FORTY FOUR , hard decisions

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       "THEY'VE GIVEN YOU THIRTY minutes to recover, so let the pain guide you," The medical professional at the match that evening advised Miguel. He was propped up in his red gi. "If it's telling you to sit this one out, I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack."

"Thank you." She nodded at him, and left to grab it for him. Dylan nawed on her bottom lip, anxious about Miguel's history with injuries. She'd been one of the first to reach him when he fell, with Eli immediately dropping his competitive side to help his friend as well. They had both expected the worst.

Carmen made sure he knew that if he didn't want to fight, he wouldn't have to. His yaya complimented him for kicking a kid in the face, before she brushed his cheek proudly. They said goodbye to Dylan and left.

"All right, we've got a half hour. Show your back whose boss. Dylan, you wanna go back out there and keep us updated? You should get ready for your next match too! Show LaRusso you've still got it," He told her, holding up a fist that she bumped with her own. She reluctantly left Miguel in Johnny's care, telling herself that he'd be alright and that she'd be back to check on him soon.

"Robby scored on Demetri," Eli updated her when she walked back out. She blew out a breath of air, upset at the news. Eli looked grim. "How's Miguel? He alright?"

"They said that if he's in a lot of pain he should sit it out and let you move on. I'm not sure what he's gonna do, Eli," Dylan told him. He nodded his head, looking back out on the mat. Demetri walked over to them, dejected.

"I had a hard enough time beating him when he was on the good side of the force. Now that he's gone all Sith, I feel like a helpless Jedi youngling about to get slaughterd," He panted.

"Okay, well, you're taller. You have the high ground. That's how Obi-Wan beat Anakin, right?" Eli shrugged, trying to hype him up. Dylan snorted at his reference. Despite trying his hardest and almost getting a point, Robby still got the final hit that he needed to win. Demetri just sighed and walked it off.

"You actually did really good. He blocked it but you almost had him," Dylan clapped him on the back and he groaned, upset with the loss.

"I knew he would win, but I was still hoping . . . " Demetri trailed off. She smiled sympathetically.

"Robby's been at it longer than you. It's fine. Just don't let it get to you, you know? Besides, you're the one with America's ass, Dem," She complimented.

"Don't start that again. We both know I have no ass." Demetri grabbed his water bottle and chugged it. "On the bright side, I don't feel stressed anymore. Are you gonna go back and check to see if Miguel's gonna continue?"

"Yeah, I'd better. You got it from here?" She asked him, standing up from her spot on the ground next to him. He gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll hype up Eli until you get back. He's gonna need it if Miguel forfeits," He reminded her. It was truly something if Eli and Robby would be the ones to square up against each other. It had always been the same two at the end of every fight. Miguel and Robby.

Miguel was practicing his kicks when she got back, clearly in pain. He was holding a bottle of muscle rub in one hand, staring at it and contemplating.

"What's up, trouble?" Dylan grinned from the doorway. Miguel looked up at her, rolling his eyes at the familiar nickname. He jumped off of the little bed in the room, making his way over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Everything," He said into her neck, wrapping his arms around her into a hug. "Johnny's being . . . Johnny."

"What are you gonna do about it then?" She asked him, curious to see where he was going with it. Obviously he wasn't happy with Johnny Lawrence's reasons behind this All Valley.

"I'm done, Dylan. I can't take it anymore. I'm not pushing myself through this just because he's sick of some old men in robes," He told her angrily, letting go of her and running his hand down her arm when he pulled away. He looked at her, scared of what she might think of him and his decision.

"Then be done with it. Fuck it all, man." She threw up her hands like it was nothing at all, and the weight of feeling Dylan's disappointment dissipated. "You don't have to prove anything. You're already an All Valley champion. Don't fuck up your body again for a decades old rivalry."

"What about you? Are you up against Sam?" Miguel ran his thumb along his jaw tensely. "Do you—do you think you'll win? Because I know you could—"

"Nah. I think this one's gonna go to LaRusso," She admitted honestly and without shame. "But I'm not mad or upset about it. I did this for myself, to prove a point to the old man, and you know what? I'm having a good time." Dylan laughed genuinely, because she was having a good time. She was reworking her past hate for karate and turning it into something great. "I don't want all my memories to be the bad stuff."

"So does that mean I'm a part of the good memories?" He asked her hopefully.

"Actually no, I think Bert really took all of those up," Dylan answered sarcastically. "What do you think? You're like . . . technically my boyfriend or whatever. You're legally allowed to put your hand in my back pocket apparently."

"Truly a reward, hermosa," He stated dramatically, placing a hand over his heart.

"Don't make me blush before my match!" Dylan reprimanded him, swatting at his arm while smiling like an idiot. "It's unprofessional."

"Sure, sure. It'll match your gi! We should have jersey numbers so I can paint your number on my face like those high school girls!" Miguel said excitedly. "We should go talk to them about that. I feel like it would be a good addition—"

"Miguel?" Dylan cut him off with his name, and he stopped, eagerly waiting for her to continue.


"Shut up."

"Bu—" She kissed him on the lips, muffling the rest of his sentence. He pulled her closer to him by the waist so that she stood in front of him. Dylan felt him play with the hem of the top of her gi teasingly, so she pinched the side of his neck with the hand that had looped around him. She'd have to fix it, putting the top back through the karate belt.

"Ow—rude," He scoffed. She placed her hands on her hips, casually walking backwards and away from him as he rubbed his neck with a grimace. "Stop smirking at me and go fight, Dylan."

"You better cheer me on. Even if you have to get back into a wheelchair to do it." She pointed at him, giving him a warning he knew he'd have to take seriously.

"Well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight! Which means, that the winner by default is Eli Moskowitz, who advances to the final where he will face Robby Keene!" The announcer voiced the news to the crowd. Many of them were disappointed. Eli searched his teammates and opponents, looking lost as he left the mat. "We still have one more match before the finals when it comes down to these ladies. Samantha LaRusso versus newcomer, Dylan Oakes!"

"I know we're not on the same side, but I want you to know that I hope you win. But I also don't want you to . . . But I do?" Demetri voiced as Dylan stepped up to the mat. It was more of a question than anything, but she found it entertaining and endearing.

"Thanks, I think." He shot finger guns her way, as did Eli. Daniel seemed focused on making sure that Sam won, but he managed to nod in her direction, pleased that his daughter would not be facing Tory just yet. It was obvious that he was worried about the two of them fighting again.

"It's almost surprising to see Dylan under the advisement of Sensei Lawrence, when her relation to Cobra Kai runs so strong," The announcer continued, shocking Dylan enough that she paused in her steps to turn to look at him. The man didn't seem phased, standing oblivious to his words. Terry Silver was a cruel man to tip him off, however subtle the gesture was. It was enough to put her on edge.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, genuine in her concern when they connected at the middle of the mat before going to their opposite sides.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright," Dylan lied, glancing back at Cobra Kai. Kreese was shaking his head at her, unfeeling. He knew what his partner had done. Tory gave her a long look.

The sound blurred around her when they bowed to each other. Finally, the match begun. Dylan was on offense for a while, while Sam got used to her fighting style. The one thing Dylan had not been excited about was figuring out the right balance between the two styles, especially seeing as Sam had practiced with Johnny and become a much better fighter because of it. Sam stood her ground and got the first point. Dylan blocked Sam's punches, finally getting the chance to strike her in the abdomen.

"Oakes has managed to tie the match!"

It continued to go back and forth, with both girls becoming more aggressive as it continued. Though they were friends, they did not hold back. Once again, Sam scored herself another point, before Dylan countered it with one of her own.

"I don't believe this! LaRusso scores and Oakes is right back in there with another!" The crowd cheered. Dylan paused during the walk back to her side to see the students at Cobra Kai taking her much more seriously. "Ladies and gentlemen, we may have just met our most interesting competitor yet!"

Dylan came up short with a high kick, missing Sam by a sliver when she drove it back down into a thundering slam against the mat. She watched her opponent's eyes widen. Dylan barely blocked Sam's next offensive strike, and wasn't able to block the next one. Sam scored on her once more. Sam went straight to Daniel, who began to quickly give her advice. Johnny did the same to Dylan, though his mind was elsewhere.

"Your advice is shit, Johnny. Where's your mind right now?" She asked him, out of breath and annoyed at the lack of vision he had for her match.

"I'll tell you later. Just do what you've been doing. Win that fight!" She shook out her arms, relaxing her tense muscles.

"Some help you are . . . "

They bowed to each other again. "Go!" Sam swung at her, missing. Dylan side swiped her and almost caught her. Ultimately, it was Sam the got the next and final point, winning the match. Johnny groaned, but clapped for his student.

"We're still okay, right?" Sam asked, nervous to see how Dylan would take the loss.

"Yeah, I got time to get you back anyways. We're good, LaRusso." They shook hands, and Sam loosely pulled her into a hug before they parted and left the mat.

It went exactly how Dylan had anticipated. She was disappointed in herself for losing, but it wasn't shocking that Sam had won. The point of her being there was to have fun. The added shock of Kyler watching her sheer aggression was a bonus. They'd almost gone past the three minutes into sudden death, and Dylan was proud of that. Kyler wouldn't meet her eyes when she glanced over, a teasing grin on her face that could only mean trouble and warning.

"I know you guys are out of the race now, but you did awesome," Demetri congratulated her. "Like shit, you really had Sam on the run there."

"Some Black Widow shit, for real," Eli continued, nodding his head, impressed. "Kreese and Silver had to calm down their students. I think they thought they'd have you coming to snatch them out of their beds."

"I just might. They should keep an eye open in case I come through the windows," Dylan replied, voice filled with sarcasm. "Scarier than the boogie man."

"You're up next, Eli . . . " Dylan told the boy, watching the announcer step up to the mat, mic in hand. Eli and Robby stared each other down from opposite sides. Dylan moved to stand with Demetri and Eli by Daniel LaRusso. Dylan was unable to go back to Johnny just yet, not knowing how he'd take their significant loss.

"Competitors," The ref called.

"Go out there. Go get him," Daniel told Eli proudly. They faced the ref and bowed before doing the same to each other, as every pair of competitors did.

"Point! One-zero, Keene!" Robby had scored on Eli easily, making everyone on the Miyagi-Do side of things groan. Eli looked back warily, locking eyes with his two friends.

"Let's go baby!" Robby yelled. Eli called a time out to talk to Daniel, causing the Cobra Kais to laugh and taunt him.

"He knows all my moves. He trained at Miyagi-Do way longer than me," Eli complained, nervous. Sam and Dylan both gave Daniel a long look, their eyes telling him what they wanted him to say to Eli.

"And you were in Cobra Kai way longer than him," He said finally.

"Finally, we're getting somewhere. You guys know each other's tactics. It's a more than fair fight. Just . . . get aggressive when you need to. You have faster punches." Dylan high fived him, and he pulled her into a grateful hug.

"Put him on defense." Eli and Robby walked towards each other.

"Ready? And fight!" Eli did exactly that. Robby was taken aback, but did well on defense. Eli landed an impressive kick to Robby's stomach when he jumped.

"Point, Miyagi-Do! On your marks! Score one-one, ready?"

"Yes!" Dylan called out. Moon cheered from the crowd.

"Fight!" They fought more intensely. Robby was a great fighter, but boy was Eli fast. They continued to block each others moves. It was crazy how well each calculated move was anticipated. Eli ripped Robby's gi before the boy grabbed him and tried to wrestle him to the ground. The buzzer sounded.

"Shit, I should go to Eli for advice after this . . . " Dylan mumbled to no one in particular.

"Unbelievable! These two amazing competitors have reached their three minute time limit in a one-one tie! Which means, the championship match will be decided for the first time since 1985, by sudden death overtime!"

"That was incredible!" Daniel lauded his work.

"Any advice on the last point?" He asked, suddenly timid. Dylan motioned for Daniel to say what she'd been whispering to him for the past few minutes. He sighed.

"Give him all you got," He said, starting to grin. Eli laughed.

"Competitors, to the mat."

Robby tore off the top of his gi for some odd reason, exposing the world to his abs. An interesting decision that was then rivaled by Eli doing the exact same thing. Dylan could have sworn she heard some girls sigh.

"Are you fucking kidding me? We missed out on Miguel ripping his off? Damn, I should've dragged him out here," She complained, groaning. "I'm leaving a complaint on yelp about this establishment."

"Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful," Demetri joked sarcastically.

"Next point wins. Good luck, gentlemen. Ready? Fight!" Robby almost had Eli, before he seemed to pause, staring up at his teammates. Eli kicked him off and shot back up. Eli managed to kick him, but didn't earn a point due to where it landed. Each boy became more tired as it continued, with each hit coming up empty.

Dylan placed her hands together, getting serious. And then, Eli flipped Robby to the ground, catching him off guard and kicking him in the abdomen, winning the match.

"That's my binary brother!" Demetri yelled hoarsely. The Miyagi-Dos ran out to hug him, shaking him around.

"That's what you get you old man!" Dylan yelled at her grandfather over the noise. Terry had his hands over his face, disappointed and annoyed. "He beat you bitches! Watch your fucking backs!"

"O-kay, maybe you should go see Miguel now, yeah?" Demetri managed to pull her away, noticing that she was inching closer to the Cobra Kais with vengeance in her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." She calmed down, realizing that he was right.

Especially since when she looked around for him, he was nowhere to be found. Miguel Diaz was not in the crowd, if he ever had been in the first place, nor was he back in the room where she'd expected him to be. Her heart rate picked up, especially as she slid across the floors as she jogged down the halls looking for him.

She caught him red handed in a different outfit, a filled backpack in hand.

"Woah, woah, woah. Tell me you're just changing into comfy clothes or something and this doesn't look like you're about to pull a Houdini on me . . . " She trailed off, raking her eyes over him anxiously. "Tell me that's not true right now."

"Dylan, listen . . . I need to leave," Miguel murmured, stepping towards her hesitantly. "I just, I need to find my dad."

"And you weren't gonna tell me? You were just gonna ditch? Not cool!" She exclaimed, out of breath and hurt by his actions. Miguel's eyes softened. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a letter.

"I was going to leave this for you . . . "

"Bullshit excuse, Diaz. I already told you that we're in this together now. Your baggage is mine too. I've been dealing with all of your problems since you showed up at my apartment that one day," Dylan ranted to him. He stared. "You told me you'd be there for me for my problems. Boy, am I gonna have one if you run out on me to go to Mexico."

"What are you suggesting? You come to Mexico with me?" He scoffed at her, crossing his arms. He stood up straighter, tensing his jaw angrily.

"Is that so hard to understand?" She walked up to him, shoving his chest so he had to step back. He looked down at her, gritting his teeth. "You think I can't take care of myself? Is that it?" She questioned him, tilting her head.

"This isn't some little joyride in Reseda, Dylan. This is real life. What am I supposed to do if I take you with me and shit goes down, huh?" He asked her, treating her like she was a child. Dylan didn't take kindly to his tone. It was nice to know he cared, but Jesus, he had some way of expressing it.

"I can make that decision for myself. I'm not a damsel, nor am I going to be in distress," She emphasized slowly. He breathed out through his nose, irritated. "Shit always goes down. I've handled it before and we can handle it again."

"This is such a bad idea. If this gets back to your mom, she's gonna break out and kil—"

"Yeah, sure," Dylan brushed him off. "I got a change of clothes in the back." She saw his confused expression. "Always prepare for a top secret getaway, am I right?"

"I already regret this. I guess you're the most interesting girlfriend I've ever had though," Miguel sighed, thinking about it.

"I won that competition a long time ago, casanova."

author's note —

yup, dylan was always going to go to mexico too. i feel like that wasn't as expected considering the previous comments i've gotten about it? anyways, hopefully this was a good chapter. the finale for the season is up next but it'll be a different format than this and you'll see why.

there's been less humor i feel like in the past couple chapters, but these episodes were a lot more serious so i didn't wanna make it too goofy. still some good oneliners though.

let me know what songs you think dylan would listen to. personally i feel like she'd be a big gorillaz, frank ocean, and j-hope fan. also, what songs remind you of her and miguel? i'm gonna add stuff to the fight club playlist based on what you guys think.

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