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Disclaimer: I do not own the character Sasuke Uchiha or Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.

"Inzei Marcs, you're needed in Mr. Tera's office." Any time I was ever called into Mr. Tera's office, it was always for something crazy.

I stood up from my desk and pulled my black pencil skirt down. I fixed my black, barely shoulder length hair and fixed my red dress shirt. Ready, I told myself.

I stepped out of my cubicle and made my way down the hall and knocked on the fogged glass doors that lead into Mr. Tera's office. On the other side, a blur stood up and walked toward the door. His assistant, dressed also quite like me with a royal blue colored shirt and long blonde hair tied up in a bun, welcomed me in. I thanked her and went to stand in front of Mr. Tera's desk.

"You asked for me, sir?" I asked. He span around in his black lounge chair and gasped happily. He was an older gentleman, white and gray hair and a square face. He was wearing a black suit and often reminded me of my grandfather. He had a smile on his face that donned all the wrinkles of his facial features.

"Oh Inzi!" Having Japanese background and an awkward first name, I was often called Inzi by a lot of my coworkers as they struggled to pronounce my name. Mr. Tera was also one of those people. "It's so lovely to see you, how are you doing? Please, sit, sit." He beckoned me to take one of seats that was in front of his desk. I obliged.

"I am doing well Mr. Tera, how are you?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded.

"I am doing good, swell actually!" He said, leaning over. "Because guess what, Inzi, we have made a contract with a new company." I was interested; a new company meant a chance to get a promotion. I leaned in forward just as he did, feeling kind of giddy.

"Who is it with? What will they do?" I question. He raises his hands up, as if I was rushing him and he was trying to slow me down.

"Whoa, whoa, calm your horses." He says. I take a deep breath and exhale, moving my hands down my body, motioning as me calming down.

"Okay, I'm calm." I tell him. We both chuckle and then settle down.

"Well, it aids in our manufacturing as well, and not only that, but they also have many accesses to possible vendors for our items." I nod as I listen. "The company is called Uchiha. It's more Japanese based, but they recently made a new building down the street from here and requested our help with business."

"Wow, that's great to hear, Mr. Tera!" I said with a smile. He nodded and smiled as well.

"They asked if we could send on of our representatives over, to possibly have a position there as well. We've come to terms that the employee would have a higher pay rate, as they will be working under Tera and Uchiha." I nodded, feeling even more giddy. "I thought, that since they are more Japanese based, that you would be interesting in taking the part of being Tera's representative?" He asked. I couldn't contain the squeal that slipped out of my mouth. I rose my hands to my mouth, trying to contain my happiness down. He had a happy, questionable look on his face.

"Oh Mr. Tera, I would be honored to be your representative at the Uchiha company!" I exclaimed. I wiggled in my seat and he laughed.

"Good, I'm glad you're excited about it." He answered with a smile. I stood up and took both of his hands in mine. He stood up as well and shook my hands in his.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Tera." He smiled and nodded.

"Of course." he replied. "You've done so much for us, I think it was time for you to grow within the company." I contained a small squeal again and he chuckled.

"May I have a hug?" I asked, unable to contain my happiness. He sighed and nodded with a smile.

"Of course!" We both went around the table and met half way. I was a tad on the shorter side, about five foot three, while he was about five foot six. He gave me a hug and put his head over mine and patted my back. "You were like a granddaughter to me and I was always happy to have you under my wing." I smiled and pulled away.

"This doesn't mean you are giving me away for good, are you?" I asked with a teasing pout. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No! If it doesn't work out, you're always welcome to come back home." He replied with a little wink. We both laughed and we hugged once more.

After, we spoke about preparations and that I should stop by tonight to get myself acquainted with the building and the superior staff I will be working with. Since it was Friday, I wouldn't be starting until Monday, but it was a good idea to get to know the people I will be working for before my first day.

I dismissed myself from his office after we finished talked and returned to my cubicle. A couple other coworkers of mine gathered up and I told them the big news. They were excited and happy for me. One of them even insisted on hosting a farewell party for me at their home. I denied initially, but they insisted and others finally talked me into it.

We made our plans for Saturday afternoon and then went back to work. Mr. Tera said I could start packing and I could take my leave early, to visit the new company. I got an empty box from our copy room and packed all my stuff in there: a couple books, several photographs of my mother, father, grandfather and even my cat, Artemis. I packed all my things and headed out, everyone wishing me good luck and that they would see me tomorrow.

I got to my red little Beetle and put my box of things in the passenger side. I sat in my car, fishing in my purse for the business card that Mr. Tera provided me. I looked up the address in my iPhone and it was down the street. I turned the car on and went down the street, then parked in front of the building. The building looked to be about thirty stories tall and one whole side was nothing but windows. As it was six p.m., it was darkening outside and you could see along the building what floors were lit and which weren't. I looked at the business card again before entering the building. I was right; the thirtieth floor.

I make my way inside and before I was to go towards the elevators, I was supposed to sign in. This Uchiha guy must be very important if he has security down here- I signed in and then went into a lone elevator. I clicked to last button on the bottom right that read "30". The elevator dinged and closed, bringing me up. The elevator dinged again and opened its doors, allowing me out.

I was welcomed to a very nice smelling room, was it vanilla? The room was lit up, and I was at a front office. A blonde woman, similar to Mr. Tera's assistant was sitting at the desk, typing away. I approached her and she looking up at me.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked.

"Hi,my name Inzei Marcs, I'm coming from Tera's company down the street?" She nodded. "I'm just stopping in to meet the main employer and any employee I would be working with." I explained.

"Give me one second, okay honey?" She asked. She looked to her phone and dialed a number, then picked it up. She mumbled something in the phone then looked up at me. "Someone will be coming out momentarily to escort you in." She smiled and rained back to typing. Across from there one desk were was a couch along the wall. I sit and it's kind of awkward actually. All that could be heard was the typing of the girl at the front desk.

I looked around; the same fogged window wall that separated Mr. Tera's office from our cubicles, separated the front desk from the other offices. It looked really modern, the colors flowed really well. I tried looking on the other side of the of the windows, but the fogged complex of the windows didn't allow me to. I saw some figure walking towards the door that led into the offices and another woman appeared. She was dressed the same way as the girl from the front desk, except with light brown hair let loose.

"Miss Marcs?" I stood up.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked. She smiled at me and motioned me towards the door.

"Please, follow me." I followed her and the woman at the front desk smiled, and I walked passed the glass wall and there was a large hall that led to another fogged glass window wall. On the left side of the hall were several cubicles and on the right side of the hall were a handful of singular desks. Towards the other glass wall, there was another reception desk, I'm assuming that you needed to speak with someone to enter the main boss' quarters.

"So you are the representative from Tera, correct?" She asked as she led me down the hall.

"Yes, I am. I thought that I would stop by to get acquainted with the building and staff before I actually started working." I chuckled a bit. I was actually rather nervous about being here. I don't know what it was, but I had some sense of impelling emotion. Was it doom? Was it nervousness? Was I excited?

"Well, you've made a smart choice. That just shows your potential as a good worker!" she said with a smile. We made it to the reception desk and she stepped around the desk. "I'm glad you've joined our company, Miss Marcs, I think you will fit in very well." I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you very much." I told her. She smiled back.

"I'm not so well with authority, so you can call me 'Sophie'. The girl at the front desk, her name is Serena." she said, moving some things around the counter.

"My name is Inzei, pronounced 'een-say', but you can call me Inzi." She looked at me curiously.

"That is a very unique name. Where does it originate from?" she asked. She put an electronic pad on the counter in front of me. "Alright, I'm going to need your finger prints, so you have access to our rooms." she said, showing me how to do it. I stepped closer to the counter and pressed each finger individually onto the pad.

"My name has Japanese origin. It means 'royalty'. My mother is Japanese so she passed down a Japanese name. It's pretty weird, a Japanese first name with an American last name." I laughed a bit. She chuckled, shaking her head with a smile.

"It's actually really unique." she responded. "It would make you stand out among the other girls." The electronic pad finished taking my finger prints and she asked me to place my hands on it individually. It scanned my hands and then she smiled, taking back the electronic pad.

"Would you need anything else?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"There is some paperwork I need you to fill out, but you can take them home with you and bring them with you on Monday." she said. She walked around the counter towards me, then to a door right besides the counter. "All right, I hope you're ready to meet your new boss." My heart beat started to quicken. I was anxious, yet excited.

She knocks on the door and then she places her hand on the doorknob. The door makes a humming sound and beeps a positive sound, then the door unlocks. The door opens and I'm welcomed by the last of the sunset. There was a shadow that was standing by the window, watching the last of it go. The sun disappeared behind the horizon and my eyesight focused on the shadow.

A black suit and dark black hair. Imagine the cockatiel bird's little mohawk; this man's hair was about the same style. He turned around and my heart jumped into my throat. Oh my, he's handsome.

"Mr. Uchiha, this is Miss Inzei Marcs. She's the representative from Tera that will be working with us from now on." He looked me up and down. I could feel my face growing warm.

"Thank you." He simply said. She nodded and then excused herself.

Wait what, I was being left alone? I turned to look at her desperately, but she just smiled and winked at me. It's going to be okay, she mouthed to me. The door closed and I felt my eyes burning the back of my neck. I turned around slowly and he was still standing where he was, staring at me intently.

"Inzei Marcs." He repeated. I jumped at the sound of my name.

"Y-Yes sir?" I was nervous. He narrowed his gaze.

"Inzei, that's a Japanese originating name. Are you Japanese?" He asked.

"I'm half Japanese. My mother is Japanese and my father is American." I explained. He huffed and left his post from the window, coming closer to me. He was probably about five foot nine, maybe an even six. His facial feature were smooth and serious. His body looked built but I couldn't see much from his clothing. I unintentionally examined him and made eye contact with him.

His serious eyes really caught me off guard and I flushed.

"Is there something the matter with my clothing, Inzei Marcs?" He questioned me. I shook my hands and my head.

"N-No, no! Your wardrobe looks very fitting on you, sir." Wait. I put a hand to my mouth and I was probably as red as my dress shirt. I saw a small smirk on his face. Was it a smirk? Or is my vision becoming impaired because of how much I'm embarrassing myself right now?

"Sit, Inzei Marcs." He beckons me to sit in the black lounge chairs in front of his desk, while he sits in a matching one of his own. "How old are you?" He asked.

"I, I am twenty-two, sir." I replied.

"Are you familiar with marketing and distribution?"

"Yes sir, I used to hold a position within Tera that dealt with such activities, like marketing, distribution, and manufacturing." My blush has disappeared and I was probably as serious as he was. He examined me some more.

"Inzei Marcs, do you have a boyfriend?" I almost choked, I was so surprised.

"I-I'm sorry?" I asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He repeated. Why is he asking such a thing, is he interested in me?

"N-No, I don't. W-Why do you ask?" He nodded.

"In case you need to spend weekends at work if we are too occupied." He answered. I swallowed a lump in my throat. Jeez, he asked so bluntly. "You will be paid extra for staying weekends over, Inzei Marcs."

"You can call me, Inzi if you prefer." I told him, uncomfortable by the many times he's said my full name. He stared at me and I stayed silent. It was so awkward. He just continued staring and I couldn't help but blush. What was he looking at?

"Miss Marcs, you will be working at one of the desks in front of Sophie's. She will show you, and give you more on your new position." He turned away in his chair. "You can excuse yourself." I stood up and my heels clicked against the wooded floor. I reached for the door and it opened carelessly, and closed back with a hum and a lock.

"Welcome back." I heard Sophie say. She was sitting behind her desk, looking at me with a smile. I went to stand in front of her, the counter separating us.

"Waah, he's really intimidating." I said, trying to remove my anxiousness. She shrugged a bit and chuckled.

"Mr. Uchiha is someone to get used to. He was quite intimidating when we first started as well, but it's a grown personality." She said, standing. She reached for a folder that was sitting besides her keyboard. "Here's your folder, inside you will find documents that need to be signed, personal documents we need and also information about our hours." She handed me the folder and went around the counter.

"Thank you." I said. She nodded and beckoned me to follow. She took me to the nearest desk in front of her receptionist desk.

"This is your personal desk. Since you have more expertise in more areas, you don't have to be stuck in a small cubicle- lucky you!" In a way, it was still a cubicle, because it was surrounded by walls with one entrance but it had much more room than the cubicle I had at Tera. It provided a long desk with a two monitor computer, shelves and drawers, a printer, shredder, even a miniature refrigerator.

"Wow, this is so much nicer and spacious than Tera." I said. She giggled.

"Mr. Uchiha is a blessing in disguise to the girls with talent." She says. Blessing in disguise? He doesn't seem so much like it.

Sophie spoke to me about rules and regulations; basically that timeliness is very important and that nothing can't be done without at first talking to Mr. Uchiha. I had to be in my office by seven a.m., Monday morning. I said good-bye to Sophie and Serena and left the building. I had to sign out, then I drove home.

That evening, his eyes were bothering me. They bore so deep into me, that it woke me up in my sleep several times in a sweat. Why am I feeling this way? Why is this happening?

Saturday afternoon came, and I was sent a text message by one of my coworkers from Tera who was hosting a farewell party at their home for me. I showed up and many of my coworkers were there, even Mr. Tera, who couldn't stay very long. The party consisted of music, alcoholic drinks, and lots of appetizers. The party went by well, so well, that I was intoxicated.

My coworkers house was down the street from the condos that I lived from. I had came walking, but I didn't anticipate getting drunk and walking back home. When I left the house, I had only a buzz, but as I progressed down the street it came back to me.

"...zei Marcs?" I heard my name, but everything was a blur. My hearing was a blur, my sight was a blur, my speech was a blur and my balance was a blur. I turned around to the muffled voice which spoke my name, but I couldn't make out who it was. I slurred something stupid to the blur in front of me and leaned on them, taking my shoes off.

Honestly that's the last thing I remember.


I was having dinner at restaurant down the street from where I lived. I lived in the penthouse of some condos. I was doing some work but it was so stifling being in the house, so I had decided to bring my work with me and go out.

Once I finished, I was presented with a surprise. As I was leaving the restaurant, I saw someone rather familiar, however their intoxicated walk made me doubt my thoughts.

"Inzei Marcs?" The girl turned around and my prediction was right. It was her and she was very drunk.

"Oh hey, bossss." She had slurred. She wobbled over to me and removed her heels. The smell of the alcohol reeked from her mouth, and she mumbled something to me again, then leaned on me and fell asleep. I was pretty clueless as in what to do.

"Sophie." It was the only thing I could think of.

"Yes, Mr. Uchiha?" Sophie asked over my iPhone.

"Do you have the address to Inzei Marcs' home?" I asked, having gone back in to the restaurant.

"No, Mr. Uchiha, I don't, forgive me. Since we gave her the documents to fill over the weekend and to bring her personal documents on Monday, we have nothing on her."


"I'm sorry, Mr. Uchiha. May I ask what the matter is?" She asked. Inzei groaned in her sleep.

"I found an intoxicated Inzei Marcs outside walking and she's fallen asleep on me. I'm at the cafe down the street and I wanted to take her home, but.."

"Ooh, that's very unprrofessional of her." I scoffed. "What do you plan on doing?" She asked. I looked over at her; she was peacefully sleeping, leaning on the window. Her black hair was in her face and I brushed it aside.

I wasn't sure what is was, but I was.. Attracted to her. I don't know what it was but something about he that made me.. Want her.

"I'll bring her home with me, I suppose." Sophie was shocked and tried to talk me out of it, but I just hung up. I picked her up and went out of the restaurant and to the car.

I placed her in the back of my black Maserati, laying her down carefully. I sat down in the driver's seat and turned the car on and drove on slowly as to not to wake her. The complex wasn't far, Las Ventanas was practically down the street from the cafe but I preferred driving.

I made it to the parking garage and opened the door to the passenger back. She was curled into a ball, her skirt riding up. I contained myself from having a peek up the skirt, and gently pulled it down. I picked her up, bridal style and went inside the building. Maybe living in the penthouse estate didn't help my situation; she wasn't heavy, but having to hold her for so long was tiring.

I unlocked the apartment and went inside. It was a one bedroom penthouse, so she had no where else to go than my bed. I placed her on the other side of my king sized bed and covered her up with a blanket. She groaned and wrapped the blanket in her face, taking a deep breath. I chuckled.

Natural beauty is always appreciated, but artificial is preferred. However, when she came to meet me, she was in her work uniform, and she had no make up. All the women at my office wear make up. Often times, too much, but she wasn't. She had a soft lipgloss that made her lips sparkle and that was it. Her face was clean of make up and she looked rather.. Beautiful, compared to her now new coworkers.


I groaned, turning over in my bed. I never realized how comfortable this bed was. It was like feathers, plus the pillows. And the blankets were like clouds. Was I on Cloud 9?

I internally laughed and stretched, but quickly curled back into a ball. Words of advice, don't drink, okay?

A stomach ache and blistering headache is what I suffered from. I groaned and rolled over again, then my eyes fluttered open. I thought my vision was blurred as well because I was not seeing my room. I rubbed my eyes and my vision wasn't blurred. I wasn't in my room.

My heart sank. Oh please, no. Did I go home with some random guy? Was I kidnapped on my way home? Did I get raped? I peeled the blankets off and I was relieved I still had my clothes on. I looked at my wrists and they were clean, no rope marks or anything. I felt overall fine, except for the hangover.

I looked around the room. It was spacious, very spacious compared to my bedroom. The color scheme was pearl whites and cream. One whole wall of the room was a window. I got out of the bed and walked over to it. It gave me the midnight view of the city. The city was a sleepless one, always full of lights and color, which is why I had chosen the apartment I did.

This location gave me the same view as my bedroom did, except much higher. Am I in Las Ventanas? Who's penthouse was this?

I walked to the door of the bedroom and peeked out. I was amazed; the penthouse was so spacious and beautiful. Long couches, a fireplace and a huge flat screen television, a full kitchen with an island in the middle, even a little mini bar. Outside was a beautiful patio with a fire pit, various lounge chairs and a pool.

"Wow." I said quietly.

"You're awake." I gasped and backed into the room. The voice sounded all too familiar but I couldn't place a name of the voice.

"W-Who, who are you?" I asked, my back against a wall, hiding from my kidnapper.

"Come out and you'll see." He replied. I was slightly panting due to the fright he gave me.

"H-How can I trust you?" I stammered. I heard an annoyed sigh.

"I have no intentions of hurting you, if I would have, I would have already done it." Whoever he was, had a point. But could I trust him? I don't even know who it is.

After a couple minutes of contemplation, I finally stepped out. I cautiously looked around and I first saw legs. Black socks, black skinny jeans, a dark blue shirt, and cockatiel shaped hair. Oh. No.

I bowed immediately. "Mr. Uchiha, I am so, so, so, so, so sorry about this!" I can't believe it. I can not believe it. Of all the people who could have taken me home, it was my boss, my boss, who picked me up and took me to his home. "I'm so sorry about this, but thank you for being the one who picked me up." I straightened, getting a better look at him. He looked handsome in suit, but casual clothing? My breath was taken away.

"You know, it's real unprofessional to find your new employee, drunk on the way home." Yikes. I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yes sir, I know, but my coworkers at Tera held a farewell party for me and they dared me to.." I trailed off, rather not telling him of what childish things we did that would probably disappoint him. He rose an eyebrow, expecting another explanation. "I don't ever drink like this sir, and I feel horrible that you had to see me like this and I know I've already replaced that first impression I left on you with a bad one." I bowed again, then looked back up at him. He just stared at me, then picked up a short, crystal glass from the counter and went to the couch. It had ice and and brown liquid. I'm the one begging for forgiveness when he's drinking whiskey in my face, I internally sighed.

He said nothing, but sat at the couch, where there was his laptop sitting on the couch and several papers spread around. He set his glass down on a coaster of the coffee table. He picked up his laptop and started working on stuff from work, I assumed, and I was just left standing looking like an idiot.

I went over to the window and looked out to the lively city. "Hey, Mr. Uchiha, is this complex Las Ventanas?" I asked him. He grunted an affirmative yes. "Wow, I knew this view was familiar. I live in an apartment a couple stories down." I told him. I felt a glare at the back of my neck.

"Well, next time you plan on getting drunk senselessly, carry your wallet or your address on you, so that way, when I find you, I can take you home." He said, rather rudely. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "Your purse and your shoes are by the nightstand where you were sleeping. You can excuse yourself." It's the same as it was at the office. I don't know, maybe I was expecting him to be more laid back, more casual, but if he's just the same? What a turn off.

I went back to the bedroom and I grabbed my heels and my purse. I went out the room and I went behind him.

"Like I said before, I'm sorry that you had to see me that way, and thank you for bringing me home." He ignores me, too caught up with his work to noticed. He huffed, looking a bit confused at what he was doing. He was working on Excel, trying to transfer some information he received and make a new chart, but something wasn't turning out right. I examined what it was he was doing and figured it out.

"Look, you forgot to add these piece of data." I said, pointing at the piece of paper he was holding. "Once you add it, you should left click and click the first option that shows up and then it will be done." He did as I suggested and he got his desire result. He didn't say thanks and I didn't wait for him to say it either so I just left his home. I went down the hall and to elevator. Floor number twelve, eight floors down from where my attractively handsome boss works.

Should I be thinking that? Whoops.

It would be an understatement to say that I didn't want go to work Monday morning; I would rather die than see Mr. Uchiha again. Even though he is handsome and I would like to fawn over him again, the embarrassment I suffered Saturday night, makes it not worth it.

I arrive at work about ten minutes earlier than my needed time. Since my new uniform shirt wasn't going to be in soon, I had went shopping for white and gray dress shirts to match with the other girls. I fixed my hair in my car, applied a bit of lipgloss as I saw Sophie walking past my car and towards the building. I grab my bag and catch up to her.

"Hey Sophie, good morning." I said with a smile.

"Oh, well if it isn't Miss Drunkard." She said with crude smile. He told. I laughed nervously.

"So I guess you heard about that, huh?" I ask as we enter the building. We sign in and make it into the elevator.

"Yes, Mr. Uchiha called me to see if he could get your address to take you home but since we have you the documents to fill over the weekend, I failed to provide him with that information." Something told me that she was mad. "He simply said he was going to take you home and I started to say that I could contact Tera and ask but he hung up." Could it be jealousy?

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I apologized. She turned to look at me.

"Just be glad that Mr. Uchiha didn't fire you on the spot." She growled. I was taken aback by her words but she had a point. At least I still had my position.

The elevator dinged and we arrived at our destination. Sophie took me to my desk and I was allowed to set up. It wasn't long before the other employees began to show up, which surprisingly were all women. I didn't put much thought to it and shrugged it off.

My extra-large cubicle was the closest to Mr. Uchiha's office. So oh so lucky me, made eye contact with him when he walking by. He stopped and I stood up.

"Good morning, Mr. Uchiha." I bowed. He eyed me in a weird way. It wasn't a glare and it wasn't really a stare either. He was examining me. What he was looking at however I didn't know, because once he left I looked at myself in my pocket mirror and found nothing wrong.

My heart did palpate faster when his presence was around but that didn't stop me from doing my job. But my beating heart continued to quicken as I had to go speak with him directly now.

I stood up and stepped out of my cubicle. Several women, blondes, brunettes, even a redhead donned the same buns that Serena from the front did. Only Sophie and I had our hair down; it made me wonder if there was a hair rule I had to follow?

I went to Sophie's desk and she was arranging my personal documents in a file after having scanned them into the computer. She sat down in her desk and looked up at me.

"Yes?" She asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I need to speak with Mr. Uchiha, please." She eyed me then picked up the phone, asking him if I could come in. She put the phone down then signaled me with her head to go in. I knock on the door and stick my head in.

"Mr Uchiha?" I asked. He looked up from his desk, his hand holding a pen to his head, I had caught him mid-thought.

"Well it looks like your hangover is gone." Why does everyone insist on bringing that up. I internally sighed and stepped to stand in front of his desk. "What do you want?"

"Is that how you treat your employees?" I retorted. He rose an eyebrow and I should have kept my sassy mouth shut. I have a bad habit of blurting stuff out. We talked briefly about what I needed from him and what he needed from Tera.

"You can excuse yourself." He said when we finished. I rolled my eyes.

"You excuse yourself." I replied under my breath. I swear I saw a smirk on his face.


Sophie entered my office before Inzei left. Did I just call her by her first name? That's odd.

I heard what she said under her breath. "You excuse yourself." Honestly, she was different and that was attractive. All these other girls would just bow their heads and run. This woman on the other hand, didn't let herself go down without a fight. She was sassy and smart.

In the end, she did excuse herself as she left, and Sophie watched her leave.

"Mr. Uchiha, her hair is long, should I tell her that she needs to tie it up into the bun like the other women?" She asked. I looked over to the blur that was Inzei Marcs. Her black hair seated behind her as she walked into her cubicle. I looked at Sophie and shook my head.

"It's fine." I told her. She scoffed.

"Mr. Uchiha, but really it won't be fair to-"

"I said it's fine." I repeated to her, my voice more stern. She jumped at my reaction and looked down.

"Yes sir." She said quietly. "Excuse me." She opened the door and walked out. I rolled my eyes. Typical reaction. This is why all these women were so unattractive to me. They all reacted the same to me. Scared cats.

Inzei Marcs. The lioness that dares to challenge the lion. I started to think of Saturday night; when she just came to me and fell asleep on me. As drunk as she was, it was amusing. Her intoxicated smell was strong but the smell of her perfume was stronger. Words can't describe what her perfume was but the smell was sweet and enticing.

The smell of her perfume was still in the room now. Get a hold of yourself, really. She's an employee. Ican't, I shouldn't be thinking of her this way.


A couple days went by and Sophie's attitude towards me hasn't changed. She was bitter towards me all the time, yet to the other girls she was her cheery, usual self like when I first met her.

Mr. Uchiha has seemingly been trying to avoid me, and is currently on a business trip. I have sent him various emails, to no avail.

The other women at work don't really talk to me, since it seems that word has gone around that Mr. Uchiha favors me. I almost died laughing when I hear that rumor.

Like Mr. Uchiha favors me. Me, the girl he took drunk home, the girl that just danced into his company from another, the girl that pesters him with business.

I doubt he would favor me. Honestly, I think he doesn't even like me. What would he like about me? I'm plain compared to the other girls here. Large chests, prettier hair, make up, and good looking body. Then there's me; no make up, plain, black hair, wonky curves and a basic chest and behind.

I sighed to myself. The day was over and it was finally time go home. I stretched and the other women passed by my cubicle, once again whispering things. I've come to ignore it. Rumors are only the source of jealousy.

I headed out to my little Beetle and made my way home. As I got to Las Ventanas, I go in and see that there's an elevator closing.

"Hold the elevator!" I called. My heels clicked as I ran and I stumbled into the elevator. The door dinged and the doors shut, but my riding partner caught me. I laughed at my clumsiness and apologized, until I realized who it was.

"Well if it isn't Mr. 'I'm on a business trip and can't answer your emails'-Uchiha." I stood up and brushed myself off. He scoffed, trying to look annoyed but I could see a hidden smirk.

"Well if it isn't Miss Drunkard." I waved my hand at him, shooing him away.

"That doesn't faze me anymore." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. I clicked the twelfth floor button and the elevator began to climb upward.

It was kind of awkward, riding the elevator with the boss that claimed to be busy but actually wasn't. And you could tell he wasn't because he was in casual clothing. The boss that was incredibly handsome but you couldn't do anything about.

It was a silent ride up until something happened at the tenth floor. There was a sound and the elevator buckled, the lights flickering. I lost my balance and bumped into him. He wrapped an arm around me as support and we were both looking up at the floor we were on.

"We're stuck." He said.

"Uh, Mr. Uchiha?" I hadn't realized until now, that he was holding me. His hands were strong and firmly, and I could feel the warmth from his body that made me blush. He looked over at his arms and let go, and we both put a distance between us.

He pressed the button that opened the doors but they wouldn't budge. The lights flickered off and an emergency light turned on. He pressed the emergency button and there was a beep. Soon a voice was coming in.

"Elevator two, this is the elevator crew, is there anyone inside?" He leaned into the voice box.

"Yeah, there's two people in here." He replied.

"Alright, the elevator system went down, so it might be a couple minutes." I groaned and he glanced over at me.

"How long will be exactly?" I asked, looking at my watch. They took a while to respond.

"We can't tell you for sure but approximately thirty to sixty minutes." I groaned again. I'm stuck with Mr. Uchiha for half an hour to an hour. I noticed that he signed and he sat down.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He looked up at me as if I was stupid.

"Are you going to stay standing for half an hour or more?" He asked. Well he had a point. He was sitting besides the door and the buttons and I say in the corner adjacent to him. We both sighed. What are we going to do for half an hour? I look down at my hands and start fiddling with my fingers.

"So did you really go on a business trip? Or have you been home the whole time?"


I could lie and tell her I went out of the country.

"I was home. I wanted to be away from work for a while." But instead the truth was coming out. She started to laugh. Her laughter was beautiful and somewhat contagious. A chuckle slipped.

"I can't believe you actually admitted it." She said, her smile was stunning. I shrugged and her smile died down. "It's not because of me is it?" She asked. I was surprised by her sudden question.

"No." I told her. "You don't bother me at all. It's been Sophie who's been nagging at me. She's been nagging at me about you because I've let you get away with things." Why is everything pouring out like a fountain. She gasped quietly and looked down. Her hair was in her face but I could tell she was blushing. It was very cute.

Cute? Beautiful? Stunning? What is happening to me?

She laughed nervously and looked up, the blush still evident on her face.

"It's funny because there's rumor around the office that you favor me.. I didn't believe it because, well.. uh.." She trailed off, and spiked my curiosity.

"Because what?" I asked her. She looked at me nervously, then down at her fingers.

"Well, I left such a bad impression on you and I just think that we clash whenever we are together." she replied. "Honestly, I think you don't like me."

"I do like you." She looked up at me with another blush. "I don't know what it is about you that.. just attracts me." She put her hands up to her face, embarrassed by my sudden confession. Internally, I was pissed at how shitty my self-control was at keeping emotions at bay.

Flustered and not being able to come up with words, she just squealed quietly and hides her face in her hands and hair. She was like a teenager. I think we could continue this. I crawled over to her and sat besides her. I nudged her and she looked up at me startled.


"Hey, let me try something." he said softly.

My heart was beating in my ears. Could he not hear it? It's impossible that he can't hear it, it was trying to beat it's way out of my chest. My face burned as he sat besides me, and was now reaching for my face. His right hand cupped my cheek and I flinched. He pulled his hand back, a surprisingly hurt expression on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, M-Mr. Uchiha." He shook his head.

"May I try again?" He asked gently. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say yes. I just sat there and tried to swallow my heart. He rose his hand up again and cupped my cheek. I unconsciously leaned into his hand and looked into his eyes.

Mr. Uchiha and I have never been up close and personal. Really, I thought that he wouldn't be this type a person. To smile, to chuckle, much less show me the feelings he's showing me right now. It's not physical but.. his eyes show the inside. There's curiosity, but there's power. Whatever he's doing and planning, he's going to go through it.

And that made me nervous.

His hand was still holding my cheek, his eyes looking at my blushing face and my own brown eyes. He kept looking back and forth from my eyes and my lips and we both unconsciously started moving closer to each other. My heart pounded and my body was anticipating.

My breath was shaky and his was calm and collected. He was smaller than inches away from my face and I could smell his scent. His lips brushed mine, barley enough to get me to shiver.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I shook my head.

"It's.. It's okay." I somehow whispered back. He gave out a little relieved sigh then closed the gap between us.

It's hard to explain what I was feeling. It's difficult to put into words but- it felt like electricity was running through my body. Every inch of my body was feeling this and it felt so, right. His hand moved behind my neck, holding me still; it's not like I would move away.

My lips parted open and he took advantage and slipped his tongue in. My tongue met with his and they intertwined together momentarily before we split apart, both slightly panting for air.

"M-Mr. U-Uchiha.." I stammered quietly. He put a finger on my lips and shushed me.

"Call me Sasuke." He whispered. He put his forehead against mine and we both breathed each other's air. It like being intoxicated, but it felt so much more better. One hundred times better than drinking. No pain, just a tingling sensation that you don't mind getting hung over of.

I wanted more. I wanted more. But just at that moment that we were about to start the second round, the elevator bucked and we were moving again. We both were startled and the bell dinged, signaling we've made it to the first destination: the twelve floor.

He stood up and offered me his hand for help. I took his warm hand and stood up. I didn't want to let go but I had to.

"Good bye." I managed to say, quietly, stepping out. I wasn't expecting anything in response anyways.

"Wait," he called, stopping the elevator door and grabbing my wrist, stopping me. I turned to look at him, a blush still strong on my face. "Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked. I smiled softly.

"If you come back from your business trip, you will." Keeping it sassy until the end. I gave him a small wink and he chuckles, before letting me go.

"Good bye, Inzei." He said as the elevator doors closed shut. My heart pounded in my throat.

Just what had happened?


I stole a kiss. I don't know what it was in me, but I craved it. I had a desire for her lips, her breath, her taste. And I shouldn't have done it, because now I'm addicted.

All of her, was like a drug to me. I wanted more. I wanted more of her. I wanted all of her.

I'm not sure what it is that I had to do. I couldn't get her out of my head. She haunted my dreams, her laughter brought me to smile.

Everything about her was just so.. enticing. I wanted to devour her all. I wanted her to be mine only.

This is quite the desire I'm asking for. What if she doesn't feel the same? Besides, I'm her employer and she's the employee. There's no way she would, could, or want to do anything.

But she didn't reject me. When I apologized, if she didn't want me to continue, she would have said so. She would have denied me. She would have told me to stop.

But she didn't. She didn't ask me to stop, she said it was okay. I took advantage of her and she let it happen.

Her personality, her laughter, her natural beauty, her smell, her taste; I was asking for so much but if I asked her, would she give it to me?


I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned in my bed. A left over electricity still ran through my body.

He kissed me, he actually kissed me. The kiss was gentle, although it had some power that felt like he wanted more.

He wanted more and I felt the same way. But isn't this sort of stuff taboo? Between employee and employer? Couldn't one of us get fired for this? It would more than likely be me.

I was so caught up in a tsunami of thoughts, that I only got about an hour or so of sleep. That plus I was late to work ten minutes late. Hooray for me.

I made it to my cubicle with a rush and I put my stuff down panting. Sophie comes over to my cubicle and stands in the doorway.

"You're late." She says with her new attitude towards me. I take off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack provided it my cubicle.

"Yes I'm aware." I replied. She looked me up in down as I fixed my hair and showed me a clear scowl.

"Mr. Uchiha is back and he's requested to see you." She almost spat at me. My stomach flipped.

"What?" He asked for me? My heart began to flutter.

"Mr. Uchiha is asking you to go into his office to speak with you, do you not understand?" She repeated.

"I'm not stupid, I understand, I'll go." She gasped, offended. I don't understand why she's offended when she practically called me stupid, but that was the least of my concerns.

As she walked away, I quickly pull out the mirror in one of my drawers and fixed my appearance. Oh no, I have growing dark circles under my eyes. I groaned, but couldn't do anything about it. I fixed my hair, my shirt and skirt and put my mirror away and went towards his office.

I knocked on the door and opened it. "Mr. Uchiha?" I stepped in and closed the door behind me. He looked up at me and stood. "You requested to see me?" My nerves were building up. He nodded.

"Yes, I did, I need to show you something." He said. He was so normal. It's as if nothing happened. Am I the only one who's making a big deal out of this?

I internally sighed and he went to one closet of his office and beckoned me over. I sluggishly followed, my mood completely shut down. I step past the other side of the closet door and I see bookshelves and cabinets.

"Close the door." He said, looking into some drawers and through files. "What we are going to speak about is private and only between us." My heart didn't flutter. It was only business. That's all it ever was.

I closed the door behind me and leaned on it, awaiting the next command. He came up to me and bent over into my field of vision.

"You got no sleep either?" He asked softly. I was caught off guard.

"What?" He straightened and I looked up at him.

"It looks like you didn't get any sleep either." He repeated in his gentle tone of voice.

"Either? You didn't get any sleep either?" He shook his head.

"I couldn't stop thinking about last night." He replied. My heart started to flutter again.

"Y-Yeah, me either." I stuttered. He exhaled somewhat happily and then stepped closer to me.

"Say, Inzei?" I looked at the space in between us and looked up at him with a blush. He gave a smirk. "Do you like me?" He asked, putting his palm on the door besides my head. My heart fluttered nonstop and my stomach was doing constant flips.

"M-Mr. U-Uchiha, I don't think we should be talking about this at this moment." I stammered. He moved his palm and placed his elbow on the door, coming even closer to me. He put his head right by mine.

"That's not what I asked." He whispered. I shuddered and he picked up my hair in his free hand and moved my head to the side, exposing my neck. He leaned in close, I could feel his warm breath on my neck and I shivered. Little bolts of electricity ran down my neck and through my body.

"M-Mr. Uchiha.." I struggled to speak. He placed his lips right behind my ear, breathing gently and kissing softly. I had a weak spot and I couldn't keep still. I could feel his lips smile but he continued to do his torture to me. He kissed and breathed, and I tried to move away, but I didn't want to at the same time.

"Didn't I tell you to call me something else?" He sounded so calm and collected. I squeal slipped out of my lips and he began to nibble and suckle on the nape of my neck. The little lightening bolts grew stronger.

"S-Sasuke, please stop." I almost moaned. He does stop, but looks at me.

"Do you really want me to stop Inzei?" He asked seriously. I looked at his eyes, panting. Did I want him to stop? No, I didn't.

"N-No." I answered. He smirked and he started kissing my neck again, this time, letting go of my hair and letting his hand roam down the side of my body. His touch was tantalizing and his kisses were bolts running through my body. He ran his hands down my side, around my waist, even cupped my breasts. "Please, Sasuke, wait." I begged. He pulled away, looking at me.

"What is it, Inzei?" He asked gently. His feelings were so intense and I didn't want him to stop.

"We really shouldn't be doing this. " I said between my panting. "Either of us could get in real trouble for doing this here." He sighed a bit.

"I know it's just, I couldn't help myself." He leans in again and starts kissing my neck more. I let out a groan and push him back.

"Sasuke, please." I begged. He sighed again and pulled himself back.

"You didn't answer my question, Inzei." He said, putting some space between us. As I tried to calm my breath down, I tried to remember what it was he asked. "Do you like me?" My heart was pounding. I didn't know how to respond.

"Well, I-I.." He smirked and leaned into me.

"I've got an idea. If you do like me, accept what I'm about to do. If you don't, push me away." He said in a very teasing manner. He placed a hand under my chin and gingerly made me look up at him. He then placed his lips on mine and gave me the most hot, passionate kiss, that was even stronger than before. His tongue scoured for mine and it stole my breath away. When he pulled away, my face was burning and he was panting alongside me.

"So I guess that's a yes?" He asked, the smirk still on his face. I couldn't respond as I gasped for air and just nodded. He smiled this time and pulled me, pressing my body against his. I could feel everything, even a certain something that was bulging to me. I blushed furiously and he picked me up and spun me around. He placed me back down on the ground and looked at me. "Come to my room tonight." He said and placed his lips gently on my forehead.

"S-Sasuke." I whined. He looked at me curiously and chuckled.

"What?" He asks. My breathing had finally calmed down and my blush had settled. I reached for his tie and began to fix it.

"I hate you for making me feel this way first thing in the morning." I told him. He gave me a smirk and I tightened his tie purposely. He choked and tugged it loose. I laughed then pulled him down by his tie and gave him a kiss on the lips. This time, he was the one that was caught by surprise. I fixed my clothing, in case my professional look got messed up. "I'll see you later, Sasuke." I opened the door and waved my fingers at him, leaving him behind. I went to exit his office and bumped into Sophie. She looked kind of pissed that I've been with her boss for too long.

"He's in the closet, he'll be out soon." She watched me walk out and I laughed because of the unintentional joke I made. I retreated toy cubicle and worked the rest of the day.

The day ended and anticipation built up. I was going to his home tonight. What was going to happen? I don't know but I couldn't wait. I ended up leaving early so I went ahead and went home. Once I got to Las Ventanas, I waited for him at the lobby. Once he arrived, I caught up with him and we rode the elevator together.

It's safe to say that the ride to the twentieth floor was hot and heavy. We couldn't keep off each other and heat threatened to take our clothes off. The elevator door dinged and we arrived at the twentieth floor. We laughed because we fogged up the elevator mirrors badly and ran to his home.

Last time I was here, I was hungover and really couldn't take in the view. But now I could and I had more time to. I removed my heels at the front of the house and he did the same. He began to take off his jacket and loosened his tie. I took my jacket off and placed it on the coat hanger while he went on his room. While he did that, I took the chance to go explore the penthouse.

It was rather beautiful. The color scheme fit so well, and the decor was pretty. I went out to the balcony outside and sat at the poolside. The lighting was very beautiful, and you got full view of the moon and starry sky. Not only that, the city life twenty stories down gave some colorful lights as well. I sighed, rather happy where I was. I heard the door open and close and Sasuke was standing, holding two glasses of brown liquid.

"Bourbon whiskey?" He asked. I chuckled, taking a glass from him.

"You're not trying to get me drunk, are you?" I asked him. He sat down besides me with a sigh and gave a smirk.

"I don't know, you seem kind of boring when you're drunk." He teased.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He smirked.

"Well you fell asleep on me." We laughed about it and talked about other things until we had nothing to talk about. Our drinks were done and we were just laying, looking up at stars.

"Hey Inzei?" He asked.

"Yes, Sasuke?"

"I want you." His words echoed in my head. My heart beat began to accelerate and a blush formed on my cheeks. "As in, I want to have sex with you." I covered my face, embarrassed.

"B-But why?" I asked nervously. He sighed and hummed, giving it a thought.

"You're gorgeous. You're not compared to the other girls in the office. You're not like them. They're weak and follow my whim. You, you have sass and you talk back. It was my first time experiencing that. Not only that, you know your stuff, you know what you're talking about. You don't cake yourself with makeup. You let your natural beauty show." He listed. "There's something about you that made me want you. I don't know what it was, but when we first kissed each other in the elevator, the night we were stuck, it's like I became addicted to a drug. All of a sudden, you were on my mind, you were what I wanted. I can't get you out of my head, Inzei. And I question if you feel the same." I squealed into my hands quietly.

"I always thought you were handsome. I didn't know what to do, though. You seemed so serious and I left a horrible bad impression with that after party. I was scared and I kept my feelings at check."

"When I first met you, you appealed my eye. And when I brought you home the first time, I admired your body. I got the smell of your perfume and it was intoxicating. It smelt so good." He chuckled. "Call me a freak, I guess, but you've been in my mind since then. I've tried to get you out, I was mad at myself because I couldn't. When we got stuck in the elevator, I took advantage. And I feel horrible about it." I lowered my hands and then turned over to him.

"I'm glad you did." I told him. "Because if not, we would probably still have pent up feelings and end up doing something that would really damage our appearance." He turned over to look at me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"So what do you say? Can I have you?"


She blushed and took a deep breath.

"Yes, you can." She said softly. I smiled and sat up, grabbing one of her hands and holding it in my two hands. She sat up as well, a blush resting on her cheeks.

"There's something I want to tell you about." I told her. I stood up and helped her stand and I took her with me to the bedroom. I pulled her into the closet and stood before some drawers. "Open that bottom drawer." She looked at me questionably but kneeled down and opened it anyways.

She opened the drawer and stared at what was in it. She hummed slightly and then started to rummage through it.

"Hmm, to think that Mr. Uchiha was into this kind of stuff." She looked up and smirked at me.

Faux hand cuffs, body tape, faux rope, a faux collar, lingerie, blindfolds, vibrators, paddles and leather whips were among the latter.

She hummed again and giggled slightly.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" She asked. I sat down besides her.

"Do you want to make a deal?" She looked at me curiously.

"What's your proposition?"

"In exchange for you being my little toy, I will treat you with the best sex possible." She looked down at the drawer.

"Am I just going to be a toy?" She looked back up at me. I shook my head and cupped her face.

"No, of course not. You would be my partner. Just think of some terms and conditions that we have to apply." She grabbed the faux collar and put it on. The tag on it was nameless, but fiddled with it anyways.

"What are the terms and conditions?"

"Let's see. For starters, whenever we are in bed, call me 'Master'." She gave a little smirk and leaned towards me.

"Oh, Master~" she said in a seducing voice. I smirked and pushed her over, standing over her on my hands and knees.

"As your 'master', you follow anything I say. And if you don't listen, you get a punishment, understand?" She nodded, even somewhat eagerly. "And Inzei, I have a horrible sense of self-control, as you can see." I lean down and playfully bite her neck. She giggles and groans softly.

"Mmm, it's okay, Master." She said. I shook my head, removing myself off of her and bringing her to sit up.

"No really, Inzei, I'm being serious. It might get so intense as to I might start hurting you without realizing it." She had a soft expression on her face.

"I understand." She says.

"So if it's ever the case that I am really hurting you, there's going to be a safe word. This safe word will make me stop what I'm doing immediately, okay?" She nodded. "The safe word is going to be 'Tera'. That should be something to remember easily."


I was excited, really. To think that Sasuke is into this kind of stuff? It makes me curious and anxious.

He told me the rules he set and explained my role. He explained about him causing me pain and that how our safe word would stop everything. He was so considerate as to make it something as easy to remember as my old company name.

"Wait, Sasuke?" He looks up at me.

"Yes Inzei?" He asked.

"What about birth control?" I asked. He cursed under his breath.

"I don't have any.." He muttered, looking the other way. I giggled a bit and he looked kind of mad at me. "What's so funny?" He snapped at me. I unbuttoned the dress shirt and pulled one of my arms out. I pointed to my right bicep, right above the space where the arm bends and pushed my skin down. A little rod was visible.

"Three years." I said with a smile. He smirked and knocked me down again, showering me with kisses and bites all over. It tickled when he kissed me all over and his bites felt so good. He continued to bite my neck and since my shirt was already unbuttoned, he proceeded to take the rest of it off.

I was left in my bra and skirt, starting to lose my breath. He pulled away and examined me. My arms were besides my head and my hair was all over the place.

"Your body is marvelous." He mentioned quietly. I blushed and he stood up, pulling me up and surprised me by carrying me bridal style. As he did that, he managed to unhook my bra. He unhooked it with a smirk and tugged at the front part down, revealing my breasts to him. He laid me down on the bed and I was at his full mercy.

He pulled my bra off and tossed it to some part of the room. He started off my cupping each breast and would massage it. Then he proceeded to land small kisses on my breasts, going all around the nipple and then started to lick the nipple. The feeling of his actions brought groans out and I blushed tremendously.

Sasuke's features and actions were fierce but his eyes shone of nothing but passion. My body cringed at every new place he would kiss and my heart accelerated more as he slipped his hand under my skirt.

He strokes and caresses gently over the thin fabric that covered the vital parts of me. My body would lean into his hand and my voice would beg more more.

"You can't move against my hand." He ordered quietly, after having left a trail of kisses from my breasts to my stomach. "Only I can make you feel good." He came up to me and had a smirk on his face, but it disappeared as he gave me a deep kiss. I break for air and start reaching for his clothing, and he began to bite my neck again.

"M-May I?" I asked, tugging at the buttons of his shirt. He pulled away, looking at my hands.

"Yes, you may." He said, sitting up against the pillows and the headboard. He patted his legs, asking me to straddle him. "Come here, my little kitty." He said. I get up and crawl over to him and straddle him as he requested, allowing a little meow to fit the name he put me. He gives me a smirk and I start undoing the buttons to his shirt. I was welcomed by abs and a midriff and a toned body, I wanted to scream.

But I kept my cool and ran my hands down his chest, leaning into him. He leaned his head to the side, exposing his neck to me.

"Can I?" I asked, running a finger down his exposed neck. I felt him shiver under me and I had to give a little smile. "Can I, Master?" He said nothing, but nodded. I leaned in and began to kiss and bite on his neck just as he did mine. He groaned and moved under me, and I felt something that wasn't there before touch my thigh. I smiled and wiggled against him. He groaned again and I made my kisses and bites stronger. He slips a hand under my all my hair and gently pulls me back.

"You've been such a good girl, I think I could give you some reward now." I heart thumped in my chest and my body trembled in excitement. He pushed me to sit up besides where he was sitting and kneeled over me. He ran his hands down the my sides and his fingers caught my skirt. He pulled the skirt and then felt again for the last layer that left me unexposed. He began to tug down, and I lifted my legs up so he could remove my last two articles of clothing. When he did, he threw it to another part of the room. I reached over and removed his shirt and threw it across the room as well.

He stayed kneeled in front of me, admiring my body. I felt self-conscious, as I had various stretch marks on my thighs and a tattoo of a dream catcher on the side of my right hip. It's fortunate that I can't stand pubic hair and always have to be clean.

"You're beautiful." He said after a while. I blushed and I covered my face, trying to hide my embarrassment. He pulled my hands down and leaned into me, taking my breath away with another deep kiss. He pulled away from the kiss and he rested his forehead on mine. "I'll be back, okay?" He gave me a small peck on the lips before retreating to the closet.

He came back with some things but wouldn't let me see. He put them on the bed behind him, then turned to me with a pair of black and red blindfolds. He had a bit of a smirk on his face and I agreed, he put them on me and it was comfortably dark. Whether I could see him or not, my sense of hearing was heightened and I could hear him moving some things around. It got silent and then he touched my shoulder and I yelped.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" He asked gently. I nodded.

"You did." I replied quietly. I heard him chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He responded. "Lay back, alright?" He guided my body to lay back and left one hand on me while he grabbed something else. He opened my hand and gently passed something over it.

"Is that a feather?" I asked him.

"Yes it is. I'm just letting you know what you're going to be feeling soon so I don't startle you." I couldn't help but smile and that's when I felt the feather by my ear. It tickled and I giggled a bit, wiggling a little. However, he didn't stop.

He trailed down my jawbone, across my lips, down the sides of my neck, between and around my breasts. He passed over my nipples, down my midsection, around my belly button, passes over my hips and then my thighs. There, he was tracing various shapes. I couldn't figure out what it was be was tracing until he reached the part where my tattoo would be. He was tracing my stretch marks.

"Every one of these marks shows how much you've beautifully grown. Every one of these marks makes you beautiful." He said softly and I grew embarrassed. He accepted my flaws, he didn't shame me. He made me feel good about my body, when I would otherwise feel unhappy about it.

His feather traced every one stretch mark after another, until he went down my thigh and in between my legs. I gasped, feeling strange. I felt weird, in a good way. He kept passing back and forth from between my two thighs and in between. His feather came to a stop in between and began to move up and down. My body bucked; the sensation was weird but I was enjoying. I would gasp for air and let out a small whimper.

The feather pulled away and I felt his body heat come over me. He placed his lips near my ear, breathing gently.

"You're so beautiful." He muttered. "I just want to ravish you." His breathing was slightly labored; I knew he truly did want to ravish me as I wanted him to.

He began kissing the nape of my neck and trailed kisses downwards. Down my neck, across my breasts, down my stomach. He kissed my thighs lovingly from the bottom up, each thigh and stopped as he came to the middle. He blew gently on my sensitive skin and my body wiggled.

"Whatever I do, you may not orgasm until I say it's okay for you to." The darkness behind the blindfold felt like it became darker when he said that, but the darkness was replaced by fireworks whenever he started to lick my most sensitive spot. I grabbed at the bed sheets, a moan escaping from my lips. He rolled his tongue around it, flicked it and my self-control completely failed to keep me quiet.

He lowered and inserted his mouth into me. The sensation was so powerful and my body couldn't take it. My moans grew louder and he suddenly pulled away.

"Remember what I told you." He warned. I pouted and I was panting. He chuckled and came closer to me. I could feel his shaky breath on my lips and he bit at my pouty lower lip. He ran his hand in between my legs, touching my damp sensitivity. "You've been doing so well." He passed his fingers across, allowing one to slip inside. I moaned and he took it out.

"Do you like that?" He asked huskily. I nodded quietly. He hummed. "I can't hear you." He sang.

"I like it, M-Master." I exhaled as he kisses my neck and passed his fingers through again. I could feel his smirk on my neck.

"Like what?" He asked, this time, allowing two fingers to slip in. I moaned and he pumped his fingers in and out several times. My body writhed and I gasped for air when he stopped to hear my answer. "I'm waiting." He added, running his other hand across my chin.


"I like it when you finger me, Master." She groaned. She was purely enjoying this. She was reaching her limit but I won't allow it so soon.

"You just like it?" I asked, lowering my head down to her left breast and took the nipple between my teeth. I rolled it and gently bit down. She gasped out in slight pain.

"I love it, Master, I love it!" She cried. I moved over to the other nipple and did the same. She gasped again and groaned in pleasure. She squeezed the pillows besides her head, her body writhing. I loved my view; her body was perfect and I wanted to devour her whole.

I bit at her nipples again all the while feeling her warmth inside. It was soft and sweet and I wanted to claim her already, but I wanted to play with her more.

Her sweet cries bounced off the walls and she continued to squirm.

"You can't climax, Inzei." I bit at the side of her breast rather roughly. She groaned and a bright red mark was left in sight.

"P-Please! Master, please!" She cried. I continued to rub between her legs, my hand already drenched with her natural lubrication.

"Please what?" I asked, interested in whatever she had to say. Her moans quieted and she hesitated to speak.

"Just fuck me already." I gave a smirk.

"Is that how a kitten speaks to her master?" I asked. She sighed a bit. "Beg for it, Inzei. Let me hear your desperate cries asking me to penetrate you." I went down to taste her again and I wasn't as gentle as the first. Her moans and cries filled the room and she couldn't keep still. She clawed at the blankets and she really did beg for it. She begged and begged and even had to stop me because she was just about to reach her breaking point.

"Please, Master." She begged weakly. "I can't take it anymore. I want you inside me." I reached for the blindfold and took it off. The fabric was damp; I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes.

"Inzei, have I hurt you?" I asked, worried. I came closer to her and placed a hand on her cheek, wiping a tear off with my thumb. "You know the safe word, why haven't you used it?" I asked her. She laughed and sniffled.

"Am I crying?" She asked, raising her hands to her eyes. She wiped a tear from her eye and looked at it on her fingertips. "Well would you look at that, I am crying." She looked at me and laughed a little. I was dumbfounded.

"So I didn't hurt you, Inzei? Please tell me the truth." I begged. She looked at me with such a beautiful smile, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

"The safe word is 'Tera', Sasuke. I remember." She knew I switched out of the "master" role and consoled me using my name. "It might have hurt a bit, but I know that if it hurts more than it feels good, I would let you know." She kissed my lips several times, consoling me. I smiled.

"Oh Inzei." I pressed my lips into hers, giving her a deep kiss. I pull her hands down from around my neck and move them down to my belt. She begins to undo my belt and undoes my pants. I pull away from the kiss and get off the bed, removing the rest of my clothing.

She had quite the blush and was kind of embarrassed looking at what she begged for. I gave a smirk and climbed onto the bed, widening the space between her legs.


My heart pounded in my chest, my body was anticipating what I asked for; and it was right in front of me. Honestly, I was embarrassed to look at him; never have I been with a man before, but Sasuke had such girth and length, it was breathtaking.

He placed himself between my legs, letting it run against my wet skin.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded. He gently started to push in and I was welcomed by an unexpectedly sharp pain.

"T-Tera, Tera!" I cried, gripping the sheets. He immediately stopped, looking up at me.

"It hurts, Inzei?" He asked. Several tears ran down my cheeks as I nodded. "Is it.. Inzei, am I the first man you've ever been with?" I looked away, embarrassed to answer and tried to bite back my tears.

"Yes." I answered quietly. He chuckled and stroked my cheek gently.

"Thank you for giving me such a privilege." He wipes my tears. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked, looking down at how much he's gone inside. He was about to start pulling out when I grabbed his arm.

"Please, don't stop." I said. He looked at my eyes, examining me carefully.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want to hurt you." He said softly. This time, I rose my hand to touch his cheek.

"It's supposed to feel really good right?" I asked him. "Please don't stop." I begged softly. He sighed softly.

"Okay, but we have ways to go." I nodded, letting him know it was okay. "I'll be gentle. If hurts, just tell me to slow down, okay?" I nodded and he began to push in slowly. It hurt, but I gripped the blankets and bit a pillow.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, worry in his voice. I nod, more tears coming out. "Just a little bit more Inzei, just breathe deeply." I tried to stick to his advice and he continued.

"There, I'm in all the way." He rested on his elbows on either sides of my head and pressed his bare body against mine. He put his forehead against mine and he was panting. "Are you okay?" I nodded.

"Y-Yes, I'm okay." I replied, my voice shaky. I wrapped my arms around him and grabbed at his back. "Just.. Just don't move, let me get used to this." I whispered quietly. He nodded, and began to place kisses on my neck, up my cheeks and on my lips.

It was so much. I felt him go in so deep, I felt my insides stretch to accommodate his size. The pain slowly started to subside and I told him that I was feeling better. At that, he slowly began to move back and forth. I whimpered as he did, as it hurt a bit. He apologized, but I shook my head.

"I'm okay now." I partially lied. He noticed my lie, and continued cautiously. He slowly moved back and forth and my body started to grow numb to the pain. Soon enough, my whimpers became small moans. Once he noticed, he increasingly began to pick up speed.

"Fuck.." He groaned under his breath. He maintained a medium tempo and he leaned his head down on my shoulder, biting down on me. I ran my hands through his hair, grabbing fistfuls as he thrust and rocked my body every time. My moans echoed back to me, but the only sound I listened to was the sound of his voice. "Fuck Inzei.. Inzei.." He groaned as I ran my nails down his back.

"Y-Yes?" I asked between moans. He moaned and he continued to thrust, kissing my neck roughly.

"You.. You feel amazing." He growled into my neck. I gasped at his kisses.

"As do you, M-Master~" I replied huskily. He growled into my ear and I giggled quietly. He slowed his pace down, being slow and steady.

"Do you want to climax, kitty?" I ran my fingers through his hair, twisting it in between my fingers.

"Yes I would, Master." I replied, still running my hands through his hair. "Do I have to beg for it?" I asked. He hummed.

"You've done outstanding for your first time as my kitten." He kissed my neck gently this time. "I think you deserve to be rewarded accordingly." I hummed happily.

"Thank you, Master~" I replied and he gave me a smirk.

"But be prepared because I won't be gentle." He slowly started to pick up speed and my moans picked up again. He began to thrust faster and harder, my moans were loud at each time he pushed in. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing himself closer. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I don't know exactly what I had done now, but I gasped when he thrusted in the first time.

The sensation was so powerful, no voice came out of my lips. I clawed at his back and he noticed that I was reaching my breaking point. He picked his pace up even more and my voice left my lips as very loud moans. He hit that sensitive spot inside me over and over, my moans were drowning out all my senses and I was suddenly filled by a huge warmth that ran through my whole body.

I felt like mini fireworks were popping in my brain and just as I felt all this, I felt a warmth inside me as Sasuke had reached his own breaking point. He groaned loudly and we both panted. My body was trembling and we were both drenched in sweat.

He pulled out from inside me and laid down besides me, pulling me to lay on top of him. We both battled for our breath and we were both hot but I didn't want to get off of him. My bare chest against his felt good. My nakedness paired with his felt perfect.

I had never felt anything so good. It scared me to think that this was only going to be a one night stand and that we could return to work the follow day and nothing would happen.

"Hey Sasuke?" I asked, cuddling under his chin. He hummed questionably. "What does this make of us? This isn't a one night stand, is it?" He chuckled, running a finger up and down my back.

"What do you want this to be, Inzei?" I was afraid to answer.

"I don't want this to be the end. I don't want to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow as if none of this happened." He stayed quiet for a bit.

"Then it won't." He answered. I looked up at him. "Think of this as the first of many nights that you will be ravished." I heart fluttered and my face felt hot.

"Okay." I said happily. We remained quiet and I listened to the sound of his breathing. We had both calmed down now and our breathing was steady. His finger slowly stopped tracing my back and his hand dropped. He had fallen asleep. I giggled slightly and got off of him, laying down besides him and hugging him.

The next morning, I became conscious but I didn't want to open my eyes. What if it was a dream? What if I was having a really sexual dream about my boss?

I tried to move my hand to rub my eyes, but I couldn't; there was weight on my arms. Now I could hear and feel someone else's breathing. I opened my eyes and it took my eyes a moment to focus on who's face I was looking at. My eyes focused and Sasuke's sleeping face was in front of me. I gasped and smiled happily.

It wasn't a dream. It really happened. My mind went through the flashbacks of the previous night- the night was so intense and full of passion. We were animals.

Sasuke turned over, allowing me to be free. I made my escape to find my skirt to look for a vital item; my panties. Clothes was all over the place. We really didn't care last night. I giggled.

I found my panties and my bra and I picked up another treasure, Sasuke's button up from last night. I picked up my things and silently made my way to the restroom. There, I looked at myself in the mirror and boy was I surprised.

I had bite marks all over myself. All over my neck, several on my chest and breasts. I ran my hand over one of the ones on my breasts; "let me claim you". This was his mark, his ownership. No one else could have me.

I went along to do my business in the restroom and put my undergarments on, then put Sasuke's shirt on. It fit me a bit big, but I didn't mind. I brought the sleeves up and smelled them; they smelled good, just like Sasuke. I giggled and as I stepped out of the restroom, Sasuke was stumbling in, only wearing his boxers.

"Thank goodness." He grumbled and came and hugged me. I was surprised.

"Sasuke, what's wrong?" I asked, hugging him back. He nuzzles into my neck and kissed me gently.

"I thought I dreamt it all. I panicked when I woke up and didn't find you besides me." I smiled and pulled him back, kissing his forehead.

"It's okay, I thought the same." He gave me half a smile and yawned. He stepped into the restroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my watch still on my wrist and I checked the time. "Uh, Sasuke?"

"What?" He called back.

"We are kinda late to work by an hour." We both cursed under our breaths and scrambled to get ready. I had to go downstairs to get a change of clothes but we agreed on riding together in his car.

On the car ride to work, he offered me his hand to hold.

"Inzei." I looked at him. "I might be late but, will you be my girlfriend?" I blushed, but I nodded.

"Yes, I would love to." I replied. He smiled at me and we arrived at the parking garage of the Uchiha building. We parked and before we stepped out, we shared a deep kiss.

"We just have to keep it a secret." He winked. I smiled and we made our way inside. We got out fair share of dirty looks as we both entered an hour late and at the same time, especially from Sophie.

Have a secret relationship with your brand new boss does have its perks.


After five days over obsessing over this fan fiction, it's finally done. I'm proud of my work.

Please share this story with your friends, favorite and post comments!

Would you want to see more about Inzei and Sasuke? Leave me feedback on hopes for part two.

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