Classic Sonic's bio

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Finally,the blue blur is with us today! Sonic probably needs no introduction,since he's an icon among gaming,internet and pop culture enthusiasts over all. However we are gonna do it anyways.

[Atwork belongs to SEGA. It was found on Sonic Wiki]

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog


Species: Anthropomorphic hedgehog

Job: Saving the world.

 Sonic the Hedgehog series has gone a long evolution from 1991 to 2022. And in this case we are looking at Sonic from the past.

Now keep in mind,that Sonic lore is pretty confusing. There are statements that contradict each other a lot(Storybook games being canon, Classic Sonic being 16 in Sonic Jam [apparently] while Modern is 15, and so on and so forth).

 What you need to know,that apparently Classic Sonic games (like Sonic 1,2,3 and Knuckles) were supposed to be like connected to Modern Sonic games (like Sonic Adventure 1,2,Shadow the Hedgehog,Heroes,Lost World)... But that got messed up.

So apparently Classic Sonic is from a complete diffrent world...ish timeline.

 What does this mean for this biography part of Sonic the Hedgehog?

Well I went to look at DebatesJungle Wiki article on both Modern and Classic Sonic.

Apparently in Modern timeline sonic 1,2,3 and CD happened


The new classic timeline has it that stuff like SEGASONIC(the one with mighty and ray),Sonic Mania,Sonic Generations,Sonic Forces and of course Sonic Mania Plus.

here I made an explanation below:

for the sake of clarity,i named modern timeline ,,timeline nr 1'' and classic timeline ,,timeline nr 2'' to not complicate stuff much

Yeah Sonic lore is complicated... Anyways! Let's explain Sonic's powers. We will only use feats from:

- original trilogy

- CD games

- Mania and Mania Plus


- Mania Adventures

- Sonic Drift

- His appearence in both Sonic Forces and Sonic Generations

That how we will classify as Classic Sonic for this episode.

Anyways unto abbilties:

- Spindash (allows him to roll into a ball and destroy his enemies. It also makes him temporarily boost)

- Can break the fourth wall (in Sonic CD)

- Super speed (Can dodge lasers,also he moves fast in Sonic CD intro.) [possibly higher with Warp Sign in Sonic CD which allows him to time travel)

- Can jump real high (As seen in many of Classic Sonic media)

- Can break through metal via Spin dash (As seen in many of Classic Sonic media)

- Time Travelling (via Warp Sign in Sonic CD)

- Can drive cars (in Sonic Drift)

- Can survive in space (As seen in Sonic 2,in the final level)

- Super Strenght (comparable to Classic Timeline Knuckles who fought Mecha Sonic powered by Master Emerald in Sonic 3 and Knuckles)

- High Durability (Can take hits from Chaos Emerald powered Metal Sonic in Sonic Mania Adventures. Can survive being flattened by a spiky wall. Can despite being damaged,survive small explosions caused by Grabber in Sonic 2.)

- Super Peel Out (First appeared in Sonic CD,allows him to attain great speeds from the start by charging up)

- Drop Dash (has gained more popularity thanks to Sonic Mania. When charged in mid-air,Sonic begins doing spin dash on the ground)

- Capable of fighting high-tech robots and water-like entities (Classic Sonic fights lots of Badniks. Classic Sonic has fought Chaos in Sonic Forces)

- Insta-shield (Slashes every Badnik and item within his range for a split second)

So yeah Classic Sonic despite being younger isn't a force meant to mess around with. His super speed allows him to dash through the zones in a few minutes. He can also dodge lasers of Robotnik's badniks such as Eggrobo.

He also has a couple of items and powerups,which won't appear in this fight specifically,to make things more fair,but they are pretty noteworthy. Here are some of the more notable ones:

- Aqua Shield (allows him to be underwater)

- Flame Shield (has resistance to fire)

- Flash (appears only in Sonic Drift 2. Whites out the screen)

- Time Break (appears in Sonic Generations. Allows user to slow down perception of time)

- Power Sneaker (boosts Classic Sonic's speed up for a short amount of time.)

- Invincibility (makes him invincible for short amount of time.)

- Lighting Shields (makes gold rings gravitate towards him. Allows Classic Sonic to double jump. It also protects him and Tails from electric and energy ball attacks caused by Robotnik's Badniks.)

He also has a Super Form. It is powered by Chaos Emeralds. It changes his quills color to yellow and rises up his hair-spikes. It makes his comparable to Modern Super Sonic who alongside him fought Time-Eater. Modern Super Sonic fought Solaris.

 He also has hyper form,which gives him underwater breathing and leaves afterimages.

 This hedgehog is not a force to mess around with. He's fast,he's chill,but when someone dares to hurt animals or his friends,he's not scared to put up a good fight. Even when someone is his enemy,he still has time to befriend them (like with Knuckles). However no one is perfect.


- Cannot breathe underwater without Aqua Shield

- Still young

- Not as strong as his Modern counterpart

But despite all that,Sonic will keep on fighting no matter what stands in his way.

Now unto Aoi Asahina's bio!


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