Soulmate Transformation

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Lucy's POV 

I was reading my book at the guild's bar. My foot was broken, otherwise I would be on the mission with Natsu and Happy. It was a request for a fire mage kill a mage, who is weak to fire. No other details. I sigh. It had good pay and my rent was due. Natsu offered to pay it because of my broken foot. A glass of strawberry lemonade is placed in front of me. "What's wrong?" Lisanna asks, wiping a glass. Mira was pregnant so Lisanna was filling in while Mira was on maternity leave.

I close my book. "I feel bad. Natsu shouldn't have to pay my rent for me." I take a sip of my lemonade. Lisanna laughs. "Don't be! Natsu would move a mountain for you Lucy. This is nothing to him!" I blush. "But still!" Lisanna waves a hand. "Just take it easy and focus on your foot. The faster you heal the faster you can go back on missions." I pout. 

I hear a slight pop. I look up. "What was that?" I ask. Lisanna giggles. "I know Gajeel calls you bunny girl but I wasn't expecting this!" "Huh?" I pat my head and find giant bunny ears. I pat my butt and feel a tail. "What happened?" Erza walks over, eying me. I cross my arms. "I don't know but I have a feeling Natsu is involved." I huff. Erza laughs. "I wouldn't doubt it" 

I faintly hear walking in the distance. I look at the door. I wonder if it's the bunny ears but I can hear Natsu's sandals against the ground. The guild doors swing open. I widen my eyes when Natsu walks in. He had dragon features. Large dragon wings were attached to his back. A large dragon tail swings behind him. Natsu locks eyes with me before he runs over. 

I squeak when he tackles me in a hug. "Thank Mavis you're ok!" His arms wrap tighter around me. I pat his arms. "I'm ok! What happened?!" I cup his cheeks, rubbing my thumbs against the scales there. I ignore Lisanna's snickering, and Erza's chuckle. He sighs, pressing his forehead against mine. He's gotten more... affectionate and protective lately. 

"That stupid mage put a spell on us. Said 'When you step into magnolia, both you and your soulmate will have surprises.' before I knocked him out." My cheeks turn red. I knew we were soulmates, I discovered it ages ago. "You knew Lucy was your soulmate?" Erza asks. Natsu pulls away and looks at her. "Of course I knew!" I stare at his chest. He knew.... Why didn't he say anything?

I punch his stomach. "Idiot!" He yelps and holds his gut as I get off my stool, grabbing my clutches and walking off. "Oi Lucy!" Natsu says. I ignore him and walk out of the guild. "What'd I do!?" I faintly hear Natsu ask. A blush appears on my cheeks, my head spinning. He knew... Why didn't he tell me? I feel my bunny ears droop against my head. 

I was in love with the stupid dragon slayer. So deeply in love with him that I was ok with being best friends for the rest of my life if it meant I could be next to him. I've been giving signs and signals for ages but I got no response, not even reactions out of him. Everyone has been pushing me to just come out and say it, to do something, but I refused, saying that I was ok with just being friends with him.

"Lucy!" I turn and see Natsu running to me. He stops in front of me. "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry!" He says, putting his palms together. I give him a small smile. "I'm not mad anymore. I just wish you told me you knew we were soulmates sooner." He raises an eyebrow. "You should've told me you knew." 

I frown. "I found out shortly after we met. I barely knew you, what was I suppose to say? I was in denial" He crosses his arms. "Ok  you're right. But you should've told ME" I chuckle, shaking my head. "A lot of stuff happened." I look away, feeling my ears droop more. I look up at him then smile sadly at him. "Besides. I'm happy just being by your side." I turn away from him. "You didn't show signs that you liked me too. I didn't want anything to change. I figured if I said something, it could possibly turn for the worse."

"We're soulmates Lucy. Nothing could turn for the worse." He says, spinning me around to face him. I stay silent, hiding my eyes behind my bangs. "Especially since I like you too." I look up at him. "Huh?" He had a dust of pink. "I figured you weren't ready for us so I didn't say anything." I hunch over and burst out laughing at that. "Oi!" His cheeks were red, almost matching the red scales from the transformation. 

I wipe my eyes. "We're idiots. We did the same thing!" He widens his eyes then we burst out laughing again. "We really are idiots Lucy!" He pulls me in for a hug. I look up at him, my ears fully standing up again. He scans me. "I never expected a bunny" I pout. "Stay on topic!" He only grins at me. 

I reach up and cup his cheeks. "How long is this spell going to last?" I ask. He shrugs. "Dunno. But Levy found out its not permanent." He places his hands on my waist. I bite my lip. "Natsu... Kiss me?" I ask, tilting my head. He leans in closer. "Of course. Anything for you." He kisses me softly. I close my eyes. I rub my thumbs over his cheeks as he continues to kiss me. 

Natsu pulls back, pressing our foreheads together. "Sorry for not speaking up." I giggle. "It's fine now. How'd you find out?" I ask. He shrugs. "I just knew. We've been through so much shit together. Plus when I was fighting Acnologia, when we had that 'silent conversation'" I pull back slightly. "I wouldn't call that a conversation and you can't just 'know' your soulmate like that." He grins at me. "Well it turned out fine in the end." I smile at that. "Yeah, it did." 

(I had to rewrite most of this because I forgot I gave Lucy a broken foot. :p)

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