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CPR/KM: A one-shot... a surprising pairing! Oh Tsuna-chan, you are just too cute to resist!

Alaude: ...

Tsuna: -tilts head- What do you mean?

Alaude: -blush-

CPR/KM: Ah~, Tsuna-chan, your charm works again!

Tsuna: Oh?

Alaude: Just begin with this abortion of nature!

CPR/KM: Oh hush you!

Pairings: 8059 and ?27

A/N: Okay! Here a short one-shot! I just couldn't resist and this idea seems funny to me~! I began to think of what would have happened if Alaude had denied Hibari his inheritance... and here it is! So this is an AU! Meaning there were no Haru, Kyoko, Lambo and I-Pin that could have 'helped' Hibari.

What if...?

Tsunayoshi smiled when he saw Ryohei 'celebrate' his 'win' in the inheritance. Knuckle was nodding at his successor and congratulation him alongside his friends.

"Onii-san!" Tsuna said with a smile. "You passed!"

"Hm, as expected of the sun," said Reborn with his kitty-smirk.

"Ah, yes, always encouraging the others and lifting their sprits," said Fon.


Tsunayoshi and Yamamoto laughed at their friend's enthusiasm.



"Why you...!" Gokudera said while bringing his dynamite out.

"As nice as this all is," Alaude interrupted them. "Your Cloud Guardian does not pass. I take my leave."

"A-Alaude?" asked Knuckle, "You can't just say this! Give the kid a chance!"


A shocked silence went through the group. Gokudera and Ryohei stopped their screaming and stared wide eyed at the first generation Cloud Guardian. Reborn and Fon just stared at Alaude and didn't really know what to say to this. Yamamoto, somehow, understood that this was not the mood to be happy right now. And Hibari?

Hibari just scoffed and turned around. It was really none of his business. It was not like he wanted to be the herbivore's Guardian. He was just around the little bunny because it seemed as if all strong opponents were drawn to the boy and it gave him an excuse to fight.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Gokudera exclaimed and was ready to blow something up.

Or better yet, a certain Cloud Guardian by the name of Alaude.


"Maa, maa, maybe Senpai has still an idea?"

But Hibari just ignored them and continued on his way into his beloved school.

"Or not, hahaha!"

Reborn's eye twitched at the idiocy that Yamamoto was showing right now and Uni didn't really know what to say. An enraged Gokudera was being held back by Yamamoto who tried to calm his boyfriend down and Ryohei? He was, strangely enough, really calm about this whole business.


Tsunayoshi swallowed nervously when all heads whipped around to him. Even Hibari stopped his walking and turned around to watch this.

"C-can't you g-give him a second chance? Please?" Tsuna asked while giving his best 'kicked puppy eyes' look.

But what Tsunayoshi totally forget to count was that he was cuteness in person and thus made Alaude's cheek a faint pink. Reborn smirked at his student and said smirked widened when he saw that his Dame-student even had an effect on the Cloud Guardian from Primo who said to be even colder than Hibari.

"Hm... no," was Alaude's short answer.

"B-but we need your blessing!" Tsuna tried again.

"... No," again he was denied.

What Alaude and Tsunayoshi failed to realise was the fact that Reborn had dragged Tsuna's Guardian's away when Alaude answered him. Of course, Gokudera did not like this one bit and was protesting loudly. It was only good that they were already in the school again when Gokudera found his voice again.


"Ahahaha~, can't you see Haya-chan?" asked Yamamoto.

"Don't call me that!" 'Haya-chan' said with a snarl, "and see what? I just see that Jyuudaime is at the mercy of this bastard!"

Knuckle sweat dropped at what Gokudera said. He was a lot like G and this was scaring him, a tiny bit.

"Calm down, Hayato! Let Tsuna handle this. He is your boss after all," said Reborn from his perch on Ryohei's head.

"I extremely don't understand what is going on!"

"Shut up, turf-head!"


"Children these days!"

"Ah, you have to understand, Reborn, they are very devoted to their boss," Fon said with a smile.

"Aa, maybe a bit too much."

Uni was giggling off to the side at the antics of Tsuna's Guairdain and how frustrated Reborn-oji-sama seemed to be.

And where Hibair is, you ask? Well, he had disappeared to somewhere, maybe to his office or the roof top of the school, who really knows?

Back with Tsunayoshi and Alaude

Tsuna was looking like a kicked puppy at Alaude now while his head was tilted to the side and Alaude tried his best not to blush or hug the boy for that matter.

"B-But why!" Tsuna asked in frustration.


"Yes?" now Tsuna was curious just as to why Hibari was not accepted.

Alaude twitched, but it was barely noticeable, when Tsuna looked at him with this cute expression and looked away.

"Come on! Please, I do everything for this second chance!" Tsuna was really trying his best to get Alaude to agree.


"Please?" Tsuna began to sniffle.

Uh-oho, Alaude's alarm bells went off when he heard this sound. He was never good when it came to crying. He didn't really know what do to and made the mistake to look at Tsuna when he heard this sound.


There stood Tsuna with wide eyes, tears threatening to fall, a trembling lip and flushed cheeks. It was only good that he was not a woman or else, he might have glomped the boy and let out a high pitched squeal of delight at seeing such cuteness from this boy.

"Please, anything!"

"..." Alaude did blush this time when Tsuna tilted his head and his eyes became even wider, if possible.

"A-ano... are you alright?" Tsuna was getting worried when he saw that Alaude was slowly turning red.

Alaude just nodded and mumbled something under his breath. Tsunayoshi just blinked, not understanding what Alaude was saying.

"A-aa, I am," Alaude stuttered out and wanted to kick himself for sounding so pathetic.

"Really? I am glad to hear," Tsuna said with a smile that lit his face up and made him look more cute, all traces of sadness vanishing.

Alaude gave up when he saw this smile. He had lost this battle against the boy and his innocent and cuteness. It was a shame and hard strike to his ego, super ego and pride. But at least he would get something out it.

"... Fine, I accept your deal and give your Cloud Guardian a second chance," Alaude said and wondered if Tsuna's smiles could light up more.



"Thank you!" Tsuna said and smiled once more at Alaude who could only blush a little.

"T-tell him that I will test him tomorrow again... and about this deal..."

Tsuna looked Alaude when he mentioned the deal and tilted his head to the side. 'This boy really needs to stop being so dang cute!´ was Alaude's only thought. 'I swear this boy is just too damn adorable! It is a wonder that he is not raped yet! ... Also, that could change if he doesn't stop looking at me like this...´ Alaude wanted to kick himself when he 'heard' his own thoughts. 'I am becoming a paedophile here! Just like Daemon...´ not a pleasant thought this one.

"Oh... what do you want from me?"

"... I will come back to you after I have finished with your Guardian," was the only thing Alaude said before he vanished in purple flames.


Back with Reborn and the others

"Ah, it seems Dame-Tsuna managed to get Alaude to give you a second chance, Hibari," Reborn said while his fedora shadowed his eyes.


"Bastard, you should be thankful that Jyuudaime did this for you!"

"Maa, maa, Haya-chan!"


"He is right octopus head!"

"What was that, lawn-head?"

"Shut up or I shoot you all!" Reborn said with a glare. "Come on, Uni, we need to be home~!"

"Hai, Oji-sama~!"

CPR/KM: ... wow... That was fun to write~! I hope I kept them all IC... oh well~!

Tsuna: A-ano... CPR-san?

CPR/KM: Hmm?

Tsuna: I-I think Alaude-san is dead…

Alaude: …

CPR/KM: Really? Wow… your cuteness killed him~!

Tsuna: O-oh…

CPR/KM: Here's an Omake~!


Alaude appeared back at the temple where Knuckle had already reported the others as to what had happened. There was still a light pink dusting his cheek but it was not very noticeable.

"ALAUDE!" growled a certain blond haired Mafia boss out.

Why did he suddenly get the feeling as if his 'life' was in danger?

Maybe it was because Giotto was currently enfolded with the sky flames and glaring a painful and torturous murder at him or maybe because Giotto was ready to fry his un-dead ass. Yes, that must be it.

"Yes?" he asked calmly, well as one can with a pissed off Mafia boss after them.

"I am going to murder you! What the hell do you think to just go and try to rape my poor, innocent descendant?"

Primo, what the hell?´ went through Knuckle, Lampo, Asari and Alaude's heads. Poor Guardians, they must be thinking that Giotto totally lost it.

"... What are you talking about?" Alaude asked back, trying his best not to piss his boss off more.

"Oh don't give me that! I have heard from Knuckle what you did to my descendant! I dare you to go and rape him!"

Alaude glared at Knuckle and tried his best to not go and knock Primo out. What the hell has that idiot told him? There had nothing happened between him and Tsunayoshi, yet!

"Giotto, there had nothing happened. Decimo and I just made a deal to give his Cloud Guardian a second chance, nothing more!"

"I knew it! You are going to rape him! That's it!"

Alaude's eyes widened when he saw Giotto getting ready to fry him. Alaude may be many things but he was not that stupid to go and fight his boss when he knew that he did not stand a chance.

"W-wait! Primo! Let's talk about this again! NO! This is not necessary!"


Off to the side, Asari, Lampo and Knuckle had already escaped and were a safe distance away. They all winced when at the thought of fighting Giotto. Yeah, Alaude was in for hell. But as long as it wasn't them.

"... Want me to show you this castle I have found?"

"Ahaha~, sure why not?"




**GiottoDaemon rabu-rabu **

"Haa…Ngh! No-Ah…Daemon-! Ah!"

Daemon smirked at the erotic sight of the blonde man moaning and thrashing around below him. The hand caressing the tip of the blonde's cock moves to pump it faster.

"Ngh! N-No! St-Stop! Don't!" the blonde effortlessly moved his tied hands above his head. Desperately trying to untie the perfectly bounded hands. The man above him moved to place butterfly kisses on his chest making him moan loudly.

"Ah…" Daemon shuddered at the sweet moan. 'Ah…You don't know what you do to me…' he growls before pumping the blonde a lot faster than before. "Ah! Da-Daemon! N-No! Ahh…." The blonde came in a low moan. Daemon gave a smile as he licked the sweet cum in his hand. "You look really delicious, Giotto." He licked his lips seductively, resulting the man below him to blush furiously. He touched his forehead against Giotto's making the blonde getting redder than he already has. "It makes me want to eat you right whole in this spot." He whispered seductive in his ear, earning a shudder. "Daemon…Why? Why are you doing this?" Giotto looked at him, tears flowed down his flushed cheeks. The pineapple-haired guardian caressed his cheeks gently.

"Daemon?" Giotto observed his guardian's eyes, he was looking at him with gentleness. The blonde man felt guilt at some point. The hand caressing his cheek moved down to his neck. He squirmed uncomfortably but the blushed remain on his face.

"You are mine, Giotto." Daemon smiled at the reaction he got from the Vongola boss. His eyes widened in obvious surprise, lips slightly parted and the blush on his cheeks grew redder. He leaned in closer to the momentarily stunned boss. His hand slowly moving down…

"You are mine. I'm the one who is supposed to claim you. You belong to me. No other man is allowed to touch you, only me. You're mine, and mine alone…" Giotto gasped as felt a finger slid into his entrance. "Ah!" he bit his bottom lip as he tried to get used to the feeling of having something foreign inside of him. 'Mnn…Daemon…'

Daemon growls at the tight heat sucking his fingers. He feels his own erection twitch at the loud moans Giotto was currently emitting. He bit his lips before inserting another finger scissoring the man's tight entrance, earning a gasp and his name uttered in a lustful voice. 'Shit…Giotto…'

Giotto moaned as another finger was inserted to him. He mewled as it scissor him inside then a third finger was immediately added. "Ngh…!" Giotto moaned as the fingers brushed something inside. 'There it is…'

Daemon moved pressed his fingers in, deeper causing the man below him to move louder. 'Can't- Can't take it anymore…' Daemon growls before he removes his fingers and immediately unzipped his pants and tugged his throbbing length. Giotto blushed at the sight. Then his eyes widened as Daemon positions himself at his entrance. "N-No! NO! Daemon! Do-Don't! Don't do this!" Giotto sobbed; more tears flowed down his cheeks. The pineapple-haired man stopped as he stared at the sobbing form of his boss. 'Tch.'

"Do you really hate it that much?" he asked through clenched teeth. Giotto looked up at his guardian, bangs covered his eyes from view. "Daemon…I-"the man above him slowly untied his hands and turned away from his boss. Giotto cradled his hands to his chest, gently massaging his sore wrists. "I'm sorry…"whispered Daemon softly that Giotto barely heard him. "Daemon-"

"I shouldn't have forced you-I'm sorry…I-Wha-"he stopped as he felt arms around his middle. "Giotto?" the blonde man buried his face on his guardian's back. "It's okay…it's my fault…" Giotto felt guilt resurfacing in his voice as he remembered his deal with his sadistic Cloud guardian. His heart skipped a beat as he recalled the feeling of jealousy when he heard from his oh-so-devoted right-hand man that Daemon was seeing another girl. The felt rage flowing into his entire being, then he came into an idea, and idea he knew he would really regret but at the same time benefit him in return. Go on a DATE with the man who Daemon despise the most, and its no other than his lazy Cloud guardian, Alaude.


'Alaude, go on a date with me!' the blonde man shouted at the yawning Cloud guardian. Alaude scratched his head before glaring at the man who dared to wake him in his peaceful sleep. "What?" he growled dangerously at the blonde who was looking at him with puppy eyes. 'Damn…'

'Alaude! GO ON A DATE WITH ME!' Giotto shouted causing the other to wince at the loud and annoying sound. 'Why would I want to do that?' Alaude asked with an obviously amused look as he saw his boss pout cutely.

'Alaude you're so bad! Come on! Just once! Go on a date with me!' the cloud guardian's eyes widened as his boss practically dove to his arms as he almost fell back on the couch. His boss sat beside him in the large couch, (they're in the living room.) looking at him with puppy eyes, and tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "First Daemon cheats on me and now you will ignore me! I'm so hurt!" the blonde man sobbed in his arms. Alaude's eyes twitched slightly not because of the sobbing of the man who is supposed to be a strong-willed boss of Vongola but because of the man called *Daemon Spade*. 'So that bastard really broke THAT promise huh?' Alaude thought as he remembered the words he had exchange with the pineapple-haired bastard.

[Alaude's Flashback] "Never hurt him you pineapple bastard" he said through clenched teeth as he remembered the said person smirking viciously. "It's none of your business if I hurt him or not. He's mine after all." Replied the pineapple-haired man as he turned to leave the cloud guardian alone. "Hurt him and I'll surely bring you down." He growled dangerously. The mist guardian turned to face him with a glare. "Touch him too and I'll crush you." He growled back at the cloud guardian then went his way out of the room. The cloud guardian sighed and went to sleep. [End Of Alaude's Flashback]

Alaude smiled inwardly, finally, he finally has the chance. 'Go die and repent you pineapple bastard.' He thought before setting his eyes down on the sobbing man. This is going to be interesting.

'Fine, I'll go on a date with you, in one condition.' Giotto looked at the smirking guardian. He gulped as Alaude had a evil glint in his eyes. 'Condition? What condition?' he asked curiously. He really hated the idea to ask his Cloud guardian a favor for he knows the guardian has a personality of give-and-take. But if it's the only thing that can make his lover called Daemon jealous? Then he'll go along with it. After all, Alaude is Daemon's most hated rival. 'The condition? It's simple.' The cloud guardian's smile widened. 'The condition…is to kiss me.' Alaude smiled as his boss' eyes widen, shock evident in his blue eyes. 'E-Eh? Ki-Kiss? Bu-Bu-But- that-that's-uhmm…' the blonde boss stuttered.

'What? You wanna go on a date with me or not?' Alaude asked. 'That-Tha-uhmm…' Giotto thought for a moment. 'Daemon you idiot! How dare you exchange me for a girl you just met days ago! I hate you!'

'Fine! A kiss then!' he said as he closed his eyes. Alaude's smile grew into a few heights before leaning in…

'This is a revenge for cheating on me! Daemon Spade!' was the last thought on Giotto's head as he felt soft lips touch his own. 'Waa… So soft. I never thought Alaude had such a soft lips.' He felt tongue slide at his bottom him asking for entrance, he parted his lips willingly. 'Mmnnn…' he moaned as the tongue danced with his own. 'Ah…' Alaude pushed Giotto to his back. So Giotto was below him and he hovered on top of the blonde man. 'Ah…he's very sweet…' thought the cloud guardian as he continued to abuse his boss' mouth. 'Mnn..Haa..Ah…' the Vongola boss wrapped his arms around his guardians neck, pulling him closer to him. The other man obliged and deepened the kiss. 'AH!' the smaller man gasped as his guardian placed a knee between his thighs, grinding at his crotch. 'Ngh…wha-it's so good…ah…better than-'

'Oya? Oya? What do we have here?' a cold voice interrupted Giotto's thought. He froze, for he knew the other of the voice. He could feel a murderous aura near the door even if he couldn't see the man standing there. Giotto felt suffocated, as he regained his shock he instantly pulled away from the man on top of him, sitting up. He turned to face the owner of the voice which he regrets. He felt his heart thump faster than it used to and it felt like it was going to burst any time now at the sight of his lover-uh- mist guardian's murderous expression. He really caught into them in a very bad timing. He was about to move away from the cloud guardian but hands slowly grabbed his arms to held him still.

Daemon glared at the smirking cloud guardian who moved closer to the smaller man making the blonde in his arms to hiss softly. 'Oh…I didn't realize the pineapple is back from his DATE…' Alaude's smirk widened, enjoying the murderous glare of the pineapple and the stiffening of the man in his hold. 'This is going to be fun...' he thought. 'Well… I didn't realize that you were so preoccupied with your ACTIVITIES that you forgot you were in the living room.' Growled softly the pineapple-haired guardian. It took all of his will to actually stay frozen in the entrance and refused to move, fearing he might grab his lover back to his side harshly and murder the annoying cloud.

In Giotto's mind, there was war going on. ''Hieee…I didn't want Daemon to see me kissing his most hated rival, I just wanted to go on a date with Alaude to make him jealous!' thought the Vongola boss miserably. (But it's the same thing right?) 'Oh god, just kill me now…'

'Hn. Is that so?' Alaude grinned, an idea forming in his head. He tilted the blonde man's face so that he could look at the obviously frightened blue eyes. Not frightened of the cloud guardian but of his pineapple-haired lover that he might end their relationship right then and there. Giotto was afraid to lose his lover, but he knew it might end now that he saw him cheating. But like Daemon is any different!

Giotto's eyes pleaded silently at the Cloud. Stop whatever he is planning. But the sadistic cloud proceeded to it anyway. 'Well then, let's just continue where we left off…' he said before giving his boss another kiss. Giotto closed his eyes and tried to struggle effortlessly. Kissing another man in front of his lover made him really feel guilty. Alaude immediately moved away from the blonde before his was hit by a flying scepter. Giotto began to pant, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, as if trying to erase the cloud's taste.

'Wao! What's with the aggressiveness' asked Alaude innocently.

Daemon glared at him, his murderous aura increasing ten-fold. But before anything could happen, the cloud instantly jumped to the window but stopped as he took another glance at the blushing Vongola boss. 'Well, that was enjoyable. When that bastard cheats on you again, just ran to me, and we'll go on a date.' Said the cloud casually before glaring at the pineapple one more time then disappeared from sight.

Giotto felt his cheeks grew warmer but soon disappeared as he felt a strange aura directed at him. His gaze turned directly to his angry and obviously jealous lover. He gulped as he loomed over him, sweating furiously at his lover's evil aura. 'Da-Da-Daemon…' Asking Alaude for a favor is a really bad idea after all.

[End of Flashback]

"It was my fault Daemon, I-I-"Giotto paused blushing furiously at the words that came. "I thought you were leaving me for another girl." He buries his face deeper into his lover's back. "I thought you were going to leave me for that girl you were currently seeing." He felt Daemon stiffened, Giotto frowned and slowly unwrapped his arms around his lover then he turned away, new tears forming in his eyes. He wanted to be honest with his lover no matter what even if he was actually caught cheating. But that wasn't his intention. "I-asked Alaude t-to go on a date with me…I attempted to make you jealous…but you-"Giotto trailed off. Fearing he might upset his lover if he mentions his kissing scene with Alaude.

"Daemon…I'm so sorry, I'll-I'll und-understand i-if you want to en—"Daemon cut off the flow of speech when he launched over his lover, pinning him to the bed-again. His hands on each side of the blonde's head. He chuckled at the shocked expression of his lover. He was mad of course on what almost happened with his lover and that lazy cloud bastard. But he was glad, knowing his lover is an easily jealous type. He laughed at the thought that his lover was actually accusing him of cheating. He couldn't help but laugh. For his lover didn't know. That-That girl he was seeing, was actually his sister. His lover is really cute and adorable; no wonder he fell in love with him.

Giotto was taken aback when he saw his lover laughing. "Wha-! What are you la-laughing about? Maybe you really are dating that girl." He said, causing he lover to laugh. Giotto felt his heart clench painfully in his chest, he couldn't take it anymore. Tears started to flowed down his cheek staining his cute chubby face, "Daemon you idiot! Maybe I should just go to Alaude after all! I hate you!" he sobbed. He bit his bottom lip.

Daemon immediately stopped laughing and stared at the sobbing form of his lover. Really, he's really adorable. He caressed his lover's cheeks gently as if it was very fragile and made of glass. His thumbs brushed the tears away. His lover stared at him with his sparkling blue eyes. Daemon smiled sweetly at the man below him. "You're misunderstanding something Giotto." He said earning a confused look from his lover. The blonde man continued to sob but was able to ask anyway, "What misunderstanding? You actually like that girl more than I do!" he cried. "Giotto…of course I like her, she's my sister after all."

Giotto's eyes widened. What? Sister? Did he just heard that correctly? "You're lying." He pouted, watching his lover more carefully now. His lover raised an eyebrow then smiled. "And why might I lie? The only person I love is you, and only you Giotto. I love you…" He could only look at his lover in awe. Daemon smiled at the blonde man's reaction. "You—you- you just-to-told me you love me!" Giotto stuttered, as if he couldn't believe his lover to say such words when he has never heard his lover say even in his constant whining for him to just say 'I love you'. "Yes, isn't lovers supposed to say that to each other?" Daemon asked innocently, enjoying his lover's stuttering. "Bu-But-You-!" he was finally cut off by a kiss. He breathes heavily as the other pull away. "Daemon…"

"If you won't believe my words…then I'll just simply show you…" and the only thing that can be heard in the large bedroom were Giotto's moans of pleasure…

In the end, Giotto lays on his bed, pretty much exhausted with their previous activity. He lays on his back feeling the soft breathing at his neck. He smiles happily at the form beside him. "Mnn…Giotto…, I love you." The person beside him mumbled softly on his neck, causing the blonde man to blush furiously. The person beside him hugs him closer. "Giotto…I love you, I love you very much…" Giotto smiles softly at those words. "I love you too." He replies before falling asleep. Maybe…making your lover jealous once in awhile…is not such a bad idea after all.


The sky was painted a midnight black. White snowflakes fell from the dark clouds, landing on the nose of a certain brunet who was currently in the courtyard in his private residence, enjoying a quiet Christmas Eve on his lover's lap.

In the Japanese-styled garden, the two lovers sat on a wooden bench, reveling in each other's company, occasionally sharing light conversation.

"Tsunayoshi, we're going to spend our first Christmas together soon, huh…In precisely," The blond male raised his arm to look at his watch, "One hour," he mused as he ruffled his lover's soft brown locks.

"Mmhmm Giotto…I worked really hard for the past few weeks so that I could spend the whole of today with you!" The brunet grinned, turning around to face his Italian lover, "But I think that every second of that hellish paperwork was really worth it, if it means that I can be with you like this," Tsunayoshi smiled brightly at his handsome lover.

"I'm really sorry for being so busy lately and not being considerate of your feelings, Giotto. You must have felt very lonely when I was working. I promise I'll make it up to you. Reborn had also agreed to let us retire early from the Christmas Party tomorrow. I'll make sure that-" The auburn-haired male was effectively silenced as his Italian lover pressed a delicate finger on his lips.

Cupping his younger lover's face in his hands, the concerned Italian said in a deep voice:

"Tsunayoshi, listen to me. One, I'm happy enough that I can be with you in this time period. I know that you being busy with Famiglia matters are inevitable; I've been through it myself too. I do not blame you or any other on this matter. Two, please don't push yourself too hard for my sake. It hurts my heart to see you like this. Three, please keep in mind that whatever happens, if you feel like everything's too much, remember that I will always be by your side."


Said man chose to stay silent and just lowered his head to claim his Japanese lover's soft lips with his own. Opening his mouth, he slid his tongue out to lap at the soft pair of lips that allowed immediate entrance.

Tsunayoshi wrapped his arms around Giotto's neck and pulled his lover deeper into the kiss to savor the taste of the sweet mochi that the taller man had just eaten.


Tsunayoshi moaned as Giotto's skilled tongue massaged the roof of his hot mouth and his own tongue responded by tentatively licking Giotto's bottom row of teeth.

The blond Italian shivered at the sensation and the kiss became even fierier. This time, hands started to wander and the young brunet found himself being groped in the ass by his lover.

"Nngh…ahh…Gio…tto…Nooo..ahh! Wa-wait…ahn..." The brunet moaned out, trying to stop his lover from going any further.

Glazed sapphire eyes stared at his caramel orbs as the petite male started to stutter out his explanation: "Gi-Giotto…Umm…if we continue at this rate…we wouldn't be able to enjoy the fireworks anymore…" And a dark blush stained his cheeks.

The dazed look in the blond's cerulean eyes were immediately cleared as he registered what his lover was saying. Eyes widened before softening down into a gentle gaze and laughing lightly: "Ah, my little Tsunayoshi is not innocent anymore," This statement rewarded him with a deep scarlet shade across his lover's face and a (failed) glare (which look more like a pout), "…but he is still so naïve!"

"Wh-What do you mean by that?"

"You're not innocent anymore, because you want to continue doing sexually explicit things with me, no I'm not complaining by the way," The Italian man grinned, "And you're naïve because," at this, he reached down to kiss the smaller man's forehead, "Your love is towards me true and pure."

This caused Tsunayoshi's eyes to widen and blush a little. Then suddenly…he laughed.

"Giotto! That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard! Did you borrow some romance novel from Bianchi or Haru? Hahaha…"

Mimicking a look of being offended: "Ah! Tsunayoshi! That's so rude! After my hard attempts to create the romantic atmosphere!"

As Giotto fake cried, Tsunayoshi wrapped his arms tightly around the blond's waist and breathe in his scent, "I don't know about the purity or the worth of it but I do know for sure that I really, really love you a lot, Giotto…" Reaching up, he gave his lover a shy peck on the lips. He looked into those cerulean orbs earnestly to let Giotto know just how strongly he felt.

"That was cheesy too, Tsunayoshi,"


"I love you too…mi amore," Tugging his flustered lover back into his arms, Giotto took in the scent of oranges from the sienna locks.

As the snow continued to fall silently, the two lovers cuddled closely, waiting patiently for the clock to strike twelve midnight.

But with snow came the chill, and it was visibly effecting the younger of the two.

His blond lover smiled gently and pulled the shivering brunet into a warmer embrace, burying his nose deeper into the auburn locks.

"Tsunayoshi, let's go back in. It's too cold outside and you're not wearing the proper attire for such freezing weather," The blond whispered into his lover's ear, glancing at the orange sweater and black trousers that his young lover donned.

"But we'll miss the fireworks!"

"Can't we view them from the inside of our room? I promise that there will be no funny business until after the fireworks start," the Giotto chuckled.

"Giotto!" Tsunayoshi flushed again, "No, it's not that… it's just that the firework displays won't be that pretty and the view from here is really much nicer,"

Giotto chuckled and kissed Tsunayoshi's forehead: "Ok, if you insist. But first, let's get you into warmer clothes and a hot mug of chocolate for each of us. I don't want my cute lover to die of frostbite on Christmas Eve," Giotto slowly pushed his auburn-haired lover off his lap as he proceeded in getting up himself.

The younger of the two was about to protest when Giotto silenced him with a wicked smirk on his lips, "And no protests or you will leave me no other choice but to help you get dressed…"

Tsunayoshi, realizing what his lover was implying quickly blushed and decided to just seal his lips.

Giotto laughed lightly and pulled the young Mafioso close to him as they walked across the courtyard towards the house.

Glancing at his watch, Giotto noticed that they only had 15 minutes left before it was officially Christmas.

He quickly ushered his lover into their bedroom to pick out something warmer to wear as he himself went into the kitchen to prepare two steaming mugs of cocoa. By the time the drinks were ready and his younger lover was wearing thicker clothes and an orange scarf, they had only about five minutes left.

He offered one of the mugs to Tsunayoshi to warm his hands up as they walked back to the spot that they been sitting ten minutes ago.

Setting the drinks aside, Giotto pulled Tsunayoshi into his lap as they sat down on the bench and cuddled him close again.

"Aren't you cold, Giotto?" his younger lover voiced out, remembering that the elder male was only wearing a woolen sweater and long dark trousers.

"Of course not, I have you to keep me warm," Giotto proved his point by holding Tsunayoshi's hands and rubbing them together, pulling Tsunayoshi closer to him.

"Giotto…" Tsunayoshi blushed slightly.

'Ah…I really love him…' The auburn-haired thought as he snuggled into his lover's warmth expanse with a smile on his face.

But being the pervert that his is, the blond couldn't resist adding in: "And speaking about keeping me warm…" Giotto smirked and whispered something into his lover's red ears in a low, husky voice.

Upon hearing what Giotto said, Tsunayoshi flushed a deeper scarlet and shivered from something else other than the coldness.

At that precise moment, hundreds of colors shot up into the sky, exploding into flowers of colorful flames and sparks with a loud explosions. Red, orange, yellow and every other color of the rainbow were shot off into the sky as the clock stroke twelve midnight.

"Buon Natale, mi ami…" Giotto whispered as he pulled his lover in for a passionate kiss.

"Nngh…." Tsunayoshi moaned as he reveled in the kiss Giotto was providing him with.

Drinks forgotten and the colorful display ignored, Giotto slowly carried the brunet bridal style and advanced towards the direction of their house in record speed, never breaking their lips apart other then to take in short puffs of breaths before resuming the fight between their tongues.

Once inside of the house, Giotto wasted no time at all in climbing up the stairs with Tsunayoshi still in arms and practically flew into their bedroom, not forgetting to lock it behind them.

'Ah…I see Giotto definitely intents on keeping his promise…' Tsunayoshi mused silently in his mind as he thought back to Giotto's words which held the promise of a sleepless night.

"And speaking about keeping me warm, I'll have to count on you for that too tonight…In bed that is."


I'm born for protecting you...

Even though I'm not beside you, Just believe that I'm always beside you

And even we're seperate from our live now

I believe, we will meet each other again at the next life..

And I always.. protect you..

"to.. giotto"

'This voice, Its familiar to me...'

"oi giotto!"

The brunette man shake the Vongola Primo's body, who sleep at there. Because of the interruption, he open his eyes, and start focussing every single thing at there. "Whats the matter, Allaude...?"

"What are you saying! Look at this!" Without changing his emotion on his face, the First Cloud Guardian show the untouched paper mission to Giotto

Seeing that, Giotto just sit frustratedly and put his head on the table, lazily. "C- Can we just rest for a while...?"

"..What are you saying?" Allaude already hold his handcuff with a purple flame cover it. For the evidence that he's the Cloud Guardian

"N- no.. I'll do it" Giotto do the rest of his paperwork as fast as possible and then done it. This work is really no ending because it makes Giotto stay awake untill midnight and he couldn't sleep. Already around twenty times he yawn and he hide his yawn as possible when he see Allaude is death-glaring at him.

"..." Alaude just keep silent and go out from the room. And then, he go back with a coffee that his hand holding. " here, just drink it, then go back to work"

Giotto kept silent for a while as he see Allaude is the one who brought him a coffee. Then his face blushing and smile at Allaude, his hand take the coffee from his guardian's hand. "Thank you..." He reply.

Even though he always so cruel in words, he's the one who understand my feeling, like reading a book.

"At last!" Giotto say happly and he see the sky beyond the window. Its blue and light by the moon.

"Don't be happy first, there's still many left untouch by you.." He open the door and bring in many paper work, again

Seeing that, Giotto's eyes widen, and now he really want to just pass out in this place in this time, no matter what.

"And after this, there's a meeting that you must assign..."

Hear that again, he just sigh despressly. "What meeting.. and with who?"

"..." Then Allaude put aside all the paper and grab the vongola primo's hand. "come with me.." He pull giotto then go out from the room

"go to where?" Giotto ask confused

"Just follow me.."

Allaude say as he death glare giotto and soon, he get a nodd from the primo who now is scared and continue walk with allaude.

"Actually.. where're we going, Allaude?" Giotto ask again while his hand holding his guardian's hand, as his eyes are closed because Allaude ordered too.

"Just shut up and follow..." Allaude yelled and still continue pulling giotto to some palce. And a few minute later, they stoped. "open your eyes now." Giotto open his eyes and suprised for what he see

"my..." He look around him. now he's in a green hill where there're many flowers decorate it and the sky is so nice with stars. He just smile staring at the sky, then he lay down on the grass field.

"Hey.. we don't have many time... or you want the headquarters ruin because I and G fighting?" said Allaude as he sit beside Giotto.

"ohh... never mind! its been a long time since I smell this free air.. I want to be free like this.." Giotto smile and still lay down. His eyes are focus on a small movement in the sky. "oh! there's shooting star! people often say that if we wish when the shooting star coming, our wish will come out!" He said as he see Allaude.

But Allaude just stare at him, weird look. "Are you nuts? You think you're 3 or 5 years old kid?" Allaude ask and get a awkward look from Giotto, But Gio just pretend smile, but awkwardly.

"okay.. vacation has end, lets go or your HQ will become dust because of me and G..." He said as he walk from giotto.

"Okay!" He stand up and follow Allaude. When Allaude see what behind him, what he see not giotto but the sky

"hey.. look.."

"Whoa... so beautiful!" As he catch many shooting star, probably meteor shooting.. "Hey Allaude! lets make a wish!" He look at Allaude and smile. Allaude walk near him.

"You think I'll do it?" He ask coldly.

"I think no.." He just smile awkwardly. But then he closed his eyes and make a wish. 'I wish... everyone will be happy forever.. and..' He look at Allaude 'I can be with him forever.. This is life and the next life...'

To Allaude, wishing to the shooting star is stupid. But for this night, he made an excuse. 'i wish i can protect you forever.. anywhere, anytime.. in this life, and the next life...'

Bang Bang Bang!

The gun sound is fill that place, there's a war between vongola and riservatto. Giotto with his HDW mode try to stop the attack. G, and Spade are protecting the HQ. But Allaude is not there, as he've a different mission.

Now giotto is with Ugetsu, fight all the enemy that attacking them. "Giotto-dono, the enemy is getting nearer! What should we do?" he ask as he use cambio forma to attack the people.

"damn... we lose at number.." then suddenly he heared a scream.

"uagh!" there, he see his cloud guardian who attack them with his handcuff.

"you're late" giotto see allaude that just come to him.

"hmph, I think you all are nothing without me.." He just smirk coldly.

"Allaude-dono! Its good you've manage to come back!" Ugetsu come to where Allaude and Giotto are now.

"Don't et excited first.. our enemy is still increasing"

"Primo! behind you!" Suddenly G run to Giotto, shouting of the warning, but the person who will shoot him already fire his gun


Giotto who can't dodge the gun, just stood in the place, not even more. But the gun shoot was not go through him..

"..." Giotto just stare a person infront him, flowing blood now. only blood he see now.

"Allaude!" G run as fast as he could to giotto, while Allaude fall down in front of giotto.

"Wait G! there's something wrong with Giotto.." Spade stop G and see giotto.

"...Allaude... Are you alright?" There's no answer from the cloud guardian, just the blood kept flowing from the body. With anger, Giotto Yelled at all the enemy, and attack all in instant with zero point breaker.

"Primo.." G want to go to Giotto, but Spade and Ugetsu hold him.

"Let's leave those two people G-dono..." Ugetsu asked.

Meanwhile, Giotto's HDW gone and tears all over his cheek. "why... why you must sacrifice yourself... please allaude.. please.. wake up..." He just kept crying, until the cold hand touch his wet cheek.

"Don't cry anymore... it isn't like you.." Allaude say slowly.

"But.. But why you go instantly like that! I better die if you-" his mouth have been sealed with allaude's finger.

"sshh.. Thats guardian's job.. you know..." He smile weakly.

"I'm weak... I can't protect someone I love..." Giotto still cry and hug allaude. "Please... stay alive..."

Allaude just smile and force to go near Giotto's face, their lips meet, then he fell again in Giotto's embrace. "Everyone will die... there's no thing in the world can ever last long... only memory... that can..." He coughed.

"Allaude!" Giotto shocked, try to make the blood stop.

"but... giotto... this is not the ending... in the next life... I'm sure that.. I'll meet you again.. and protect you ... because my goal in this life.. is protecting you..." Allaude slowly closed his eyes, his shaking cold hand, fall down, not shaking anymore. he died..

"...Na, Tsuna..."

'That voice again...'

"Sawada Tsunayoshi!" A yell from the raven hair wake up the Vongola Boss.

"a- ah.. Hibari-san... What happen.." Tsunayoshi yawned, and try to remove dust from his eyes

"Why do you ask! See this!" Hibari hand out a pile of paper work to tsuna's table.

"Hi- Hiee... c- can I just have some rest, Hiba-" HIbari already death glare him. "Hiiiiii... I understand!" He do the paperwork.

When hibari focus his eyes to tsuna's face, he catch a tears mark on tsuna cheek. "... having nightmare?" Hibari wipe the tears, oh its still warm.

"e- eh? M- maybe..."

"maybe?" He hate that word, if he ask someone they like to answer with that word.

"Yeah.. Like tha-" one strike right on tsuna's head. "O- ouch.. Hibari-san.."

"I'll come back... do your work.. faster.." Then hibari turn, going to go out from the room. Then Tsuna catch someone shadow, or something like that, He quickly grab Hibari's hand. He's shock and looking to Tsuna "hmm? what happen, Sawada Tsunayoshi?"

"E- Eh.. come back as soon as possible okay..." Say Tsuna while his hand let go of his guardians hand.

Hibari just kept silent and continue walking. But a faint smile appear in his lips.

at Anytime


In any situation

I'll always beside you

to protect you...

because I was born... to protect you..

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