chapter 2

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"Did you enjoy the gathering?" Streamsong inquired. Brightwhisper nodded.

"Did you like my friends?" She added. Brightwhisper nodded again, his mind turning towards Blossomrain, who's company he enjoyed the most. For some reason the tortoiseshell seemed comforting, and Brightwhisper quickly shook off the emotion.

Streamsong's eyes narrowed with displeasure. "Can you speak to me, please?" She asked. "You're always so quiet. I mean, it's fine, but I think it would be nicer if you talked."

Brightwhisper sighed. "Sorry," he said. "It's just my nature. I don't... like to talk that much." Streamsong just shook her round head and smiled. "But yes. The gathering was nice and so were your friends."

Finally the group of cats pushed into camp, trodding through the thick vegetation that surrounded camp. The clearing's familiar scent enfolded Brightwhisper, and he trotted into it gladly. The tall, thorny bushes that protected camp cast shadows on the ground as they blocked the moon's light. He felt the presence of Streamsong's tail on his shoulder, guiding him towards the fresh-kill pile.

"I bet the cats who didn't go will want to know what went on," she laughed. "Let's just get something to eat and go to our dens."

"O-Okay," Brightwhisper mewed. He followed her to the well stocked pile. Plump green-leaf prey  sat atop each other in a fuzzy heap. He plucked a pale brown mouse from the pile and settled on the ground a few tail-lengths away. Soon Streamsong had joined him, a wood pigeon in her jaws.

"Aw, don't you want to share?" She asked. Brightwhisper shook his head.

"No it's fine, that's your prey. I'm okay with this."

Streamsong nudged the bird towards him with a delicate paw. "I'm just trying to be kind. Don't you want even a little bit?"

Brightwhisper pushed it back towards her. "Thank you Streamsong, but I don't feel like it. I appreciate the gesture though." Streamsong nodded and began tearing into the prey. Brightwhisper followed, talking quick gulps. His mind flickered back to what Blossomrain had told him as the gathering dispersed.

At the border, by the flowering willow. I'll be waiting. I want to talk.

His heart had sped up at those words. What was it she wanted to talk about? Had he done something wrong? Brightwhisper shrugged it off. Maybe she just wants to get to know me better.

"Hey Streamsong?" he meowed, getting to his paws. "I'm going to go out of camp for a bit. I just need to be refreshed." The gray tabby was still working on her prey, and glanced up at him with a frown.

"Should I come with you?" The molly asked. Brightwhisper shook his head.

"I just want to be alone. I promise everything's fine."

Streamsong's tail twitched and she glanced aside indifferently. "Okay," she mewed. "See you later tonight." Brightwhisper flicked his ears in acknowledgement and quickly left camp.

The forest was dark and gloomy, thick vegetation swathed in shadow. Brightwhisper stayed close to the border apprehensively. His pelt was ruffled by a warm night's breeze as he trotted through the greenery.

A patch of glossy leaves shimmering with moonlight caught his eye. The plant was tickled by drooping branches that swayed gently against the ground. Here was the willow tree, where Blossomrain wanted to meet. Brightwhisper sped up, stopping just in front of the willow tendrils. Just a few moments later a sleek tortoiseshell emerged from behind the trunk.

"Ah! There you are!" she greeted, eyes alight. "Glad you came. I worried I may have come out here for nothing!" Brightwhisper frowned but nodded. The ginger mottles in her pelt contrasted the darkness and her whiskers were silvery in the moon's rays. The cat's slender tail was raised in greeting, the tip twitching ever so slightly.

"Why is it you wanted me to come?" Brightwhisper queried.

Blossomrain purred. "I thought we should be better friends!" the molly declared. "I enjoyed your company at the Gathering, but you know that's only once a moon."

Brightwhisper smiled, thinking this was a great idea. He had also taken in interest in the tortoiseshell and was willing to learn more about her. She seemed kind enough, and didn't seem to mind Brightwhisper's reserved personality. "So is this en every night thing?"

Blossomrain's eyes narrowed, considering. "Well, that might be a bit too consistent," she replied. "How about... every two nights?"

Brightwhisper would have agreed if it wasn't for Streamsong and the rest of the Clan. He wouldn't exactly miss Streamsong's company, but he knew she'd miss his and didn't want to upset her. After all, Streamsong seemed to like him. She might worry if he was out late a bit too often. Also, HollyClan needed him. He couldn't be talking to Blossomrain if the Clan needed him around. "Every five nights?" he suggested.

Blossomrain sighed. "If that works for you, then it's okay. I'll try my best to make it every night." Her eyes moved towards the sky and Brightwhisper could see her studying it. "Same time?"

Brightwhisper nodded. "Every five nights, same time, same place. At least for the moment."

Blossomrain gazed back at him steadily.

"Every five nights."

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