000

AP - None

Weakness - Ice

This guy looks like Ifrit. He enters the battle with full overdrive gauge, so

summon Shiva and use NulBlaze to block this. Now attack with magic and physical

attacks, and use ICE magic on yourself when the old HP runs low. Keep doing

this, but eventually Shiva will be defeated. Now summon Bahamut to finish the

job. Usee physical attacks and IMPULSE to finish Grothia off.




HP - 12000

AP - None

Weakness - None

This is a Valefor style Aeon. He has a bit more HP than Grothia, but still

should be not too hard. Keep attacking until you get a full overdrive gauge,

and use that. If this doesn't end the fight use IMPULSE a few more times to

do so. If it just so happens that Bahamut gets knocked out, bring in Ixion.




HP - 20000

AP - None

Weakness - None

This guy looks like Bahamut. You can't summon Bahamut now because of that. If

you have Ixion, attack about 3 times then heal by using your strongest THUNDER

MAGIC on yourself. You'll get your overdrive sooner or later, so use it. It

will inflict good damage. Keep going with the strategy. Spathi will countdown

to his overdrive, so when this comes try and ensure your HP is full and use

SHIELD to half the damage. If your aeon gets knocked out, summon Ifrit and

repeat the strategy, except heal with FIRE MAGIC this time. This fight isn't

too tough. This also heralds the end of the first part of the Via Purifico.

It's Tidus, Wakka and Rikku's turn now.



Enemies - Sahagin, Octopus, Remora, Phylegyas

Bosses - Evrae Altana

Items - Rematch, Avenger

This whole section is underwater. There's a SAVE SPHERE pretty much right there

as you take control, with a chest beside it. This chest is in fact a shop, so

have at least 2 PHOENIX DOWNS at hand. Just follow the path, you'll be attacked

by random fiends, run if you need to. There's another SAVE SPHERE futher up,

so use it. As you enter the rotunda you'll be attacked by a big fiend.




HP - 16384

AP - 5800

Weakness - Phoenix Down, curative items/magic

This is proabably the easiest boss fight in the game. Here is what you do. Use

a PHOENIX DOWN on Evrae Altana. Then use a second PHOENIX DOWN on him. Ignore

the trigger commands. Don't do anything else. That will win you the fight.

Just after the rotunda there's a chest on the ground on the right, it holds a

REMATCH. Further on, round the corner you'll find another chest on the bottom

holding an AVENGER. All the random battles stop as soon as you beat Evrae, so

now it's simply a matter of swimming to the exit.



Enemies - None

Bosses - Seymour Natus, Mortibody

Items - None

You'll face Seymour again here, Kimahri holds him up while the rest of you flee

to safety. At the end of the bridge Yuna has a change of heart, and her guard

-ians vow to follow here where ever she goes. She want's to go back and fight

Seymour, so that's what you'll do. This bridge is the absolute _perfect_ place

to train up a bit now. It would be a good idea to get Yuna a few SPHERE LEVELS

to make up for the ones she missed while she was absent from the party. It

would not hurt at all to get everyone else a few levels too. Just run around

the SAVE SPHERE for a while and fight. You can buy stuff from O'aka too.

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Hi-Potion | 500 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Power Distiller | 100 Gil

Mana Distiller | 100 Gil

Speed Distiller | 100 Gil

Ability Distiller | 100 Gil

----------------- | ---------

There is a SAVE SPHERE at both ends of the bridge, so head for the far one.

This area is really riddled with robots to fight, TRAIN HERE! Don't pass up

this opportunity. As always, fill all your aeons overdrives and some characters

ones as well. Then run to Seymour to fight him.




HP - 36000

AP - 6300

Weakness - None




HP - 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000

AP - None

Weakness - None

Seymour has the Mortibody, a big brown thing, hanging off him. I would start

off by using an aeon with full overdrive. If it manages to take 9999 of Seymour

and over 4000 of Mortibody, Mortibody will absorb 3000 HP from Seymour, so it

will in fact do 13000 HP damage to Seymour! That's over a third of his HP. To

be a cheater you could keep summoning aeons in full overdrive to win, but that

is a sissy tactic.

The first thing you should do is HASTE up Yuna. Mortibody will use a low level

elemental spell, and Seymour will follow up with two of the same spell, except

a level higher. If Yuna can get a turn in in between Mortibody and Seymour she

can use a NUL spell. At that start of the battle also use the TALK command with

Auron and Tidus to double their attack strength almost. Once Seymour's HP drops

below the 24000 mark he will cast PROTECT on himself and then PETRIFIES your

characters. If Mortibody subsequently attacks a petrified character they will

be put out of the fight for good, you'll have to continue with 2 fighters. Have

ESUNA or a SOFT at hand at all times during this phase of the fight.

Once you get Seymour below the 12000 mark he'll cast FLARE on one person. This

can do up to 3000 HP damage, which could easily knock a character out. REFLECT

works like a charm here. Mortibody will also use an attack called Desperado

which deals 500+ damage and takes away all positive status effects. You'll lose

HASTE and anything similar. Mortibody will also start using CURA on Seymour.

Either cast REFLECT on him (remember not to use magic any more) or make him a

ZOMBIE (probably not possible at this stage though). Attack Mortibody if you

want, if you take away all his HP he'll steal some from Seymour. This battle

again isn't incerdibly hard if you approach it the right way. Again, try and

give every character a turn. After the fight you're banished from Bevelle and

end up in the Macalania Woods.



Enemies - None

Bosses - None

Items - Lucid Ring

You all just sit there around the SAVE SPHERE (save), and Tidus decides to go

see Yuna. Talk to everyone first though. All the other routes are blocked, just

keep going south until you reach the lake. You'll see Kimahri before you reach

Yuna. Tidus will have a big, long conversation while some sappy music plays in

the background. Personally, I'm not mad about this whole scene. Tidus tried to

get Yuna to quit the pilgimage, and that famous shot of them in the water is

played out. When everything is over, go back to your campsite to find a LUCID

RING. Now follow the group east to the Calm Lands.




Enemies - Neibros, Flame Flan, Mech Scouter, Coeurl, Chimera Brain, Skoll,

Shred, Anacondaur, Ogre, Malboro

Bosses - Defender X

Items - Aeons Soul, Al Bhed Primer XXIII, 15000 Gil, Lv.2 Key Sphere

The Calm Lands is probably my favourite area in the game. I'm not sure why, it

just is. Head down the slope to the left. You'll come across Maechen, who'll

tell you about the place. Once you get down the bottom of the hill a hovercraft

will appear. It's Rin, he's got a mobile shop now.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Malleable Staff | 38625 Gil

Shapeshifter | 6250 Gil

Buckler | 25050 Gil

White Armguard | 15750 Gil

Saviour Bangle | 6825 Gil

Wizard Bracer | 76250 Gil

Curative Targe | 10050

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Hi-Potion | 500 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Power Distiller | 100 Gil

Mana Distiller | 100 Gil

Speed Distiller | 100 Gil

Ability Distiller | 100 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Way in the north there is another little settlement, which has a shop and a

SAVE SPHERE. On the way there you'll see Belegmine standing there, waitnig for

another duel. Fill up your aeon overdrives by all means before going over to





HP - 15000

AP - None

Weakness - Fire

You should be well able for this fight, summon Bahamut or Ifrit complete with

an overdrive for the best results. If you use Ifrit, finishing her off should

be a formality, heal with FIRE MAGIC if you really need to. If you summon

Bahamut it really shouldn't be any contest. After you win (or lose) you'll get

the AEON'S SOUL, an items that lets you increase the attributes of your aeons.

Levelling up Yuna is still far more effective though. If you win you'll get 30

POWER SPHERES while if you lose you'll get 30 SPEED SPHERES.

Now go to the little settlement. There's a shop here offering HOLY WATER for

the first time. There's also a moniter that will let you fight mock battles

against a Coeurl, Malboro, Bashura and Ghost. You get no AP, but do if you want

to. The hill behind the settlement has a chest containing a LV.2 KEY SPHERE.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ---------

Baroque Sword | 7575 Gil

Ductile Rod | 7575 Gil

Switch Hitter | 7575 Gil

Variable Mog | 7575 Gil

Halberd | 15150 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 15150 Gil

Devastator | 7575 Gil

Seeker's Shield | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Ring | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Armguard | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Bangle | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Armlet | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Bracer | 1575 Gil

Seeker's Targe | 1575 Gil

----------------- | ---------

Items | Price

----------------- | ---------

Potion | 50 Gil

Hi-Potion | 500 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Power Distiller | 100 Gil

Mana Distiller | 100 Gil

Speed Distiller | 100 Gil

Ability Distiller | 100 Gil

Grenade | 300 Gil

Map | 50 Gil

----------------- | ---------

From here I would now go to the North-West corner of the Calm Lands where you

can find the AL BHED PRIMER XIII and a woman on a Chocobo. Talk to the woman

for the chance to train a Chocobo. If you manage to pass the first level of

training you can ride a Chocobo around the calm lands. Once you have the

Chocobo go to the very south east corner to find two chests holding 10000 GIL

and 5000 GIL. Head north from here. You'll pass a green dot on the map, the

Training Area. Leave this till later. Keep going North till you reach another

exit, you'll get off the Chocobo automatically. You'll come out near the bridge

to Mount Gagazet, you'll be accosted by more Yevonites saying you're a traitor.

They summon Defender X, a big, stone, robot style guy. He's tough.




HP - 64000

AP - 6660

Weakness - Dark, Armour Break

Defender X is completely physical, and he can only attack one character at a

time. That is pretty much his biggest weakness. Start the fight by using ARMOUR

BREAK on him, and try an use HASTE on as many people as possible. A good party

to begin with would be Yuna, Auron and Tidus.

Defender X only has only 3 main attacks. He uses HAYMAKER, his best attack.

It can do up to 4000 HP damage to one character. He then has BLAST PUCH, which

halves a characters HP. Then the regular physical attack, dealing about 2000 HP

damage per hit. When his HP falls below 16000 he uses MIGHTY GUARD, which puts

him on NULALL, SHELL and PROTECT. Use DISPEL to counter this. MENTAL BREAK also

works like a charm, allowing Lulu to do a lot more damage with Magic. If Wakka

uses DARK BUSTER every round it will block the physical attacks, but Haymaker

will still land.

There isn't much point in using aeons unless they have a full overdrive at the

ready, Defender X takes them out pretty quickly. If you want to use a wussy

tactic, cast PROVOKE on him with Tidus every third turn. He will only use Blast

Punch now, and it's impossible for Tidus to die, even if his HP reaches 1. And

since Tidus is the only one who will be attacked, you'll have no problem in

winning the fight. After the fight continue across the bridge to Mt Gagazet,

home of the Ronso.




Enemies - Imp, Bandersnatch, Mech Leader, Grenade, Bashura, Nidhogg, Grat,

Mech Defender

Bosses - Biran Ronso, Yenke Ronso, Seymour Natus, Mortiorchris

Items - Braska's Sphere, Defending Bracer, 20000 Gil, HP Sphere, Lv. 4 Key

Sphere, Saturn Crest

You'll be welcomed by a load of snarling Ronse telling you to get the hell off

their mountain. But Yuna's will of tempered steel that the mightiest Ronso

couldn't bend gets you through. Biran and Yenke still want to kill you though.

Save your game and head north up the mountain. Biran and Yenke will attack you.




HP - Depends on Kimahri's Strength

AP - 9000

Weakness - None

Kimahri has to face this fight all by himself. It isn't very hard though. The

point of this fight is questionable, is it to further the story, or to let

Kimahri learn a load of new LANCET abilities. You can learn about 4 off each



and learn a new ability, your overdrive gauge will fully fill. Take advantage

of that.

The two Ronso can move about the battlefield by using Bulldozer. Its a physical

attack that does about 200 damage or there abouts. You can only use physical

attacks when the pair are separated. They use crappy low level magic that does

about 50 damage, and they use some of the "breath" abilities listed above to

do about 150 damage. You can only learn an overdrive technique after they have

used it in the fight. Make sure you learn all the Ronso rages before you kill

either brother. This fight is piss easy, you can and will win without problems.

Now go back to the enterance and save. It's time now to face the mountain. Get

ready for lots of random battles. On the right at the beginning you'll find a

chest holding 20000 GIL. Further up on the left you'll find a MEGA-POTION. Keep

heading north until you see a tomb. Examine it for Lulu to tell a story.

A little further on, in a dead end to the north you can find the JECHT SPHERE.

You get to see a little movie of the group 10 years earlier. Auron will now

learn a third overdrive technique. Head back to the main path and go as far

west as you can, ignore the turn to the north. Down a windy little path you'll

find a DEFENDING BRACER. Now just continue North and follow the path to the

next part of the mountain trial. You'll meet Wantz, O'akas brother on the way.

He sells things. Buy some HOLY WATER.

Weapons | Price

----------------- | ----------

Double-Edge | 4350 Gil

Conductor | 90750 Gil

Double Penalty | 18150 Gil

Booster Cactuar | 112750 Gil

Trident | 6450 Gil

Shimmering Blade | 16650 Gil

Survivor | 97875 Gil

Tetra Shield | 45375 Gil

Blessed Ring | 37750 Gil

Tetra Armguard | 52875 Gil

Shell Bangle | 18225 Gil

Tetra Armlet | 45375 Gil

Blessed Bracer | 22875 Gil

Haste Targe | 90225 Gil

----------------- | -----------

Items | Price

----------------- | ----------

Potion | 50 Gil

Hi-Potion | 500 Gil

Phoenix Down | 100 Gil

Holy Water | 300 Gil

Antidote | 50 Gil

Eye Drops | 50 Gil

Echo Screen | 50 Gil

Soft | 50 Gil

Power Distiller | 100 Gil

Mana Distiller | 100 Gil

Speed Distiller | 100 Gil

Ability Distiller | 100 Gil

----------------- | ----------

Run straight ahead, and go to the left when you can. Down a small hill you'll

find two chests holding a HP SPHERE and a LV.4 KEY SPHERE. Now go back to the

main path, ignore all turns from it, there is nothing more to get here. There

is a SAVE SPHERE up here though, train around this if you like. Again, build

up the overdrives of your aeons. Now head for the exit, and move to the next

area. You'll talk on the top of what looks like a cliff, and then Seymour

rears his ugly face again.




HP - 70000

AP - 10000

Weakness - None




HP - 4000

AP - None

Weakness - None

Seymours party trick here is to turn you into a Zombie and then cast FULL-LIFE

on you, that equals death. There are 2 proven ways around this, and one dodgy

theoretical one that I just thought up. The two good ones are to use a HOLY

WATER or a REMEDY on the effected character. The other, is to (I wish I could

use italics) knock your character out. Yes, that is correct. If he used FULL-

LIFE on you, you _should_ come back with full health. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS

WORKS though.

He also has a vicious attack called Cross Cleave, which will do up to 2500 HP

damage to everyone. This can be halved with PROTECT though. Have Lulu use BIO

at the very start, and have Tidus use HASTEGA. A good party is Yuna, Tidus and

Auron. Have Yuna cast PROTECT on everyone. Tidus and Auron should just attack

physically. Stop him killing with Lance of Atrophy by using HOLY WATERS or

anything similar. Once Seymour's HP drops below 35000, Mortiorchis will use

Totla Annihilation. Even with PROTECT this can still do 2000 on everyone. He

will use this two rounds after Seymour's HP drops below 35000. Summon and aeon

to try and block this. The aeon will be banished after the first action it

makes. Only use summons if they have a full overdrive gauge.

This battle is hard, one of the hardest in the game. It will take a while to

get the hang of it, don't count on winning the first time. Good luck anyway.

After the fight just continue on your way. Just before the SAVE SPHERE look

in between the pillars on the left to find a SATURN CREST. As soon as you enter

the area withh all the blue flowing stuff, fayth apprently, Tidus will fall in

to a dream. Just run around and talk to the fayth where ever he goes. After you

wake up get ready for the second part of the Mountain.



Enemies - Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike, Behemoth, Ahriman, Grendel, Dark Flan,


Bosses - Sanctuary Keeper

Items - Fortune Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Pep Talk, Recovery Ring, Return


Make your way north to the SAVE SPHERE, and save. Now go left, or west. When

you reach the water, jump in and swim. Only Tidus, Wakka and Rikku can fight

now, which is a bit of a handicap. Just keep going north, and eventually you'll

reach a spinning shell guarding a light. The shell has gaps in it, so what you

have to do it throw Wakka's ball and hit the light. When the shell is totally

covering the light, throw the ball. Take as many turns as you like to do this.

Once you do it a chest containing a LV.1 KEY SPHERE will appear. Now go back to

the SAVE SPHERE to find a set of steps to the north of it have materialised. Go

up and to the left until you reach the water. Dive in...

Just swim until you approach a trio of glowing circles. You have to send one

character into each circle. Send Rikku to the green circle, Tidus to the blue

one and Wakka to the orange one. A chest will now appear holding a FORTUNE

SPHERE. Head back to the SAVE SPHERE. Now go up the stairs and to the right

this time to find a RETURN SPHERE and a RECOVERY RING. To the left of the

SAVE SPHERE, down the first passage you went down you can find a PEP TALK.

Now go up the stairs and turn left. A new paggage leading up has appeared on

the left hand side, so go up. You're party will be attacked by the next boss,

the Sanctuary Keeper. Before hand it might be a good idea to get some aeon

overdrives ready.




HP - 40000

AP - 11000

Weakness - None

This guy has a plethora of strong attacks. The worst one is Photon Wings. It

inflicts damage, Sleep, Silence, Confuse (grrr) and Curse. Curse stops you from

using and overdrive, and is lifted with a HOLY WATER. He also uses tail sweep,

which has the dispel effect, takes away HP and has a delay effect. Then he has

his physical attack, doing a solid 1500 HP damage per turn. Then there's the

almighty Mana Breath doing about 2500 HP damage to one person. The cherry on

top is Curaga, healing himself for 9999 HP.


stop his Curaga. This means no magic though. Just attack physically and heal

with Yuna when your HP is low. Summon aeons when you can, but try and make sure

they have an overdrive ready. They will get blown to bits though, overdrive or

not. An important thing to remember is that it is possible to inflict SLOW on

him. It might take a few turns though.

He'll also cast regen and protect on himself, cast DISPEL if you have it. That

is fairly important. Overall this is a tough fight, but you can manage it. He

doesn't have that much HP, so do your best. After the fight you finally leave

Mt. Gagazet and reach the Zanarkand ruins.




Enemies - Ahriman, YAT-99, YKT-11, Dark Flan, Behemoth, Defender Z, Fallen

Monk, Grendel, Bashura, Mahdragora

Bosses - Spectral Keeper

Items - Fortune Sphere, 10000 Gil, Friend Sphere, Luck Sphere, Spiritual

Targe, Lv.3 Key Sphere, Sun Crest

Zanarkand is now in ruins. It's also fairly linear, but that doesn't mean it's

easy. Save your game, an progress. On the overpass you can find a FORTUNE

SPHERE and a SPIRITUAL TARGE, both on the left hand side. When you reach the

dome you can save, and a guy will tell you that Yunalesca is waiting. In the

interior of the dome, take a detour about halfway around the circular walkway

on the right hand side to find 10000 GIL. Now head the rest of the way round

and save. Also train up here, it's never harmful to gain a few sphere levels.

Make sure Yuna learns DISPEL.

When your ready head on to reach the next area. Run until you're at a junction

with two roads. Take the one to the straight right and pick up a FRIEND SPHERE.

Now head back to the main path and continue. You can find a LV.3 KEY SPHERE on

the right hand side a bit further up. Now head for the next area. When you

reach it the random battles will stop. You can pick up a LUCK SPHERE from the

right of the path. Save at the top and make your way into the trials.

These trials are not as hard as the previous ones in my opinion. To start the

trials step on the green square. There are a load of white spots on the ground,

and by standing on them you light up a shape on the ground. You can see what

shapes you need to light up on the screen in the north of the room. Once you

light all these up, a load of pedestals will appear around the room. Push the

one in the top left into the wall and go through the door that opened up.

Go up to the screen again and examine it to get an overview of the room, and

all the shapes you need to illuminate. Once you have this done an glyph will

appear in the middle of the room. I'm afraid there isn't that much help I can

give you here. You'll have to repeat the process for 3 other pedestals in the

previous rooms, all of them except the two in the middle. Once you've lit up

4 glyphs in the middle of the room you can take the two spheres from either

side of the screen. Take the KILIKA SPHERE from the left of the screen, take it

back to the previous room and put it in the pedestal on the left. Now go get

the BESAID SPHERE from the right of the screen and put it in the pedestal on

the right. Push both pedestals into the wall to light up the last two glyphs.

I would advise you to go build up your aeons overdrive gauges now, you're going

to have to fight a fairly tough boss now. Go back into the room with the glyphs

where the Spectral Keeper will be waiting.




HP - 52000

AP - 12000

Weakness - None

This is a unique fight. The battlefield is 6 glyphs surrounding the Spectral

Keeper, you can move one at a time. If you all move behind the Spectral Keeper

he will just turn around, and if you attack him he will counter and hit all

three glyphs in front of him for about 2300 HP each. He also uses Berserk on

one character, making him/her attack mindlessly and thus provoke the counter

attack. Use a REMEDY or ESUNA right away.

Try and place the character with the most HP in front of the Spectral Keeper,

with the other two one glyph away at least. Cast PROTECT on the guy in front

of the Spectral Keeper too. Sometimes he lays Glyph Mines on the glyphs, they

will kill whoever is on the glyph at the time.

If you have any summons with full overdrive at hand then use them. After the

overdrive, the Spectral Keeper will kill the aeon pretty hastily. If you get

BERSERKED then make sure you get it off right away, that is vital. The main

aim here is to only let one person be hit with the counter attack. This is a

tough battle, yes, but manageable. As soon as it's over go save and fill your

aeons overdrives yet again. Arguably the hardest fight in the game is on it's


You go down to the chamber of the fayth, there's another SAVE SPHERE down here.

There is no final aeon to get, but Yunalesca appears and entices you to follow

her. After this converstaion save again. MAKE SURE YOUR AEONS HAVE OVERDRIVES.

Go up the stairs and talk with Yunalesca for a while. She'll decide to fight

you when you refuse to turn someone into a Fayth. Auron comes out with my

favourite little quote of the game, his little battle cry before the fight.


BOSS - YUNALESCA (3 forms)


HP - 24000, 48000, 60000

AP - 14000

Weakness - None

This is a weird, weird fight. Yunalesca has not got many damaging attacks, but

this fight is desperately hard. If you don't have DISPEL, I don't know what to

tell you except go learn it. It doesn't matter how long it takes.

Yunalesca is weak but annoying in her first form. If you use a physical attack

she will counter it with blind. If you use magic she'll counter with silence.

Her regular attacks will nullify any good status effects like haste. Either use

REFLECT to stop the Blind and stuff, or keep using ESUNA. Keep using Physical

attacks with your strongest characters. Yunalesca will also use drain on you,

stealing your HP and giving it to her.

Once you beat her first form and her second emerges, she'll use Hellbiter right

away. This causes damage and puts everyone on the ZOMBIE status. In this form

the only thing she can do is use Hellbiter, Cura, Regen and counter. She'll

cast Regen on you which has the same effect as poison. Cura just does damage.

Cast Dispel on anyone with Regen on them, and heal the Zombie status of anyone

who she uses Cura on. Keep hacking away at her with all you have (not aeons).

Once her HP starts to get low, make sure _at least_ 2 characters are still

ZOMBIES. When you beat her second form, her third emerges.

She turns into a giant head now, and opens up with and attack called MEGA

DEATH. This will instantly kill all character who are NOT on the ZOMBIE status.

That's why you need zombies. She now uses CURAGA instead of CURA, and has a new

attack called MIND BLAST. It causes about 600-800 HP damage an inflicts the

CONFUSION status effect. In this form now you can summon, but ONLY WITH FULL

OVERDRIVES!!! If you summon an aeon without an overdrive she will use MIND

BLAST which will inflict CURSE, and then absorb all your HP. If you summon

with an overdrive then you can use the overdrive and then get your HP absorbed,

in this event you'll still end up doing damage. It's a good idea to finish her

with an overdrive too. After you kill her, you'll also get rid of the only way

to get the final aeon.

After the fight go to the far end of the platform you're on and down the small

set of steps to find a chest with the SUN CREST inside. Now head out the way

you came in. At the bottom of the stair Auron will reveal something quite

shocking about himself. Once you get outside then the Airship will appear, and

so will Sin. He seems placid for some reason. Anyway you'll now get control

of the Airship.




Enemies - None

Bosses - None

Items - None

You'll start out on the Airship bridge. Talk to everyone, then go to the far

end of the ship, the other one with the SAVE SPHERE. Talk to Yuna and Kimahri

here and then head back to the bridge. The gang have an idea to play the hymn

of the fayth at Sin to calm him. First of all talk to Cid to go to the High

-bridge. Here you talk to Maester Mika, who sends himself, and a fayth, who

goes all cryptic on us. Then go back to the Airship. I'm going to assume, for

the walkthrough purposes you want to fight Sin right away. First of all head

to Remiem Temple by going to the Calm Lands and examining the chocobo feather

in the extreme south east corner. At Remiem Temple race the Chocobo race and

win, and open 3 chests in the process. I'll go into more detail in this in

another update. You'll win 30 WINGS TO DISCOVERY, which will be vital to your


Now return to the Airship and select Sin as your new destination. You'll fly

into the creature, and have to fight his fins before anything else. They aren't

very tough. Go to the deck of the airship where you fought Evrae before to

start the fight.




HP - 65000 (each)

AP - 33000 (total)

Weakness - None

The fights against the two fins are tactically the excact same. Use ARMOUR

BREAK and MENTAL BREAK to weaken the fins up. Use HASTEGA as well and just keep

pugging away with your best attacks. His only attack is to ram the ship when

your near and swipe you with his fin when your far away. Just keep hitting him,

use overdrives as they come, it's not hard, really. He'll also use Gravija once

in a while whoch will sap 3/4 of your HP. Heal afterwards, and continue to

attack. After the fight you'll land on Sin and fight his core and a Sinspawn.




HP - 20000

AP - 1800

Weakness - Fire, Slow




HP - 36000

AP - 18000

Weakness - None

You have to take out the Sinspawn before you take out the core. He's weak to

FIRE and SLOW, so use these to your advantage. Once you get rid of 50% of his

HP then he'll get retreat to his shell, and physical attacks will take off

significantly less. You should just hammer away magically now, or summon Ifrit

if you like. He'll try and cast CURA on himself, which you can stop by casting

SILENCE on him. He'll also be getting ready to cast GRAVIJA, try and have an

aeon block this strong attack. Once the sinspawn is gone you can move onto

the core.

Use ARMOUR BREAK right away. This is important. He'll use NEGATOR eery now and

again which will get rid of your HASTE or whatever, and you'll have to ARMOUR

BRAKE him again. He'll just use GRAVIJA apart from that, so just keep smacking

him until he is dead. So the first few fights there weren't hard, but that's

abou to change. You get to go back to the ship now to save and stuff. When you

are ready you can fight Sin's head. It's tough.




HP - 140000

AP - 20000

Weakness - None

You have to beat Sin here before his overdrive gauge fills, or else you die.

It's as simple as that. It doesn't even take off any health, you just die. You

can't avoid it, and the only way to prevent it is to kill Sin before he kills

you. You can't use aeons either because they fill up his overdrive gauge like

nobodies business. Only use an aeon overdrive to finish him off.

Sin doesn't really attack much, only counter, He has a counter which takes

about 800 HP from you and inflicts ZOMBIE and CONFUSION. Cure the CONFUSION as

quickly as you can. You start the fight pretty far away from Sin, only long

range attacks work. You'll get "drawn to Sin" three times, then you can use

close quarters combat. Have Auron use ARMOUR BREAK right away. Make sure you

use HASTEGA as well, as time is of the essence here. As long as you do those

two moves you should be able to manage. If Auron can do about 7,000 per turn,

and Tidus and Wakka about half that you should manage. Not too hard again if

you know what you're doing. Now you can go inside Sin.




Enemies - Ahriman, Wraith, Exoray, Demonolith, Varuna, Adamantoise, Great

Malboro, Gemini, Gemini

Items - Defending Bracer, Defence Sphere, Elixer, Four-on-One, 20000 Gil,

HP Sphere, Laevatein, Lv.3 Key Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere, Megalixer,

Phantom Ring, Special Sphere, Wizard Lance

Bosses - Seymour Omnis, The Final Boss (You'll see)

You'll start off in the sea of sorrow. There are loads of items here, I'll try

and tell you where to get them. There are a few places where you can't pass,

they are waterfalls. There is a SPECIAL SPHERE in the south, you have to take

a long route to get round the waterfall. There is a PHANTOM RING in the south

west, and an ELIXER north of it. There's a WIZARD LANCE in the centre of the

area, and a LV.3 KEY SPHERE north of there. The map only shows places you've

been, and the exit here is to the north. There's a SAVE SPHERE just before the

exit too. Build up your aeons overdrives and then go up the stairs for a final

confrontation with Seymour.




HP - 80000

AP - 24000

Weakness - Varies

This can be the hardest fight in the world, but when you know what to do it's

really really easy. They key to this fight is paying attention to the Morti

-phasms, the discs behind Seymour. They dictate what he is going to use next

and what he is weak against. They are everything in this fight. It will always

start off with four RED CIRCLES pointing at Seymour. This means he is going

to use FIRAGA four times in a row, a maximum of twice on a single character.

This means you use NULBLAZE to block 3 of the four FIRAGAS.

Not only does it mean he'll use four FIRAGA's, it means he's weak against ICE.

Use attacks like ARMOUR BREAK and MENTAL BREAK to help you on your way. Once

Seymour has been attacked 6 times he will use DISPEL. This is quite ominous,

as his next attck is going to ULTIMA. It may be a good idea to summon an aeon

to take the brunt of this attack. After this cast HASTEGA on everyone again,

use the appropriate NUL spell, and use ARMOUR and MENTAL BREAK again. If you

can manage to have an aeon take the ULTIMA damage every time you'll be ok. It

helps if you get to unleash that aeons overdrive too. Take the right approach

and you'll be fine.

After the fight, go back and SAVE, and then continue on. Follow the path here,

and fight. Follow the path until you reach a clearing, at which you should

turn right. Then take the next left and you'll reach a SAVE SPHERE. Save,

naturally, and see a big monolith fall from the sky. Don't approach it yet

though. BUILD UP RIKKU'S OVERDRIVE! The whole strategy for the next battle is

based on this. BUILD UP TIDUS'S OVERDRIVE TOO!!!! Those two things are vital.

Once you have these things done, approach th monolith to be transported to a

weird and colourful worl where pinnacles of ice constantly break through the

ground. If you touch one of these you'll have to fight a battle. To continue

on here you have to collect 10 items. To collect these items you have to go up

to a cyrstal when it appears and examine it. You won't have to fight unless you

hit an icicle. You'll see a little white spot on the ground before an icicle

comes through the gorund. The items you collect are a PRISM BALL, MAGE'S STAFF,


INFINITY and ATTRIBUTE SPHERE. Once you do this you'll be transported to

another area, it looks like Zanarkand is in the background. Make sure you have

a LV.3 or 4 KEY SPHERE in your inventory, you'll need it in the battle.

Approach... gasp! It's Jecht, who turns into a big scary badass.




HP - 60000, 120000

AP - None

Weakness - None




HP - 5000, 10000, 15000, etc

AP - None

Weakness - None

You face Braskas Final Aeon here, he's supported by two Yu Pagodas. They heal

him 3000 HP every now and again and fill his overdrive gauge. Tidus can use

the "Talk" Trigger Command to bring his overdrive gauge back to zero. This is

an important key to victory.

Start off the fight with Yuna, Tidus and Rikku. Have Rikku use her overdrive

to mix a LV.3 or 4 KEY SPHERE with a WINGS TO DISCOVERY to make a TRIO OF 9999.

This make ALL you attacks do 9999 damage (ignores defence) and all your healing

give back 9999. This works until the end of the fight or you get knocked out.

Now use HASTEGA with Tidus and have the other two attack normally. After just

6 attacks his first form will be gone. Once he enters his second form (he pulls

a big sword out of his belly) use SLICE AND DICE with Tidus to pretty much half

his HP. You now just need to attack 7 more times to win. If your HP goes low

use PRAY, which will heal everyone for 9999! After the fight there are one or

two fights left, but you can't lose.




HP - Their HP from the game

AP - None

Weakness - Depends on the aeon

You'll have to fight all your aeons now, just use the element opposite to what

they are, if they're non elemental just hack away. Keep yourself on HASTEGA all

the time. You can't die here because all you characters have AUTO-LIFE, and

it's on permanently. Once all you aeons have been dispatched you'll fight Yu

Yevon. You have to make him a Zombie because he cures himself constantly for

9999 HP. He has 2 Yu Pagodas too, you'll have to keep inflicting the zombie

status. You can't die like I said, so good look.

Enjoy the ending too!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5)THE SPHERE GRID <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


In FFX, levelling up is different, as technically it isn't levelling up. You

don't go out and fight to gain levels, you go out to get AP, which lets you

move your character around on this thing called the SPHERE GRID. The SPHERE

GRID is accessed through the menu, and through it you can raise your characters

stats and teach them new and shiny abilities. As you fight, you gain AP. As you

gain AP, you gain SPHERE LEVELS. One SPHERE LEVEL allows you to move one place

on the SPHERE GRID. You can only activate NODES on the grid that are adjacent

to the character. Sometimes you will find your character fenced in by these

LV. ? NODES. The only way to unlock them is to use a LV. ? KEY SPHERE. The

main 5 spheres you will use on your journey are...

--- RED SPHERES ----------

(They appear RED in the menu)

ABILITY SPHERE - Teaches most any attack that uses MP, an ability, e.g. Cure,

Dark Attack.

POWER SPHERE - Activate STRENGTH, DEFENCE and HP NODES to raise those stats


MANA SPHERE - Activates MAGIC, MAGIC DEFENCE and MP NODES to raise those

stats respectively.


those stats respectively.

FORTUNE SPHERE - Activates LUCK NODES, to raise the LUCK stat.

So they are the basics, but those spheres there aren't going to get you the

whole way round the grid. There are a load of other SPHERES you can collect

for the grid, some of which are devillishly rare. You don't need most of these,

but they come in quite handy. They are as follows.

--- YELLOW SPHERES -------

(They appear YELLOW in the menu)

ATTRIBUTE SPHERE - Activates any ATTRIBUTE increasing node already activated by

another character.

BLK MAGIC SPHERE - Activates any BLACK MAGIC ability node already activated by

abother character.

WHT MAGIC SPHERE - Activates any WHITE MAGIC ability node already activated by

another character.

MASTER SPHERE - Activates ANY NODE, regardless.

SKILL SPHERE - Activates a SKILL NODE already activated by another


SPECIAL SPHERE - Activates SPECIAL ability node already activated by another


--- PURPLE SPHERES -------

(They appear PURPLE in the menu)

ACCURACY SPHERE - Converts empty node into ACCURACY +4

AGILITY SPHERE - Converts empty node into AGILITY +4

DEFENCE SPHERE - Converts empty node into DEFENCE +4

EVASION SPHERE - Converts empty node into EVASION +4

HP SPHERE - Converts empty node into HP +300

LUCK SPHERE - Converts empty node into LUCK +4

MAGIC DEF SPHERE - Converts empty node into MAGIC DEFENCE +4

MAGIC SPHERE - Converts empty node into MAGIC +4

MP SPHERE - Converts empty node into MP +40

STRENGTH SPHERE - Converts empty node into STRENGTH +4

--- BLACK SPHERES --------

(They appear BLACK in the menu)

LV. 1 KEY SPHERE - Opens LV.1 LOCKS on the grid

LV. 2 KEY SPHERE - Opens LV.2 LOCKS on the grid

LV. 3 KEY SPHERE - Opens LV.3 LOCKS on the grid

LV. 4 KEY SPHERE - Opens LV.4 LOCKS on the grid

--- BLUE SPHERES ---------

(They appear BLUE in the menu)

CLEAR SPHERE - Lets you clear a node which has already been activated. If the

node is STRENGTH +1, all characters who have activated that

node's strength will go down by 1

--- VIOLET SPHERES -------

(They appear VIOLET in the menu)

FRIEND SPHERE - Transports character to a node that another character is

located on

RETURN SPHERE - Returns character to any node he/she has already activated.

TELEPORT SPHERE - Transports character to any node activated by another


WARP SPHERE - Transports character to any node

So thats all the spheres covered. When there finally is an items section in

this FAQ you can look there for how to find them. Or you could look at another

FAQ, but don't do that. Anyway now I'm gong to run through all the abilities

you can learn from the grid, easily categorized for your convenience.






|FIRE |4 |Low level FIRE damage |


|BLIZZARD |4 | Low level ICE damage |


|THUNDER |4 |Low level THUNDER damage |


|WATER |4 |Low level WATER damage |


|FIRA |8 |Meduim level FIRE damage |


|BLIZZARA |8 |Medium level ICE damage |


|THUNDARA |8 |Medium level THUNDER damage |


|WATERA |8 |Medium level WATER damage |


|FIRAGA |16|High level FIRE damage |


|BLIZZAGA |16|High level ICE damage |


|THUNDAGA |16|High level THUNDER damage |


|WATERGA |16|High level WATER damage |


|BIO |10|Poisons an enemy |


|DEMI |32|Reduces all enemies HP by 1/4 |


|DEATH |20|Kills an enemy |


|DRAIN |12|Steals some of an enemies HP |


|OSMOSE |0 |Steals some of an enemies MP |


|FLARE |54|Huge non-elemental damage |


|ULITMA |90|Even more huge non-elemental damage |







|CURE |4 |Heals small amount of HP |


|CURA |10|Heals medium amount of HP |


|CURAGA |20|Heals large amount of HP |


|NULBLAZE |2 |Blocks one FIRE attack for all characters |


|NULSHOCK |2 |Blocks one LIGHTNING attack for all characters |


|NULTIDE |2 |Blocks one WATER attack for all characters |


|NULFROST |2 |Blocks one ICE attack for all characters |


|SCAN |1 |Shows enemy statistics |


|ESUNA |5 |Cures - Darkness, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Poison, |

| | | Petrifictaion |


|LIFE |12|Revives one character from KO and restores 1/2 their HP |


|FULL-LIFE | |Revives one character from KO and restores all their HP |


|HASTE |8 |Speeds up a character |


|HASTEGA |30|Speed up all characters |


|SLOW |12|Slows down an enemy |


|SLOWGA |20|Slows down all enemies |


|SHELL |10|Raises a characters magic defense |


|PROTECT |12|Raises a characters defense |


|REFLECT |14|Reflects some spells back at caster |


|DISPEL |12|Lifts the following postivtive status effects from enemies: |

| | |NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulTide, NulShock, Haste, Regen, Shell, |

| | |Protect, Reflect, Power Break, Armour Break, Mental Break, |

| | |Magic Break, Curse |


|REGEN |40|Restores HP automatically every time a character has a turn |


|HOLY |85|High level magical attack. The 5th element in the game, Holy |


|AUTO-LIFE |97|If a character dies, they revive automatically |







|SLEEP ATTACK |5 |Medium chance of inflicting sleep for 3 rounds |


|SILENCE ATTACK |5 |Medium chance of inflicting silence for 3 rounds |


|DARK ATTACK |5 |Medium chance of inflicting darkness for 3 rounds |


|SLEEP BUSTER |10|High chance of inflicting sleep for 1 round |


|SILENCE BUSTER |10|High chance of inflicting silence for 1 round |


|DARK BUSTER |10|High chance of inflicting darkness for 1 round |


|ZOMBIE ATTACK |10|Medium chance of inflicting zombie status effect |


|TRIPLE FOUL |24|Inflicts sleep, silence and darkness |


|DELAY ATTACK |8 |Slightly delays one enemies next turn |


|DELAY BUSTER |18|Greatly delays one enemies next turn |


|POWER BREAK |8 |Lowers an enemies strength |


|MENTAL BREAK |8 |Lowers an enemies magic defense |


|MAGIC BREAK |12|Lowers an enemies magic |


|ARMOUR BREAK |12|Lowers an enemies defense |


|MUG |10|Steals from enemy and inlicts damage |


|QUICK HIT |36|Attck with very short time between next turn |


|EXTRACT ABILITY |1 |Make enemy drop ability spheres |


|EXTRACT MANA |1 |Make enemy drop mana spheres |


|EXTRACT POWER |1 |Make enemy drop power spheres |


|EXTRACT SPEED |1 |Make enemy drop speed spheres |


|NAB GIL |30|Steal Gil from an enemy |


|FULL BREAK |99|Inflicts Armour, Power, Mental and Magic Break |







|STEAL |0 |Steals an item from an enemy. Success is halved each succ |

| | |-essful time per fight |


|USE |0 |Use special items in battle |


|FLEE |0 |Run away |


|PRAY |0 |Restores small amount of HP to everyone |


|CHEER |0 |All characters Strength and Defence are raised by 1. Only |

| | |works 5 times per fight |


|AIM |0 |Raises accuracy, same terms as above |


|FOCUS |0 |Raises magic, same terms as above |


|REFLEX |0 |Raises evasion, same terms as above |


|LUCK |0 |Raises luck, same terms as above |


|JINX |0 |Lowers enemies luck by 1, same terms as above |


|LANCET |0 |Steals enemy HP and MP. Kimahri can also learn new skills |


|GUARD |0 |One character takes all physical attacks for one turn |


|SENTINAL |0 |Character takes all physical attacks till next turn and |

| | |halves damage |


|SPARE CHANGE |0 |Throw gil at enemy to do damage |


|THREATEN |12|Threatens enemy into not acting for a few turns |


|PROVOKE |4 |Inflicts provoke. All attacks are draw to one character, |

| | |lasting effect |


|ENTRUST |8 |Give overdrive gauge to ally |


|COPYCAT |28|Imitate previous allies move (Not summons, overdrives) |


|DOUBLECAST |0 |Cast two magic spells per turn |


|BRIBE |0 |Give enemy gil to run away and leave valuable items |


|PILFER GIL |20|Steal Gil from enemy |


|QUICK POCKETS |70|Lets you use items very quickly |



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6) BLITZBALL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Blitzball is a Final Fantasy X Mini-Game I guess, but it's so huge that it gets

a section all to itself. Blitzball is what Spirans do for fun. It's a sport

where-by you basically have to score more goals than the other team in 10

minutes of play. It's played underwater, so the players must have the craziest

lungs ever. There is an awful lot to Blitzball, and this section of the guide

should set you on track. Blitzball _does_ have a point. Through it you can

gain all sorts of items, and also attain a characters Celestial Weapon and

overdrive techniques. It is extremely time consuming though, but rewarding and

played in moderation I think it's great fun. The game is based on basic math,

all your characters have stats, and if they are better than the other teams

opposing stats it makes it easier to make a pass or score a goal. Here is a

basic run-through of the stats.




Pretty much each stat has an opposite, another stat that is used to combat

the stat in question. For example the strength of a defenders tackle and the

strength of an attacker to break through that tackle. All the stats have some

sort of randomness about them too, they can change by up to 50% from the base

statistic during an action. For example if a player has a shooting statistic

of 10, it could rise to 15 or drop to 5 for that shot alone. It could also be

anything in between, or just stay at 10.

ATTACK STRENGTH(AT) - This figure determines the strength of a players tackle.

It is the opposite to ENDURANCE. To determine if a player will successfully

tackle the player with the ball Check the EN against the AT. If the AT is

higher the defender will win. You should put players with high AT stats in


ENDURANCE(EN) - This figure determines the ability of a player to break through

a tackle. As stated above, it's opposing stat is AT. If a player is to break

through a tackle his EN must be higher than the defenders AT. High EN stats are

suited to forwards.

PASS(PA) - A high PA figure is needed for a player to pass the ball long

distances. It is also need for passes to get by defenders in encounters. If

you throw a pass and the PA figure reaches 0 before it gets to the receiving

player, the ball will be fumbled and go to the nearest player, it doesn't

matter which side that player is from. It's opposing stat is BL. Good passing

is helpful for both defenders and your mid-field player.

BLOCK(BL) - When your players enter and encounter and the oppsosing player

decides to pass, your player will try to block that pass. You can also block

shots on goal like this. You will either miss the ball completely, get a hand

on it, significantly reducing the PA of the player making the pass, of catch

the ball, turning it over to your team. A high BL figure is helpful for your


SHOT(SH) - This is the power with which an attacker can shoot on goal. It goes

without saying that your forwards need high SH stats. With a high SH stat you

can shoot from further away, and close shots will have far more chance of going

in. It also reducing the chances of defender blocking the shot. The SH figure

will fall as the ball travels towards the goal, and the catch of the goalkeeper

will reduce the figure further. If it gets to 0 before it reaches the goal, you

won't score. This stat has two opposing ones, both BL and CA.

CATCH(CA) - This is a stat any good goal keeper should have in bucket loads. It

is the ability of the keeper to stop attackers scoring. If you have a higher

CA that the attackers SH, the sh should be stopped, but due to the random stat

changes sometimes the attacker will score even when his SH is lower.

SPEED(SP) - This is just how fast your players can move around the pitch. For

the defenders it isn't _that_ important, but your mid-fiel and forwards will

want speed in hefty doses. It's very important for your attackers especially

so they can get away from defenders who can stop them scoring.

HIT POINTS(HP) - Basically the same as in the main game, this is how much life

your players have. Passing, Shooting and simply moving with the ball in your

hands will use up HP. Your HP will be restored though slowly when you don't

have the ball and it will be fully restored at half-time. If your HP falls

below 10 then your SH and PA stat will be reduced by half. If a players HP

falls to zero you can't pass to them and they can't take the ball. This doesn't

happen very often though, so fear not.

LEVEL(LV) - You can gain EXP while playing just by passing the ball about or

shooting or tackling etc... When you gain a certain amount, you gain a level,

and when you gain levels all your stats get better. Players all level up very

differently though, some might be very poor at low levels and excellent at high

ones or vica-versa.




Blitzball is played in a circular field. Although you're playing in water you

can only move 2 dimensionally, you can't swim up or down. When you're playing

your goal will always be shown on the right hand side of the little map, and

the opposing goal on the left. On the map, your players will be shown as little

greenish arrows and the opposition are red.

--- MOVEMENT ---

There are three different modes of movement whil playing Blitzball. The only

way to find out which on suits you is to experiment. You only have control of

your players when you attack, and even then you only control the player on the

ball. While the opposition have the ball you go to AUTO.

AUTO - While on Auto, the computer will move your characters around for

you. While in general the computer will move your players in the

best interest of the team, there are times when the manual touch

is needed and I do not think this is a good option to choose at

all. Even for beginners it's best off to play manually.

MANUAL A - This option lets you move your character around manually, and the

orientation is overhead map. That means when you tell a player to

go right, they'll always go in the same direction, towards your

own goal. Same with going left etc... I personally use this option.

MANUAL B - This option is very similar to Manual A, just this time your player

will just go to his right when you tell him to, the orientation is

via the pitch not the map.


When you're in possesion of the ball, you can use a number of actions to try

and get the ball up the pitch and eventually score(hopefully). While you have

the ball you can press SQUARE and a small menu will come up allowing you to

access these options.

DRIBBLE - This is what you do when you're on the ball. You don't need to go

in to the menu or anything to dribble, it's just simply moving about

while you have the ball.

PASS - Throw a pass to another player. You'll see how much HP it will cost,

this is also the range of the pass. The higher the fugure, the more

HP it will expend, but the firther the pass can travel. This means

it has more of a chance of reaching its target. There are also some

special passing techniques, these will come up when you choose the

pass option. If other players try and block the pass there is a

higher chance it will fail.

SHOOT - This lets you take a shot at goal. Like with the pass, the HP cost

and similarly the power of the shot is shown. If you have any

special shooting techniques they will be listed here too along with

their respective HP costs. The SH figure falls as the ball travels,

and if other players try to block the shot the chances are you won't


Sometimes while you're dribbling a defending player or often more than one will

catch up with your player, this is known as an ENCOUNTER. While in an encounter

you will have the option of trying to break through the defenders tackles, or

pass or shoot as normal. If you pass or shoot before breaking to a player then

the defender will try to block your shoot/pass. When you enter an encounter the

clock will stop to let you make your decision. These are the options you get in

an encounter.

NO BREAK - This option will simply bring up the pass and shoot options. As

opposed to open play, you'll have defender(s) in your face here

trying to make life hard for you. See above for pass and shoot.

If you choose to make a pass or shoot, then pay attention to

the BL of the defender. Take the BL from the PA or SH figure for

a rough estimate of the outcome of the action. Due to the 50%

random increase/decrease in stats you can't calculate with 100%


BREAK TO "X" - Replace X with the defending player(s) names you are in the

encounter with. If you try and break make sure you pay careful

attention to your players EN stat and the defenders AT stat. If

your EN is higher than the AT then you can break through. If

you're in an encounter with more than one player you can choose

to break to one or all of them. To see if you'll break past more

than one player you simply add the AT figures of all the players

defending. For example, if your EN is 10, and you're in an

encounter with 3 defenders who's AT is 5, 3, and 3 respectively.

As you can see 10 is higher than 5, so the break should be a

success. 10 is also higher than 5+3 so it would be wise to break

to the first two defenders. 10 is NOT higher than 5+3+3 though,

so if you break to the thrid player the chances are he will take

the ball. HOWEVER, due to the random 50% stat changes there is

a chance a player with a lower AT can take the ball from you.

Inversely, there is also a chance you can break past a player

with a higher AT than your EN. This adds a randomness to the


When you are not in possession of the ball, you can encounter attackers. The

options here are slightly more limited than the attacking ones. All you can do

is tackle and block the pass/shot of the attacker. You can't even control

whether you do either of these because the attacker makes the choice whether

to break or to pass/shoot. So when defending you really have to rely on luck

or your higher stats(if you have them) to get the ball back. If the player

decides to pass/shoot, your BL will come into play and if he decides to break

then your AT will. If s/he chooses to break then if you have any special tackle

techniques they will be made availible for use here, along with their HP cost.


There are 9 different formations you can choose from while playing Blitzball.

Some are only availible at higher levels. You can switch between formations

during the course of the match by pressing TRIANGLE when you don't have the

ball. The formations are quite important and can have a large bearing on the

outcome of a game. Here are the formations.

NORMAL - All players just stay in their normal position, the default

setting. Availible from team level 1.

MARK MODE - Players stay on their opponents who you set them to mark.

Availible from team level 1.

RIGHT SIDE - Players will position themselves on the right side of the

field. Availible from team level 1.

LEFT SIDE - Players will position themselves on the left side of the

field. Availible from team level 1.

CENTRE ATTACK - All the players will move up i.e. Midfielder will go up and

attack while defenders move into midfield. Good attacking

option but leaves defence open. Availible from team level 2.

ALL-OUT DEFENCE - All players come back and defend. Useful if you're trying to

hang onto a lead. Availible from team level 4.

FLAT LINE - Players form a flat line across the pitch to attack. Good

attack option but there's no defence. Availible from team

level 6.

COUNTER - Defenders close down attackers quicker and your two attackers

will stay around the opposing goal waiting for a pass. Aim

here is to quickly get the ball from attack to defence.

Availible from team level 8.

DOUBLE SIDES - Left and right sided players will swim along the side of the

pitch towards the opposing goal. The midfield player will

stay in the middle. Like Left Side and Right Side rolled in

to one. Useful if you have players with high passing stats.

Availible from team level 9.


LEAGUE - All six teams play in a League together. Each team plays each

other twice, giving a total of 10 games per team. You get three

points for a win, one for a draw and none for losing. Most points

at the end wins.

TOURNAMENT - All six teams play here once again, but this time in a knockout

format. You can only play a maximum of three games. If you draw

a match you go into extra time for 5 minutes, first team to score


EXHIBITION - Just a friendly match against a team of your choice. You can't

gain EXP from these games. The only purpose of them is to gain

techniques using techcopy and to practice. I find this option a

waste of time.


POISON - Much like the poison that affects characters in the main game, poison

depletes your HP. When poisoned, your HP will not replenish while you

don't have the ball and it will drop much faster while you do have the

ball. The technique PILE VEMON lets you inflict the poison status up

to five times on an opponent. Therefore players can have double and

triple etc. poison inflicted on them. When posioned you can't use any

shot techniques. At double poison you can no longer tackle. At triple

poison you can no longer pass. Your HP loss also multiplies drama

-tically. Here's how much you lose.

Poison x1, 4 HP every 0.6 second.

Poison x2, 16 HP every 0.6 second.

Poison x3, 64 HP every 0.6 second.

Posion x4, 256 HP every 0.6 second.

Poison x5, 1024 HP every 0.6 second.

The effect will wear off after a short time, or when it reaches half

time in a game. As you can see high levels of poison are extremely

incapacitating for players. To limit HP loss it's probably best not

to pass to poisoned players if you can avoid it. There are some techs

you can equip to prevent poison.

SLEEP - Does exactly what it says on the tin and puts a player to sleep on the

field. The sleeping player obviously can't preform any actions. You

can wake him up by passing to him but he won't catch the ball. He will

wake up after about a minute, when a goal is scored, or at half time.

There are techs you can equip to stop a player being put to sleep.

WITHER - And extremely annoying status effect, wither will randomly reduce some

of your stats. It will take 50% from the stat. It can't do anything to

your HP though. A Wither pass will reduce either PA, AT of BL while

a wither pass will reduce EN, PA or SH. A wither shot will chop half

form your BL or CA. The effect wears off after a short time or at half

time. There are techs you can equip to prevent wither.


------ TECHNIQUES ------


Once a player hits level three s/he can start to learn and equip techniques.

To equip techniques just look at the menu you're given at the start of a match

or half time. The are a few ways to learn techs. Sometimes you just learn them,

sometimes they're given as a prize in a tournament and you can also use

TECHCOPY. This lets you copy an opponents tech when he uses it while you're in

an ecnounter with him/her. When the player is about to use the tech a TECHCOPY

flashing sign type thing will appear at the top of the screen. It's only there

for a very short while so you have to be quick. Press X while the techcopy sign

is there and you may or may not learn the tech. If your level is lower than the

other guys there is only a 20% chance you'll learn the tech. If your two levels

are the same the chances increase to 50% and if your level is higher and you

get the timing right theres a 100% chance of learning the tech. Most techs will

cost some HP to equip. Here's a categorised list of techs. The bracket is the

amount of HP the tech costs to use/equip.

------------------------ SHOOTING TECHNIQUES --------------------------------

AUROCHS SPIRIT(600) - Wakka can only use this, he'll get a shot bonus of ten

plus if your using any of the original Aurochs their shot figures will be added

to Wakkas.


INVISIBLE SHOT(220) - If the ball reaches the goal with a SH value higher than

zero, you have 5 seconds to use the left analogue stick to try and steer the

ball around the keeper. Adds 3 on to your SH figure.


JECHT SHOT(120) - Adds 5 to your SH figure, and also completely takes out two

defenders in the process. Stops the need to break on as many defenders when

close to goal.


JECT SHOT 2(999) - Adds 10 to your SH figure, takes out three defenders and

has the invisible shot effect.


NAP SHOT(45) - 40% chance of putting the keeper to sleep if he touches the ball

and adds 3 to your SH figure.


NAP SHOT 2(80) - 70% chance of putting the keeper to sleep if he touches the

ball and adds 5 to your SH figure.


NAP SHOT 3(350) - 100% chance of putting the keeper to sleep if he touches the

ball. Adds 7 to your SH figure.


SPHERE SHOT(90) - Adds 3 to your SH figure plus an extra random amount you pick

by pressing X. The amount you can pick depends on your level. At higher levels

you can add more to your shot, with 20 the max figure.


VENOM SHOT(20) - 40% chance of inflicting poison if the keeper touches the ball

and adds 3 to your SH figure.


VENOM SHOT 2(35) - 70% chance of inflicting poison if the keeper touches the

ball and adds 5 to your SH figure.


VENOM SHOT 3(100) - 100% chance of inflicting poison if the keeper touches the

ball and adds 7 to your SH figure.


VOLLEY SHOT(10) - 50% chance of picking up a free ball and shooting it at goal.

Only the keepers CA matters.


VOLLEY SHOT 2(40) - 70% chance of picking up a free ball and shooting it at

goal. Only the keepers CA matters


VOLLEY SHOT 3(250) - 100% chance of picking up a free ball and shooting it at

goal. Only the keepers CA matters.


WITHER SHOT(30) - 40% chance of reducing the keepers CA by half if he touches

the ball and adds 3 to your SH.


WITHER SHOT 2(180) - 70% chance of reducing the keepers CA by half if he

touches the ball and adds 5 to your CA stat.


WITHER SHOT 3(390) - 100% chance of reducing the keeperes CA by half if he

touches the ball and adds 7 to your SH.

---------------------------- PASSING TECHNIQUES -----------------------------

NAP PASS(40) - 30% chance of putting opponent to sleep if they touch the ball.

Adds 3 to the PA stat.


NAP PASS 2(200) - 60% chance of putting an opponent to sleep if they touch the

ball. Adds 5 to the PA stat.


NAP PASS 3(510) - 100% chance of putting an opponent to sleep if they touch the

ball. Adds 7 to the PA stat.


VENOM PASS(40) - 30% chance of poisoning an opponent if they touch the ball.

Adds 3 to the PA stat.


VENOM PASS 2(120) - 60% chance of poisoning an opponent if they touch the ball.

Adds 5 to the PA stat.


VENOM PASS 3(350) - 100% chance of poisoning an opponent if they touch the

ball. Adds 7 to the PA stat.


WITHER PASS(40) - 30% chance of reducing an opponents EN, AT or BL by half if

they touch the ball. Adds 3 to the PA figure.


WITHER PASS 2(180) - 60% chance of reducing an opponents EN, AT or BL by half

if they touch the ball. Adds 5 to the PA figure.


WITHER PASS 3(440) - 100% chance of reducing an opponents EN, AT or BL by half

if they touch the ball. Adds 7 to the PA figure.

---------------------------- TACKLE TECHNIQUES ------------------------------

DRAIN TACKLE - 40% chance of draining 30 HP from an opponent as long as own HP

is 30 or above.


DRAIN TACKLE 2 - 70% chance of draining 150 HP from an opponent as long as own

HP is 150 or above.


DRAIN TACKLE 3 - 100% chance of draining 500 HP from an opponent as long as own

HP is 500 or above.


NAP TACKLE(40) - 40% chance of putting opponent asleep if EN figure was reduced

to 0 during tackle. Adds 3 to AT stat.


NAP TACKLE 3(90) - 70% chance of putting opponent asleep if EN figure was

reduced to 0 during tackle. Adds 5 to AT stat.


NAP TACKLE 3(180) - 100% chance of putting opponent asleep if EN figure was

reduced to 0 during tackle. Adds 7 to AT stat.


VENOM TACKLE(30) - 40% chance of poisoning opponent in the tackle. Adds 3 to AT



VENOM TACKLE 2(70) - 70% chance of poisoning opponent in the tackle. Adds 5 to

AT stat.


VENOM TACKLE 3(160) - 1000% chance of poisoning opponent in the tackle. Adds 7

to AT stat.


WITHER TACKLE(8) - 40% chance of reducing an opponents EN, PA or SH by half.

Adds 3 to AT figure.


WITHER TACKLE 2(80) - 70% chance of reducing an opponents EN, PA or SH by half.

Adds 5 to AT figure.


WITHER TACKLE 3(250) - 100% chance of reducing an opponents EN, PA or SH by

half. Adds 5 to AT figure.

---------------------------- DEFENCE TECHNIQUES -----------------------------

ANTI-DRAIN(10) - a 50% chance of preventing the success of Drain Tackle.


ANTI-DRAIN 2(50) - Blocks Drain Tackle from working all the time.


ANTI-NAP(40) - A 50% chance of Sleep not working.


ANTI-NAP 2(210) - A 100% chance of Sleep not working.


ANTI-VENOM(5) - A 50% chance of blocking Posion.


ANTI-VENOM 2(50) - A 100% chance of blocking poison.


ANTI-WITHER(30) - A 50% chance of blocking Wither.


ANTI-WITHER 2(200) - A 100% chance of blobking Wither.


TACKLE SLIP(40) - A 40% chance of slipping a tackle at the expense of losing a

random technique briefly.


TACKLE SLIP 2(170) - An 80% chance of slipping a tackle at the expense of

losing a technique briefly.

---------------------------- SUPPORT TECHNIQUES -----------------------------

BRAWLER(10) - 60% chance of encountering an opponent from further away.


ELITE DEFENSE(5) - Opponents in possession can be seen and encountered from 30%

further away


GAMBLE(300) - When recovering from Sleep, 50% chance of randomly determining

attributes(not HP and SPD) with the X button.


GOLDEN ARM(30) - Shooting and passing costs half HP.


GOOD MORNING!(180) - When a player is asleep and woken by a pass, 50% chance a

stat will rise to 99 temporarily depending on type of pass used to wake player.


GRIP GLOVES(30) - 10% as opposed to 40% chance of Keeper dropping the ball when

he saves a shot.


HI-RISK(300) - All stats except HP and SPD are halved, but EXP is doubled.


PILE VENOM(30) - Can inflict Venom multiple times at once on an opponent.


PILE WITHER(70) - Can inflict Wither multiple times at once on an opponent.


REGEN(50) - Recover HP while not on the ball 4 times faster.


SPIN BALL(30) - 70% chance as opposed to 40% of opponent keeper dropping the

ball when you shoot at him.


SUPER GOALIE(30+X) - 60% chance of a 0-10 bonus being added to the CA of a

keeper when being shot at. Use X to select number. This number + 30 = Total HP



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7) CELESTIAL WEAPONS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


The Celestial Weapons are the best weapons in the game, and each character has

his or her own. They all have special abilities too that are extremely useful

for the character in question. They do take a fair amount of work to get though

and collecting them all will take some amount of time and effort. There isn't

really much point in trying to collect these weapons until you have the airship

so don't waste your time. Initially when you find one of these weapons they not

have any abilities except the ever helpful No-AP. That means you won't really

want to equip them without powering them up. To do this, you need both a CREST

and a SIGIL for each weapon, you need both to fully power up the weapon.

Before you can get your mits on any of these weapons you need the Celestial

Mirror. The weapons are sealed until you get this. It isn't hard to get though,

here's what you do.




Learn how to ride a Chocobo in the Calm Lands and go to Remiem Temple. You get

there by finding the Chocobo Feather to the left of where you first ebtered the

Calm Lands, and examining it while still on your Chocobo. Cross the bridge here

and go left to examine the sphere on the ground. It'll tell you about some race

involving Chocobos, the champ is standing right beside you. Now head around to

the other side here and get onto the Chocobo. The race will start, all you have

to do is get to the finish before the other Chocobo without opening any chests

on your way. It's not very hard, and you have as many goes as you like. By

doing this you will earn the CLOUDY MIRROR. It's isn't celestial...yet.

Now go back to the save sphere and hop to your airship. You want to go to Lake

Macalania now. Come out of the Travel Agency and head back into the woods. Head

south and go left at the fork in the road, you'll go up to a crazy shimmering

pathway. There are no battles or anything up here, so don't worry. At the end

you'll come back down at the enterance to the Macalania Woods. You should see

a woman with a little child loitering around here. Talk to the and it will seem

that the woman was meant to meet her husband around here, but he's no-where to

be seen. How suspicious. But he's actually waiting at the campsite where you

all stayed earlier, to get there take the right hand path from the area. Talk

to him and you'll be given a choice to tell him where his loved ones are, or

wish him luck finding them. Clearly you want to tell him where they are, so do

so. He'll rush off back to his wife, so follow him. When you get back talk to

them and you'll find the son has run off now. So you have to find him too. Go

back up the shimmering walkway, and take the turn that was blocked by some guy

in the way before. The little tyke is up here looking at a huge crystal. Once

up here you'll exchange a few words with him, then be given the chance to use

the Cloudy Mirror. If you want the Celestial Mirror, and I'm telling you that

you do, take this option. The shiny new CELESTIAL MIRROR is all yours. You can

now go Celestial Weapon hunting.


------ TIDUS - CALAGBOLG ------


You'll find this in the North-West section of the Calm Lands. Normally there

would be a guard here getting in the way, but every time you win the Catcher

Chocobo Race he will go get a cup of tea or something giving you access to a

small area. There is a Glyph on on of the walls, and if you examine it while in

possesion of the Celestial Mirror you will receive the CALADBOLG. When fully

powered up it has the following abilities, BREAK DAMAGE LIMIT, TRIPLE OVERDRIVE

EVADE & COUNTER, MAGIC COUNTER. To get these you need the crest and sigil.

The SUN CREST is found in Zanarkand, in the exact same place you fought Lady

Yunalesca. Go to the very far edge of the platform and the chest containing

this crest is on the left hand side.

The SUN SIGIL is somewhat trickier to get. You need to train up a Chocobo, beat

the Dodger and Hyper Dodger Chocobo stages, and race in the Catcher Chocobo

race. To get the Sigil you need to beat the trainer in the race, and not only

that you need to finish in a time of under 0 seconds. This sounds silly but is

possible, although it's very hard. See the Mini-Games section of the guide for

help of sorts. Most of it is down to luck though. See Side-Quests section for



------ AURON - MASAMUNE ------


To get the Masamune, you need to go to the Gorge Bottom in the Calm Lands. If

you go the opposite direction to the enterance to the Cavern of the Stolen

Fayth you'll soon see a sword sticking out of the ground to the side of the

path. Examine it and you'll receive the RUSTY SWORD. You can't use this yet,

it's a key item. Take it, and go to the Mushroom Rock Raod. Along here, it's

not hard to find, is a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. Examine the statue with both

the Rusty Sword and Celestial Mirror in your possesion, and a shiny new


FIRST STRIKE, COUNTER-ATTACK. It also give the break damage limit skill to the

aeon Yojimbo.

To find the MARS CREST, simply go to the Mi'ihen Highroad, Oldroad, South and

pop open the chest here as outlined in the walkthrough.

The MARS SIGIL involves quite a bit more work. You have to capture monsters for

the monster arena. You need to capture enough to breed 10 new creatures in the

Species Conquest and/or the Area Conquest. See the Monster Arena section of

this guide for more details.


------ WAKKA - WORLD CHAMPION ------


Wakka's weapon and powering it up heavily rely on playing Blitzball. His high

level overdrives do as well. To get the WORLD CHAMPION, all you have to do is

either come third in a League or Tournament in Blitzball or have won 100 games.

The easiest option by far here is the tournament, you can win one in 3 games.

Once you've done this, take the Celestial Mirror to the CAFE in Luca and talk

to the guy behind the counter. He will give you the Weapon. It's abilities are


the aeon Ifrit break the damage limit.

To get the JUPITER CREST, just pop back to the Luca stadium and check in one

of the lockers in the Aurochs dressing room. No strings attatched.

The JUPITER SIGIL on the other hand is definatley the most time consuming Sigil

to get, by far of them all. First of all you need to get all his overdrive

techniques. To get the ATTACK REELS, you need to win a tournament with the

reels offered as first prize. After you have these you have to make sure you

have _at least_ 250 random battles under your belt. Then go play a Blitzball

tournament. Make sure you save it before the last game. Once that season is

over the STATUS REELS will be offered as a prize for coming first in the next

season. So win these. Now make sure you have fought at least 450 random battles

and once you have done this start a new Blitz League. Finish the league and

the prize for winning the subsequent league should be the AUROCHS REELS. So

feel free to win these as well. Now once you have these there is a 50% chance

that the JUPITER SIGIL will be offered as the prize for the next League. So

play to the last game and make sure you save before the last game. Now win it

or forfeit it if you've already come first, and see if the Sigil is up for

grabs during the next season. If so, play on. If not, reset and try again.


------ KIMAHRI - SPIRIT LANCE ------


The SPIRIT LANCE is found on the Thuder Plains. Make sure you've activated at

least three Qactuar stones, and then head the the South part of the Thunder

Plains near the Save Sphere. You should see the ghost of a Qactuar floating

around, so follow it. It will bring you to a tower over on the right hand side

of the plains. Once you get there stand before the tower and press the SQUARE

button and a chest containing the Lance will appear. Needless to say you need

the Celestial Mirror to open it. The Lances abilities include BREAK DAMAGE


The SATURN CREST is found on Mount Gagazet, Prominence. You can find it just

after beating Seymour. See the Walkthrough for details.

The SATURN SIGIL is obtained by completing the butterfly hunting sidequest in

Macalania Woods. You have to address the Muti-coloured butterfly to start the

game. A load of Blue butterflies and Red Butterflies will appear. You have to

navigate through the woods in under 30 seconds touching 7 Blue butterflies.

There are about 20 Red butterflies on the course too, and if you touch one of

those you will be engaged in a battle, costing you at least a second. You need

to do this in both the Central and North sections of the woods. You _have_ to

have NO ENCOUNTERS equipped on a piece of armour because you can still engage

in random battles during the mini-game. This is quite annoying is this game,

patience is a must. See Side-Quests section for details.


------ YUNA - NIRVANA ------


The NIRVANA is the easiest weapon to obtain probably, all you have to do is

capture one of each fiend roaming around the Calm Lands for the Monster Arena.

Once you've done this a chest will appear in the Arena, so take the Celestial

Mirror to it and the Nirvana is yours. The abilities on this weapon are BREAK


The MOON CREST is found on Besaid Island down on the beach. You can get it at

the very beginning of the game, see the walkthrough for details.

The MOON SIGIL is slightly tougher, you need to get all eight aeons, bring them

to Remiem Temple, defeat all eight of Belgamines aeons, and send her to the

Farplane. Once you do this you'll get the sigil. See Side-Quests section for



------ LULU - ONION KNIGHT ------


By far the coolest looking weapon in the game in my opinion, you get the ONION

KNIGHT in BAAJ TEMPLE. This is a secret location, you need to search for it on

the map at the coordinates: X AXIS - 13, Y AXIS - 60. Once you're down here you

need to fight and defeat Geosgaeno, which is tough. You can now find the chest

in the southern part of this underwater area, hidden among a load of fallen

pillars. It's a little left of centre. It's abilities are BREAK DAMAGE LIMIT,


The VENUS CREST is found on the Farplane, just go back to Guadosalam, go to

the Farplane and there will be a chest there containing the crest.

The VENUS SIGIL is obtained on the Thunder Plains. You have to consecutively

dodge 200 Lightning strikes. The best place to do this is just north of the

travel agency. Concentrate and make sure you keep count. NO ENCOUNTERS is an

absolute must to get this done. Once you have the 200, a chest will apear

containing the Sigil in front of Rin's Travel agency.


------ RIKKU - GODHAND ------


Once you get the Airship, go to the destination finder thingy and enter GODHAND

as the password. Remember that savepoint you could see in the gorge below you

on the Mushroom Rock Road? Well this will take you here, and there's a chest

containing Rikku's celestial weapon down here too. It's abilities include BREAK


The MERCURY CHEST is found in Bikanel Desert, West. See the Walkthrough for


The MERCURY SIGIL is obtained by completing the Valley of the Cactuars Side-

Quest. Basically you have to find 10 Cactaurs in the desert, sneak up on them,

fight and defeat them, get a Sphere from the battle and stick it in the Cactuar

Stone. Once this is all done, you'll get the Sigil. See the Side-Quests section

of the guide for more details.


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