FIFTY SIX , judgement day

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"IF THE ATTACK HAPPENED at the old dojo, that would have been after Silver installed the security cameras." Tory had walked up while nursing her injured hand with Sam. Dylan was hoping that this meant that they had worked through their issues.

"So maybe it's all on tape," Miguel theorized excitedly.

"But that place was cleaned out." Robby wasn't ready to get his hopes up.

"That might not matter. I mean, the systems that we sell at TechTown all save the footage to a central server. Silver probably took the whole system with him," Demetri explained to them.

"I think he did. There's a server in his office at the flagship dojo," Tory agreed. Sam and Dylan nodded at each other awkwardly during everyone else's conversations.

"If we can access it, we can definitely find that footage," Eli started. "We could post that Stingray clip to their YouTube channel."

"Get a hold of everyone else. Let them know that we're taking down Cobra Kai tonight."

Demetri got to Dylan before anyone else could, and she was grateful for it. She wasn't in the mood to talk to Sam yet, even if she'd forgive her soon enough for their argument the previous day.

"I'm so excited to feel like Q from the Bond movies," He told her excitedly. Dylan scoffed at him, scrolling through her missed text messages. She had gotten one from her mom who had just bought a new flip phone. "How do you feel about all this?'

"I just want today to go well and be over with. I'm so sick of all this shit." Dylan gave him a less-than-subtle look. He nodded.

"I haven't heard from Iris recently. I tried texting Charlotte about it but her answers are always super vague." He shrugged his shoulders. "Plus, you know how she is. And I'm not even that close with her."

"That's odd. She's been answering my calls." Dylan thought back to her friend that she hadn't seen in a few days. Iris had gotten a job as a waitress at Applebee's, but she figured there was more to the story than just being busy with a new job.

"I thought that maybe it was college related and all that, but I just don't know."

What was Dylan supposed to say to her best friend? Explain to him that her other closest friend had been hung up on him for years now and hadn't gotten any attention in return? She wouldn't betray her like that.

"I can always check in with her soon. Just. . . maybe not today," She trailed off quietly. Demetri nodded his head quickly, agreeing in earnest.

"Yeah, taking down a rival dojo that could possibly destroy us would be a lot more pertinent. We need to defeat our Sith overlords."

"Might be tough when he has the high ground, but we can't really be beaten," Eli jumped into the conversation. He pushed his way in between his friends and gathered them into a hug. Dylan had missed moments like these.

          EVERYONE GATHERED TOGETHER — all of the Miyagi-Fang dojo minus their Senseis. It had been radio silent from Johnny's end, and Dylan wasn't sure how that made her feel.

"So, how are we gonna do that?" Mitch asked.

"We're gonna show them who their Sensei is. We think we have proof he's a criminal." Miguel looked at Dylan when he spoke. She looked away from his steady gaze, making him grin in triumph.

"We're going upstairs to Silver's office. We need you downstairs as lookout," Sam told Mitch, Chris and a few others.

They headed in, and Eli and Dylan took the reigns with instructing everyone.

"Okay, so pulling the Stingray clip off the servor is like, first day of computer camp shit. Got it?" Eli told them, showing everyone the computer. "Then, we just upload the clip to the YouTube channel and Cobra Kai is out of business for good."

Demetri got on and started trying to figure out possible password combinations.

"Okay so, Stingray's assault happened the morning after prom. . . " Dylan looked over his shoulder and double checked everything he did. "You don't need to watch me like that. I know this stuff."

"Somebody has to make sure you don't fuck it up."

Nevertheless, Dylan looked over everyone and double-checked that they were doing what they were supposed to. Robby and Tory worked on taking the cameras down while some of the other students watched the front doors.

"Mitch, you good?" Dylan asked the kid, making him jump.

"Yea—What? Is it over?"

"What? No." She furrowed her eyebrows and leaned away from him with her arms across her chest. "Get off Clash of Clans or whatever the hell you're doing and start watching the door."

She didn't give him any time to respond, spinning on her heal and walking away. She muttered a string of curses as she did so, running into Miguel's chest.

"Fuck—Oh, hey," He breathed, hands going to her arms to steady her. "Demetri ran into some problems with the footage. Silver covered his tracks pretty damn well," Miguel admitted, not wanting to tell her the gravity of the situation. "But, we think Tory has something she says we should upload instead."

Dylan had a feeling she knew what it was. She blinked slowly, trying to process the events.

"Hey, you look stressed. Just take a minute to breathe and calm down. Everything's gonna work out," Miguel told her softly, cupping her cheeks gently away from prying eyes. "We wouldn't have done this if we didn't think we could take care of it. I wouldn't do that. Not to you."

"I know you wouldn't," Dylan murmured, unable to look him in the eyes. Miguel used his pointer and thumb to turn her head so that she was facing him. He could see the turmoil in her glassy eyes. "I just can't say the same for Sam."

"If it was just her, I wouldn't have gone along with any of it." He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, admiring her inside the dojo. It felt like an innocent moment of intimacy in such a dark, powerful building. God, he wanted to just stick it to Silver. "If Tory hadn't come to us with Sam, we would have nothing."

"I know that. I just don't want anyone to get hurt anymore," Dylan finalized sadly.

"Neither do I." Of course, neither of them were being entirely truthful. If they had the chance, they'd beat the holy hell out of the people that decided to cross them.

Dylan stood taller so she could kiss Miguel's cheek softly, though he turned his head to the side. Her lips pressed to the corner of his mouth, which she felt turn upwards into the tiniest of smiles.

"Dick." He pinched her wrist in return before letting her walk back ahead of him to the rest of the group that looked up at them from around the computer.

Demetri sat at the helm, raising an eyebrow.

What sounded like thumping made Dylan turn around in confusion. Anthony LaRusso yelled in the distance. Everyone besides Demetri sat up.

"Want me to stay with you?" She asked him, when the group left to figure out what was happening.

"Nah, go check that out." Robby, Tory, and Sam were the first to confront the Cobra Kais who surrounded Anthony. Eli doubled back when he noticed Dylan staying with Demetri, ignoring her warning that everyone else would need him more.

"What happens if somebody slips through and tries to destroy the computer?"

Dylan pulled out a taser from her back pocket.

"Oh. Still. We need this footage."

"Yeah, and the way this is going we aren't going to get it uploaded in time. Not with them out there." Demetri pointed. Dylan and Eli looked over the computer that was stuck on 62%. He shook his head. "This could take forever."

Dylan's phone rang in her pocket. An unknown number.


"I didn't know how much you cared for Johnny Lawrence," The deep voice sounded through the phone. Eli watched her reaction when he noticed her silence. "No matter what Kreese said, I never thought he was much of a fighter." Dylan put it on speaker when Eli moved closer. Her phone buzzed again with a notification that she'd been sent a photo. "I should have expected this from you, Dylan. What should have been a reigning champion viewing my own granddaughter as his own child," Terry lamented scornfully.

She showed Eli the photo of Johnny laying beaten, bloody and bruised on the floor. She could make out the unconscious form of Daniel LaRusso as well.

"How kind of you to check in," She told him in a premeditated response.

"It was necessary, seeing as I can see you and your friends at my dojo." She and Eli stared at each other while Demetri finally started to pay attention. "You missed a camera, though I admit you all caused quite the confusion when I looked for live footage and saw only one working."

Dylan hung up on him without another word, unable to listen to him any longer.

"Stay with Demetri." She left him there and followed after the other group.

She caught the end of an argument between Kenny and Robby, seeing Miguel step in front of Kenny to make him back down. The younger boy looked frightened with the older boy staring down at him dominantly.

"So that's what you were doing on your phone." Mitch turned around to see Dylan giving him an icy look. "Hitting up your goons for a shitty ambush. Don't think for a minute they give a shit about you, Mitch. Right now no one does."

Mitch took a cautious step back.

"Don't be afraid of the evil witch bitch, Mitch. I bet she only bites when you ask her to," Kyler taunted her, stepping towards her. A bunch of them, besides Devon, who looked conflicted, acted like that was a class act insult.

"Watch it, dickhead," Miguel spat, lurching forward. Robby held him back, pulling his closed fist back. For a moment, Kyler felt like Kenny had a moment earlier, before he neutralized his expression.

"See guys? Miguel likes that bite," Kyler continued to taunt. Dylan rolled her eyes and faked a yawn. "Keep a leash on that one, Diaz."

This time, it took three boys, including Robby, to keep Miguel from landing a punch to Kyler's smirking face.

"You say that like you don't get your ass wiped for you by your mom after you get your shit rocked in every fight you've ever been in these past few years." Everyone held their breath after that one.

Kyler pounced on Dylan and sent her crashing to the floor as he landed a brutal punch to her right cheek. She groaned. Everything was chaos after that. The grip on Miguel loosened and Eli, who had appeared in the doorway less than a minute ago sprang into action, decking another boy in the face and catching everyone by surprise. They all began to fight each other. Dylan thrashed under Kyler's body weight and reached up to scratch long marks into the side of his face. Her nail broke off and latched itself under his skin. He yelled and threw another punch at her, making her nose crack.

A boy that Dylan didn't know tried talking to Kyler, trying to get him to back off. He felt up her ass, looking for the taser. When he found it, he threw it across the room.

"No, Ren! I let this bitch get the best of me ever since she started talking her mouth off!" Dylan grunted and blocked his forceful punches, twisting her legs so his balanced over her was forfeit.

She ignored the other boy, focusing on headbutting Kyler and shoving his body to the side like it was nothing.

"You want me to bite? I can bite." Dylan snapped her teeth together wildly, imitating a feral animal before a kill. Kyler scrambled to get up before he was drawn into a fight with Eli. Dylan couldn't keep track of where Miguel was.

"Nice one. But we both no he's not a real opponent." The boy from Kyler's side spoke softly to her before yanking her backwards by the hair and wrapping his clothed arm around her throat, locking her other arm behind her back while he dragged her backwards out of the room.

"Who the fuck are you?" She managed to wheeze out in her disoriented state. A boy leaned over her face and grinned, showing off bloody teeth.

"Ren Flores. A pleasure, I'm sure." He almost buckled when she kicked her heel into his shin but managed to keep a loose grip on her.

"You've made a great first impression," Dylan said sarcastically. She began to match his fighting style and speed. "Let me guess, Silver lost Tory so he brings in a boy."

"He knows his back-ups," Ren shrugged, kicking her in the stomach. She slid across the floor, looking up at him. "Nichols was losing the fight and he knew it."

Dylan noticed how powerful and lean he was in that moment. Ren Flores was strategic, strong, intimidating, and unsuspecting. He gave her a moment to gather herself, staring at her like an adult would a child. He wanted her at her best or not at all.

Devon skid to a halt and stared at the two of them, watching Dylan wobble on her legs. He looked at her with a snarl.

"Get out."

He feigned a charge towards her and she flinched backwards. He took advantage of the hesitation and grabbed her, throwing her into the door, the weight of which closed the door to the outside and shut them inside the dark practice room. He locked it.

Dylan dug her nails into his shoulder and shoved, falling back onto her feet. She pulled off her sneaker and began beating him with it. He laughed.

"Guess who just pulled up?" Ren asked her. She glanced out and saw a few new cars in the parking lot. "Bet Silver's not happy."

"I don't care!" She jumped onto his back and covered his eyes with her hands and leaning back. They both tumbled to the ground, knocking the wind out of her.

"Bitch!" He yelled at her. She scrambled to get a better hold of him. He was bigger than her. Dylan grabbed his hair and pulled, banging his head on the ground. She put her weight on top of him and punched.

Ren reached up and pinched her bloody nose that had been dripping down her face, twisting it. She screamed and spat on his face, grabbing his pointer finger from his right hand and pulling it.

"Kyler says I bite." She used her other hand to pull his wrist towards her open mouth. She ignored the banging on the door. Dylan began to bite down on the tip of his finger. He howled out in pain. She drew blood.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He leaned up and tackled her, wiping the blood she had drawn over her eyelid and dragging it down. She could barely see out of swollen eyes.

Dylan hadn't heard the door break open. The weight of his body was lifted from her as Miguel dragged him off of her and began to pummell him.

"Finally! The man of the hour!" Flores managed to continue to joke. Miguel's jaw was clenched so tightly he almost broke his molars. Miguel laid punches in on the other boy's face left and right. "Your whore looks unrecognizable now, Diaz. Whatever looks she might've had are gone, so best go looking for someone el—"

Miguel gripped him hard by the neck, cutting him off. He held Dylan's taser in front of his face and watched his eyes look at it shamelessly. Part of Miguel told him not to. The other half of him looked at the taunting look in his crafty, unfeeling eyes and told him to press it to his neck and watch him shake and convulse.

The second, meaner side of him won. Miguel leaned over him, unblinking while he watched Ren Flores seize on the floor with a taser against his skin. Saliva leaked from his open mouth.

"Stop!" Eli shook him. After what felt like ages, the other boy pulled him off with Demetri's help. Demetri took the taser from him and quickly hid it in his hoodie. "Your girlfriend needs you right now."

Miguel snapped his eyes back towards Dylan, who could barely keep her eyes open. She had a broken, bloody nose and two black eyes that were swelling shut. Her lip was busted. She couldn't even look at him. He crawled towards her and propped her body up against him. In that moment, Dylan Oakes felt fragile. Eli kept his hands on the unconscious boy, but they all looked at her fearfully.

               SILVER HAD COME TO CONFRONT DANIEL, had lost the fight to him, then lost his students who no longer seemed to care after having seen the video that had been uploaded of what happened in his office with Tory. Devon reconciled with Tory, Kenny and Robby exchanged sympathetic words and both secretly hoped for a better future as friends. Daniel, Amanda, Sam, and Anthony shared a hug next to the ambulance. The police wrote down everything Stingray told them about his previous false testimony and locked Silver up for the foreseeable future. Robby and Tory shared a heartfelt kiss together.

Everyone waited for news on Dylan Oakes. They watched her mom come running up to the stretcher wailing over her. Eli and Demetri were being consoled by their girlfriends who acknowledged the injuries of their friend.

Miguel stared at his bruised hands. He wanted to go back in time and make sure that Ren Flores never got the chance to do what he did. The worst part was, none of them really expected much to come from his arrest.

The worst he would face would be time in juvie. The most logical — a fine. Everyone had been fighting. Everyone had been injured to some degree.

Johnny and Carmen sat with him. They told him that Dylan would be fine. She just needed rest and time to heal.

And yet he had never felt so alone. Karate hadn't been enough to stop this. They hadn't even seen it coming.

author's note —

new character alert! ren flores is actually insane. gif above is benjamin wadsworth and i think he fits well! he's gonna be another major antagonist next season i'll just obviously have to work with whatever season six has to offer plot wise for the final season and fit him in well. i realized that kyler was basically the only guy dylan had major long-lasting issues with i wanted to change that.

this was in fact the final chapter for this season though. it's been crazy but i'll see you in the next one!

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