Their Mating Season

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(I was going to make this a separate story but it wouldn't let me so.... its just going to be one humongous one-shot I guess.... Probably not as long as one of the other ones...

PS. There will be lemons.)

Normal POV

The Dragon slayers felt something big coming, they didn't know what. Wendy, felt it but not too strongly, so she decided to go to Levy for help. "Levy-san, can you help me figure out what's happening to us slayers?" "Sure!" They head to the guild library. They searched and searched until they found a book that sounds like what the slayers are feeling. Mating season... Levy quickly reads it. She widens her eyes. "Um... can you get the dragon slayers in here Wendy? This situation looks... bad..." Levy says. Wendy nods, suddenly scared. "Yeah" She walks out of the library, and gathers all of Fairy Tail's slayers. 

Levy clears her throat at the arguing male slayers. "So... I think I figured it out..." She says. "Figured what?" Natsu asks. "You guys are going through mating season, breeding season, whatever you want to call it." "A what?" Gajeel asks. "Mating season. You find a mate, show off for them, give them gifts to 'woo' them. Then you get clingy and possessive, and you go into...'heat'" Levy explains. She hums and flips a few pages in the book. "It's different for women... It's pretty much the same but you try to seduce them instead of giving them gifts." She explains, making Wendy squeak and turn red. 

Levy continues explaining. "This will last about a week to a month, depending on the dragon... Will go on journey to find mate... blah, blah, blah. I think I know who your mates are, for the most part, but...." She scans the book. "I'll make dumbed down copies of this for each of you." She says, looking up at the dragon slayers. 

Lucy's POV

I hum and walk home, along the edge of the river with my hands behind my back. Then, a book falls from the sky. I squeak and almost fall in. I crouch down and grab the book. I look around. Nothing was above me, no one around except the guys in the boat. I read the title. 'Celestial Mating Season'.... I take it home with me. I plop down onto my desk chair and start reading. I widen my eyes. It's basically explaining that celestial mages go into a 'breeding season' to reproduce to keep the population of celestial mages going. I whine. "I'm only 23! I'm not ready for kids!" I pout. I continue reading. "Will constantly want the person of the opposite sex that you are attached to. Will get clingy, notice their presence, will release hormones to attract partner... Will get super horny. Will cause massive amounts of pain if you resist. Only solution is to have a baby." 

I pace around my apartment. I glare at my keys, that were on the table. I feel a pulse go through me. I whimper at the sensation. 'Natsu...' I think then shake my head. I smell something... amazing. I walk to the window and open it. It was cinnamony, smoky, and some other smells I can't pinpoint. I widen my eyes when I see Natsu hop into the window. He widens his eyes when he almost hits me. I back up and let him in. He hops off the windowsill. I instantly wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his scarf. I hear him choke. "Lucy?!" I squeak and back off and pin myself to the corner. "S-Sorry!" He walks over. "You smell different. You smell good..." He trails off, burying his nose in my neck. I gasp then lean into him, burying a hand in his hair. "You smell good yourself" I mumble. 

He suddenly backs up, making me whine. He widens his eyes. I smack myself in the face. "Ugh! Sorry! It's...." "Mating season..." He finishes. I widen my eyes. "What... How did you..." He shoves a paper in my face. I grab it. I quickly rush over and hand him the book I got. "Page 38" I say before I read the paper. 

'Mating Season for Dragon Slayers. Stage one, find mate, the slayer will go on a journey to find their destined mate. Stage two, show off for your mate to show how strong the slayer is, either by finding an opponent and defeating them.. Stage three, give gifts to your mate to woo them and to show you can provide, in most cases, the slayer will bring gifts to the mate of what they like most. Stage four, the cling and possessiveness. The slayer will want to stay in physical contact at all times. If another person of the opposite sex approaches mate, the dragon will give the person a warning and if they refuse to back off, the dragon will attack. Which is why most slayers will hole up somewhere with their mate. 

Stage five, the dragon will go into heat or go into a sexual frenzy. The slayer will bite the mate, leaving their mark and intertwining scents to warn off males from the mate, showing that the mate is claimed. When the slayer bites the mate, they pour in their magic through the bite, the mark will be unique to the pair. The mate will be immune to the slayer's element and in some rare cases, even control their element. 

More about the fire dragon season. They have the longest lasting mating season, it will last around a month. They whisk away the mate on a journey to find a good den to stay in for the season. They are also the most aggressive when it comes to heat. So it's best to start early while they have control. If another male finds the mate right before they are claimed, the dragon will attack. In the mate's case, it is best to warn the other male to run and to distract the dragon or even attack the male herself to show that she is uninterested and that she is going to handle the situation or there will be blood shed.' 

I finish reading. I look up at Natsu, who was still reading. I set the paper down. I see his eyebrows raise, then his ears get pink. He looks up at me, with a heavy blush on his face. I look down and rub my neck. "So... we may run into some issues then." I mutter. "Why's that?" He asks. I bite my lip. "Well... I'm already getting clingier by the second and if you disappear randomly at night to bring me gifts, I might lose it or be in pain." I whimper when I feel another pulse go through me. I grab his arm and sigh in relief. He sets the book down and a thought pops in my head. "...Why did you come here in the first place?" I ask. He blushes again. "I... was going to take you to the place where Igneel and I were staying for a short time." He shakes his head. 

He stops. "Wait.... No! I was gonna ask you on a mission" He reaches into his pocket. I put a hand on his, over his pocket. "Lets just go to the guild and tell Levy-Chan about my season or whatever. Than we'll tell Master that we're going to be gone for a while. We might as well train while we're gone. We might as well pack right now. That way we don't lose ourselves to this season and forget that." I say, grabbing his cheek. He leans into my hand. "That's... a good idea." I shake my head and push on his chest. "Go pack! I'm getting distracted." I shout, turning away. "Alright." He walks five feet before I start whimpering and fall to my knees. He rushes back to me and kneels. "Here. Does this help?" He wraps his scarf around me. I go to protest but his smell is stronger than before. I bury my nose in it. "Yes..." I say, breathless. "I'm going to go as fast as I can. I'll be back." He pats my head then runs to jump out the window. I quickly stand up and pack as fast as possible.

I pack clothes, hair ties, a first aid kit, communication lacrima, and a few hygiene stuff. Am I forgetting something? I walk around and do a check. I bring a small journal, pencil and eraser. I smell Natsu getting closer. I rush to the window and as soon as he hops in my apartment. I hug him. "Oof!" He winces. I back up. "Sorry!" He rubs his belly. "It's fine." I bury my nose in the scarf. "Does this place have a bed?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah. It also has a few other furniture things. It just needs to be... dusted first."He says, looking away. 

Natsu reaches into his pocket and puts some bills in my hand. "Use this to pay for the rent, since we'll be gone." I open my mouth then close it. "ok" He shuts and locks my window. He follows me to the landlady's office. I knock on it. "Come in" I hear her say. "Oh. What do you want?" She asks. I gulp. "I'll be gone for a month or so... So I'm here to pay the rent early" She looks up at me from her paper. "Keep it. The apartment complex will be going under construction for a few months at least. So as an apology everyone's rent has been paid for the next few months" "Oh... ok. What about-" "All of your stuff will be going to a storage unit. It will not be touched." She says. "Oh... thank you" I say. She nods then goes back to her paper. I tug on Natsu's hand, when did I grab it? "Ready?" He asks. I nod. We walk to the guild, his arm over my shoulders. 

I walk up to Levy-chan. "Um..." I hand her the book. She widens her eyes. "Lu-chan... you too?" She asks. I blush and nod. "Can you look over it and see if I'm missing anything?" She nods. She puts on the reading glasses. "Clingy... Pregnancy..." She tilts her head. "There's one thing you might've. This isn't a one time thing. You will have at least one or more of these seasons Lu-chan." 

I whimper and turn around and hug Natsu. He runs his fingers through my hair. "Natsu?" He I feel his chin set on my head when he looks down at her. "She's getting clingier by the minute. We packed and giving her my scarf helped." "I would take it off before it's not enough. She could build a resistance to it. So when you take off for gifts, put it on her and it'll last better." Levy-chan says. Natsu carefully takes the scarf off. "Plus when you 'recharge it' with your scent it should be even better." She suggests. "Thanks Levy-chan, keep the book" I mutter into Natsu's closed vest. "Anytime. Be careful you two" I feel Natsu grin. "You too, good luck with metal head" I take this as our cue and I grab Natsu's hand and we head to the office. I hear Levy-chan yell. "HOW DO YOU-" Natsu taps on his nose, grinning at her. 

We walk into Master's office. I explain to him the situation and that we might be gone for a long while. He simply nods. "But this seems cruel to you my dear. I could try to find a way out of your season." He says to me. I stay silent. "Also, have you two had a long talk about this? You're not even together..." Natsu puts his arms around me. "No. But Lucy and I don't need words." I reach up and pat his cheek. "We should still talk though" I say. He pouts. Laxus steps out of the shadows, making me squeak. 

"Got your communication lacrima on you? Both of you?" We both nod. Master looks up at Laxus in surprise. Master tosses me a potion. I catch it. "If you two are going to train, you'll need that child. That will put your pregnancy on hold for a good six to nine months. After a week of... conception, take that. The baby will be alright but the growth will be put on hold. As long as you don't take any serious damage to that area, everything should go fine." "Will it with stand a dragon slayer baby?" Natsu asks. Master nods. "It will. That is a very strong dose." We say our goodbyes than Natsu and I take off.

We take a train across the country. Natsu was laying in my lap, from his sickness. I run my fingers through his hair, looking out the window. Time seems to fly, then we slow to a stop. Natsu stands up, grabs our luggage and my hand and darts off the train. We run towards the forest. We stop for a break. I pant and hug his arm. He rubs my arm. "We're almost there." I look up at him. "Why is it so far?" "I don't know" "When he disappeared, did you.... walk all the way to magnolia?" I ask. He shakes his head. I sigh in relief. "I searched around the country and gramps found me by the council building, besides this isn't where he disappeared, about twenty miles Northeast is" I look up at him. I see him looking at the forest. His eyes narrow. "There's a big ass monster in these woods. Stay behind me." He says. We walk forward. I hold his hand as I walk behind him. 

I whimper and hold onto a tree as I watch Natsu battle this giant... boar thing. No... I think it was a demon from Zeref's book, you can tell by the curse magic radiating off the thing. A leftover perhaps. Natsu looks like he was struggling a bit. I pull out a key, but before I can summon Loke, Natsu shouts. "I can handle it!" I nod and put the key away. This must be his show off stage. I wonder if this stage lasts a while or if it's this one time. Then, with one last roar and punch to the forehead. Natsu kills the demon. The boar disappears into a pile of ash, that blows away. 

Natsu runs back to me, only with a few scratches. I hug him and sigh in relief when I bury my nose in his neck. "Sorry. The thing had magic that threw me away." He says, burying his nose in my hair. I pull back slightly and look up at him. "Do you still have the need to show off?" He shrugs. "Yes and no. My instincts might be calming down a little, seeing you in pain without me touching you, maybe?" He says, tilting his head. I raise an eyebrow. "But I do feel like buying you a bunch of pretty stuff." He says. I whimper at the thought of him leaving. I don't want him to leave. He rubs his forehead against mine. I whimper and hug his neck. "I already have a quite a few things to give you. I'll save those for when you get worse." He says. I step out of his arms and look away. "Sorry" "Stop apologizing and stop walking away! I'm getting the same way and I can see it makes you uncomfortable!" He shouts, getting frustrated. I whimper and tear up. He widens his eyes and hugs me again, growling in a way that sounds closer to a purr, the sound reassures me. 

We finally reach the place. I widen my eyes. It was like a small house in a cave. It was roughly the size of my apartment actually. As soon as you walk in, there's a smallish kitchen area, it had a fridge, some counters made of black marble, and a wood oven. There was a small area to eat, a small black marble table with two comfortable looking chairs. There was a smallish couch. Natsu drags me in further. We don't have to walk too much further. He spits some fire at random parts in the wall. I gasp... there were now glowing red crystals that gave the room a romantic atmosphere. In the center, against the wall, was a huge round bed. The sheets were made of red silk with golden silk ribbons running through it. On each side of the bed, were ledges for some stuff. Natsu points to the right. There was a black dresser. It had eleven drawers. Three big ones than three smaller ones above those and a medium sized one in the middle. It had a big mirror also. 

(Based off this, so you can kinda visualize it better. But there's no AC unit or curtains.)

"Ready for the bathroom?" he asks. I nod. We walk back than take a right turn. I widen my eyes after he lights up more red crystals. There looks like there was a working toilet, mostly. There was a gorgeous black sink with gold faucets. There was a dusty mirror. I look to my right. There was a hot spring! But it had glowing gold crystals that made the water look like gold. I want to touch the water but who knows if it's clean or not. There was a ledge in the spring for shampoo and stuff.

(Picture of inspiration.)

I turn around, then hug him. "It's gorgeous!" "Don't forget dusty" I pull him down and mutter against his lips. "Nothing Virgo can't fix" I say before I kiss him. He leans in and holds my head. I try to deepen the kiss but he pulls back before I can. "Careful doing that, you'll make me lose it" He says. "Sorry! I got carried away..." I say, looking away. I pull out a key. I summon out Virgo. "Apologizes Princess, punishment?" I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "N-" "Yes" Natsu cuts in. Virgo and I widen our eyes. I hiss at him. "Natsu!" "What?! Anyways, Virgo, you are to upgrade this place and have it fully clean in an hour." He says. Virgo's eyes sparkle. "Make that 30 minutes actually" He says. Her eyes light up brighter. Natsu grabs my hands and we leave the cave. "Start!" He shouts. 

We walk around the forest a little bit. "How are we going to train if I need to be touching you?" I ask, gripping his hand. "I don't know" He scratches his head. We sit on the edge of a cliff. "For the mean time, how about we have that talk?" I ask. He gulps and looks away. "Can you start?" He asks. "I was going to anyways." I look down the cliff. "Where to start...?" I mutter over and over, tapping my fingers against the rock. I take a deep breath. "I've loved you since the GMG. When you visited the infirmary before and after your fight with Sting and Rouge. I told you I believed in you, but it was shortly after that, when I realized my feelings. Maybe I loved you before all that. But... I trust you with my life. I want to get married and have kids. Maybe not this quickly but we'll fight this obstacle like all the others. I... want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not just as your best friend" I say, turning red. 

After a minute of silence, he finally speaks up. "I love you too. Since Phantom Lord, but I realized it on Tenrou, when you were getting crushed by Kain and you refused to run. And all that other mushy stuff you mentioned... and I trust you with my life also, always have" He leans down and kisses me. I kiss back and bury my hand in his hair. He pulls back shortly after. I pout at the short kiss then it processes. "Since Phantom Lord?! That's so long ago!" I shout. He rubs the back of his head, chuckling. "When I got you back from Jose, you cried about not wanting to go back to your father and how you wanted to stay with me and the guild. Then when I got pissed when I found out Gajeel kidnapped you" 

Virgo appears from nowhere. "Done. I even had time to fill the fridge and unload your luggage and prepare dinner" "Thanks Virgo!" "One more thing princess. Here." She hands me a couple necklaces. "Add some blood and that should keep you good on physical contact. It works within a mile radius. Say if Natsu-sama leaves that radius, it'll calm you a little but it will make you uncomfortable." She says, bowing before she poofs back. Natsu stands and holds a hand out. "Shall we eat?" I grab his hand. "Yes." 

After dinner, which was a delicious pan seared fish with lemon and parsley. I lean back in my chair. "After all of this... excitement, I think I'm ready for a bath and bed." I mutter. "Hold on. I want to try this thing..." He says, grabbing a necklace. He presses his thumb against his fang until it bleeds. He smears the blood on the crystal. It suddenly gets a flame inside of it. He hands it to me. "Put it on." He says. I do. I gasp and put a hand on my chest. I hum and close my eyes. "Well?" He asks. "It's like I'm feeling your heartbeat and your fire. It's so warm and soothing. I can smell you through it also." I mutter. 

I hand him my hand. He bites my thumb with his fang. I whine. He takes my thumb and rubs it on the other crystal necklace. The necklace turns a bright yellowish gold. He puts it on. He nods. "Oh yes. Perfect" He says. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. He follows me. I turn red and look at him. "Do you.... want to bathe with me?" I ask. He blushes then nods. "Yeah. We were going to at some point. Besides I've seen you naked several times." He says. I suck in some courage, and air, then start stripping. 

He follows my lead. I see a few additions to the bathroom. A couple of small stools and a shower head, that also detaches. I grab my shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and my sponge. I stand under the shower head and turn it on hot. Perfect... I start washing myself. I pull Natsu under the water with me. I wash his hair and his back. I think he loses control for a second, because he slams his lips against mine and he grabs my breast. I whimper and arch into him. He pulls back. His eyes were gold. I push against his chest. "N-Natsu" He gasps and his eyes turn a dark green again. "S-sorry." He puts his hand on the wall behind me. I hug him. "It's alright." He sighs into my hair. "Lets get in the bath now." "Yeah" 

I sigh and relax. Natsu sinks in. "God this feels better than I remember." He says. I hum. The water wasn't hot enough though. "Natsu... heat it up" I murmur. He sets himself on fire. The water starts boiling. If I could melt I would've. We soak in there for a good 30 minutes before we get out. I wrap a towel around myself. I change into a simple tank top and some pajama shorts, I double check to make sure I have the necklace. Because he's probably going to disappear in the morning. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Can I have a good night kiss?" I ask. He leans down and kisses me. I lean into it. I pull back. "Night." "Night" We climb into bed, and somehow, Natsu turns off the light. 

I wake up to a wonderful smell. I yawn and sit up. I look down and see a basket of candles and lotions and bubble bath stuff with bath bombs as well. I pull a candle out. "Spiced vanilla" I read out loud. I pull a lotion out. "Honey and chocolate." I read. "That's my favorite one" Natsu says. I look up at him. He was looking at me anxiously. I put some on my hands and arms. I motion him closer. I hug him. "Thank you. I love it." I say. He instantly relaxes. "I've been so nervous that I've been pacing all morning." He mutters. I hug him tighter. "As long as it isn't a dead animal..." I mutter. He tenses. "If it's cooked or for dinner or whatever it's fine" I instantly say. He relaxes again. 

I cook us breakfast. He had killed a pig, skinned it, and cut it in pieces. I make bacon with some pork shoulder on the side. I look in the fridge and hum. I grab some eggs and there were... diced potatoes? I grab those along with some cheese and some more vegetables. I turn it into like a steak and potatoes. I make a pork based gravy as well. I plate it up and smother it in gravy. I set a plate in front of Natsu. "Have you been cooking with Mira?" He asks. I nod. "When you go off on your 'manly' fishing trips or your 'manly' training journeys I've been working on my cooking skills." I say, kinda sounding petty. He notices. "Sorry. But at least your cooking is amazing!" He says. I smile and nod. 

We continue to training. I was wearing skin tight shorts with a red sports bra. Natsu was wearing some black sweat pants. I call out Capricorn. "Apologies for the season Lady Lucy. What can I help you with?" "We're training. We don't really know where to start..." I say. He crosses his arms. "That depends. Are you training to get yourself stronger, or are you training to fight together in close combat?" "Close combat" Natsu and I say at the same time. Capricorn chuckles. "Very well. First, you will both come at me at the same time. I will see any weaknesses in the link and go from there. By the end, you will both make up for each other's weaknesses and hopefully make an undefeatable duo." 

We stop for a break, a cuddle and water break to be exact. I curl up further in Natsu's lap. I nose his neck. "mmm" I hum. Natsu buries his nose in my hair. "I'm getting clingy now." He mutters. I giggle. "I'm only getting worse." I lift my head for a drink of water. I put my water bottle down. I pull Natsu down for a kiss. He groans and sinks into it. Capricorn clears his throat, making us pull apart. "So I figured out your weaknesses. It may be difficult to the seasons but... Lucy-sama, you focus mainly on long distance, you are also a bit slow. However since you have us spirits, that should be an instant help. Natsu-sama, you focus on protecting Lucy-sama. You need to focus on protecting but also encouraging. Lucy-sama can grow into something fierce, if you encourage her to take the lead, she will get much more stronger. Also, Lucy-sama, you must gain more courage and take more risks. Let us continue." 

I collapse into the bed, panting. "He does not hold back." Natsu falls next to me. "No he doesn't." I curl up next to Natsu. "I'm going to take a nap" I mutter. He simply pulls me closer and nods. I'm out in seconds. I dream of something chasing me. I look for safety. Nothing, just still running into a dark void. The monster gets closer, and closer until it lunges. All teeth as it bites down- I gasp and sit up. I wipe my eyes. "Lucy?" I hear Natsu ask. I sob into my hands. He rushes over and hugs me. I hold him as much as I can. I manage to stop crying for a second and explain my dream. "Well that's not gonna happen. Not with me around." I slowly stop crying. 

Natsu pulls back. "Why don't you open this?" He asks, pushing a present towards me. I grab it then look at him. "Are all of these going to be expensive?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Not all. But for some I had to find the very best. Cuz none of the cheaper ones were good enough" He snarls. "Gotta be perfect" He says, eyes flashing gold. I put a hand on his arm. "Anything from you is perfect" I say. He relaxes. "I knew you were going to say that..." He says. He pounces onto the bed, making it wobble. I giggle. "Settle boy!" He pouts and puts his head on my shoulder. I open the gift. I gasp. 

It was gorgeous hair sticks. They were black that faded into silver. It had huge crescent moons on the edges and they had black and silver star shaped crystals. "I couldn't decide between something red and more fire like or this but I know you love stars...." He says. I have a feeling he got me both but I won't ask that. I set them back in the box gently. "I love them Natsu, thank you." I hug him. He buries his nose in my hair. "I have another present but you'll get it later tonight." He says. "Are most of my gifts going to be given to me in the morning?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah. Because I want you to be surprised even though you're too smart for that" I kiss his cheek. "Well thank you. I'll wear it a little bit later after I freshen up." I mutter. "I'd like to see you wearing them." He says. "I know and I will." 

The day was full of training. But I had my hair in a bun with the hair sticks in the bun. We stopped training early for Natsu's second gift today. I let him drag me to wherever. It was getting dark at this point. Even though he was dragging me, I was having fun and as the further we went, the more anticipation filled me. "Come on Lucy! We're almost there!" "Ok!" We finally reach the place. I hug Natsu's arm in excitement. He only grins. It was a decent sized pond with a bunch of white flowers around it. Lovely dark tall grass with TONS of fire flies. If you look in the pond, you will see what looks like the galaxy. Natsu points up. I look up and you can see a ton of the constellations. "It's beautiful" I say, almost tearing up. I grab his cheek and kiss him. He groans and sinks into it. I pull back before I get too excited. I open my eyes back up and see Natsu kneeling. 

I open my mouth then shut it. He chuckles. "I know it's cliché and all but when all this mess is over, I figured you'd want to get married at some point..." He says. I stay silent. "I don't think I need to say anything else. We don't have to get married anytime soon if you don't want to. I know it's rushing it and all..." I kneel down and hug him. "As long as you aren't doing this for the whole 'lets get married because I got you pregnant cliché" I tease. He blushes and shakes his head. "There's more to it and you know it." He pouts. I flick his nose. "Yes I'll marry you dork." I whisper. He hands me a small red box. I open it and see a simple gold ring with some red and gold colored gems. He picks the ring up and slides it onto my ring finger. 

I kiss him. I feel a tear sliding down my face. He wipes my tear and pulls back. "I hope that was a happy tear." He says. I nod. "Of course." I hug him again. He runs his fingers through my hair. I hum and nuzzle his neck. He does the same. "Ready to head back?" He asks. I nod. "Carry me?" I ask. "Sure" He says. He picks me up bridal style and we head back to the cave. I feel a rush of heat. I whimper and clutch Natsu's neck. I look up and see a flash of gold. He can smell me... Natsu sets me down onto the bed, hoovering over me. I turn red, looking away and pressing my knees together. "So it looks like your horny stage is starting..." He says. I cover my face, squeaking. "Sorry... I know you're not there yet..." I whine. "It's fine. I have an idea..." He says. 

I look up at him. "We have two options Lu. One, I go into the heat stage early. Or I can just.... satisfy you and stop myself. It's up to you." He says. I turn red. "Well... I don't think I want to go all the way yet... But I want to start just before your heat so you don't-" "Completely fuck you without warning or prep?" He finishes. I cover my face. "Yeah... that" He uncovers my face. I see his eyes have some gold in them. I feel a rush of heat downwards. I whimper and rub my thighs together. I can feel more and more wetness escaping me. "The second option" I end up moaning out. 

He kisses me harshly as he pulls my shorts and panties off. I squirm and cover myself. He pulls my sports bra up to my neck. He moves to my neck and starts sucking and nibbling. I gasp then whine. With his right hand, he cups my breast and starts squeezing, kneading like a cat. His left hand strokes my wet mound. I take a pillow and bury my face into it. He takes a finger, pokes around for my entrance, and slips it in when it gives to pressure. I arch my back when another slides in. He starts pumping them. I feel Natsu sit up then lean down again. I squeal when he licks the tip of my nipple. He pops it in his mouth and starts sucking. "Natsu!" I gasp. He releases it with a pop. He grabs the pillow off my face and tosses it somewhere. I open my watery eyes. 

I whimper when his fingers slide out completely. I see him move down. I push on his head as he puts my thighs over his shoulders. "That place is filthy! I haven't showered today!" I screech. He glances at me. "It'll just make you taste stronger. I care less about that." He mutters, staring at me again. I hesitate to let his head go. He continues to stare. I whimper and instinctively, I start rubbing at my clit. I tilt my head back, moaning. He glances up at me then back down. He uses his thumbs to part my folds, than he licks up my slit. I buck my hips. "You taste just as good as you smell" He says, starting to eat me out. 

I lay on the bed, panting as he cleans me up. He hoovers over me again. I was still unsatisfied but the heat has disappeared slightly. I hug his neck and drag him down. I kiss him, tasting myself on his tongue. He presses his erection on me. I flip us over. "Lucy?" He asks, panting, eyes almost fully gold. More gold in his eyes probably means less control he has. I grind against him. He groans and grabs my hips. I tug his pants off. I gasp when I notice he went commando. I wrap my hands around him. Still gaping at the sight of him. 

Long and think, almost straight up but it had a good curve to it, with a big bulging vein. He whimpers. "Hold on. Wet your hand first." He says. I lick my fingers and grab him again. He puts his hand over mine and makes me squeeze tighter. "there." He rasps. I start pumping my fist. He snarls and thrusts his hips up. I lean down and lick the tip. He whimpers. I pump him faster and take him in my mouth. He holds my hair and I feel him release in my mouth. I slurp it down. I see his eyes fade back to a dark green. He hugs me to his chest. We change into some pajamas and go to sleep. 


I wake up with no nightmares this time. I wake up to something on my lap. I look down and see a bunch of stuff laid out. It looked like a bunch of junk but I shouldn't think or say that. I pick up the plank of wood. I run my hands over it. "Recognize it?" He asks. I shake my head. "It's the ship I saved you on for the first time. With that fake salamander?" He says. "Ooh yeah!" He sits next to me. "This is a brick from the castle from the eclipse gate." He points to each thing and tells me where they're from. He hands me one last present. I open it. It was a scarf identical to his. 

I look at him weirdly. He rubs his neck. "I picked off a shit ton of my scales in dragon force and I had Mira knit it into a scarf like mine. It should help protect you from fire." He says. I put it on. "It's perfect!" I say. I hug him. "Thank you. I wasn't expecting the mementos or the scarf at all. I was almost expecting more hair stuff." I mutter. He sighs and noses my hair. "You like hair stuff and clothes. It's why I get some for you." He says. 

We take a nice hot shower, then I make breakfast. "Want to train with Capricorn again?" I ask. Natsu snarls. "Don't say that name." I blink then realize. He's entering the next stage. I walk over and sit on his lap, then hug him. "I'm sorry." I say. He whines. "I want you only thinking of me and me only" I run my fingers through his hair. "I am. You and you only" I say. He makes a purring like noise. "Good. You're mine" He says. He shakes his head. "Sorry... I'm losing control here. My instincts are winning." He says. I pat his cheek. "I completely understand." He sighs and puts his chin on my shoulder. 

"There's a festival around this time of year." He mutters. I hug him. "Can we go?" I beg. "There's other males" He snarls. I whine and press my chest against his. "Please~ I'll hold your hand the entire time and I won't look at any of them." I say. He pulls back and I look into his golden eyes. They were so pretty. "I'm not worried about you. It's them." He says. His eyes go back to green. "We can go. I'll stay in control as long as possible but if I start to lose it then you are going to drag me away from any male" He says. I cheer and kiss him. He sighs into it. He pulls back, then carries me to the room. "If we're going to a festival, then I should give you another gift or two." He says. I squeal in delight. 

It was a long yukata like dress. It was black and it had white sakura like pattern and petals over it. It also showed a bit of cleavage but I like it like that. The sleeves were just as long as the dress was, the sleeves had a long slit on the inside, probably so I can move my arms easier. "It don't match the sticks." He mutters, sounding pissed. "I'm wearing both regardless" I huff, crossing my arms. He whines. "I wanted most of your jewelry and clothing gifts to match but some of the patterns I was looking for didn't exist." He huffs and slides a couple things towards me. One was black sandals and a couple bracelets. They had a thin black band with a moon on one and a few stars on the other. I put everything on. 

"Stunning." He says. I blush. "Call out Virgo to do your make up" He suggests. I nod and do so. She puts some simple make up on me, but she made my lips black. She disappears then reappears with a kimono for Natsu. His was white but there were black flames on his sleeves and his pant legs. He pouts then slips it on at my glare. I nod and pat his chest. He grabs something from behind me. He puts the scarf he made me around my neck. "There. Better." He says, nodding. I grab his hand. "Let's go!" I say. He cheers and drags me along behind him. 

There wasn't a massive crowd yet since it was still bright as day out. I see Natsu looking around. I squeeze his hand. "It'll be ok" I say. He looks down at me. "No... That's not what I'm worried about." "What is it?" He shakes his head. "Nothing." "Doesn't look like nothing, you're growling." I point out. He stops growling. "I am?" "Yeah" I hug his arm. "It's a creature. A powerful one at that. It smells dormant." "What kind of creature?" I ask. He shrugs. "Dunno. I don't think it'll attack but the dragon in me wants to show off some more" I rub his arm. "Let's not bother it. If it attacks then let's defend the town but if it's not going to..." I say, biting my lip. "I know. But I'm fighting instincts here...." An idea pops in my head. "If we fight then my dress will probably get ruined." He snarls. "No!" He grabs my hand and we walk to the center of the festival. 

We play a few games, and eat some festival food. I hand the woman some jewels and she hands me a toy gun. I just have to knock a toy over.... I know how these games are rigged. I see a loose screw, I aim towards it, and shoot. The lady screams as the shelf gets knocked over. Natsu only laughs. She argues with me that I was cheating, I shout back that if she doesn't give me some toys, then I'll tell everyone how rigged her game is. She shuts up quickly. She lets me choose three toys. I pick one that looks like Happy, a Plue plush, and a red dragon plush. I thank the lady then we walk off. 

Natsu eventually stops laughing. "That was good Lucy" I giggle. "Well... glad I entertained you" "What next?" He asks. Something catches my eye. Is.... that a Natsu doll!? I want it! I whine and tug on Natsu's sleeve. "Want..." I whisper. Natsu looks at the doll. He rubs his forehead against mine. He purrs softly. I grab his sleeves and lean into him. "Stay here." He says, growling softly. I instantly sit on the bench behind me. "Good girl" He purrs. I whimper. He rushes off to the stand. 

A male sits next to me. I continue to ignore his flirting. I hug my plushie and watch Natsu play the game to win me the plush. The man grabs my thigh. I stand up, kick him in the nuts, making him scream, then I grab my plushies and walk calmly to Natsu. "I told you to stay put" He growls. I whine. "There was a male." He growls at the male on the bench, holding his family jewels. "I forgive you" He purrs. Natsu hits the target, and a big buzzing noise goes off. 

The man hands me the Natsu doll. I hug Natsu, the best I can with the plushies. Natsu thanks the man. "You want a bag missy?" He asks. I nod, while still holding Natsu. The man hands Natsu a bag. I dump all the plushies in except for the Natsu doll. "There's a matching Lucy doll in that stand over there" He points to a mini shop stand seven tents over. He clearly knows who we are. I look up at Natsu, silently begging. "I was going to drag you over there anyways." I grab his wrist and walk over there. 

"I want it" Natsu says. It didn't surprise me as much as it should've. "You want anything?" He asks me. I shake my head. Natsu pays for the doll. "The fireworks are starting in about 30 minutes." The lady tells us. I nod and thank her. Natsu hands me the doll. I hug them both. "Let's go find a good spot to sit." He suggests. "Can we get some more candy apples before?" I ask. "Sure!" He says. 

After getting a couple more candy apples, we find a good spot to watch the fire works. We sat by the peer. It was crowded, but still a good spot. Natsu lays down a giant blanket. "You're free to sit now." He says. I sit down on the blanket. It's a little annoying. But he really wants me to feel comfortable and perfect. Natsu sits down next to me. I crawl into his lap. I sigh and relief. "How long have you been holding it in?" He asks. I lean back. "All day." 

He kisses my neck. I whimper and tug on his hands. He heats his body temperature up. I practically go limp. We hear a faint boom. I look up and watch the fireworks. "Pretty!" He nods. I turn and kiss him. He kisses back. "Excuse me? Natsu-san and Lucy-san?" we pull back and see a journalist. "If you're interested, we would like to have a photoshoot with you two." Natsu and I look at each other. He shrugs. I look up at the lady. "Sure. But I have a few requests." "Of course!" "No guys are to be taking our pictures. Is the main one." "Odd request but sure." "Also, I want a dragon and the princess themed picture" I say. Natsu nods in agreement. "Sure! Here's my card." 

After the fireworks, we head home. Natsu quickly eats me out. I feel a little satisfied. Natsu grinds against me. I whimper. "How long have we been here?" "About three weeks." He groans. I grab his cheeks. "You're almost in heat aren't you?" I ask. He nods. I moan and throw my head back. "Lets do that photoshoot tomorrow then we can..." I say. He whines. "Want" I turn us over. "Let me..." I go ahead and give him a blow job. "Did that hold you off for a little bit?" I ask. He nods, as I wipe my mouth. I yawn. "Let's get some sleep." I suggest. He nods, then we pass out instantly.

I wake up to Natsu groping me. I whimper and press my chest into his hands. I hear him snicker as he circles my nipples. I gasp. "What no present today?" "I have enough presents for you that'll last for another couple weeks." He chuckles. I decide to tip the tide. I pin him down, my calves pinning his thighs down and my hands pinning his wrist down. I blush when I feel his penis against my ass. "Whatcha gonna do now?" He growls softly. I unpin his hands and put them on his abs. "Pay back." I reach up and circle his nipples. He twitches and his nipples get hard. "Feels good, different" I skootch down and take him in my mouth, humming. He instantly puts a hand on my head. 

Natsu puts his hands on either side of me. "I have an idea" He says. I turn around and put my hands on my hip. "Ok and?" Natsu leans in closer. "I say... we use the rest of this week wisely... I say, I fuck the shit out of you. Then next week we do that photoshoot." He says, putting a leg between my legs. I bite my lip. He made a good bargain. A flash of pain shoots through me. I grab his shoulders and whimper. "Lucy?" I get another flash of pain and I hear a voice. "the longer you wait, the more pain you will get" Natsu picks me up. "Yeah. The photoshoot will wait." Natsu sets me on the bed.


 He looks between my legs, it was soaking, and not just the water from the shower. "Damn." I whimper. "N-Natsu~" I moan. I pull him down, grabbing his dick. I quickly start jerking him off, trying to get him hard. "Slow down Lucy!" He pants. He eventually gets hard after a couple minutes. I line him up. He looks into my eyes. "Your eyes are blue Lu" He says. I reach up and stroke his cheek. "You can't talk gold eyes." I wrap my legs around his waist. "It's earlier than I wanted, but...." Natsu tilts his head at my statement. I close my eyes. "Take your time" He says, brushing my bangs out of my face. 

Natsu buries his face in my neck as I prepare myself, mentally. I take a deep breath. "Fuck me Natsu, fuck my hard" I say, biting his neck. He snarls, then snaps his hips forwards. I cry out in pain. He manages to get some control over himself. "Sorry" He mutters as I hug his neck. "It's fine. The pain is quickly going away. But this feels weird but it feels amazing. You're inside me." I say in awe. Natsu pulls back to face me. "Sorry if I go too rough. You feel to good. Losing control" He says, snarling as he pulls out slightly, and slams back in. I yelp in surprise then hand on for dear life. 

I don't know how long we've been at it, but the bed was shaking back and forth the entire time. Natsu suddenly pulls out. I whine. Natsu flips me over, on my hands and knees. I whimper when he spreads my cheeks. I go to say something but suddenly, he's filling me again. I moan and press against him. Natsu grips my ass and starts pounding inside me again. "Ah, ah, AH!" I screech. Natsu suddenly spanks my ass. I bite down on the pillow in front of me. He groans. "God you're getting tight!" He spanks me again. I squeeze his length harder. I lift my head and instinctively reach down and rub circles over my clit. Natsu and I manage to cum at the same time. I whimper when I feel him squirt it inside. I feel something leave my body and hear in my head. "Congratulations Lucy. You are done with your breeding season. We can't wait to see what gender your child will be." I pant and collapse into the pillows. 


I don't know how long we went at it but by the time Natsu completely stopped, I'm pretty sure we slept for a day. I feel my stomach rumble. I groan and slowly open my eyes. I sit up slowly, spitting out my hair from my mouth. I hear a loud snore. I look down and see Natsu snoring loudly, also drooling. I smile and lay back down, onto his chest. Natsu stops drooling and I see him open his eyes. "Mornin'" He groans. I peck his lips then mess with his bangs. "How long were we...?" I ask. He grins. "the full week. Well, we did actually pass out a few times. You must be extremely sore." He chuckles. I shift my legs a little then wince. "Did you ever mark me?" "Yeah." 

He runs his finger over my hip. I sit up and look at it. It was a cluster of yellow and pink stars with a few lines of fire running through it. "Pretty" I mutter. Natsu runs his fingers over it, agreeing with me. "Morning Princess, Natsu-sama" Natsu and I scream, hugging each other. "Virgo! What are you doing here?" I ask, turning to face her, wincing in pain, not caring about my nudity. "I have come to bring you breakfast and the potion Makarov-sama gave you" She sets down a tray at the end of the bed. "Congrats on the pregnancy, Queen-sama" She says, her eyes twinkling. Natsu puts his hands on my belly. "Uh, thank you?" I say. 

I quickly chug down the potion, gaging at the taste. I then chug down the orange juice she gave me. Natsu just continues to move his hands around my belly. Virgo bows, then disappears. "that's my baby in there?" Natsu asks. I decide to tease him. "No, it's Gray's" I say sarcastically. Natsu only chuckles. I turn and look at Natsu. "You ready to be a dad in a year?" I ask. Natsu buries his head into my shoulder. "Yes and no." I run my hand through his hair. "Then let's maybe be ready for kids in a year together" We eat our breakfast, then we take a shower. We get dressed in our usual clothes. 

We walk inside the photoshoot location. Everything went by quickly. First we swapped clothes. His vest and pants were a bit too big on me. But my shirt and skirt were tight on him. You could almost see every muscle. Then we did the dragon and princess theme. Then we did a few more. Than we did one in fancy underwear. If there were guys in the room Natsu would've lost it. I was wearing a matching pink and yellow lace bra and undies. It wasn't enough to see anything but it was skimpy. Natsu was wearing some black boxer briefs. I had to sit in his lap, facing him then turn my head to the camera. Natsu sat in a throne like chair, with a hand on my ass and a hand on my hip. They give us copies of all the photos then we head back. 

We spend another three months training, gently because of the paused baby, then we head home, deciding to walk it. It took us a month or so get home, because we raced for most of it, being careful of course. We finally reach Magnolia. "Hey Lucy, we should get married." Natsu says suddenly. "We're engaged" "No, well yeah, but, I meant-" "Right now right now?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Not this second. But real soon" He says. "Any specific reason?" "No. Why so many questions?" "Well, I would like to get married before I start showing..." I say, ignoring his question. 

Natsu tilts his head. "We could look for wedding dresses and suits?" He says. I bite my lip. "Do you want me to leave my dress a surprise? Or do you want to help me decide" Natsu thinks for a moment. "I do have a few things I prefer." I squeeze his hand at his statement. "Well... let's go to the guild then discuss the wedding plans." I say. Natsu leans down. "Also, we need to discuss on you moving in." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Only if we fix your house up." I say. "Deal" He says. He goes to kiss me but I only pull back, giggling and I boop his nose. He chuckles then grabs my hand, pull me closer, than kisses me. I moan and sink into it. 

We went to the guild, after dropping off our luggage, and a party instantly started up, and everyone partied harder when we announced our engagement and pregnancy. I walk up to Mira. "Hey Lucy! That dress is gorgeous!" She says. I look down at it. It was a short yukata that was made of red silk, it also showed cleavage and it ended at my lower thigh. It had golden flames on the bottom and it had a golden dragon around my hips. I also had the scarf Natsu gave me tied around my hips. I also had my hair in a bun with a couple fire themed hair sticks in it. "Thank you. Natsu gave it to me." "He must've gotten that custom made!" She says. I nod. "He did." 

She makes me a strawberry smoothie. I sip on it. "Hey do you have any wedding magazines?" I ask. She squeals when reaches under the bar and drops a stack in front of me. "My OTP is getting married!" I thank her and look at some of them. I look at the different kinds of flowers. I decide on Lilies. I know its cliché.... But they're so pretty. I find a different bouquet. It had pink roses and white lilies. Even better. I look at different themes of weddings, different locations. I close the magazines. I hear Natsu fighting with Gray, Elfman, and Gajeel still. I sigh then Levy-chan sits next to me. 

She shows me her mark. It was a screw surrounded by the alphabet. It was different, but pretty. I carefully open my yukata and show her my mark. "Pretty." She says. I tie my yukata back up. "So... I'm probably going to move in with Natsu. I was wondering if I can have the guild help us upgrade the house." I ask Mira and Levy-chan. "Of course! We can work on it tomorrow." Mira says. "Thank you!" I say. 

I scream when Natsu sneaks up on me. I put a hand on my chest. "Natsu! Don't do that!" I shout. He snickers. "Couldn't resist." I pout. Natsu hugs me from the side, one hand on my belly. "Aw come on Lucy. I was just messing around" Natsu kisses my cheek. "Want to pick out some wedding rings?" He asks. I nod. I hop off my stool. "Want to pick out a suit and dress while we're at it?" I ask. Levy-chan hops off her stool. "Can I come?" "Sure!" 

I pick out a band for Natsu. It was a simple gold ring, but it looks like it had scales carved into it. He thought it looked good. He chose a gold ring with a big ruby heart, it also had a diamond on either side of the ruby. It was perfect. Natsu buys the rings. "How do you have so much money?" Levy-chan asks. Natsu shrugs. "I don't have rent, Happy and I ate at the guild and Lucy's most of the time. So it just built up." 

We head to a tux shop. Levy-chan and I had Natsu try on a bunch of suits, who whined that they all looked the same. Then I found a white one. I shove it into his chest. He tries it on. Levy-chan and I nod. I fix his collar. "I like it. It fits your scarf also." "If you think so, then I'll get it." He mutters, clearly embarrassed to be clothes shopping. "When did he get so sweet?" Levy-chan asks. I loop my arms around his neck. "When I started forcing my love on him." I say. He pouts. "Didn't force anything. I'm for more action, less words. Besides I don't need words to tell you how I feel." I pat his cheek. "Sure." 

As we check out, Natsu suddenly says. "I kinda confessed way before everything Lucy" I look at him in shock. "When?!" "Just before we went to the hundred year quest" He says. Levy-chan and I lose it. "That's so long ago!" "How did you not know Lu-chan!?" "I-I don't know!" Natsu starts laughing. I pout. "Stop laughing! First I thought you were going to kiss me but than you turned around and we went on that mission!" Natsu rubs my head. "I was! But you weren't ready and I said we'd be together forever! What more did you want?" "Lu-chan, that is practically a confession. In Natsu's own way" Levy-chan says. 

I blush and look down. "You know how I am..." Natsu lifts my head. "And I love you for it" He pecks my lips. I turn red when I hear a bunch of 'aww's, from Levy-chan and the other employees and customers. I cover my face. The lady hands Natsu the covered hanger, that held the suit. "Have a nice day you three" We all thank her then walk to a bridal store. "What are you looking for in my dress?" I ask him. He rubs the back of his head. "Well, first you have to be comfortable. I want no sleeves, and I want it to show a bit of your back." He says, huffing. 

I count on my fingers. "That matches up with what I want actually. No sleeves, some back. Comfortable, I also want a sweetheart line and some cleavage." "You two are so synced up!" Levy-chan says. "Well yeah!" Natsu says. We walk into the store. We tell her what we're looking for. She takes my measurements. She leads us to a section. I let Natsu choose one for me to try on. He chooses one that has everything we're looking for, but way too much ruffles and lace for my taste. I try it on, then walk out to show them. Natsu makes a face, then Levy-chan and Natsu shake their heads. 

We take a good hour. Then I search through these myself. I find the perfect one. It had no lace this time, thank Mavis, and it had ruffles. The entire dress was silk. It had some ribbons of pink going through it, the area over my chest having pink fading into it. The back was open and had a slit down to my lower back. The train was fairly long and was pink. I think this is the one. I walk back to the room and change into it. I walk out of the room slowly. Natsu instantly stands up. I do a 360. "You look gorgeous Lu-chan!" I walk over to Natsu. "I think this is it. What do you-" He kisses me. I kiss back, feeling my cheeks turn red. He pulls back. "This one" He mutters. I nod than go back into the room and change into my yukata.

We decide to stop there for the day. Natsu and I decide to head home. I take notes of the path there. "Maybe we should get walkway lights and clean up this path." I suggest. He nods. "Sure." There was a comfortable silence, besides of my keys jingling and our shoes hitting the dirt path. Natsu suddenly stops, his arm in front of me. I open my mouth then close it at the look on his face. I put my hand on my whip. Natsu and I sneak closer, being careful not to alert anyone. 

"WHERE IS SHE!?" "I don't know! There's no one here!" We hear. "WELL I WANT THAT BABY!" Natsu and I look at each other. We continue sneaking forward. There were only the two of them. But before we can do anything, Loke comes out and beats the shit out of both of them. Natsu and I relax. Loke ties them up. "Um... thanks?" I say. Loke bows. "Of course. Now I'm sure everything would've been all better if that would've been my child in there-" Natsu punches him. "Bastard!" Natsu shouts. Loke chuckles, fixing his jacket and glasses. "Kidding, kidding." 

"Because Dragon Slayers are rare and Celestial mages are also rare now, people are going to be after your guys' child." "Why?" Natsu asks. Loke is patient with Natsu for once. "You two are very powerful mages, not to mention with rare magic, people are going to attempt to take your child to control it." I cross my arms. "How do people know I'm pregnant anyways?" I ask. Loke shrugs. "Don't know." "Well thank you, do you mind taking care of these guys?" I ask. "Of course" He drags the guy behind him as he heads to the police station. 

Natsu and I clean the house. "How did you get this house anyways?" I ask, suddenly, cleaning the couch. "I got it after finishing a mission. I got this instead of cash." He says. I dig into the couch for anything important. I feel something breathing on my panties. I swat Natsu away. "No!" I take the vacuum then clean out the couch. Natsu pulls my panties to the side. I turn off the vacuum. I hear Natsu undoing his belt then it clangs against the floor. I turn my head and see him with that look on his face. "Fine, make it quick" I mutter. He grins. "Sorry Lucy! You bent over like that did something to me" He says, a little to cheery for my taste, as he suddenly enters me. 

We finish cleaning the house. "We'll go to your apartment and get your stuff." Natsu says. "No, leave it there. We'll be staying there as the house gets fixed up." I say. I look at the house. "Where are we sleeping?" I ask. Natsu tilts his head. "My hammock of course." I look at him like he's crazy, then shrug. We change into our pajamas, or boxers in Natsu's case. Natsu climbs into the hammock. I climb on top of him, careful not to hit his goods. I lay on top of him. "You alright?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. "Just... not expecting the weight" He says. 

I pout. "I'm not that fat" He hugs my hips. "You're not fat. You're just thick!" He says. "Not helping." He tilts his head in thought. "Ok, think about this. You would look super weird thinner than this. You have some fat, but it's mostly muscle by this point. I like you like this. Squishy but not too squishy. Besides when you start gaining baby weight, I think you'll be just fine. Even if you get scars from it, you'll still be Lucy" He says. I pat his cheek. "When did you get so sweet?" I ask. "You've always been beautiful to me" He says"Since I first saw you" He continues. I lean down and kiss him. "Love you" I mutter. He simply puts a hand on my head and pulls me closer. "Bedtime." He mutters against my lips. I simply snuggle in and get comfy.

I wake up to us collapsing to the floor. I end up squashing Natsu's goods. He makes a pathetic high pitched noise. I quickly get off him. He holds his area. "What happened?" I ask. He doesn't reply, he just rolls on the floor in pain. I look at the hammock and see a massive rip in the fabric, on one side. "Kiss it better?" He squeaks. "No!" I say. He manages to stand up, holding the wall for support, knees shaky. I look at his alarm clock. It was about ten in the morning. Did we sleep that long? Natsu takes a few deep breaths. "When you fell. Your knee hit my nuts." He says. "S-Sorry!" I say. He shakes his head, standing up straight. 

Natsu rips the hammock off the wall. "I thought it'd last longer. Guess not" He mutters. Natsu looks at me. "Did the bed come with the apartment or did you buy it?" I look down. "Came with it." He hums. "Well lets go to the guild so we can start these renovations. I also don't have a shower so we can do that there also" "Sounds good" I say. I grab a change of clothes then we head to the guild. "So what do you want to add to the house?" I ask. He shrugs. "Don't care." I frown. "Not helpful." "Maybe a workout room?" He adds. "Not a bad idea" 

"I was thinking we could have a master bedroom with a bathroom, an office for me, and..." I turn red. "H-How many kids do you want?" I ask. He blushes. "At least two, you?" I look down. "Two is a good number... So we'll have two kids bedrooms and another bathroom. We can add a laundry room and a workout room. I also want a nice kitchen with a family room and dining room. Does that sound fine?" I ask. "Sounds great. Let's go tell Mira and them." He replies. 

We tell Mira and Master, then we both head to the showers. After a quick wash, everyone heads to the house, some stopping for building supplies. "How do you two feel if we added a second floor?" Master asks, Mira pushing his wheel chair. Natsu and I look at each other. Natsu answers for me. "It's fine. That way the kids can have their own floor." When we reach the house, we see a ton of random people. They all stop searching the house. 

Everyone in the guild beats them up. They were searching for me again. I put a hand on my forehead, shaking my head. "They'll never learn will they?" I mutter. "No they won't my dear." Master says. Natsu puts a hand on my belly. "Is my kid really that powerful?" He asks. "Yes. You may not understand, but your child will be very powerful." He says. Natsu tilts his head. "How long will the renovations take?" I ask. Master looks at me, grinning. "A few days. We've gotten so good at rebuilding the guild, we're pros at this" "Ah, right. Yeah" I mutter. 

Natsu and I head to my apartment. They told us not to worry about it. I argued that I want to help, so did Natsu, but Master simply slapped my butt, making Natsu growl at him, then told me it was a surprise.  We went around town and did a few fun things. Time went by fast, it took about a week to finish the house. Longer than we thought it would. We weren't allowed within a miles worth of the house either. It was also empty at the guild except for a few people, Levy-chan being one since she had a swollen belly by this point. So we took a bunch of local missions and made more money than I would've expected. Also during that time we went around to different shops to look for wedding stuff. 

We were finally allowed to go back to the house. We were just totally shocked. We now had a two story family home with a big porch. Juvia is the one to pull me inside, totally excited. The kitchen was very nice and big. It had white tile with black cabinets and a dark marble table. There was a nice window over the sink, with a nice view of the side of the house. The dining room was a tannish color with a nice wooden table and chairs. It had room for six people, it also had two glass doors leading to the backyard. Can't forget random paintings around the room. The living room was massive. A big L-shaped couch. It was a nice coffee brown color. The walls were a light brown color with a lacrima-vision on the wall. It has a nice light wood floor with a brown rug on it. Not to mention the large fireplace.

We move to the bedroom, that was at the end of a hallway, with a simple half bath in the hallway with a simple guest bedroom. The master bedroom was a bright red color. The sheets on the king size bed were a black color with ribbons of white running through them. The dresser was white and had white accent. They also built a walk in closet for me and my 'obsession' with clothes. We walk through a door, revealing the master bathroom. It had a shower big enough for two, and a large jacuzzi tub. There was also a nice large mirror. The bathroom walls were a nice cream color. 

Juvia leads me to my personal library. It was hidden underneath the stairs. I look at the shelves in awe. They were filled with all of my books from my apartment. There was also a desk with a light and a small lacrima on the desk. "It's a noise canceller. You won't be able to hear outside the room unless it's an emergency." She explains. She shows us the small laundry room in a separate room in the office. We follow her up the stairs. There were three bedrooms, all plain white because we don't have kids yet, there was also a large bathroom in the hallway. There was also a work out room. Natsu looks the most excited about the workout room. 

"Any questions?" I hear Master ask. We were in the large backyard. It had a lacrima that pulled kids back into a certain distance from the yard. "Yes, What about enemies or-" Master raises his hand, interrupting me. "The house has an alarm system, the house has enchantments. It is mostly indestructible, and it is also fire proof." I ask a few more questions, and get a few more answers. I bow to him. "I can't thank you enough Master" Natsu pulls me up. "Don't bow to him. Knowing Gramps he's just gonna laugh it off and say 'consider it a gift' or some bullshit." He says. Master laughs. "You know me to well my boy! It is a gift from me to you, considering what you both were forced to do. It must've been hard, forced together" He says. 

I wave it off. "There's always been a connection between us-" "Sexual Tension" I hear Gray cough from somewhere. "-This just forced us to take action" I finish, ignoring Natsu and Gray fighting now. "Well, I'm glad it all worked out. Elfman and Erza should be finishing up on bringing your stuff over by now." Master says. "Thank you again Master" I say. He just continues to smile and wave it off. "How are the wedding plans going?" He asks. I smile. "It's going well! We have everything planned out! We just don't have any bridesmaids or groomsmen and their outfits or the date picked out." "Well, I'll leave you to it. Gray! Push me back!" He shouts. Gray and Master argue for a little while. Eventually Master wins. Juvia waves us good bye as Gray pushes Master back to the guild. 

I watch as Elfman and Erza drop off the rest of my stuff. Natsu helps them unload, I wanted to but Natsu pushed me onto the couch. Wait... is that... "Is that a crib and some baby stuff?" I ask out of nowhere. They all flinch at my outburst. Erza blushes and stutters. "I-I-It was m-my idea!" I stand up. "Oh uh thank you! How much do I owe you?" I ask. "Nothing!" She says. They finish unloading, and I start arguing with Erza that I'm going to pay her back. Natsu groans. "Come on Lucy! Give it up!" "No!" I yell at him. "I'm going to distract her. You to make a run for it" Natsu says. "NATSU DRAG-" He kisses me. I fight back, punching his chest and such. He presses me against him harder, I fall for it.

I start a bath. I hear Natsu apologizing from the other side of the door. I ignore him. I faintly hear a sigh. I strip down and get into the tub. It was nice and almost painfully hot. It's way hotter than what I used to have it before the mating season. Probably I had to get used to Natsu's fire when he marked me. The tub eventually fills up, so I turn off the water. I hear the door open. I bury my mouth in the water, closing my eyes. "I know it's frustrating Lu-chan" I widen my eyes at Levy-chan's voice. 

I turn my head. "What are you...?" She giggles. "Natsu called me here. He had Happy come and get me." I huff and hug my knees. "Lu-chan. The guild did the same thing for Gajeel and I when we got back. We were the first to be finished with mating season. Except I had the option of getting pregnant. I had a potion made to avoid it. But I realized that I wanted to take that step. Because he was worth it." "What does that have to do with anything?" I mutter. "The guild fixed up Gajeel's house and gave us a bunch of stuff also. I was in your shoes. They went above and beyond. I wanted to pay them back, they didn't let me." She continues, ignoring what I said. 

"But I realized that, since we're all family, they just want to make sure that we're ready and have a safe place to live. I still fought it. But you know how stubborn Fairy Tail is. So I gave up" She shrugs. I stay silent. "Natsu realizes that they wont take it anyways. And he didn't want you to fight or start something for no reason. Plus I'm sure he doesn't want you to start a fight with Erza mainly." She continues. "Makes sense." I mutter. "Is my work here done?" She asks. I nod. "Natsu! Take her home!" I shout. Levy-chan and I say our goodbyes then Happy comes in, picks her up, then flies away. 

Natsu comes in, slowly. "I'm not mad anymore" I say. He sighs in relief. He gets in with me. I instantly climb into his lap. "Clingy?" He chuckles. "Shut up" I mutter. "I'm turning up the heat" He says, then sets himself on fire.  I feel the flames caress me. I pet one of them, making it glow brighter. "Oi, Oi, they aren't pets nor are they alive" He mutters, putting the flames out, the one I pet caresses my cheek before disappearing. "Are you sure?" "Yes." 

"So who are going to be the groomsmen and bridesmaids?" I ask. Natsu hums pretending to swim in the large tub. "How many do we get?" He asks. I sit on his ass, giggling when he 'sinks'. I get off him. "As many as we want. I wouldn't go more than ten though" He tilts his head. "The number of them should be equal right?" He asks. I nod. "How about... Ice pop, Lightning rod, Laxus, Elfman.... Uh...." He thinks. I tap on the tub in thought. "Levy-chan, Juvia, Mira, Wendy, Erza, Cana, Lisanna, and if we're having Elfman, we should have Evergreen." I say, biting my lip. I know there are so many who want to be a part of it but... 

"Metal head, Ice pop, Laxus, Elfman, Romeo, Gildarts, um... Jellal... Happy...." He mutters. I hum. "Cana with Gildarts, Lisanna with Happy?" I say. Natsu nods. "Why not Carla?" I ask. He huffs. "She doesn't like the attention." "True... Will Happy be alright with it?" "Of course! Lisanna is one of his moms!" "One?" I ask. "Yeah! You and Lisanna!" "Don't know how to feel" I mutter. "Oh come on Lucy! It's just Lisanna! She's like a sister to me. She was also the one who helped me hatch him" "Yeah." I say. "Sounds good. Now... wedding colors, location, date" I say, counting on my fingers. 

Natsu hums as he drains the tub. "Well... your dress has pink on it.... It's the middle of summer...." "Uh huh" I say, wrapping a towel around myself. I run a brush through my hair. "I was thinking.... We could do it either in Hargeon, or here in Magnolia, maybe in the park? How about... Pink and yellow?" I suggest. "Hargeon, but I don't think yellow, even if it matches your hair" He says. "Yeah you're right" I mutter. I drop the towel after I dry myself off. I walk towards my closet. "God you have a nice ass" He says. I huff. I put on some pajamas. Some simple fluffy pink shorts, and a white tank top. 

"Pink and white?" Natsu says. "Sounds nice!" I say. "So where in Hargeon?" He asks. "Hm. How about a beach, by where you saved me the first time." "Cool!" "How about... in a few weeks, a few hours before the sun sets?" I ask. "It's whatever you want. Whatever you want Lucy" He says. "Are you sure? What about you?" I ask, watching him collapse backwards onto the bed. Natsu rolls around in the bed. "Whatever you want. If you're happy, I'm happy" I sit down next to him. "What do you want though. It can't just be 'If you're happy, I'm happy' bullshit." 

Next thing I know, I'm getting pinned. "This is going to be our next adventure. Plus, I'm not the one carrying a baby. I don't care for this kind of this stuff in the first place." I look up at him. "Where are you thinking about going for the honeymoon?" I ask. He laughs and gets off me. "Don't care! We could just stay home if you wanted" I just gape at him. "What about" He glances at me. "Don't. Care!" "Bullshit!" I shout. He snickers. "Fine. I want an adventure time thing, for at least one day of the honeymoon." I nod, satisfied. 

Weeks pass. I think my pregnancy pause wore off as some point, because I've woke up puking this past week. Tomorrow is the wedding. So the girls were going to kidnap me today. I rush from the table, to the bathroom, and puke my guts out. I feel Natsu lifting my hair, also rubbing my back. I stop, then slowly stand up, wiping my eyes. I grab a cup and swish some water around then spit it out. We hear a knock at the door then the door opens. Natsu rubs my sides. "Are you going to be alright to go?" He asks. I nod, both of us ignoring the girls walking in and seeing us. "Yeah. I should be fine. It's just morning sickness" He puts his chin on my shoulder. "Go have fun. I'll see you tomorrow." He mutters. Kissing the side of my head. 

"He is so sweet." Lisanna says. "Hm? Yeah. He has his moments" I say. "I never thought he'd get like this. I thought he'd be a child forever" Erza says, Mira nodding. I shrug. "I don't know when he got like this either" "Well you obviously changed him." "Not this dramatically!" I protest. The girls roll their eyes then we all get out of the mud bath. We wash ourselves off then we all get ready for our massages. After our spas, we get manicures and pedicures. We got my nails painted a very, very light pink. 

We decided to make a trip to Hargeon, to help set everything up. We were shocked to find the boys there. We make sure everything is set up and the lights on the balcony thing set up. "Wait... Have Natsu and Lu-chan ever been on a date?" Levy-chan asks. Natsu and I look at each other. "The festival...?" Natsu asks. I shake my head. "That's just a festival. I don't consider it one. Plus were messed up on our instincts and stuff" Mira claps her hands. "You two were about to be married and haven't gone on a single date!" "And...?" "Go! Shoo!" Mira pushes Natsu and I away. 

Natsu and I walk to a restaurant. He would've taken me to the one we went to when we first met but it was torn down. It was a fancier restaurant. A waitress sat us at a table by the window. She offers us some wine, we both decline. She congratulates us when I inform her I can't drink. Natsu gets the biggest steak, and I just get some chicken. "This is nice I guess" He says, with a mouthful. I nod. "It's nice. Thank you for eating nice and not messy" I say. "I know when to control myself ya know" He chuckles. "I can't wait for tomorrow." I sigh. "I just can't wait for you two be Lucy Dragneel" He says. I bite my lip. "Actually, can I take both names? I want to be Heartfilia-Dragneel" "That's fine! I'll do the same." He says, grinning. Oh man he was so perfect... "Natsu Heartfilia-Dragneel. Has a ring to it I guess" I mutter. "I guess!" He was so cheery tonight. We finish our meal, chatting and goofing off a little. We head back to the beach after, then everyone heads home. 

I finish writing in my novel, then start writing a note to Mama. 'Dear Mama,Papa, tomorrow I get married. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams, the father to my child. I wish you were here to see. Even though Papa would probably threaten Natsu. Mama, you would love him though. He's goofy, kind, sweet, and protective. However, he knows I don't need protecting, even though he saved me several, several times. I know I can fight by his side, for a long, long time. I wish you were here to see my pregnancy also, to see your grandchild. But I know you guys are watching over me from heaven. Love, Lucy' I sigh and lean back in my chair. I hear the door open. "Lucy?" Natsu asks. I turn around and look at him. "Natsu? What's up?" I ask, as I fold the letter, slip it in the envelope, than put it in the letter box. "I was just going to take you somewhere..." "Somewhere?" I ask. He blushes. "I asked the guys for advice. They said you would love it... But we gotta go now" I look down. I was in pajamas. "In this?" "Yeah! Why not?" 

We took a train somewhere. He was refusing to talk. I huff and run my fingers through his hair. He had his face in my lap, trying to hold in his motion sickness.  I smile. "You dork. What are you up to?" I ask, more to myself. He glances up at me. "Something important. I should've done it sooner but I forgot. So it's last minute" He says, taking deep breaths, then he holds his mouth as he turns green. It took us a couple of hours to get to our destination. I help Natsu off the train, ignoring the strange looks. "This is...Acalypha" I mutter. Natsu suddenly recovers. "Come on!" He drags me somewhere. I widen my eyes. The Heartfilia grave yard... We find my parents' grave. I look at Natsu. "What are you...?" 

He kneels in front of the grave. "Yo! I'm Natsu Dragneel! I should've come sooner but lots of stuff happened. I'm going to marry your daughter. I know you can't respond or nothin' but, I wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to protect her for as long as I live. I won't break her heart, nothing. I would've asked for your approval but... Ya know! I wish you guys were here to see how beautiful she's gotten, how strong she's gotten. You guys would've been proud, I promise. Also, Mrs. Heartfilia, I want to thank you for bringing us dragon slayers to this era, even though it costed you, without you this world would've been destroyed if it wasn't for you. I want to thank you both for having the woman I love, and for our future daughter. I can't thank you enough. I hope you both continue looking over us, and protecting Lucy in your own way." He finishes. Tears were practically pouring from my eyes. I tackle him in a hug. "You idiot. You didn't have to!" I sob. He hugs me back. "I had to! I couldn't just steal their little girl without telling them! Plus I've wanted to meet them for a while now... Even if your dad was an ass for a while" He mutters the last bit. "Dork!" I sniff into his neck. 

I wake up to Lisanna shaking me. I glare at her then curl up into Natsu's side more. "Oh come on! Not you too! At least you don't growl" She whines. "Erza!" She shouts. Natsu shoots up. "I'm awake!" He shouts. I whine and hug him. "It's too early!" Lisanna giggles. "Its noon. You have six hours until the wedding Lu." Someone slides into the bed and squeezes my chest. "Cana!" I squeak, suddenly realizing how naked Natsu and I are. "Someone got laid~" Cana sings. Natsu chuckles. "Hell yeah I did!" I cover myself with a sheet, swiping Cana off. "What did he do Lucy?" Cana hums. I hug Natsu tighter. "We went to my parent's graves and he promised some things and thanked them for having me" I say. Lisanna coos. "Aw! How sweet!" Then Erza comes in. "Am I still needed?" She asks, eyes glowing. "Nope! Now lets let these two get dressed and get ready. We also packed your honeymoon stuff already. Meet us at the train station in an hour" Lisanna says, dragging Cana out. Cana whines as the door closes. "Their bed is so comfy!" 

Natsu laughs. "That's one way to wake up." I slip out of bed. "Yeah." I laugh with him. We take a quick shower. I dry myself off then see something laid out on the bed for both of us. "Wear me" A tag said. We both shrug. I was wearing red and black lingerie. It was so skimpy... I turn red. I slip on the black tank top and red shorts that were also laid out. Natsu put on his usual outfit. I put my keys on my belt, along with my hip. You never know... I put my wallet and whatnot into my mini purse, along with my lacrima phone. I slip on some white stockings and put on some black leather boots. I brush my hair again then let it stay down, because it wasn't dry. Natsu drags my hand then we run to the train station. 

Natsu lays in my lap. I talk with the other guild members, talking about the wedding and what not. "What flavor of cake did you guys pick?" Erza asks. I hum. "It has different flavors for each tier. The bottom tier is a strawberry marble. The middle was a chocolate marbe, then the top was a blueberry lemon. It has white and pink cream cheese icing." I hear a crap ton of approvals. "What is for the meal?" Gray asks. Natsu groans and moves his head. "Chicken, pasta, some veggies. Also some fish." He gags then buries his nose in my belly again. "Got your vows and stuff ready?" Erza asks. "Of course!" then I watch as Erza starts getting nervous and panicky. I reassure her that everything is ready, everyone knows what their role is. We finally reach Hargeon. Elfman throws Natsu over his shoulder. "Lucy dear, can you walk me?" Master asks. "Of course!" I say. Laxus gets Master off the train, along with his wheel chair, then lets me push the wheel chair. 

"How are you feeling dear?" Master asks. "A little nervous. But everything should work out. I'm more worried about the price tag for all this. There's a lot of people" I say. It was true. Almost the entire country wanted to come. But that was too much. So we invited our close friends from other guilds. Only from Sabertooth, Blue Peagasus, Lamia Scale, and such. We also random guests also. Like Flair, Queen Hisui, and my spirits. "Well everything should work out. We also have people from other guilds standing guard incase people go after your child again." Master says. "Right! I'm also thankful for them." 

We reach the reception hall, that was fairly close to the wedding site. Most of the guild members help get everything ready, make sure the food is starting, etc. I look at the clock. I had two hours to get ready. Mira, Lisanna, Levy-chan, and the other bridesmaids sweep me away to get me ready, while the groomsmen literally drag a kicking Natsu away. I change into my dress, with the help of Lisanna. Everyone was looking at my dress in awe, with tons of complements. All the girls get dressed, and quickly do their hair and make up. Lisanna and Mira do my hair and make up. Mira puts my hair into a half up half down bun, with hair framing my face. Mira also adds pink and white gems to it with a spray of glitter, that'll also keep my hair perfect. Lisanna applies pink eyeshadow, lipstick, and blush to my cheeks with a bunch of other make up stuff. Everyone looked absolutely gorgeous. Mira puts the veil over my hair. We decided not to cover my face with it. 

Levy-chan holds my dress as I go to the bathroom. Cana helps me put on my garder, after we forgot about it, then she helps get my heels on. I don't have to worry about sinking into the sand because we put down a stone path the leads to the balcony thing. Finally, the girls let me look into the mirror. I couldn't believe it, I look completely different. But I think I look damn good! We go to the place where I was suppose to start walking, it kept me hidden from the crowd and Natsu so they don't see me early. The girls wish me luck then hand me off to Master. "You look stunning child." He complements me. "Thanks!" We wait about ten minutes, before the music starts playing. I feel extremely nervous. Master walks me down the isle, the best he can while he's in his wheelchair. I glance up at Natsu, he looked shocked. But he looked handsome, in this white suit. His scarf covering most of his tie but you could faintly tell it was pink. Master hands me off to Natsu, who takes my hand. 

We kinda ignore the priest as we stare into each others eyes. "You look like a goddess." He whispers, squeezing my hands. "You look handsome yourself." The priest clears his throat, making us both jump and blush. "Onto the vows. Natsu, if you would" Natsu and I continue to lock eyes. "I vow to protect you and our family. I vow to always make you laugh. I vow to never abandon you." A few tears gather in my eyes. "Lucy" The priest says. I feel a tear slip out of my eye. "I vow to always love you, to fight by your side, to be by your side, as long as I live" We ignore the priest when he goes into a long speech again. Natsu and I naturally lean in, I'm sure we're barely resisting the urge to kiss. "Natsu Dragneel, do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?" "I do" "Lucy Heartfilia, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "You may kiss the-" Natsu slams his lips on mine. We get tons of cheering. I wrap my arms around his neck. 

He pulls back. "I forgot the rings" The priest says. Natsu and I laugh. Asuka-chan runs up with the rings. Natsu and I take the rings off the pillow. "Good girl Asuka-chan!" I say. "Thanks!" She runs off to Bisca and Alzack. Natsu and I quickly put our rings onto each other. Natsu offers his arm. I place my hand on the crook of his elbow. We walk to the reception hall, with Gray and Levy-chan following, doing the same with their arms. Gajeel and Juvia follow, then Lisanna and Happy, but Happy in her arms this time, then Gildarts and Cana, Mira and Laxus, Wendy and Romeo, Erza and Jellal, then finally Elfman and Evergreen. Asuka-chan runs up to me, ignoring her parents' yelling. We all stop the train of people. I pick her up, giggling. "Oh come on you naughty girl." "Yay! I'm riding with a princess!" Natsu pokes her cheek. "The queen of Fiore is behind us" He points out. "Princess!" She cheers. I blush as everyone laughs. 

I sit down in my chair after the bridesmaids and groomsmen sit down, feeling like I've been put on display. People walk over and start serving us food. My stomach growls. I blush and cover my face when Natsu laughs, then shuts up when his stomach growls. Levy-chan starts eating, because she's eating for two. Natsu nudges me. "Go ahead and eat. She isn't the only pregnant one." "I'd feel bad!" I pout. My stomach growls and I cling to Natsu. "Want" I whisper. Natsu blinks then squeezes my hand. "Eat" I shake my head. "No!" I whisper shout. Wendy-chan looks over at me. "Um, Lucy-san, you're eating for three, you should eat" She suggests. 

Everyone looks at her like she's insane. "Th-three?" I stutter. "A-Ah I didn't tell you?" She says. I look down at my plate. "I-I better eat then, especially since we didn't have breakfast." I stutter, then start eating. Gray coughs then stands up, clanging a spoon against his champagne glass. He starts a crazy speech about 'how much this flaming idiot has changed since meeting Lucy.' Type thing. Had a few laughs. Then Levy-chan starts hers. I continue eating. I stop when I'm full. Then everyone is free to eat. "I'm only two weeks in. Its not that far in." I mutter. "Easy for you to say Lu-chan! I'm four months in!" She pouts. I laugh. Natsu puts his hands on my belly. "I kinda wanna meet them now, but I don't think I'm quite ready" He says. I quickly steal his plate of food. "Lucy!" He whines. "I'm hungry again!" I whine. "Fine. I'll go get another plate then!" He says, standing up. I giggle and eat the rest of his food. 

After forty minutes or so, it was time to cut the cake. "Here" Erza says, then hands Natsu a thin silver sword that had a pink ribbon on the handle.  I hold the sword with Natsu, then we cut the cake down the middle. We cut the cake into little triangles then place them out on the large table next to us. I get a slice of strawberry marble and a slice of blueberry lemon. Natsu grabs one of each. After get our cake and sit down, Happy flies over with a raw fish. We start a conversation. Then somehow it gets to baby names. "We haven't decided." "Haven't talked about it" Natsu and I say at the same time. "Why not?" He asks. "Just haven't." Let's decide then!" He cheers. "Sure!" 

We came up with Layla and Nash. I was expecting Natsu to say Igneel, but he didn't.... He was also the one to suggest Layla. "Its time for the games of the night! First we'll go with the bouquet toss, then flinging the garter, then some wedding games!" Gray says into a mic. I stand up and head to the dance floor, Natsu soon following with a chair. All of the girls gather. Some music starts playing.  I turn around and throw my bouquet. I trip over my dress, Natsu catches me. I hug his neck. "Thanks!" I squeak. He kisses me quickly then helps me stand. We hear a bunch of screams, I turn around and see Asuka-chan holding the bouquet from Erza's shoulder's. Alzack was screaming protests. 

It was time for the garter toss. I sit down in the chair, ignoring the hoots and hollers from the men. Natsu crouches in front of me. "I just remove the band thing with my teeth?" He asks. I nod, blushing. He crawls under my dress. Catcalls come from everywhere. I fist my dress when he bites my thigh, on purpose. I feel him bite the garter, then he pulls it off. He crawls out with it, I tilt my foot up so he can take it off. He stands up with it in his mouth. The men all push and shove. Natsu gets an evil grin as he flings it. Natsu puts his arms on my shoulders, snickering at the fight. 

Then, Gray stands ups, holding up the pink and white garter. I clap as I laugh, when Juvia faints. Gray brings out another chair soon after. Natsu sits down, facing away from me then he takes off his shoes. I take off the other one. I give him one then he hands me one of his. "Alright we're gonna play who's more likely to. They're going to raise the shoe of whos more likely to... take control of the bedroom. For example." I raise Natsu's shoe, but I can't see his. "Like that. They're also unable to see what the other answers. So this should be some fun. I also apologize in advanced Lucy" Gray says. 

"Who has the dirtier mind?" I raise my own shoe, turning red. "Oho! How interesting! Who's the kinkier one?" I raise both shoes. "Can only choose one Lucy" Gray says. I pout. "I can't pick are you kidding?!" I protest, ignoring Natsu's laughter. I lower Natsu's shoe. "I'm very surprised by the things I'm seeing!" Gray makes a good announcer. "You should let me join you Lu!" Cana shouts. "In hell!" "See you there!" She shouts back. "Alright. Who's the horniest one?" I instantly raise Natsu's shoe. "I expected that" We answer a few more questions. "Who kissed who first?" I raise my shoe. "Really, why's that?" Gray asks. I look at him. "When my mating season started I couldn't stop myself when I did. Though I did kind of force it on him." "I wanted to, you just beat me to it." Natsu says. We answer several more questions. 

"Onto the final question. Who's love who the longest?" I raise Natsu's shoe. "I don't know where this one would've went." We play a couple of more wedding games, then it's time for the dance. Natsu kisses my hand. "Shall we dance?" He asks. I giggle. "When did you learn etiquette?" Natsu tilts his head. "Erza and Levy beat it into me a week ago." I pat his cheek. "You poor baby" He turns his head and kisses my hand. "Poor me" He grabs my other hand and pulls me out of my chair. We walk to the dance floor. "Why are you changing from your old self?" I ask, as I wrap my arms around his neck, his around my waist. 

We start moving slowly to the music, to a slow romantic song. "Why do you want to know?" He asks, twirling us. "Because you're extremely different from when I first met you. I'm just curious." Natsu hums. "Well, there a few things. I want to be your dream man, for one." He presses our foreheads together. "Plus I also might just be getting mature, after everything we've been through" He says. Then he goes silent. "That's two, you said a few" I comment after a minute. He pouts. "Not going to comment on anything?" I kiss him. "Yes, give me a minute to think." "It's been more than a minute" 

I smile. "I have but one remark to that." I say. Natsu grins. "That's my girl!" I put my head on his shoulder. "I fell in love with you for who you are. You don't have to do anything. If you're goofy, be goofy. If you have a stupid moment, so be it. Be the dork I fell in love with." I say. He blushes. "Then you be the pervy weirdo I fell in love with." I blush at that. The song ends as I pull him down for a kiss. He sinks into it, squeezing my waist. I pull back. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too Lucy" He grabs my hand and drags me off the dance floor, that's when everyone can start dancing. 

Natsu and I go for seconds of food and cake. After I finish eating, Wendy drags me to the dance floor. "Lucy-san! Can you teach me how to dance? Like the fancy dances?" She asks. "Sure!" I smile. I grab her hands, I place one on my waist, I intertwine our hands. "One-two-three, one-two-three." I say. Wendy struggles to keep up. I slow down. "One-two-three.... One-two-three... And dip" I dip her, making her squeal and hug me. I giggle. "No! I wont let you fall, you have to trust me Wendy" "O-Ok." We try again. "And dip!" I dip her, she shakes but then I lift her back up. "And twirl!" I lift our intertwined hands, and twirl her a couple times, then pull her against me, then twirl her back. "Then we start the steps again" I say, stopping. 

Then a bunch of people want me to teach them how to do the 'rich people' dance. Then, I have to teach Natsu. I snicker. "Ready to play the woman's role?" I ask. Natsu snickers along with me. "Hell yes!" "Alright!" I put his hand on my hip and intertwine the other. "One-two-three, one-two-three....One-two-th-ow!" I wince when he steps on my foot. "Sorry!" "You're the first to step on me" I say. We start over, he's being extra careful this time. I dip him. He blinks, then I lift him up, then do the twirling bit. "That's the basics." "Teach me something more extreme!" He begs. I have an evil smile on my face. "Let's do the salsa. Bixlow!" I shout. He grins and changes the music. 

Natsu and I pant. He managed to get this one right after a couple tries. After a couple of hours of talking, dancing, and such, it was time for us to leave. We both change into our travel clothes. It was just a tank top and shorts. Natsu had some black sweat pants on with a skin tight green tank top. Our friends push us onto a magic car. Then, Erza drives us to our honeymoon location ungodly fast. Natsu was clinging to my lap like his life depended on it, which it did. We get to our destination in an hour, which it would've taken us five hours by train, for context. 

We finally reach the town of Hosenka. Erza throws our luggage at Natsu, then drives off. "I'll come get you in two weeks!" I look down at Natsu, who was on the ground, dizzy and covered in luggage. I take some of the luggage off of him, then rub the bump on his head. "there, there" I mutter. He sits up. "I'm fine" "I'm here to escort Mr. and Mrs. Heartfilia-Dragneel to their resort." A man says out of nowhere. I raise my hand. "Right here." Natsu stands up, holding his head. 

The man escorts us to our own private resort type thing. It was a single story house, with our own hot springs and other stuff. Since it was a honeymoon suite, it had a heart shaped bed and a pink room, with a lacrima that cancels out sound. The man hands me a schedule. "These are the times of the events, and meals. If you do not want to be disturbed, put the sign on the front door, then your meal will be delayed for a couple hours. Any questions?" "Nope! Thanks!" Natsu says. I go through my luggage. Nothing but lacy underwear, clothes, then I find a paper bag at the bottom. I open it. Adult toys... I squeak when Natsu sweeps me into his arms, bringing the bag with him. 

Natsu drops me on the bed, then dumps the stuff out of the paper bag. There was lube, a butt plug, a dildo, a sex book, and a small vibrator. Natsu reads the note out loud. "Hey Lulu! I got you some presents! Be sure to use them! I want to hear all about it! Also, tell Natsu that he has a couple toys in his." I cover my face. Natsu gets up and goes to his luggage. I take the opportunity to take down my hair and take off the make up. I stop when I hear a moan in the other room. I go back to the bedroom, then turn red. Natsu had a fleshlight. He was laying on his back.

I walk over to him, and put a hand on his belly. "Does that feel good?" "Yes!" I look on the floor and see a few more things that probably came in his luggage. Some jelly, a cock ring, some magic resistant hand cuffs, and is that a double sided dildo, it had leather straps. I get some ideas in my head, then turn red. I slowly strip my clothes off. Natsu eyes me, then works his dick faster. I quickly use the hand cuffs, pining his hands to the metal bars at the edge of the bed. He whines, bucking his hips up. "Lucy!" His penis bobs, still in the silicone tube. 

I grab the tube, and slowly work it on him, letting it go when he bucks up. I give up then take it off him. He pants. "Why are you so mean?" I reach down and get the small vibrator, it was the size of the tip of my finger. I press it against my clit, it attaches itself with a bunch of little legs. I press the small button, it buzzes immediately. I align myself with him, then sink down. I gasp and throw my head back, Natsu grunts. I lay on top of him. My nipples rub against his. I whimper when he bucks up. I put a hand on his hip. "Let me take control for once." "You're sadistic!" "The more you complain, the more I'll refuse" I lift my hips, and pull him out. He whines. "I'm sorry! I'll be good!" He says. I slam down on him. 

I hump myself over him, making him rub against my g-spot over and over, also rubbing the vibrator into my clit harder. I whimper and whine. "Lucy, let me-" "Another minute or two" I gasp, almost there and I tumble over that cliff, squeezing around him. I reach up and release him from the cuffs. He flips us over, pulling out as he does so. He turns the vibrator off then throws it somewhere. I look at him with watery eyes. He leans down and pecks my lips. "Cana left me another thing." He says, pressing his erection against my inner thigh. 

He drinks a potion, then I'm seeing double. Two Natsu's, both equally hard and grinning. One lays on the bed, then pulls me over him, then sink down onto Natsu. I bury my face in his neck, my knees squeezing his thighs. I hear the second Natsu applying some lube. I turn my head. "I can either go in the same hole or..." He says, grinning. He probably wants to do both.... I reach back and spread my lower lips, giving him a few of his double penetrating me. I bite Natsu's neck when I feel the second one enter slowly. Both Natsu's moan. 

Then the madness starts, both Natsu's pound into me roughly. I was constantly screaming, and crying. I squeeze around both of them, unable to hold it in. I feel a flood of semen enter me. The Natsu under me disappears. Natsu, the one behind me, pulls out then pulls my hips up towards him. I hug the pillow. He applies more lube. I squeal when I feel a small cone enter my back entrance, despite me clenching on instinct. A rush of lube enters me. "Just wanna make sure" He mutters. He places a hand next to my head. "Do you want to still?" I glance back at him. He had a look of excitement, but also worry. "I want to, just... be gentle. Wait" "What?" "I didn't clean back there" "I don't care, besides it'll be fine" 

I feel the tip of him on my back entrance. I relax as much as I can. He presses in, my muscles tense. He stops. I take a few breaths, it was certainly way different than the way we usually do. "Get it over with!" I whine. He slides in further, not stopping. He had to push in harder, since I was clenching. Then, I feel his balls hit my pussy. Natsu reaches down and rubs my clit. "You alright?" "Yes. Do you... feel anything?" I ask, blushing. "Nope! Let me know when you're ready" I nod. "Does it feel different for you also?" I ask. He leans down and nips my ear. "You're a hell of a lot tighter" He grabs my cheek roughly. I give him the signal, then he starts, going slow. 

He eventually picks up the pace, I rock my hips back to help. Natsu continues to rub at my clit with his left hand, his right grabbing at my cheek. I eventually release around him. He slams into me harshly, staying still. He spanks me, hard. I see stars, screaming, as I squeeze him probably too hard. He shouts and shoots his cum inside me within seconds. He was frozen over me for a good minute. I eventually relax a little. It felt weird having his semen in both entrances, even if one is technically an exit. He slowly pulls out. "That was amazing." He says. I instantly collapse, my ass still in the air slightly. He grabs a few wet wipes, that was in the side table for some reason, then wipes himself off. 

He sets me on the toilet, then walks out. As I do my business, he was cleaning. I clean myself out thoroughly with some wet wipes. I flush, then hobble back to bed. I plop down, ignoring Natsu as he unloads our luggage.  "You were amazing." I mutter. "Thanks!" I yawn. "That was exhausting." "Wait, you don't think having two of me in you will-" "No the baby should be fine. The one under me wasn't too far in. We're good." I say. Natsu climbs in bed, putting my legs on his hips, then slides in. I whimper and hug his neck. He makes love to me slowly. "God I love you" I murmur, as he makes long, slow strokes. We both cum. I end up passing out. 

A week passes. I was going through some cravings. I push Natsu onto the couch. I climb into his lap. "Want" I whisper. Natsu grins. "Then take it" I tug his boxers off. I pull my panties off then align us, then sink onto him. I gasp when I sit on him fully. Natsu grabs my hips. An idea pops in my head. "Shoot some of your magic into me." I say. Natsu drags my head down and kisses me, shooting some of his flames down my throat. I moan and buck my hips. It almost hurt, but it also felt so good. Natsu lifts me up, then drops me. We keep this up. Natsu continues to feed me his magic. 


Then it was time for our 'adventure' date. My usual tight fitting clothes were now a little too tight. So I was wearing Natsu's clothes. His clothes fit me perfectly. I was wearing his sweatpants and his reddish black vest. It also had the one long sleeve and no sleeve. Instead of a bra, I had the scarf Natsu had made around my chest. We went to an adventure themed park. We take a short train ride. 

Natsu hands the lady some jewels then she puts the little wristband things on us. Natsu grabs my hand then drags me off to a bench. "I just wanna lay down a few rules" He mutters, red faced. I pat his cheeks. "Aww are you worried about little ol' me?" He grabs my hands. "Yes! Look we're going to take it easy. We're not going on any roller coasters-" "-You can't enjoy it anyways-" "-Because I don't want to risk harming the babies" He says. "I know my limits. You don't have to worry about me" I smile. He smiles back. "I know but..." I kiss him. "Don't worry" 

We tackle the rock wall first. There were no harnesses because this place was surrounded magic, if you were to fall, wind magic would catch you and land you safely. Natsu quickly reaches the top and rings the bell. He sits at the top, waiting for me. I huff then eventually reach the top. I ring the bell. "Yay Lucy!" Natsu cheers, then jumps off. I giggle when the magic catches him, then drops him off gently. I do the same, but Natsu catches me instead. 

We had a day of fun, rock climbing, digging for treasure, and other things. Everything felt sore. I decide to take a nap, ignoring Natsu's pout. I wake up hours later. Natsu was talking on the lacrima phone, one of his hands on my belly. He suddenly bursts out laughing. I yawn and stretch my arms out. I hug him. "I'm hungry" I mutter. He flinches in surprise. "Sorry. Who're you talking to?" I ask. "Lisanna, she's checking up on us. She's also suggesting that we see a doctor about the babies." I put my chin on his shoulder. "That's a good idea." I get up and head to the kitchen. 

I munch on some crackers and spicy cheese. Why do I feel so jealous? It's just Lisanna. Maybe because they grew up together? I don't know. I love Lisanna, she's amazing. Sweet, kind, all of that. I know she loves Natsu like a brother but still. We even had an hour long conversation about it. So why...? I reach into the fridge and pull out a bunch of meat and spicy cheese. I ignore my tears and eat a bunch of food, sitting on the kitchen counter.

I quickly wipe my eyes and pour some salt on the beef jerky. Natsu enters the room, no longer on the phone. "I smell tears." Then notices the salt shaker in my hands. "Oh" I eat the jerky, managing to hold in my disgust. It was too much salt, but it worked. I put down the salt. I look down, munching on some cheese.  Natsu walks over. He licks the bottom of my eye. I close it. "You were crying. Why did you try to hide it?" I look away in shame. "I don't want to say" I mutter. Natsu puts his hands on either side of me. 

"Why not? I'm not going to hate you for it or anything?" I look up at him, tearing up. "My boobs are sore and I'm jealous of Lisanna!" I shout, then cover my face, turning red. Natsu bursts out laughing. "It's not funny!" I sob. He stops laughing and pats my head. "Your tits are probably just getting swollen from pregnancy. Also, you have no reason to be jealous of Lisanna" I uncover my face. "I know! I don't know why either!" Natsu kisses my forehead. "She was just telling me about how she's in a love triangle with Freed and Bixlow. Also like I said, she was worried about you" 

Me? Why? I didn't voice this though. Natsu kisses me. I go to push him back, but he starts feeding me magic. I end up pulling him closer, the magic soothing my hunger. He pulls back, wiping my eyes. "Better?" I nod. "You usually get cranky when you're hungry" I hop off the counter. "I guess..." We get ready to go to a baby doctor. I fix my clothes and my hair, then we head out. After waiting for an hour, we get called up. There, we find out that I'm just four months pregnant.

We get the chance to see the babies. The man presses a machine to my belly. Natsu squeezes my hand, staring at the screen. "Found one... Oh there's twins!" We see them on the screen. Natsu squeezes my hand. I stare at it, mesmerized. "They're beautiful" I mutter. "Oh yeah they are" Natsu says. "So I can also tell that you've been pumping magic into yourself." He says. I shrink down. "U-Uh yes?" "I think that is actually helping the babies. I recommend you do that once a day." "Oh really? Ok" 

That was the end of that, the rest of our honeymoon went by in a flash. We packed our luggage up, then Erza came to take us back. Everything was going by in a flash. We were at home, then Natsu announces that we were broke, after how much money we spent. I was to stay at home with Erza and Mira while he goes out on some missions. I walk him out of the house. "How long will you be gone?" I ask Natsu. "A week or two. Since I'm taking a few missions at once." I hug him. "I'll miss you" He hugs back, snuggling my neck. "I'll miss you too." I kiss him, he instantly pours magic down my throat, till I can't take any more. I whimper when he pulls back. "That should be a few days worth. I know what the doctor said. But..." I kiss him again. He leans into it. He pulls back. "Just... come back safely." "I promise" 

I groan and lift my head. What...? I look down, I was tied up. I was also muffled. I look around. I was in a dimly lit room, with a bunch of tubes pumped up to lacrimas. I was in a giant square, with one giant lacrima in every corner. "Hello, hello~!" I hear a feminine voice say. I look up and see a drag queen. I was clearly not entertained. Natsu was suppose to be back today, he's not going to be happy. "I want that baby! So I'm going accelerate the pregnancy and fill you with a bunch of nutrients!" 

I was getting bigger every hour. By now I looked nine months pregnant. The door slams open, flames consuming the room. The lacrimas shatter in seconds, the drag queen who kidnapped me runs out in flames. The flames caress me. I look up, still muffled. Natsu looks absolutely looks pissed. I feel tears gather in my eyes. Natsu walks over and burns the fabric out of my mouth. "Natsu..." I whimper. He burns the ropes tying me. I hug him even though my belly is a lot bigger. He picks me up, then takes me home. 

Natsu gently sets me on the bed. "What did they do?" He asks, still in dragon force. I run my hand along the scales on his cheek. "They pumped me full of vitamins and made my pregnancy go by faster. Both me and the babies are fine." Natsu puts his nose to my belly. "How'd they get you anyways?" He asks. I put a hand in his hair. "Erza and Mira went to do some shopping, I stayed home. They somehow got in." I mutter. Natsu kisses me. "I'm just glad you guys are safe." 

Natsu helps me take a bath. This giant belly was becoming a problem. Natsu and I were staying in the guild. Levy-chan was upset for some reason. It's not like I could help it. I also kept leaking... Natsu was way to happy to help me out. But stopped when I kept getting embarrassed. Now a days, you will find me in Natsu's lap, always desperate for his attention. I was drifting in and out of sleep, on Natsu's lap when Gray came in. I pull Natsu's arm closer and lean on it. "How's it going man?" Gray asks. I drift asleep for a few minutes. "-thinking on making you a godfather man" I try to stay awake, then drift for a few minutes again. 

"How long as she been doing this?" I hear Gray ask. "A while." I turn in his lap, then bury my face in his neck. "He's a walking heater" I grumble. Natsu chuckles. "You were awake?" "Off and on." I mutter. Natsu runs his fingers through my hair. "I'm proud of you two" I murmur. "Really? Why?" Gray asks. "For toning down the fighting." I end up falling asleep. I wake up to a contraction. I whimper. After a couple minutes, the pain goes away and I fall asleep again. The bed dips, waking me up. "Sorry Lu" Natsu says quietly. I slowly sit up. "I've been doing nothing but sleeping for a few days. I need to get up." Natsu sets a tray of food on my lap. "You're fine. No one blames you." I instantly scarf down the food. 

I get another contraction. I whimper and hold my belly. Natsu walks in, he rushes over and sets the tray down. "Lucy?" It eventually stops. "Fake contractions" I mutter. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Didn't want to worry you" I drag the tray towards me and eat. I talk with him for a good ten minutes before I feel the bed get wet. I hunch over. "Porlyusica, now" I mutter. He nods then stands up, knocking the chair over as he runs out. Things move by quickly. Even though I went into labor for almost seven hours. 

"It's a boy and a girl!" I hear Wendy shout. I open my eyes. Natsu pushes my bangs out of my face. "Good job Lucy" He says, tears in his eyes. I huff. "Names?" We hear Porlyusica ask. "Nash and Layla" Natsu says. Natsu leans down and kisses me. I was too weak to respond. He pulls back. "Let's let her see the babies so she can rest" Porlyusica says. She hands the babies to me. I take on in each arm. Layla had some blonde hair, while Nash had some pink. They were sleeping soundly, for now. "They're amazing" Natsu says. I smile then pass out. 

"I think she's waking up." I hear someone say. I slowly open my eyes. I see Natsu holding the babies. "You were out for a couple days." He says. I sit up. "Wait really?" I ask. "Yep! According to the old hag they took some magic on the way out. So you slept to make up for it" I take Layla from him. I rock her gently. "She's the quiet one. Barely cries. Nash here is a whiner. Loves his mama" He says. "Really?" "Oh yeah" I slowly get out of bed, ignoring Natsu's protests. "Let's get home. I'm tired of the guild's bed." "If you say so.

Years past by quickly. Five years to be exact. Layla was a little princess who loves to read. She had long blonde hair, a little wavy but so silky. She also had bright green eyes. She was totally a daddy's girl. Natsu may not be the best at reading, but she still demanded he read to her, or else she brings out the tears. Nash was a momma's boy. If he wasn't by my side, he was so pissy. Master can't help but cry when he sees Nash, he wont tell me if it was from the memories of the paper work or Natsu young again. I would imagine it's both. Nash had crazy pink hair with black eyes. 

They both had signs of Natsu's and I magic. Nash mainly had fire magic, but it had little stars in his fire. Layla summoned spirits like I do, but when she used my whip, it had fire swirling around it instead of blue magic like I do. I yawn and stretch my arms up. I smile when I notice I'm surrounded by family. Nash had his head on my belly, Natsu had his head on my thigh with Layla laying on top of him. I smile harder and go back to sleep. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. 

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