Flowers (Sprelix)

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Requested by: londonthefuntimecat

Type: Fluff

AU: Boys are a real band in this AU

Pairing: Sprelix (Spring x Felix) with brief mentions of Jon (Joy x Bon) and Fedabby (Fede x Abby)

Third Person's POV:

Spring shakily exhaled as he listened to Felix singing his solo. The pinkette's voice was hypnotically beautiful, and Spring just melted away. He was so in love with Felix it almost hurt. Fred noticed Spring's staring and smirked. After the concert, the boys headed backstage.

"That was wonderful, Darlings! You all sung very well! Especially you, Spring~" Felix sent the dirty blonde a wink.

"T-thanks! You totally killed it there!" Spring nervously complimented the slightly shorter boy.

"Alright, half-assed flirts aside, let's get some food!" Fox impatiently interrupted them.

The other guys laughed as they all went to get some burgers. When Felix went to order their food, all band members shuffled closer to Spring.

"When are you gonna tell him?" Fox curiously asked.

"Tell what?" Spring replied, pretending not to know what they were talking about.

"You know what! You've got a big gay crush on Felix, dude." Fred explained amused.

"You got me...... But I don't think he'll like me back, y'know? He seems more interested in Fede, anyways......" Spring muttered with a shrug.

"Bro, he's totally into you!" Fox argued back.

"Besides, Fede's already with Abby so no way." Bon quickly added.

"Oh, right..... Well, uh, any suggestions?" Spring wondered if any of the guys had some good advice.

"Maybe Bon's got some advice. How did ya confess to Joy, anyways?" Fred asked his blue-haired friend.

"I dunno, I just gave her some flowers and I guess she just really liked them." Bon replied, slightly smiling at the memory.

"What flowers did you give her?" Spring asked interested.

" lilacs, I think." Bon furrowed his eyebrows in thought.

"You think pink lilacs exist?" Spring turned to Fox.

"Tch, how should I know?! It's not like I'm into flowers or anything....." Fox mumbled a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, come on Fox. Everyone knows you're totally into flowers." Fred said in between a snicker.

"Whatever, man! Anyways, yeah. Pink lilacs exist, so if you wanna get some flowers, I suggest going to the flower shop across the street." Fox casually explained.

"Awesome, thanks bro!" Spring fist-bumped the redhead.

"But would Felix be into flowers? What if he doesn't like them?" Spring worriedly fiddled with his hands.

"Jesus Christ, Spring. Stop thinking 'what if' and just do it!" Fred sighed a bit bored.

"If you want, I can distract Felix after we're done eating! And meanwhile you can go get the flowers." Bon cleverly suggested.

"That would be great! Thanks, fellas." Spring offered his friends a genuine smile.

"What're you guys talking about?" Felix's voice made Spring nearly jump out of his skin.

"Champagne." Fred randomly came up with.

"Oh....uh, well suit yourselves then. Here's the food!" Felix seemed a bit confused at the topic they (weren't) discussing.

"Alright, sweet!" Fox almost drooled as he stared down at his hamburger.

The band attacked their food like a bunch of wild animals, and as Felix loudly and grossly chomped down on his burger, Spring felt even more in love than ever before. As Spring finished his burger, Bon send him a quick wink.

"Hey, Felix? Can you come to the bathroom with me real quick?" Bon asked his friend.

"Uhm, of course. Why, though?" Felix started walking to the bathroom with Bon.

"I'm having my period and someone's gotta support me." Fox, Spring and Fred laughed their asses of at that.

Poor Felix was confused as hell as Bon dragged him into the bathroom.

"Okay, now's your chance!" Fred ushered him out of the booth.

"Uh, one more problem....." Spring started off a bit nervously.

Fred was going to complain about whatever excuse Spring was about to come up with, but the blonde-haired boy quickly cut him off.

"I don't think I have enough money for the flowers......"

Oh. Fred felt a bit guilty for expecting Spring would say something stupid, but all the guy needed was some money. Fox looked ready to take out his wallet, but Fred beat him to it. He pulled out at least twenty dollars.

"Take it." Fred simply said.

Spring offered him the brightest smile Fred had ever seen.

"Thanks, you guys! I'll never forget this!"

"Cool, now get going!"

Spring finally got out of the restaurant and ran into the flower shop. Meanwhile Felix was boredly listening to Bon rambling on about random topics. Why did his friend bring him in here? What was the purpose of all this talking? Felix looked out the window, only to see the cutie Spring walking into a flower shop. Oh..... Maybe he was getting flowers for a special someone. Felix honestly really wanted to be that someone. Spring was totally his type, really adorable and really sweet.

Spring picked up some pink lilacs and payed for the flowers. He got back outside, making sure no one saw him getting outside. He rushed back into the restaurant and sat back in the booth.

"I've got an idea! Quick, hide behind the booth, bro." Fox ushered his bro to hide.

"Wait! I still haven't told you about the dinosaurs!" Bon chased after Felix who walked out of the bathroom.

"Bon, Darling, you've been talking about dinosaurs for the past 20 minutes. And you haven't gone to the bathroom even once!" Felix went to sit back down at his seat.

Bon was going to protest, but Fred gestured for him to stay quiet.

"Where's Spring?" Felix curiously asked.

"I dunno, I think he's gettin' some more sauce." Fred lazily replied.

"But there isn't any food-"

"Felix!" Felix let out a shriek as Spring jumped up from behind the booth.

The pink-haired boy fell down, making Spring trip as well. And the next thing he knew, there were flowers pushed up against his face. That was an awkward position, but Felix found himself grinning when he realized there were pink lilacs in his face.

"O-oh, shit! Sorry, Felix! U-uh, let me-" Spring jumped up and stiffly helped up Felix.

"Are these for me?~" Felix somewhat teasingly asked.

"Y-yeah, just thought you'd like them......" Spring's shy smile melted Felix away.

"Thank you, Sweetheart!" Felix pecked the other boy's cheek.

Spring.Exe has stopped working. Possible cause: Overheating.

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