Going to act..is it real or fake?

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A man is storlling over the bed as sunrise hit on his face,he tried to block  sunrise by his pillow meanwhile his alarm rang which irritate him..He kick the alarm with legs and cover himself with duvet to drift again to sleep ,but he can no longer continue it as his phone started to make blast with ringtone...

"Who the hell is calling this early morning ?? " he murmur  and started to search phone in his bed with closed eyes..

"Its not hell Abhi,its me purab..." and started to giggle which irik abhi and open his sleepy eyes..

"What the hell is this purab?cant you wait some more time to call me ?Did you challenge anyone to piss my mood morning itself " shouted abhi in phone...

"Hey mr.volcano,for your kind information its not morning,it noon now and you sleepy head just hear it clearly,finally iam going to commit suicide "


"Haa,abhi after alot of discussion and thinking i thought to commit suicide "

"What this morning..uff no,noon drama puru??"

"Its not drama abhi,iam going to get married with bulbul and you knew its more than a suicide " he giggles..

"Haa,thats right..Any way congrats man ,you need this punishment "

"Okay the day my punishment is going to done is just after 2 weeks and you are landing here tomorrow as already i have send you tickets , you can get it within sometime.There is no if and but , you are coming and going to participate in our engagement  till marraige "

"But ,that"

"Abhi i have already...(you give me that phone,heard a female voice ) bhai, you are coming thats it ,dont you want to see me happy ?"

"What a question is this bulbul?? I always want to see your happiness and iam too glad to knew you both are going to change your status to couple"

"Then you are coming right ??"

"Haa" he surrendered himself as there is no point in fighting with her..

"Okay will see you tomorrow then,i havnt purchased anything as iam waiting for you guys " said bulbul in excitement

"Is she coming ??"

"Haa, pragya di will reach by evening.but i will go for shopping once you too join with us "

"Hmm" he took a deep breathe..

"Okay bhai will see you tomorrow "

"Bye..meet you soon" they hang down the phone.

Iam going to see you again pragya...haa,we are in touch but iam going  to be with you this 2 weeks together after we end everything... He again take a lung full of air to calm down his nerves and brain which is flashing her memories...

Next day

"Hey bhai" bulbul shouts when abhi descends down from escalator. He smiles towards her and with in seconds his eyes got stuck with person standing beside her who is looking at him blankly...

"Abhi,its too good to see you again.Do you knew how much we both miss your company.Hey na bulbul"

"Ofcourse,now our gang back again..it will going to masth " she said happily. But his eyes were on her and waiting to hear something..

"How was your flight abhi?" Atlast she break the silence.

"Good " he replied with a genuine smile.

"Come lets move " declared purab and soon they get inside the car with purbul taken front seat ,abhigya back..

"Bhai, first lets have kulfi and then go to home.." she pouts like a child..

"Okay,purab stop the car near by a kulfi shop " said abhi while he nods.

"You both sit here ,me and bulbul will grab it " said purab while both nods.as they left,the air inside the car get rough as well as suffocation, there was tension as well as nervousness feeling on both...

"So how are you pragya ?"

"Fine abhi..what about you ?"

"Going good .. so you joined yesterday right ?"

"Haaa, as they compel me both i have no chance left " she said frankly

"My case is too same " he add..

"Haa,you are in real busy schedule right ??"

"Its not like that,after all you knew well right if i wish i can cancel all my schedule as no one going to question me right ??" He said with a tone of arrogance which she hate to core..

"Haa,you are right afterall world is around you na abhi" she said with bit of mocking..

Haa ,world is around me ,but not you ,he thought himself and smiles at her...

"Who will manage your shop,when you are here?"

" Tanu and nikhil will manage it ,if they are not in my life i dont knew how i will mange all this " it was a hint to abhi too..

"Haa,they are really good at heart and cares you alot "

"Iam blessed to have them in my life" he knew thats true too ..what he lack now is someone like them.

Abhi watch purbul who are fighting each other ..

"They are still same right, same fights for simple things " commented abhi..

"I hope if everything was same like this,then it will be good "

"You are right pragya if everything was like before it will be , now adays i feel some void , afterall i have everything around " that void is you pragya..i miss you alot , he speak himself.

"Some voids are longiness for something abhi. Sometimes we wont get everything  we want right ,even if you get that too, you cant manage it from going you away "  these conversation is making situation more difficult, suffocating to core..

"Hmm" he again take a deep breathe,nowadays its only way to control his mind..purbul join with them and gave kulfi to abhigya. After taking it in hand ,abhi and pragya forward their kulfi and exchange each other while purbul look at them in shock.

"Still you both exchange this" ask bulbul

"Haa,why this shocked expression " ask pragya..

"As things between you too Change so we thought "

"Things between us change, but friendship still same purab..when she need my support ,i will be there and same applies to me.."

"Seriously,i dont knew whats between you both. Once you guys are loving madly each other and get married too..then gave us a shock by divorce and now  acting  as before "

"Haa, once we felt its good to bond our relation with marraige and when we find out it will be complication , we stayed apart but still we are same old besties"

"But bhai,i have a doubt how can you both act as before when all this happen" abhigya look at each other,the question which she is asking have no answer from their side.they really dont knew what realationship still have between them even if we they declared as besties.

As understanding the tension, "hey have it ,its start melting " they again chit chat with each other.

As car reached near the house ,purab gave a sudden  break and look at abhigya...

"What purab??" Pragya ask him

"Actually, i want to tell you something, will you do it for me?"

"What man?"ask abhi in confusion

"Just promise me abhi and pragya ,you will do that just for us as wedding gift"

"Hey stop your tantrums and spill out the bean"

"You both have to act as husband and wife infront of everyone "

"What ??" Both ask in chorus

"Yes di,you have too..we cant say the truth of your marraige and relation with family as if we say truth they wont allow you both to participate in our marraige "


"Di,you knew our family well right ,their beliefs too ..then cant understand all this "

"Means what bulbul, whats there difficult in it ??"

"Abhi,you guys are divorced and no longer in any relationship and when you guys together attend our function everyone will start to bad mouth at you and even my dadi feel it inauspicious,to have presence of such people in good moment "

"Are you talking seriously?" Abhi ask in anger,he can't understand this bullshit..

"Bhai,this is not your place,where there is no such customs and belief and here its something complicated...plz you can act as besties infront of us then why cant be husband and wife "

"We are not acting as besties bulbul we are..even we are not bonded by marraige that doesnt mean we hate for each other. We both took the decision for our well being still we respect and love each other "

"Love means which type of  pragya? Like friends, like lovers , like couple ..."

"What you both want is we must act right?okay we are ready for it right pragya ?"abhi ask for confirmation , she simply nod as she cant answer the shower of questions purbul going to ask ...

"Okay,then lets get inside " said purab and all gets out from car and move towards home where purbul gave a thumbs up to each other without abhigyas knowledge..

Here abhigya is going back to play the role which they once play in life ...will this end up them together again and open up their feelings longiness to each other...

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