17. making it all mine (that voice, that smile, everything)

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17. making it all mine (that voice, that smile, everything)

Kogarashi Manor is frequented by a whole bunch of weird residents, but honestly, the Kirino house probably gets a weirder ensemble.

Fifth Sector's retaliation continues.

Minamisawa isn't safe just yet. 




Maestro sings.

It sounds to Namikawa like a sea shanty, not sung in mundanity, but in defeat. There's nothing anyone in Kaiou can do but watch as the ball goes through, the whistle sounds out loud and shrill, and the song of victory plays for Raimon Junior High.

It's their heads on the chopping block now.

Namikawa clicks his tongue. All around him, his team were in different stages of frustration, and he could only stand there, painfully aware of what was to come.

He had to do something.


"Hey," he calls out, before Kirino can walk to join the rest of the team. Namikawa's face is set in a scowl. "Raimon's affiliated with El Dorado, isn't it?"

Kirino raises a brow.

"Well... that's the public perception, I believe. I don't really know if we're considered affiliated or not," Kirino says, a halfway answer that doesn't really say a thing.

And Namikawa understands. Of course they don't trust him at this point— it'd be dumb of them to reveal this kind of allegiance at this point.


His hands are whiteknuckled over his side.

Kirino considers his expressions. He's biting his lip, struggling with his own demons, with his own pride— and Kirino considers all of that.

"Well... I've got no promises, but what would you have done if I had said yes?" Kirino asks. "I mean, I guess you can tell the higher-ups, it's not like it's any less risky already."

"If–!" Namikawa stops himself, but he bitees back his hesitation and finally gets the words out. "Please. I need to ask a favour of you."

Kirino looks around.

The Raimon team has gone over to dogpile Tenma. The referee is standing with the coaches. The minds of the crowd are focused on the centre of the field. He glances toward the benches to see Akane staring back at him. He nods, and she nods back.

"Alright, it seems we need a moment," Kirino says.

Namikawa blinks. "Huh?"

"A moment to talk about our lord and saviour," Kirino pauses to spread his arms in a gesture of dramatics, "Sakka-sama."



"We were going to get deported! Citizenship revoked, shipped to off-island in the center of nothingness, the depths of hell! The incinerator! Red room!"

"I have trauma of that place," Ide weakly admits.

"I'm not particularly scared but running away seemed more fun," Yoshimine says.

Wanda grimaces, "I am definitely not going there if Ide and Namikawa aren't. I have a Keshin, so if I go back, I'll be separated from the rest. It sucks to be stuck in a dorm by myself, okay!"

"Raimon is feral!" Kaizu says, "I would like to learn how to be a little more feral!"

Kino Aki has no idea what her life has come to.

First of all, why are they all wearing hoodies? Ah, apparently, it's so they could hide their identities while sneaking around on the way back. It is apparently reasonable fashion sense to be wearing goggles and headbands as disguises— wait a second.

"Huh? Isn't that headband..." she zeros in on Kaizu's blue headband. "Isn't that Shinsuke-kun's? And..." she turns to Wanda. "What's with those goggles? A Kidou-kun cosplay?"

"Accurate!" Wanda raises a thumbs up. "Amagi lent them to me. Said it'd help me blend in in this town."

"And everyone just let you believe that?" Aki is flustered at this point.

Half of Raimon were in Kaiou Academy now. Primarily Tenma and Hamano and whoever wanted to supervise or join them in a sleepover at Kaiou's school grounds, namely Endou, Aoi, Sangoku, Kurumada, and Amagi.

(Apparently, they really wanted to jump into the sea.)

The Kaiou Coach, Coach Kuki, saw what happened, and promptly closed his eyes on the issue.

("I lost you at sea," he said. "Those who weren't on the voyage will not know the truth. You are in the arms of the oceans, now, where you belong.")

(Which was probably a fancy way of saying 'I'm gonna tell Fifth Sector you're all dead and they are not going to contradict me because I am going to bullshit my way through the questioning'. Namikawa was in tears when they bid goodbye.)

In their place, four willing members of Kaiou snuck onto the Inazuma Caravan. Kaizu, Wanda, Ide, Yoshimine, and Namikawa. While the others have managed to find their spirits in the caravan just messing around on the way back (yes, Raimon's insanity is infectious,) Namikawa's only grown more sunken by the time they arrived.

They dropped off everyone at the school, split up at various points, and walked the rest of the way back. There's only Kirino and Shindou leading them back to this point.

"We're sorry to trouble you," Tsurugi says, realizing that when the ensemble is in this state, he has to be the polite one. "But last time you housed me, so we thought... uh, if it's really not possible we can—"

"Oh dear, no, it's perfectly fine!" Aki assures. "I was just a little... taken aback, I'd say. But you're all welcome. The Kogarashi Manor's always open."

"Then, we'll leave it to you then. Thanks, Miss Aki!"


"Is this truly alright?"

Tsurugi, Kirino,and Shindou walk the rest of the way back with Namikawa trailing behind them. Namikawa hesitates.

"You're helping us out like this. All the effort. What do you gain from this?"

"I don't care," Tsurugi says. "You asked for this, so if you change your mind, then go back to God Eden yourself."

Namikawa doesn't even retort to that. "Don't you guys hate us?"

Shindou doesn't quite know how to answer that either. "You're our enemy, so I don't really care either," he says, resigned. "But, we accepted Tsurugi, too, and he tried to crush us on day one. I think at this point, anyone's better than him."

"Hey," Tsurugi warns, offended.

"Just making this clear," Shindou insists, stepping a little faster forward, "if Kirino didn't personally request this, none of us would even bother."

Namikawa blinks in surprise, turning to Kirino who smiles a little sheepishly.

"Come on now," Kirino says, "the revolution is meant to change people's minds. We can fight as much as we want, and El Dorado can expose as many scandals as they can, but it's all for naught if we're not opening the way for people to change sides."

Kirino turns back to pat Namikawa on the shoulder.

"Our rebellion is putting all of you in danger, and we don't regret it," Kirino says. "So the least we can do is give you an escape when you truly don't want to be a part of it again."

Namikawa feels his eyes burn with tears. He looks away, closing his eyes with effort.

Tsurugi walks on, proud and free.

It's every Seed's greatest dream to be able to leave without any consequences, and he's achieved it. If it's truly possible, then Namikawa wants to take it, too. He wants everyone within Fifth Sector that desires to run, to be able to.

And they helped him get this far.

"Kirino, I keep telling you you're way too nice," Shindou says, arms folding. "You're really leaning into naive territory, you know."

"Well, what can I say," Kirino says. "I like to spoil my juniors."

Shindou warily looks back at Namikawa. "I'm pretty sure we're the same age, though."

Kirino simpers. "Let's not sweat the details. Namikawa's coming home with me, by the way," Kirino hooks an arm around Namikawa before stopping at the junction. "So we'll see you guys next practice. Bye."

"Ah, yeah," Shindou says, "see you."

Tsurugi leans over to whisper in Shindou's ear, "why is he taking the Seed with him again? Isn't that... weird?"

It's not like Tsurugi was planning to take Namikawa back to his place or anything, but honestly, that would make more sense than Kirino of all people just kidnapping a Seed for the night.

"...I don't think I want to know, honestly," Shindou says. "I think we're better off never knowing. For our sanity."

Tsurugi nods sagely. That is, indeed, the wiser choice.


"Well, welcome to the Kirino household," Kirino sighs, "it's a bit rowdy, but please, take a seat. Don't worry about anything, you're hardly the weirdest guest we've entertained."

Namikawa gawks at the living room.

"Kinda a shame you didn't get to do much," Aoyama's by the kitchen, talking to Ichino. "But it was a good game."

"Yeah..." Ichino chuckles, "I mean, I did manage to pull my weight at least, so I think it's fine. It's better if my first full match is uneventful like this. Boring is peace, they say."

"What's with that old man logic?" Aoyama argues, "have some guts!"

"All humans have guts. Mine are just not made for overachieving," Ichino deadpans.

In the center of the room are Fudou Akio with his leg on the table, leaning over Megane's shoulder to see the laptop. Midori's also leaning over right into Megane's personal space on the other side, staring intently.

Akane has pictures on the sitting room table, Ms Otonashi organising them with her.

"Where's Minamisawa?" Midori leans over the couch to ask.

"They went to visit Kurama and Hayami in the hospital," Kirino informs, taking Namikawa's hand to pull him inside, because he's gawking and probably in such shock he won't be able to function for another full minute. "I brought a guest. Don't scare him."

Namikawa stumbles in, meekly pulling back the hood of the oversized hoodie that was used to disguise him as they travelled.

"WOAH! A Seed!" Aoyama yelps, nearly dropping his mug, getting ready to fight.

"Ooh, we secured a prisoner!" Fudou says.

"Enemy! Intruder!" Megane yells, fearing for his life, "if we needed to hide you should have told me, I'm holding sensitive data here!"

"You wanna fight, ya Kaiou bastard?!" Midori raises a fist.

Namikawa raises his arms, poised for battle, grabbing the coat hanger in self-defense, "wh— I- I will not allow myself to be seized!"

"Oh? Woah, I love him!" Fudou beams, "can I have him?"

"You may not!" Namikawa yells, terrified, still holding the hanger like it's a spear.

"Do you want cream soda or orange juice?" Akane asks, like nothing weird is happening.

"There is one thing I fear and that is scurvy in the open seas!" Namikawa yells.

Akane promptly takes the orange juice out of the fridge.

Namikawa squeaks when Fudou stands up to approach him. "Do not come near me! I will not hesitate to fight!"

"I just said not to scare him," Kirino hollers from his room.

"I am not scared!"

"Please I want to bully him so bad," Fudou says, approaching closer. "Just look at him. Just look at him."

Namikawa is bristling like a terrified cat.

Fudou pounces, and Namikawa screams.

"...seriously?" Kirino groans. He looks over to the other adults to see none of them are even paying it any mind. Namikawa is trying to scale the ceiling at this point.

Otonashi offers a paper fan. "I mean, you can try."

Kirino gives up.

"Enough of this tomfoolery!" Namikawa is on the couch. Like, just standing on the back of the couch, a walking stick in his hand that he's used to bat Fudou on the head once already. "For what reason have you brought me to this place, Kirino Ranmaru?!"

"Where'd you get that?"

"The walking stick? It was wedged between the cushions."

"Oh, so that's where it went," Kirino says. "Anyways, this is technically El Dorado's home base. Welcome to the crew, Namikawa, we'll need your support from here."

"I owe you a debt so I am glad to be able to help out, whatever it is, but— wait," Namikawa does a double take. "This is what?"

Kirino nods. "Keep this a secret from the others, though. Shindou included. You know it's a bit of a sensitive secret."



Raimon Eleven were on a winning stride, and the revolution was going smoothly. So smoothly in fact, that honestly, they should have expected the drastic retaliation much sooner.

"Our next opponent should be Aoba, right?" Kirino leans over the laptop, "since they won the block match."

"They're not a weak team, but compared to the ones directly under Fifth's jurisdiction..." Aoyama hums, "you think Fifth jumped the gun by changing the brackets? Because honestly, if we get in contact with Aoba, they might actually agree with us and we'd be able to have a proper match instead..."

"---guys!" Ichino rushes into the room, nearly blowing himself over by overshooting the door, "guys! This is really bad, you need to come out here!"

There's an emergency press conference happening, and Senguuji Daigo is talking.


"You may be aware of this rather disturbing news that has been in circulation," Senguuji says. "El Dorado has been inciting public outcry against the Fifth Sector. I am here to formally address the accusations that have been raised."

"Wait, who's that?"

"Senguuji Daigo," Megane says, "founder and Head of the Board of Directors of Fifth Sector. Former Holy Emperor before Ishido Shuuji, and the man behind the mission of the Fifth."

"How many titles does this man have?" Ichino says, slightly exasperated. "And wait, there was someone even higher up than the Holy Emperor?"

"The problem now is what they're going to do."

"I will first address the greatest concern as of the moment," Senguuji says, standing up upon the panel and lifting the microphone to his hand. "Fifth Sector fully acknowledges the designation of predetermined match scores."

This admittance comes as a surprise.

The entire crowd of reporters before them explodes in camera flashes, and various flustered questions are picked up, very roughly, by the microphones. There was even someone that asked why, then, did the Holy Emperor deny these allegations beforehand. Or the purpose behind it. And perhaps most glaringly, whether it meant every other awful allegation was true.

"They... actually admitted to it," Fudou says, baffled.

"Why would they do that?" Aoyama frowns, "they're not gaining anything from it."

"...actually..." Otonashi's eyes narrow at the screen, "It's impossible to fully gauge how the masses would react. Public Relations is difficult like that... so I have a very bad feeling about this..."

"However!" Senguuji picks back up, when the noise dies down for him to talk. "El Dorado is, at its core, a maliciously motivated organization. We of Fifth Sector do not claim to be perfect regulators of the football environment, but our efforts are all made in appreciation to the spirit of soccer as a sport that should be enjoyed by all!"

Honestly, Kirino had forgotten about this man. Forgotten about how fearsome he could really be. He lay low last time around, but the few times he took action were the toughest tides for the Resistance.

If Kirino made this man take action early— then he was afraid of what he could do.

"After the Football Frontier of ten years ago, Japan's soccer has become an element of prestige. It had become a title of honour, a political tool," Senguuji says.

"Wait— that's what we said about them—!"

"And what did that result in? Schools without a football club became less desirable. Clubs that failed to reach the higher ranks are forced to be shut down to avoid damaging the reputation of the school!" Senguuji says, "the world as it was before Fifth Sector was an environment where only the strong could exist, only the strong could enjoy! Can you really call this 'real' soccer?"

"He's twisting our points around!" Megane exclaims. "This isn't good, we need to respond to this!"

"Calm down first," Akane says, "a hasty answer will only make it worse."

"We of Fifth Sector are on the side of those that are weak. Those that only want to enjoy soccer, but lack the power to do so in such a competitive environment," Senguuji says. "Don't you all believe that they should have the liberty to enjoy soccer as well?"

This has always been Fifth Sector's rhetoric. The difference now was that they were being transparent with it, all the way through to the entire world.

"But alas, we are unable to sway the societal standards of football in this era. And thus, we devised a strategy to counter this— to regulate the matches," Senguuji says. "By distributing victories and losses equally, all players around the country can enjoy soccer without any concern."

Someone asks a question. It's about Seeds, but through the TV, they can't hear it clearly. Senguuji answers it regardless.

"Seeds are field agents, sent in to ensure our motives are achieved, to maintain the standard of equality. They are talents, distributed to ensure our level of soccer continues to be raised in a gradual, healthy pace. Not out of competitive comformity, but for those budding soccer players that are striving to be stronger and desire a safe environment of encouragement to go forward."

"What utter bullshi—" Fudou hisses.

"Then what about the violence, dammit?!" Aoyama yells.

"We are ashamed to have never been fully transparent with our intentions," he says, finally taking a lower, more sincere tone. "We take full responsibility for this incident, and will ensure clearer regards in the future to prevent such misunderstandings again."

The man bows, genuine.

"We will aim to be more forefront and personal with our intentions henceforth, as we work earnestly for the football world today, and will continue to do so from now on," he says.

And then, the jaw-dropping final statement.

"In light of recent controversy, we have concluded that the Holy Road finals of the Kanto Region Prefectures will be hosted under the discretion of the schools involved," he says. "We are currently doing our utmost. In address to Raimon Junior High and Aoba Junior High, the finals will be postponed to a later date. Captains are to await further communication from the Holy Emperor."

When he leaves the stage, the crowd erupts in noise again, but none of them are addressed. He removes himself, and the press conference ends there.

Kirino's fists clench over his sides.

"They just threw us under the bus," Fudou realizes, "shit, that whole transparency and 'being upfront and personal' part—"

"They're not wrong," Otonashi sighs into her hands, "I knew our anonymity schtick would come back to bite us soon..."

"Why, oh why, did Fifth's leader have to be a charismatic leader," Aoyama groans.

"You know, I'm starting to think Tsurugi was wrong," Akane mumbles, pouting a little, "Soccer Hitler was not Ishido Shuuji. It's this guy, who has the speech skills to match."

"Hey hey, the important part was after that," Midori says. "They're putting Holy Road on indefinite hold!"

"No, they said it was going to be hosted under discretion," Megane says, "whatever that means."

"That is simple," Namikawa says, "the match will be hosted elsewhere, with no broadcasting tools present. And then, a team of Seeds will be organized. After winning the match, the Seeds will take over the team—"

"They're going to pull a Tsurugi Day One?!" Ichino balks, traumatized. "No! Anything but that, please!"

"That's just a guess," Namikawa says, "that was usually the protocol for rebellious teams. I do not know what they will do in this particular situation, they may devise a new plan entirely."

"Either way, it's not good for us," Kirino says, genuinely exhausted by that press conference. "We're going to be put in a very disadvantageous situation. And then, if we lose, or if we refuse it..."

"Then they'd declare us losers of the match, because nothing is broadcasted and nothing can be proven," Otonashi realizes. "And then the rebellion would be over."

Public outcry may still happen. People would want to watch the match, after all. It's the finals to determine the representative of the Kanto Regionals. But instead now, people may blame El Dorado for them losing the chance to watch the match.

After all, if only they didn't stir up all this controversy...

Either way, the Resistance was frozen. They were supposed to ride the wave that Raimon and El Dorado brought forth for them, but now, like a time out in the middle of a football match, they were forced to an indefinite halt.

Megane groans, hand held to his head.

"How is El Dorado supposed to respond to all this?"


The El Dorado page, following the press conference, felt aimless. The meme channel now trolled El Dorado as much as it did Fifth Sector, because there were people who were starting to see El Dorado as a nefarious smear campaign and started a wave of public opinion that advocated for a more moral approach.

(Kirino sighs. It is a smear campaign, but come on now.)

"[If El Dorado's got any nerve they'd come out and say it to Fifth's face,]" Ichino reads, "[the fact that they don't, just discredits everything they say.] Excuse me, what?"

"Don't read those," Kurama says, "they're depressing me."

"Argh, I just knew something like this would happen!" Hayami whines, "you don't make an enemy of Fifth Sector. Look, they're losing after all."

They're in the hospital room, where Hayami was getting ready to be released. Kurama's already packed up, and Minamisawa sighs, stepping into the room.

"Ignore them," Minamisawa says. "Anonymity as a concept exists to protect people with less power. The fact that they want El Dorado to expose themselves just spells out that Fifth doesn't actually have a counterargument. They just want someone to come out so they can be a target."

Kurama hums in agreement, "even we ended up in this state, imagine what they'd do to people who reveal themselves as part of El Dorado," he grimaces, "they know that whoever's behind El Dorado is powerless on their own! As if we don't already know that the Fifth has all the power in the world to completely ruin people."

Kirino steps into the room with a sigh.

Holy Road is on hold for a while. They'll have nothing to do but practice until then.

"Oh, Kirino! How's your legs?" Minamisawa turns to him.

Kirino sighs again. "I mean, as usual," he says. "Nothing to report..."

The occupants of the room shared a look. It's not exactly rare to see Kirino being the downer of the situation, but with the current trend, it certainly was. It made sense for Ichino and Minamisawa, since they were aware of who exactly was going to have to deal with El Dorado's slump as well. They could lay low, but the criticism was growing by the day.

"Come on now, don't be like that!" Kurama says. "If there's nothing to report, then it's good news! Right?"

"I mean, yeah?"

"Then, nothing to worry about!" he declares, "anyways, what was that fire thing you did yesterday? I didn't think anyone except Kurumada and Sangoku could set things on fire around here. We'll need to get a fire permit from the school."

"We do?" Ichino asks.

"Only because Sangoku set something on fire once, so the school doesn't trust us anywhere without a fire extinguisher," Hayami says, dryly.

"Sangoku did? Sangoku?" Ichino is very horrified. He thought this era of the team was abnormal, but apparently, it was just always like this. "You sure it wasn't Kurumada?"

"What, you think Burning Catch was mastered without burned clothes?"

"...I honestly hoped it was..."

"Oh, that move I used in the match, you mean La Flamme?" Kirino looks at his own hands, "well, to be honest... I'm not sure. I managed to do it yesterday because I got angry, but like... I don't remember how to do it right now. Don't think it's a good idea anyways, it's out of my element."

"Isn't it fine, just burn things down every now and then," Minamisawa says, "it's fun."

"Please be joking," Ichino says. "Please be joking."

They gather their things, Hayami is shifted into the wheelchair he's forced to use for the next few days, and calmly, they file out of the room. Coach Kidou had issued orders last night to only move and stay in groups, and so this particular group were most likely going to bunk over at Shindou's house for now.

"If it's out of your element, I can help you out, you know?"

Kirino blinks in surprise. The rest of the group turn as well, but it's Kirino that blooms at the sight of Amemiya Taiyou in the hallway.

"It's been a while, Amemiya!"

"Yo-hoo, Kirino-kun!" They meet in a high ten, for some reason. "I heard about what's going on! Must be pretty scary out there right now, eh?"

Kirino nods, chuckling.

Minamisawa and Kurama share a confused glance. Ichino shrugs, and Hayami whispers to them. He actually knows who he is, since Taiyou makes a habit of infiltrating people's rooms for shelter when he's running away from checkups and Fuyuka.

"Oh! Hayami-kun, you're getting released today? Good for ya," Taiyou smiles. "Anyways, about that fire thing you used yesterday. I noticed Raimon doesn't have a lot of fire users, that's pretty ironic!"

"Right?" Kirino admits. "But that's fine, we'd rather not get the fire station called on us."

"It's not that bad!" Taiyou assures, "I mean, after a few dozen times they kind of just close an eye on fire-related incidents in your school in general."

"That's not a good thing! What did you do, Amemiya?!"

"It's okay! If we know how to make a fire, we know how to put it out!" he says, confidently. "Protip, usually just raising a mountain in the middle of the field will do."

"...Amemiya," Kirino begins, very sincerely. "No."

"Boo," Taiyou pouts.

Minamisawa hums, approaching the two. "Kirino, are you infecting another one while we're not looking?"

"Rude," Kirino says.

Taiyou grins. "Nice to meet you! I'm Amemiya Taiyou. I'm already infected!"

"Minamisawa Atsushi, likewise," he says. "You play for a school or something?"

Taiyou nods, "not often though. The doctors don't let me go, saying it's a health risk or something," he chuckles. "I've been watching the Raimon matches all the time now! They're really fun!"

"Don't get him started," Hayami says, "he never stops."

"I've only met him a minute," Kurama says, "I already know he can give Tenma a run for his money."

"I can!" Taiyou shines.

"Message received, escaping now," Minamisawa deadpans, turning around to take Hayami's wheelchair. He turns around briefly to order, "Kurama. Babysit."

"Me?!" Kurama balks, but it's too late. Minamisawa's right on his way to the elevator, Ichino sending them an apologetic look before running off to follow them as well. "Hey come on now, I'm a recovering patient too... and I hate babysitting..."

Kirino is very offended. "I wish they'd stop treating me like this," he says. "I do not need to be babysat."

"Yes you do," Kurama says.

"Yes you do," Taiyou says. "But that's okay, you know what my special skill is?"

Kirino considers that. "Ah, escaping from your guards, that makes sense!" he says, nodding sagely. "Okay, on the count of three then."

Kurama immediately raises a placating hand. "Don't you dare."

"One," Taiyou says, then stage-whispers. "Is this safe?"

"Two..." Kirino adds, turning around. "No, it isn't. But either way it's too late. Let's just escape."

On "three!" they break into a run.

Kurama throws his hand down. "Get back here, you punks!" he yells, ignoring the way his voice echoes horribly through the hallways, "SIDEWINDER!"


Meanwhile, at the elevator, Ichino looks out warily. "Was that necessary?"

"Of course," Minamisawa says, "who's the best babysitter in Raimon? If you don't particularly care if your kids come out alright, Kurama's in first place."

"That's illegal in like, so many ways," Hayami says.

"Well, I'm not dealing with it, so I don't care," Minamisawa says.

The elevator opens up on the lobby floor.

Ichino holds onto their luggage, including Kurama's, as they exit the building. The hospital is significantly busy, so they make a beeline toward the rear doors instead to avoid the crowds. They'd come out in the hills that way, but honestly, Inazuma Town residents would probably consider that a shortcut toward the shopping street.

They cross a car on the way.

A man in a white conductor's workwear crosses paths, his hat tipped downwards. The students payno mind to him until he turns around, and fixes his gaze on them with a frown.


At the call, Minamisawa freezes. Ichino pauses, surprised, and Hayami looks back. Neither of them recognize the man— with the weird hat, the robe, the thick clothing, he clearly wasn't someone local.

"Who's that?"

"You know him, Minamisawa?"

"No," Minamisawa hisses out quickly. They start moving again, faster this time, "I don't think so. Must be mistaken, or something."

The man sighs, "I'm not here for you, so be at ease," he says.

Minamisawa frowns, disbelieving. He stops again, turning around. "Then why are you here, Kondou-san? I don't see a reason you military need to be in this part of the country. I thought this town wasn't worth your esteemed time."

"Not my words," Kondou says. "And I'm on call, technically, you know my job... But I will have to warn you, Atsushi. Your school isn't legally allowed to let you continue your schooling if your parents don't approve."

Ichino and Hayami jerk up in alarm.

Minamisawa curses. "Well, tell them to suck it!"

Kondou sighs. "I will do so."

"Please do so! In those exact words!"

"If you wish. I'm just warning you, but you should unblock their numbers before you get any nasty surprises."

Minamisawa clicks his tongue.

"Let's go, Ichino," he orders, sharp and curt.

"Huh? O... Okay," Ichino follows, looking back at Kondou, who nods his hat at him in a polite goodbye, before catching up, "wait, Minamisawa-san! What was that about?"


(To begin with, Minamisawa was always destined for Gassan Kunimitsu. His parents were affluent in the government, members of the country's national defense, and they wanted the best for their son.)

(It took a great deal for Minamisawa to ever convince them to allow him into Raimon in the first place, if only for the prestige soccer could give him.)

(It all came crumbling down around the rebellion, and with the controversies surrounding the situation, Minamisawa had virtually no reason to remain in Raimon, at least in their opinion. And that's when the arguments began.)

"Thought I had at least the rest of the year," Minamisawa groans. "I mean, I haven't been in contact with them for ages. I thought they'd ignore me a little longer... kinda wish they ignored me forever, at this point."

They're by the fountain in the shopping district, sitting around for a break as Ichino and Hayami hound him for an explanation. They buy drinks from the vending machine and pop them open.

"But seriously, a military academy?" Hayami says.

"Minamisawa-san..." Ichino begins, hesitant, "are your grades, perhaps... you know... actually really good?"

Minamisawa flips his hair with a proud scoff. "Obviously? You're looking at the top of the grade here," he says. "And that guy's Kondou-san, coach of the Gassan Kunimitsu soccer club. He used to work for my father, then he joined Fifth Sector."

"Then they definitely wouldn't approve of the Resistance..." Hayami says, fiddling with his can of lemon juice. "That sucks. That really sucks."

"It'd be much worse if they actually do get in contact with the school," Ichino says.

If Minamisawa gets removed from the school's student list, he's automatically barred from entering Holy Road. And it'll be messy from there if they want to reinstate him.

"But what can we even do in this situation?" Hayami sighs deeply. "I don't want to lose you, Minamisawa-san! None of us in Raimon do, we need you on the team!"

"We can do nothing, exactly," Minamisawa says, shrugging. "Just stay quiet about it, it'll blow over, probably."

"You're too optimistic about this. This is genuinely a bad situation, you can't just brush it off and hope it tides over," Ichino says. "I really think you need to at least talk with your parents—"

"If you think they can be reasoned with, you're already too naive, Ichino," Minamisawa says. "Oh, and I think you already know this... but neither of you are allowed to tell anyone about this, got it? Especially not Kurama. I'll strangle you with my own hands, understand?"

Both of them clamp shut.

"But... it's not fair," Hayami says. "We got this far. And suddenly everything's coming tumbling down at once. It's just not reasonable at all."

"It's not like I'm the only one having school troubles," Minamisawa says. "Why do you think only a handful of the Seeds on Kaiou ran to us? The other half just couldn't afford to leave, no matter how they wanted to. Not all of us have families that care, but the ones that do tie us down, whether on purpose or unintentionally."

"But doesn't this mean that no matter what happens... you won't be here to see the rest of our Resistance through?" Ichino says, crestfallen. "It's just..."

"Why are you thinking about that?" Minamisawa huffs, reaching over to bonk him on the head gently, before reaching over to do the same to Hayami and chuckling in resignation. "You think I'd be taken down easily? Like hell I'd give up something as fun as this damn resistance for some snoozefest pursuit for education."

Ichino pouts, very miffed. "We're genuinely worried about you!"

"That's right!" Hayami says, also nettled. "Be a little more grateful! We're your kouhai, we want to help you out sometimes too, you know!"

Minamisawa scoffs. "Fat chance! You brats can stay there and watch this senpai of yours look cool. Because I am a genius and I can handle my own problems."

"Lame!" Hayami retaliates.

"Yeah. Lame!" Ichino echoes.

"Hayami, you're speaking very bravely for someone at the mercy of my hands on your wheelchair," Minamisawa threatens, reaching for the handles.

Hayami squeaks, grabbing the wheels and the brake fiercely. "I'm sorry! Deepest apologies! I will be quiet, I promise!"

"Hey!" Ichino flusters, grabbing the duffel bag with the clothes in it, before flipping it right over on Minamisawa's head, earning a soft thunk, "stop! I do not condone bullying of the vulnerable!"

"Oh, now you've done it, Ichino!" Minamisawa stands up, earning a terrified meep from Ichino, "get back here!"

"I did not think this through! Mercy! Mercy!"

"If you're going to run, don't leave me here!" Hayami whines.


There's a strange sight in the hospital gardens.

"You know..." Taiyou says, sighing contentedly, snake tail resting on his stomach like it's a blanket, "I never realized how nice and cold snakes are..."

"Right?" Kirino curls in beside him, they're both framed gently by a large snake that is way too huge to be normal. It winds around the tree, part of its body resting on Kirino's leg and Taiyou's upper body slumped over another segment. It's docile even as two boys made themselves comfortable. "In the afternoon, there's just nowhere better..."

Kurama folds his arms, scowling.

"This is not how it's supposed to go," he says.

Of course he shouldn't expect two abnormal dumbasses to react like normal humans. What was he expecting, really? Kirino's mist association has always been good with the snake, since they're both elusive in nature. At least Taiyou was initially freaked out, but he's surprisingly good at adapting.

"This isn't fun," Kurama says. "You're supposed to be screaming in fear and running for your lives."

"Sorry to disappoint," Kirino says, not even opening his eyes.

"There's space for you too," Taiyou offers, gesturing between them both. "Come on, it's nice and sunny today, that means it's naptime for everyone, right?"

Not in the hospital gardens, laying on a large snake, and in the midst of a stressful turning point in the revolution, no it isn't.

Kurama grimaces. "I want photographic evidence that you guys are absolutely ridiculous," he declares. "Let's post it on Meme-Dorado."

Taiyou jumps up, "for real? I've never done it before! This is awesome."

"Please stop," Kirino implores, "you're going to make 'Meme-dorado' its official name."

"It's not really serious or anything, there aren't any rules," Kurama says, turning to the snake as he gets his phone out in selfie mode, "alright, Snake god-sama, if you want to be in the frame you get in here too."

Taiyou needs a second take, "I'm sorry, what is the name of this snake again?"

"Lord snake god of the highest," Kirino says, raising a V into the camera, "of course."


A little further away, Coach Kondou from Fifth Sector stares at the scene, baffled.

"The Holy Emperor informed me that Amemiya is weird and Raimon is weirder, but that's one of the many things I did not expect to see in my life," he says, absolutely bewildered.

The other guests of the hospital were all giving the nap party wary glances. A nurse pulls a child away before they get too curious. The snake is scrutinizing everyone that approaches. They're all terrified.

"Oh, Mister Kondou," Nurse Fuyuka addresses as she passes by, "what brings you here today?"

"...good day to you, Miss Fuyuka," he says, "it's nothing urgent, I just came to check in on Amemiya, since the Holy Emperor's been busy recently, you may be aware of the PR disaster."

"Ah... yes, I am. As for Taiyou-kun..." Nurse Fuyuka turns to the scene under the tree and promptly needs five minutes to recalibrate her understanding of the world.

"...yes, I am rather flabbergasted as well," Kondou says.

Fuyuka chuckles warmly, "don't worry! You've not been a soccer coach for long so this might be jarring to you, but it's quite common," she says. "In fact, predator animals are usually nicer. It's the cute ones that are worrying, like penguins. Word of advice, Mister Kondou, if you ever need to talk to a penguin, be respectful! Never talk down to them, or you'll truly regret it."

Kondou has no idea what that means. He doesn't think he wants to know, either, since she seems strangely well-versed in hissatsu animal control. He'll trust her word for it..

"I will hold your advice close to my heart, Miss Fuyuka," he says, bowing politely. "...well then, I won't overstay. Do give Amemiya my regards."

"Will do," Fuyuka says.

"And..." Kondou turns to the group again. "Those are Raimon students, aren't they? Has Amemiya been interacting with them often?"

Fuyuka hesitates. "Well... yes. Is there a problem with that?"

Taiyou is smiling, slumping comfortably over the snake. Kurama looks frustrated, but Kirino's at ease. They're having fun, bizarre as a giant snake bed was— and to an outsider's eyes, it's soothing.

It's not a sight that can be seen in Fifth Sector, or even in Gassan Kunimitsu.

"No... nothing's wrong," Kondou says. "They're very carefree."

Fuyuka smiles. "That's how children should be, right?"

He hums. "Well... I suppose you're right."

He tries not to think so much of it. As Fifth Sector, they have their duty. No sense in getting attached to the idea of fleeting peacetimes, after all.

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